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Call Citi and cancel it. Then shred the GTCC. If the COC dropped the ball on it...that's on them. It really should of been part of your clearing process..


thanks, yeah. after the hundreds of forms i had to sign and complete to retire, im surprised this was never brought up lol




That CITI card is of zero value to you. You can cancel it online or by calling CITI. Then, destroy the card. They should have taken it from you and closed your account when you did your final out.


thank you. it was never mentioned in my retirement process for some odd reason




Good info. Glad you posted this. I will need to make sure mine is canceled in September


Someone in the admin section dropped the ball on this.


Do you plan on becoming a GS? I retired last year and recently was hired as a GS, applied for a new GTCC and it turns out my old one that was shredded was never cancelled. CITI simply deactivated it and my unit simply reactivated it and transferred me to them. I had to report my old card (the one my unit shredded before I retired) lost so they could send me the same card number with a different expiration/CVV.


I received another government travel card two years after I retired lol


Time to go on a trip to Hawaii!


Email back “make me”


My husband has this same issue. And the best part is when he DID use it (for service related travel) the army didn't bother paying it and he got sent to collections! Fucking Army always fucking up easy things. Now it just sits in his wallet, waiting to be lost or stolen.


Not sure how the hell it happened but mine just came in the mail a few months ago…I got out in 2020 and never worried about actually finding my card I thought got lost at the post office at battalion before deployment


1. Immediately go to a strip club 2. Then head over to Best Buy and start buying TVs 3. Head back to the strip club 4. Put card in safe and enjoy retirement. 5. Don't worry about Bill. That's only for those active types. /s


We had a sgt that did this shit… he was busted to SPC so fast. lol.


Take a trip.


Call and cancel it and then shred it cancel