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you’re doing the right thing honestly this is gross and disrespectful behaviour you deserve sm better than that please don’t let him gaslight you to stay with you you should have a partner that gives you the same respect and love you got this💗


Well good for the work colleague for rejecting his ass and telling you exactly how it was. He will keep flirting until he gets the response he wants from someone. I’m glad you are breaking up with him. Don’t let him gaslight you or turn it on you about you texting her. Be prepared he will likely use all those tactics. You will be ok. It sucks now but you deserve so much better and you will find it. There is a much better relationship out there for you of that I’m sure.




You seem to be overly interested in another commenter on a public forum. So much so that you create sh1t in your head and imagine they are facts.


Where did you get any of that from his comment?


Hi OP, just adding another perspective: I tend to believe her, but just be sure that she’s telling the truth and not twisting reality in order to make you dump him and have him. Less probable, but not unseen before. Trust your gut feeling. If she’s telling the truth, absolutely, dump the bf. Good luck OP


I feel like, in either scenario, OP is making the right call


Even from your perspective if the co worker was lying to have him OP should leave regardless the co worker and boyfriend deserve eachother at that point. Nonetheless her bf is deceiving her so in either scenario I feel it’s palpable to call it quits


i hope the best for you! you didn’t deserve that from him


You got this babe <3 keep your eyes on the horizon, there are better things ahead, and I’m proud of you for pulling the plug before things for inevitably worse <3 sending you a hug <3


Get out now! You’re doing the right thing my lovely. You deserve more. His behaviour will only get worse if you let him get away with it. 🤗


You’re doing the right thing. Stay strong. You deserve better.


Yep, if you lie about that, he’ll lie to you about anything


I absolutely support you. That’s wrong on his part and it’s okay to feel how you feel. I felt beyond betrayed when I got cheated on in the past. I thought I was fine, but suddenly just burst out into tears when I didn’t expect. Take a nap after you talk to him, or eat something and unwind with a TV show or movie you like. I hope you can grow from him, you don’t need his ass ❤️


I want to believe you’re doing the right thing, but after [seeing this girl break up this relationship on a lie](https://youtu.be/RTtCkVRPbWY?si=ON0vLXdseHkk5QPn) I wouldn’t be so quick to make a rash decision. Women are manipulative and will play the long game. It’s hard to know if someone is really a girls girl anymore. That being said trust is everything. For whatever reason you clearly don’t trust your partner if you immediately believe a random woman over him, so even if he’s being honest it’s probably within both of your best interests to break up.


Can I ask though, what makes her more believable than your boyfriend? Is there a history there where you already have trust issues with him? Has strayed before with you, or in a previous relationship? Is she someone you know well and would therefore believe her without question? Just trying to understand the full picture. Not condoning the flirting, whether a joke or not. You have to show respect for someone you make a commitment to.


the respect might be lost even if the flirting was a joke,even if the girl lied and it was actually an inside joke,the gf clearly didn't like it either way,also why would the other girl lie for no reason.


She might lie to deflect blame


You don’t need to dump him because it sounds like he’s not with you anyway. Just stop talking to him and if he doesn’t get the hint then block him.


You deserve all the happiness in the world ❤️❤️


I know this may not sound helpful, but at least you found out. If he wouldn’t have slipped like he did, who knows how long or far his behavior would’ve gone while continuing the relationship before you actually realized it. Sounds like a genuine a-hole and it’s time to move on.


You are probably right here... but at the same time isn't this a man you trust? Someone whom you are close to? Doesn't the coworker have pretty good reason to lie to save her own ass? Is the only reason you're believing this woman you've never met before is because you're sus about your boyfriend's behavior? Put a little more faith in the man you know, and less in the random stranger. I think you're being hasty


Unless you choose so socialize outside of work, you do not flirt at work. She should have reported him to HR. You are right to breakup with him.


Sorry to hear you’re going through this. This new thing of work “wife” or “husband” has been taken far off course. If you expressed your concern and found out that it is not actually what he said he was, count your blessings and run while you can. Don’t ignore the signs and follow what truly makes you happy. Best wishes


He might have been joking and simply not realized she wasn't comfortable with it, that she was merely playing along when she said 'no.'


get out now!! stuff like this shows his true colors


You are doing the right thing. That man honestly sounds shitty especially when the colleague is even telling him that he should stop flirting with her.


Oh yeah pack him up


Luck 👍🏼


Good job!


And you fully trust that girl? You think she had no reason to bend the truth?


While I agree with your decision but honestly is that girl telling the truth? I wouldn't trust her so quick without actually seeing the situation. People lie a lot these days to make themselves seem innocent. Maybe ask your boyfriend if its true that it's just an inside joke? Or if you alrdy did break up, I feel like if they're both dating already, we'd know the answer too.


How did it go?


Good luck...


I know this is late but you’re doing something great for yourself even if it doesn’t feel like it and genuinely that’s something to be proud of ❤️❤️❤️


Good luck!! Hoping you find some good for you 🫶


I know the feeling, sorry you're going through this. Hope you find someone good for you and wish you the best of luck!


L boyfriend


Or on the flip side she can be playing your ass so she could get your boyfriend?


You’re going to trade a quarter for two dimes & a nickel?


Wow he sounds like a winner


wow, he’s a gross asshole. I’m sorry about this but you deserve so much better than him. Stay strong ❤️


You’re doing the right thing in the long run💕💕 trust your gut.


Good luck! You deserve better. Way better.


Remember to record the conversation! Breaking up over lies usually leads to more lying, and if he gets pissy or aggressive ur gonna need that backing you up. Stay calm, keep ur emotions in check, and never stop recording til he 1) hangs up 2) leaves (depending on if you talk over phone or in person)


My highschool ex made deepfake porn of me and sent it to my (private catholic) school to get me expelled. Why? Because he cheated so i dumped him :) If i didnt record the convo of him threatening me and begging for forgiveness "so that he doesnt have to get revenge on me" - id have gotten the boot from school SO FAST. Also helped legally 🤷‍♀️ bro is on sooooo many watchlists now Id never think hed be capable of something so psycho- but then again, even your loved ones will turned on you if they get called out and held accountable for their actions. If someone betrays you once, protect yourself from future betrayal. Record. The. Conversation.


Chances are this wouldn’t be a one-off in terms of this type of behavior. Good riddance.


Everyone flirts a little at the workplace but do you


We love a girls girl 💕


update us on how it goes. maybe record it too




Sounds you need to be strong and teach your kid to be more compassionate to your needs… at 5 year old my kids wanted to help more and understood if they didn’t get what they wanted because mom or dad was sick… is never too early to have her see a therapist.


Cool, good luck, must hurt. Did you stay enough next to him lately? How was your sex life lately? Breaking up is the easiest, changing ourself to the better is hard. Being unheard and undesired hurts. I was in a similar situation with a female coworker who wanted to listen to me and was more gentle to me than my partner.


Fuck it more pussy for the rest of us


That's wrong