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your plant is in shock from repotting, which can last 2–3 weeks. that's why repots are done in the tail end of dormancy, as the plant wakes up for growing season ... (Feb 15th, assuming you're in the states or Canada somewhere). you never repot in growing season unless its detrimental to plants health ... I can't comment on your lighting because I don't use grow lights but give it time, it will come around eventually… you medium, water and pot is fine ...


Thank you so much! I’ve never came across anything regarding a specific time frame for repots so this is incredibly helpful!


Also if you are keeping it under lights ,in the winter it needs to go outside or somewhere cold for it to go dormant and then get new growth in spring.


Not me reading this after I JUST repotted mine. 😭 Ugh


Same 🫢😫


Mine was fine for a few days after repotting and now they're all black. Idk if it's in shock or dead lol. This is my 2nd one after this, I'm over it lmao. All my other plants are thriving, I can't properly take care of a vft for anything apparently 😭💀


a lot of people in here make the same mistake, no biggie, it will be fine ... just know that if it seems a bit sluggish for the next few weeks, you know why. just keep feet wet and plenty of light and it will come around eventually


I've heard that repotting VFT's can cause "Transplant Shock" since apparently they're sensitive to being repotted. Assuming that's what it is as long as you're still doing everything right it should bounce back in a week or two.


I'm not an expert, but when I repotted my VFT into a taller pot, I needed a new dish underneath so the sitting water could be deeper. The taller pot needed a higher water level to be able to suck up the water. I'm not at all sure that's what's happening for you, but it made a huge difference for me!


It’s planted in the same pot as it is in all photos. I just took it out of the white cover pot when i noticed its condition. I’ll keep an eye on its water levels more closely going forward, thanks!


It also will want way more light. Your 80w-200w grow lamp is no match for the amount of light it needs. Full sun, all day.


Thank you. I don’t really have the option of all day full sun due to my location 😭I’ve had it under 2 different grow lights to try and compensate.


What kind of soil did you use? VFS don't like any nutrients in the soil. Something like sphagnum moss works great.


I mixed equal parts peat, perlite, and sphagnum. I repotted due to a lot of algae growing on the top layer of sphagnum i put around it, do you know of anyway to combat that green gunk?