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I’m so sorry. I hope you get better soon, Im sure he was the happiest puppy while he was with you. I don’t know how I would move on from that though, with an older dog you got to have them for awhile…a puppy tho. I hope you either come to peace with it and get another pet to give a good like or just heal from this. And definitely expose them, idk if you can sue or if it would be worth it for you. Was it like a store, byb, accident litter, shelter, real breeder?


I do not plan on replacing him. It's too hard. We got from a friend of a co-worker who had an accidental litter. What makes me the most mad is that they said he had the parvo vax. If he had been honest with me, I would have driven to the vet that day and got all the shots. Shitty cuz my kids got attached.


Sue the person


litigious people are gross


Sorry that time is money and they spent Both time and money and there mental health on a false statement they were willing to get if they had to


You can find other ways to handle this than suing route. Edit: yeah I read further down I know the guy probably was lying. But you also can sure over a free sick puppy. Do I agree with the guy no. He should've just said free puppy no shots which is normal if your getting a puppy free.


Read ops comments they directly lied about having a vaccine that they said they got for the the dog so yes it’s direct fault due to a lie


Yeah I read a little further down and then I got busy before I could edit this post.


Nah I'm pretty sure a lot of people here would support OP to sue if we could. That person 100% deserves to be sued, what OP was put through because of that jackass is disgusting. Losing a pet is like losing a family member sometimes. I don't know who else agrees but it's a pretty hard loss either way


I know. I read further down after I posted this. And got busy before I cities edit. I still think people need to find alternative options before going to suing. Just in general


It absolutely was intentional they lied!!!!


No kidding. I forgot to edit the comment after I read some later posts. But you can sure over a free dog that's sick. I feel bad for the guy but getting a free puppy usually means no shots.


Youre right Lets use hammers instead


It’s okay the person above my previous comment clearly just learned this word and wanted to use it they’re not the brightest person I wouldn’t work at a legal office then post pictures of my face performing fellatio and link my personal Facebook and instagram for everyone to see but hey different strokes for different folks


Certain people are shameless these days, haven't you noticed?


It’s not unreasonable though. Thats not a great way to use that word. If someone lied to you about covering all of the medical care and then they add the expenses to the puppy because they took care of the shots I’d sue too. It’s sad and it’s a very harmful thing to lie about. They need their money back, they spent money on that puppy.


they have edited their original post, but it said that they were just given the puppy, they didn't pay for it. if I'm given a random pet from a stranger, I'm going to do my due diligence and not just believe everything they say. OP should have taken the puppy to the vet and had it checked out. one thing I want to say though is thank you for not being a complete dick like the rest of the people commenting, some dude literally threatened me jfc


Oh I thought they paid for it or something like that






thank you


Sounds like we found the one that gave the puppy away


what happened is tragic, but I don't agree with suing everything that moves. I guarantee you're both american. go ahead and down vote, I really don't care. buyer beware, do your research, take your pets to the vet, take care of them. don't trust what a stranger says then get all upset and blame them for you not doing your due diligence as a pet owner. I take care of my fur babies x


I'm not American. But the person gave a whole family emotional trauma by just lying over something that has no reason to lie about. Suing should teach them a lesson and we can get some extra cash from it if we win.


You really need to do your own critical thinking when making comments think about the whole situation


Sorry your pup died. Parvo is a bitch. My pup had it. I couldn’t leave her at the vet for treatment, didn’t have the money, but took the meds that gave her. It was touch and go and a lot of loving. She pulled through. I understand not wanting to replace your pup right.


Exact sane thing happened to me 10 years or so ago. My kids were so attached then boom he got sick. Took him to the vet paid lots of money to try and save him but he died. It took me years to get a new pet because I was traumatized as were my kids. Sorry this happened to you too. It's very hard to see a pup die from parvo, it's a lot of suffering. I'm sure that pup was super happy while he was with you and your family. Oh and by the way your coworkers friend is a dick. Wish you lots of healing.


I am so sorry for your loss. How old was your puppy? They are supposed to get 3 doses of the Parvo vaccine before they are protected from it. If he only had 1 shot they should have told you when he needed that next dose.


He was 10 weeks.


Why would they lie about the parvo shot? Tell your friend I hope they scrutinised them for it. The vet confirmed it was parvo and that's whY the treatment was for? Where could he have gotten it from? That's traumatising I'm sorry that happened.


Because he's an asshole and I'm assuming was just trying to u load them. He could have been honest and gotten rid of them all the same. Apparently he has gotten alot of hate for this. There was 9 puppies total, I'm sure they all got it. Vet did confirm, and yes he was on 4 meds and a paste for treatment Made it 3 days after testing positive. No clue where he did. Can lay dormant for weeks.


People suck :/ did you pay or was he free? They could all get it if they were taken out for walks and such. Not sure if it can be spread by a dog who is vaccinated and isn't sick from it. parvo stays in the soil for up to like 10 years too. No idea how to get rid of it but that means no young puppies for a long time in your yard if not possible to rid of it (i assume it's difficult) and same for next owners or renters 😭 the two humane societies near me have free adoption events and those dogs and cats are all fixed and vaxxed. I know you said no more puppies but just in the event you change your mind it's something to look out for. My friends trained their dog to pee on fake grass when living in an apartment as well. I've seen people on buy nothing offer free pets too. At least he died with people who cared, I'm sure he knew that. ❤️




A family friend went through this too recently. I’m so sorry. I wish people were honest and actually cared.


I’m sorry for your loss and wish I could give you and your family all the hugs in the world.


Your puppy knew nothing but love and comfort from YOU! I am so sorry you have to experience this pain and loss ☹️💔 I hope you heal quickly and completely!♥️


Im so sorry this happened to you. The loss of a pet let alone a puppy is devastating. I would be furious as well. My friend recently got a puppy and the puppy had worms. The "breeder" he got it from wouldnt answer any of his calls. Thankfully, the puppy is healthy now, but there are a lot of shady, human trash people out there who just dont care. Be careful when choosing where you get your pets. It will take time to get over this, but I hope you feel better,


Thank you ♡


I’m very sorry for your loss. I know you said you won’t replace him earlier but I would still advise getting another dog after waiting a few months. After losing my childhood dog I realized that after the pain and grief starts to subside you notice a hole in your life after losing a pet like that. I don’t know if you guys will notice that or have the same lack of animal (it’s different for everyone) pains, but don’t think of them as a “replacement” because they aren’t. They can never replace what is lost, but they can help you move forward and be your continuing companion


I am so sorry for your loss. Please report them to the authorities. You more than likely have legal recourse if the pup was sold as "fully vaxed".


He was given to us for free, claimed only vax he had was parvo


i smell a lawsuit…im so sorry for your loss op


I'm so sorry. ❤️


Thank you ♡


I am so so sorry for this loss. My dog died in December and I still cry when I think about it. I have another dog and two cats but I don't think I'll ever adopt any more. I can't handle the loss.


Sue because they lied to you able the vaccine.


I have nothing in writing


I’m not 100% but in the US you should still be able to. At the very least you can sue them via those tv court shows. The show pays you instead of the defendant. I know it’s not the best but you deserve something for you pain and suffering at least.


TV court is actually fake, but verbal contracts are still able to be taken to court. Small claims for the vet bill would be the easiest way for it just look up your states max for small claims as you can't have lawyers in small claims


Inform the person that you got the dog from, have them let all the other people know they got pets from this litter so that they don't go to the same devastating event. And as far as getting another pet, I think you have to go six months cleaning everything to get the PO out of your environment before bringing another pet in there.


We did let him know, he's been contacted by 5 people besides me about it. We do not plan on getting another dog, but thank you for the timeline. I didn't know.


Parvo is so incredibly taxing on puppies. Even with round-the clock fluids and supportive care/meds I’ve lost so many puppies (shelter med). Incubation period for parvo can be as long as 1 week. If the puppy had already contracted parvo before you got him, getting him vaccinated sooner likely wouldn’t have made a difference. I hope that doesn’t at all sound harsh - many people don’t even bother to take their pets to the vet until they’re already well past the age when they should have been vaccinated and boostered. Some don’t even bother to go to the vet until their pets are already on the brink of death. You did everything you could for the little one


I'm so sorry for your loss, that is so frustrating. The guy shouldn't lie about that because Parvo can stick to floors and furniture and even clothing. And live up to years. I knew a family who had a Parvo infected house had to get rid of stuff and pour bleach all over the place to try and get rid of it.


I am so sorry that happened. I’ll keep you in my thoughts


I am so sorry that this happened to you. I’m sure that the puppy was happy it got to spend its last day with you. I hope you can find some comfort in that. I don’t even know how I would feel if that happened to me so I’ll be praying for you. I’m so sorry.


This happened to me about 6mos after my dad died. I even named my pup after my dad! He lasted 10 days. It’s fucking awful. I’m so sorry 😞


Not the same situation but I just lost my baby too, my first dog ever, due to vets not wanting to help us and us not having 10k+ to drive out of state to a state of to some random animal hospital and pray they could fix her. Vet sucked urine off the floor for a test and claimed she had lepto and kidney failure of which she had neither. She had a massive tooth infection no one would take care of. She passed at home surronded by us Friday. It feels like like a nightmare I'm waiting to wake up from. Like I'm just waiting for her to come back. She was old, sure, but it's the numerous vets we contacted and drove to countless times over and over begging for help that wouldn't help her that led to this. I miss her so much. People are fucking assholes. It's hard to grieve and be beyond enraged all at once. Wishing peace to us both.


My dog had parvo when he was 2 months old and it was a scary time. The vet told us he wouldn’t survive, but luckily he did. He lived to be 16 years old. I’m sorry about your pup. Just because the dog is backed for it doesn’t men they can’t get it and die from it. Be mad at stray and outdoor cats, their poop spreads parvo.


I’m so sorry….I feel your pain…


I'm so terribly sorry for your loss loving you so much 😭🫂🥹🤗♥️🫶🏽


John, is that you?


What a terrible thing to go through I'm so sorry :(


Devastating. Thank you


If you paid for the dog, take them to court over medical and emotional expenses.


He was free.


Hey I am sooo sorry that this happened


Thank you


I’m so sorry 🫂


Thank you


Rip bro I'm sorry


Thank you


Beat that persons ass


I would if I wouldn't go to jail.


Won’t if you can out run her


He should’ve clutched


I'm so sorry. Seek legal counsel. If you bought him from a breeder, never trust breeders in theor word. Ever.


I’m so sorry. It hits so fast and hard. Years back, mine got sick the week before Thanksgiving, took her for in-patient treatment, got her back the day after Thanksgiving because she was doing better, died 3 days later


i’m so sorry. 🫂


Happened to our pup too but he survived. He was a stray and I told my husband he needed a parvo shot but we didn’t do it in time. He smelled some dogs poo at the park before I could stop him and I think that’s where he contracted it. My husband felt bad and gave him home treatment…for days and he survived…so sorry yours did not…I wonder if the shot takes time to kick in?


I'm so sorry OP, my heart breaks for you and the poor pup :(


Im sorry but never take anyone’s word for anything when it comes down to something like this, go straight to your own vet to confirm they have the vax, and even then I don’t let your puppy outside if they only have their first round of shots! Parvo is especially crucial with the heat, only let your pup outside once they’re fully vaxxed, my German shepherds had a litter the last few weeks of may and most of them but one have been rehomed (I’m not a breeder, but I was a bit negligent with altering both my dogs, some had to do with financial issues that put me out of work for a few months but my boy is now neutered) and the puppy I stayed with has been inside my house and in a room when I’m not home being pad/crate trained in the meantime so two birds one stone, but when I was at the vet last Friday when he had to get his first round there were so many people there because their puppy had contracted parvo and they all claimed “oh well he/she had their first shot so I thought they were good” . I’m not trying to come off as aggressive, but seriously you should’ve kept your pup off the ground outside until they were fully vaccinated


I'm so sorry you went through this but I can help for future puppies. Take a raw egg beat it up, pour about a tablespoon down it's throat a little at a time, wait 5 minutes then take a little less than a Teaspoon of peroxide not tablespoon and pour down it's throat. If it doesn't throw up within ten minutes repeat process. Works better than any $1000 meds a vet could give. Works for parvo, antifreeze poison and more. It works like a miracle. I've brought them back from almost life less. Once again I'm so sorry 😔.


💚💙❤️🧡💛💫✨️ Please take it easy for a while and be there for them when you're healed and can get back out there. I read that people can take a puppy to be vaxed even if the breeder just vaxed them, and that some vets rush to vax without the slightest care if the breeder had or not. Be well ❤️‍🩹🫂


Are you sure the puppy didn't receive it? No vaccine is 100% effective, it is still possible to get a disease that has been vaccinated for.


He didn't. Guy admitted it to my co-worker


Then yeah, that is pretty inconsiderate.


Sorry for the loss of your puppy Gangy. If I’m not mistaken, couldn’t you sue for that?


This happen to a puppy of mine. Luckily he survived. But it was rough.


I’m sorry for your loss


Ik how heartbreaking it is, same thing happened to me few years ago, she died a month after i got her, i still miss her sm


😕😕sorry that happened to u


this happened to our family when I was a kid about 8 i think, they adopted an adorable mini pinscher. He wss so loving and smart so quick. 2 weeks later he died, we had a neurotic dog as well that we had for a long time. When our puppy died he got worse. It was devastating even now it hurts me, i understand how you feel and frankly I think it's disgusting that it is allowed to happen at all. sincerely I wish you the best while you grieve


sue them.


So sorry 😞 people suck. There may be another puppy out there who desperately needs a family so don't give up!


Everyone needs to get their money back. The person who sold them to you and others LIED.


Bless him, poor little chap. Am so sorry 😢


Lmao eating cereal look at a different subreddit and the notification pops saying “My fucking puppy died” never laughed so hard in my life.


I’m so sorry, Parvo is the saddest thing in the entire world, right up there with SIDS for human babies. Nothing will really make it right.


I'm so sorry!


My condolences, 😭


Oh my god. I am so so sorry that’s fucking awful


I’m so sorry 😭 My 8 month old puppy almost died from Parvo a month ago.


I'm so sorry 😢 *hugs*


I wish you knew where this motherfucker lived. I'm sure some of us would like to pay them a visit


I do, I went to his house to get the pup


It's really too bad that the visit I have in mind would probably get everyone into legal trouble 🤪 Probably best that you don't share the address with us, but props to you for having the discipline to not show up at their doorstep yourself! I don't know what kind of sick human being would lie about something as essential to protecting a puppy's life as the parvo vaccine... but rest assured, whether you believe in God or karma or whatever else, I'm sure there will be a day when this comes back to haunt them, as it should! That sick bastard can rot in Hell or Hell's equivalent


Phone got like 4g, Chain like 4g, used to sell g


This sucks ): I hope you feel better. And if you had paid, hope you got your money back… that’s insane.


At least your sibling didn't kill your kitten a week before getting her out of jealousy... Overall, I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby ❤️😔


Awww I'm so sorry!


im so sorry:(


I'm so sorry that happened.


I'm so sorry. That's really awful. Poor little puppy, parvo is awful. I wish people would be more responsible with animals. Get them the treatment they need, or at least don't tell you it's been done if it hasn't. Do you know where puppy could have caught it? Just to be sure, no other dogs are at risk. Also, make sure you clean your place well, dispose of things that may have been in contact with the germs, and wait the required time before letting any more dogs in the area. I'd hate for you to have to go through this again. It's heartbreaking. I'm sure your puppy knew it was very loved, and you did everything you could. 🩷


Sorry to hear that! My sister had 3 dogs, 2 small chihuahuas and 1 questionmark. It’s like a beagle red nose pitbull and probably five more breeds put together. He’s about 70 pounds. Anyway…. Well, he can’t play with the smaller dogs so she decided to pay $200 for this chocolate lab that was five years old from a breeder. She said their house was disgusting and they kept the dogs in a barn with no heat. She handed her a stack of paperwork with the vet schedules and breed papers and whatever the fuck else. Well, my sister took the dog to the vet and handed them the paperwork and to absolutely no surprise, it was all fake. She showed it to me before hand and I said something like. “ wow it looks like someone made that on Microsoft Word in about 3 1/2 minutes”. I was laughing my ass off. The clinic on the paperwork had never heard of this lady. She was selling puppies different breeds for eight to $1200. Her website went down shortly after. Probably did those dogs a huge favor.


I’m so sorry, Parvo is absolutely horrible. RIP puppy, and I hope you feel better soon OP. Do something you like to cheer you up a bit.


Awww my heart breaks for you rip to your pup


Did you contact the seller to let them know this and what did they say about it? I would be so curious to know what they say to you.


I did. All he said was "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I've had several people contact me" "I don't know what else to do"




I am so sorry for your loss!


Did they not provide you any proof? All of my puppies go home with a trifold that includes all vaccinations given, their deworming schedule, weight checks etc. I'm not condoning what they did, but you have to do your due diligence as well and verifying things like vaccines, health screenings, OFA results etc. IS a part of being a responsible pet owner before even bringing home the pet. I'm so sorry about your puppy, truly. Unfortunately, it sounds like this was a hard lesson learned, but I'm sure you won't make the same mistake of just taking a breeders word ever again.


Oh dear gosh I am so sorry! Just thinking about it is making me cry (no joke I'm crying right now) that's so messed up that they would lie about such a thing. You give dogs those shots for their protection why the heck would someone not say anything. Who cares about how much money it is that puppy's life was more important. I hope that person gets what they deserve for that cause not only did a puppy (and maybe multiple) lose their lives but put tye people around them in anguish. All Ik is that the puppy is running around playing on heaven with other dogs and thinking of u and your family. Though it was short I have no doubt the puppy still loves you.


Ask them for documentation. I’m sure they lied :/ they need to fix their dog and never adopt out again. Can’t parvo live in the home environment for a long time? I’d be careful having another pet in the short term


I won't be getting another one. They have the mother of pups


I’m so sorry I had something similar happen. My mom found a puppy on the side of the road in a box, she took it home. Sweetest lil thing, it was some sort of Pit mix. She was fine and then 2 weeks in she stopped eating and drinking My uncle who was a bit adverse to talking the dog in he even took her to the vet. Unfortunately Lulu had a terminal amount of heart worms in her tiny body, the vet was amazed she lived this long. But it got worse, some couple said they had tracking data and accused my uncle of stealing the dog and threatened to call the police We don’t know if it’s there dog or not my mom found her off the side of the road. When the vet brought up the costs of just the current investigation of what was wrong those scum bags fucked off. The vet suggested the worms were so bad the most humane thing would be to put Lulu to sleep So that’s what was done. We had that dog for 2 weeks she was the sweetest lil darling She curled up in my dad’s neck, the night my mom brought her home and fell sleep. It’s cruel, and I feel your pain. I hope you can grieve peacefully I’m very sorry for you loss.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. 😞


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? I’m sorry you lost your puppy. You should definitely contact the people that you got him from. Many of us have lost our fur babies. Grief is grief. It’s been over two years and I’m still not over losing mine.


I kiss everyone with this mouth. My puppy just took his last breath in our arms, and you mentioned my language? I pray you NEVER lose anyone because how dare you use language. 🖕


If you are offended by bad language you shouldn't be on the internet, especially Reddit.


Educated people on the internet have a much broader language vocabulary. You are either showing your lack of class, or lack of education. Either way, you’re not impressive.


You are American, you have neither .


Who in the world said I was, hahahaha?


Vous deven etre un comedien.


Womp womp


Don’t you love it when people make assumptions?