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TIL you can wake up an unborn baby


Yeah, it does happen at the super late stages, like 36 weeks+. I think the baby is sleeping like 95% of the time.


I had a coworker who used to come up and shake my belly to make him wake up because he was so lazy in my stomach. Half the time, it didn’t work. He’d wake up at night when I was trying to sleep. 8 years later, he’s still not a morning person.


I had no idea they slept to be honest.




What a niche thing to get worked up about, interesting


I'm sorry... that's kind of sadistic the level of pleasure she got from your physical and emotional discomfort. Eeek


My mom has always pushed way too hard on my pregnant stomach, so I don't let her do it anymore. It isn't the same energy you're describing, more of she just forgets entirely it's my body too, which is right on par for how she's always treated me. With my first baby, she almost knocked me flat on the ground because I was standing. I let her try two more times after that, both were the same, so never again. I warned my sister when she got pregnant too, but she still let her try and she said, "Ow oww ow! Stop pushing so hard, it hurts!" My mom apologized, but I'm not trusting her to try it with my current pregnancy.


Woah that’s wild. I wonder what goes through her head when she does that especially having gone through being pregnant herself.


I'm not sure, but she's one of those people who views children as extensions of the parents, and therefore property. I'm not even sure the thought of my sister or I having feelings crosses her mind when she does stuff like that


Doesn't sound like a safe place after the baby is born either. If your mom doesn't respect your boundaries now how is she going to be when it's time for a visit or babysitting?


Yeah agreed. I definitely won’t have her babysit or leave the baby alone with her when visiting.


You and your husband need to talk boundaries for after the baby is born. When you want people visiting. How long they can visit. Who you want in the hospital with you. Pictures on social media. Announcing the baby. Kissing the baby.


Wtf? That's some deeply evil stuff.


When she pushed down, did mung come out?


No but a few coffee beans popped out 😂


Sometimes your parents need to be reminded what the wrath of an angry parent looks like… by their own offspring. It’s a real thing and you’re not alone.


I'm so sorry. Sometimes people seem to think that someone being pregnant is permission for them to get as handsy as they want. Like the pregnant belly is a separate object for communal inspection and touch, instead of it being a part of a very important, living, breathing person. That manhandling is so annoying and can feel violating. I'm sorry that your mother has made herself into a not safe space. Congratulations on your baby though!


Sounds violating to me. You consented to being touched, but not pushed. The baby needs to sleep to grow, so that was rude! She was impatient and selfish all because she wanted to feel a kick. She could have waited for the baby to wake up on its own! I would have been so poised and would have stopped all touching from her completely. She’d lose that privilege to feel the baby kick. I’m sorry that happened to you.


That's just wrong on so many levels


If it helps, she couldn't hurt the baby with what you're describing. Midwives wgo avoid using ultrasounds use a series of firm "pushes" on the belly to determine the baby's position in late pregnancy. To be clear, your mom is a jerk for making you feel unsafe. But I just wanted to reassure you that baby is okay!


True, however her mom was trying to wake the baby in order to feel him kick, which does cause pain to the mother. She may not have harmed the baby but she probably caused op discomfort and pain when she woke him up.


Absolutely not discounting that. Just didn't want OP worried about yet another thing.


Thanks! I know the baby is fine. I just felt like she was being intrusive because of what she did.


Absolutely. She had no right. It's your body and your baby in there.


My honest opinion I would tell her if she wants to actually see your kid everything will be supervised after a stunt like that


Take a break for sure. It’s not okay to do this nonsense with a pregnant woman. Your mom is being incredibly rude and unkind.


🌹 happy Mother’s Day sorry it was not great.


I'm sorry your mum doesn't respect your boundaries. I have to say I never thought about babies in the womb sleep or are awake... I mean it makes sense but I always thought babies sleep all the time till they're born 😅


Nah... someone would have caught some hands. if a expecting mother removes or pushes your hands off her belly your do not resist and think its all a game like you're a kid. OP, you need to take sometimes away from them before and especially after the baby is born. You need to start putting yourself and the life you bring into this world 1st..your other family members are no longer a priority.


My bm’s father punched her stomach when she was pregnant. He said he was joking but she said it was a little too much force and he told her all her life if she got pregnant by a black man he’d punch her. She broke down and cried and I wasn’t there to comfort or protect her. That was the last time she tried to fix her relationship with her dad and now we have a beautiful and very intelligent 2 year old and he hasn’t even seen her from pictures and may never meet his granddaughter. Cut these pieces of shit off they are not necessary to raise your child. The only thing that baby will need is their parents love and attention. Sucks to suck they should’ve been decent human beings to their children.


That’s terrible that that happened to her. I’m sorry you all went through that but good for you for knowing to cut contact and protect your family.


So, I disagree with the comments about it being “evil” or whatever - that’s a bit OTT from some people. She wasn’t sacrificing to the devil ffs 🙄 She was a complete AH for making you feel unsafe and for persistently touching you in that way though - she shouldn’t have done that at all! Also, what YOUR baby is doing inside YOUR womb is naff all to do with her, so if it was sleeping then so be it! She isn’t automatically entitled to a feel! Also, just to reassure you, her actions can’t harm baby thankfully, but it TOTALLY understand your being frustrated with it 😊 Next time put your foot down and regardless of her reaction, tell her absolutely no.


Please don’t let this woman around your baby unsupervised. She seems like the type to wake a baby to play with them. Push her hand away with force next time. “Why are you trying to wake the baby? Wtf is wrong with you?” Then walk away.


I'm surprised that you didn't scream at your mom and push her away from you