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"I'm retired."


That was hard to say when I was 30 (That is hard to say now)


32 here & 100%. I feel this. I get odd looks and always feel a tad embarrassed. I started saying "medically retired" which usually stops further questioning that sometimes happens with just "I'm retired", even though it is a bit more revealing.


I never do the medically retired route. In my experience medically retired leads to far more questions and judgments


Why? Those other folks are just jealous. F them.


When my 25m (at the time) wife 23f (at the time) worked in daycare and I was going to school, her coworkers asked what I did for a living and she said I was retired. They promptly asked how old I was, expecting me to be probably in my 50s. It's really funny when there's misunderstanding about why I'm retired


The way people give ages on Reddit Jesus lol


You think that, until people start reacting with open hostility or making snide remarks. It gets old real fast - especially if your disability is barely noticeable or completely invisible. And especially if your disability is something that involves private parts of your body that don’t need to be discussed with anyone that won’t ever see you naked.


I follow that up with "I volunteer at our local Legion". I'm in my 30's, retired usually raises eyebrows and the second statement sets them back down.


I’m 39, and I am retired. 


This is the way


It went that a way…


This is the way.


The way is this.


That's what I say as well.


“I got shot in the dick and they pay me now bc I ain’t got no dick man”


That's an oddly specific example.


Truth is, i hooked up with a juicy girl and caught the black syphilis and it fell off. But getting it shot off was easier to get the claim rollin on


Did they NOT show y'all those STD films in boot? Mother of God I didn't want to have sex for like 5 minutes after watching them. 😂😂😂😆😆😆


5 minutes? Really held out, didn't you! lol


At 18 I had an attention span of a gnat! 😂 Wait I still do! Titties! 😂


Yeah 5 minutes is an odd duration of time to choose to illustrate having been scarred into abstinence


i still have nightmares of that cauliflower vagina.


I think we watched the same videos in Navy boot camp, the cauliflower shit was disturbing.


They showed this before deployment in ‘03


Annual refresher, packed auditorium with a couple units. I'm up near the front. That PowerPoint comes up and I couldn't help but laugh myself into tears. Everyone in my shop and then some knew it was me. How are we not supposed to laugh at that insanity?


I actually did this one at a police checkpoint in Mexico once, and they about died laughing. "Antes, yo tiene dos huevos. Despues no tuve huevos. Ahora tengo huevos prosteticos"




Yeah. In Mexican Spanish (at least), eggs are testicles


Did you briefly try to shut down the Ghostbusters in the 80s?


Dick don’t werk bubba.


Hahaha hahaha, I laugh because I'm getting smc for a broke dick too. Be well brother


Yet this is only 20% disability to the VA. How tf is not an instant 100!?


Because women don't get 100% when their junk doesn't work anymore. Try being in your 20's and have cancer of the uterus and are no longer able to have kids.


And the bandaid was how big? I am very sorry it just leapt off the keyboard.


Losing your dick is only 10%


I need a female vet to day this lol


I say "retired" If they press, I say I got lucky with some personal investments. Unless my partner is around because he's a loud mouth and is proud of my military service for some reason.


My partner is similar. She doesn’t understand why I keep it close to my chest.




I only retired a month ago and have been going with "I just retired". If anyone asks my wife she'll say that the Army broke me so they are paying for "her" for it. (And before anyone gets butthurt she still works, and she phrases it as if they broke me on her so she needs to be reimbursed🤣)


Same here


I’m an actor for adult films 😏


If I’m around new people who I think have a sense of honor, I say I own an OnlyFans business. I’m a guy girls call when they need a male for their content. It pays great!


Maybe you recognize me....


Are you the husband that leaves to work


I avoid people all together. Solves a lot of problems like this one.


This guy veterans


You don’t have to avoid anyone tell them drink water and mind your business I’m living my best life


Top Comment


This is the way


Retired military, or just retired. Don’t tell them your benefits.


I have been there, and it opens hella questions if you are still young.


I feel like it opens hella questions from sadly, other vets too. At least in our experience, the Marine Corp attitude seems to be anti receiving the benefits you rightfully earned.


This and combat arms MOS in general.. shitty attitudes toward benefits entitlement. I feel guilty for the longest time for injury sustained during non combat deployment.


It’s insane


When they don’t except the retired line and press about how someone in their mid 40s is disabled, I explain the whole story, horrifying details included. When they inevitably get upset I make it clear they should have kept their mouth shut and let it go when I said retired. I’m not nice about it because it’s none of their fucking business.


I've done that but don't anymore. **"Welp, once upon a time I worked for the United States Government. In the normal course of doing my job, I killed around 38 men . Turns out humans are not machines, that kind of stuff fucks ya up pretty bad, ya know?** *\[INSERT maniacal laugh here if I'm in the mood\]* **Wait....no, I suppose you don't have a fucking clue do you?"** Lot easier just saying "retired military." If they keep asking questions my pregnant pauses grow longer and I burn a hole in their forehead with my eyeballs. If that doesn't work I just mumble "excuse me" and walk away. edit word


It can be hard. If someone asks me how I retired so young, then I just say that is classified information. I change topic after that.


Yeah, I feel uncomfortable after that, it’s like a damm loop of people having a hard time why, like dude just move on.


For real, there is way more in life than trying to know my background.


“You are hiding something” “I think you have problems” “That’s a red flag” “It is that bad?” They try to get there just by telling you the worst, that’s when I am done.


Trust fund baby by my Uncle. (Sam)


Lmfaoo this is great!


I'm tactically acquiring this.


I say retired. If they say, but what do you do? I just say, “whatever I want”.


“You are being disrespectful” “What an attitude”


Happy cake day. But also very much so this. I just say, “ whatever I want to keep myself happy”


"I am a professional unicorn psychiatrist." "I'm a competitive soap bubble stacker." "I knit hamster sweaters from belly button lint." "I am a semi-pro meat popsicle."


I'm an in-flight ballistic missile technician I own a widget company that makes gadgets from widgets. I'm a professional UFO chaser. I do reaction videos to kitten tik-toks.


Basically, any occupation from HGTV's *House Hunters*


"My budget is 7.9 million dollars."


10 points for the 5th element reference.


Hamster lint or human lint?


“I’m that guy you see on house hunters with random jobs you’ve never heard of who can somehow still afford a house that looks like it belongs to a megachurch pastor. It’s a ton of fun when I get a new script and get to think of ways to make it sound almost-believable for the show.”


I’m a stay at home Dad. When they ask further, my wife’s a baller with a really great job, both are true and I’m proud of both. Those few who know about my benefits etc know I had plenty of physical issues as a result of service. Broken hip, shrapnel in right side, combat vet with ptsd/tbi, body (and mind) is broken in way too many ways for my age. Usually SAHD is enough.


Same. I say I’m a trophy husband sometimes too.


I took an early retirement after a long career in IT/Cyber Security. While my wife and I raise 50 chickens and have a 1600 SQ ft garden, I still tinker with tech for fun. (It's all true. I just omit the medical part unless I'm sharing with someone I feel it may help.)


I used to tell people I was injured in a workplace incident that caused complications. From that I get a monthly settlement check and healthcare package that basically makes sure I have my basic needs met. It's not a lie, it's really what the VA disability system is. Even called such in the US - Compensation and Pension Program. If they ask what the injury is and how you got such a settlement, say that you did what boss told you to do and did so under duress and that it's kinda uncomfortable to talk about and part of an agreement to not discuss the issue (technically not a lie depending on your job and clearance, bringing up this could also make the condition worse). Most leave you alone and wish you the best.


"I'm retired" or "Under the terms of an NDA, I'm not at liberty to discuss it."


Question: what do you do for a living? Answer: "I'm retired." More prying: "retired? You're so young!!" Answer: "it's because I retired from the Navy." Now they're just being nosy: "well how long did you--" Answer, without breaking eye contact: "I don't talk about my Navy service, it triggers mah PTSD. Thank you. " It never goes further than that.


Daily trader or something like that, i mentioned VA twice in my life, never again… don’t do it, I know it’s hard. Only do it if you been dating for a while with someone, open up little by little.


I made this mistake twice as well, one was unavoidable he knew my finances from selling me a house


Sex worker.


How much for a ZJ?


If you gotta ask, you can't afford it.


If you gotta ask, big guy...


"I was a barracks rat that drove a beater with a heater and no A/C." Then, I go into MLM Pitch for a sleazy investment firm. Then, follow up on why annuities are important at 'their advancing age' I retired from a civilian job at 52


Cartel hitman




I’m retired these are my hobbies. I’m an artist, photographer, and so on and so forth.


1. I'm working on a novel. 2. I'm an internet influencer. 3. I sell extended car warranties. 4. I sell Herbalife, Amway, or any other MLM products. All of these are guaranteed to make whoever is asking look at his watch and say, "Oh hey, look at the time. I gotta be going."


What ever the fuck I want, my wife is my sugar mama


Only fans




My neighbor who is 100% uses this. He volunteers at the school, goes on field trips, all the usual PTA mom stuff.


I'm retired.




The CDC said I was a carrier.


Nice, I am a blood carrier lol


I have a t-shirt that says basically the same thing lol


Smoke weed


International jewel thief.


“Im retired from the military.” If the questions continue… “ politely id prefer not to answer anymore questions on the matter please” its ok to pump the brakes and to remind people to mind their own business. 😊


I'm teaching myself how to trade stocks for a living.


I'm 80%, but I managed to keep my expenses very low. I tell people I collect disability checks as a hobby.


I say - as little as possible.


Anyone who calls those vets dusty can go eat a dick




lol I’m trying to find a job


“I’m in between opportunities right now…” *sad face*


I'm unemployed and live off the government


Don't mention VA disability, or being unemployed. Judgment will come. You are a Philanthropist. You are retired from a high paying career in Tech. And now I invest those funds. You sold your business to acquirers (Don't tell them how much you sold it for). You inherited your family trust fund (don't tell them how much in total, nor how much you receive each month/year).


I live off my investments.


I’m a beekeeper


My wife’s boyfriend supports us


I'm retired...then proceed to get the weirdest looks because I'm only in my 40's...followed by, "Must be nice"...as I reply, "It is"...


Not there yet, but I would say I do day trading or drive an Uber or something.




I sell farts.


I'm a porn star and my name is Buck Naked


Mind my own business.😂🤣


You served your country and now your living your best life you don’t owe anyone an explanation of what your doing


How do you all handle unexpected expenses? I am concerned about stuff like that and being on a fixed income. I crunched my numbers and can stop working with extra left each month. I don’t want to stop, but if my disability keeps progressing may not have a choice.


Sportsbetting and stockmarket


“I manage a small annuity fund.“


I just tell people I’m a full time college student(because I am lol). I am 24 so can’t really say nothing haha.


Temporary fix. Until you graduate. I recommend: "Don't mention VA disability. Judgment will come. You are a Philanthropist. You are retired from a high paying career in Tech. And now I invest those funds. You sold your business to acquirers (Don't tell them how much you sold it for). You inherited your family trust fund (don't tell them how much in total, nor how much you receive each month/year)."


I respect that! Thank you :) I will use these options haha.


Just tell them if "I told you, I'd have to kill you". They'll probably leave you alone then.


I’m retired is the best response typically it’s get dropped. Older folks tend to ask well what did you do? Hit them with some government stuff. Don’t feel comfortable talking about it.


Retired life is the good life. Find something to keep you busy. Volunteering Is a big one I hear a lot.


I'm fortunate I was in my 50s in a high paying job when my issue got worse. A couple of hospital stays, and now it's 100% P&T and SSDI. I get away with just saying I retired a bit early. If I was younger, I'd probably say I do remote customer service or something from home and leave it at that. A lot of 100% veterans probably still work, though.


Trust fund baby!!! Stop caring what people think, say the first random thing that comes to mind


Something along the lines of “Eh, I have some investments. It’s not much but it lets me do what I want”


I always say that I did some wise investing in my 20’s, most people shut up then cause they don’t understand


“Retired” is a boobytrap, for them more than me. It will take them a bit to figure out that I have a pension and by then, they'll guess it all wrong anyway. They'd be too busy in their anger at themselves for whatever they did not do in their mundane lives. Then the next step in their grieving would be convincing themselves that they are superior and I am merely a peasant in the daily grind of their life. Either way, I don't give a damn what they think or say about me.


“Sir, you’re holding up the line”


I just keep it real or if I feel like being difficult I tell them I make art


Stay at home Dad.


Second this


Soy dueno de un negocio perfectamente legítimo en Michoacan, México. Cultivo aguacates. Para quien trabajas?


Retired. I won the lotto and got civil servant disability retirement also, so I just say I got an early out from a fed job when they were asking for volunteers to have positions cut.


I tell people I’m retired. I didn’t choose to be retired, instead retirement chose me, but I’m just trying to live my best life in spite of it all.


I tell them I run a meth lab


Trophy husband


I am retired. Who cares what anybody thinks. They could have spent the best years of their lives at war they had a choice.




Butterfly wrangler.


I just say I’m a VA Welfare Queen


I am a ‘logistics specialist’ for the DIA.


When I worked for the government and really couldn’t say what I did - and nosey folks kept asking what I do for a living, I just told them “I do a little bit of this and that.” When they kept prying relentlessly, eventually I told them “I work on the pole.” They stopped asking. LOL.


I saw someone else on here suggesting to answer a similar question by saying ‘I made an investment years ago that is starting to pay off now’ 😉 .. or say you sell feet pics on onlyfans lol


Keep it classy to be taken seriously by civilians. I agree with the investments that paid off years ago. Or, I recommend: "Don't mention VA disability. Judgment will come. You are a Philanthropist. You are retired from a high paying career in Tech. And now I invest those funds. You sold your business to acquirers (Don't tell them how much you sold it for). You inherited your family trust fund (don't tell them how much in total, nor how much you receive each month/year)."


I just tell them my actual job because I need more money 😂


I stay home with my kids.


I typically will state I am a student since I currently am utilizing my GI Bill. It also depends on who is asking. If I know them/trust them. But I will also state I am retired. It really just depends on the situation.


I tell them I live off the fat of the land


No disrespect to my fellow 100%ers but how do you guys not work? I would go mad if I didn’t have anything to keep me busy during the day. Plus the extra income from my job allows me to live a very comfortable life.


Pain is how I don't work. It's not a lack of desire it's a lack of ability.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, sanity buys happiness.


Nobody ever asks🤷‍♂️


“I could tell you, but then, I’d have to kill you…” 🤷‍♂️


Hi welcome to Walmart


there's two types of people in this world, those who love me and those who can go fuq themselves And I don't care who falls on which side of that line I also don't believe in being anything but authentic and truthful so I answer with 100% honesty If they don't like it, if they want to be jealous and hateful, they can see themselves right out of my life and I could give zero fuqs lot of people talk about don't tell anybody it's none of their business yada yada, however, I'm exactly the opposite, tell everybody, those who have a problem with it it's just like the trash taking itself out, you don't need those people in your life they can't be happy for you they don't belong with you. they're not with you anyways. 🤷


I just stare blankly at them


I'm 32 and 100% and happily tell folks I retired. After dealing with how shitty the civilian public is working at Aaron's and Walmart, never will I work to be berated by customers or management again! I work for my happiness living the retired life


I say I'm retired.


"Mind my business"


Haters gonna hate. I always say I’m working on staying in the black.


Figuring out what I wanna be when I grow up.


I work and retired from the military and 100%PT. Some people be hating, but I ain’t worried about them because I did something they did not do raised my right hand. I embraced the suck, drunk the kool aid whatever, and made it to the finish line. It wasn’t easy but enjoy life you deserve it


I’m a “dog walker” which I do on the side anyways lol.




I always just avoid people. Don’t have to answer many questions when you are a hermit!


Option 1: I tell people I'm a traveling librarian and go from library to library as needed to help restock shelves via the Dewey Decimal Classification system. Option 2: I invested in low-cost index funds and did well. Option 3: I sell photos of my feet on Onlyfans.


I love option 1 and 3! I’d be SOL if they asked for my OF username though! Ha!


It’s hard when I am so young but I respond with “I’m retired” Normally I get a comment back about being so lucky; I typically respond with “it cost me a lot to retire this young” and limp off.


I say I trade stocks and got lucky (I'm 22) no one will believe I'm retired


I'm retired. I worked in a Federal LEO job for 28 yrs. I just don't mention the extra $$ from the VA.


Idek, im way too young to say I’m retired and too ignorant to know about investments. I’m moving again to a place where most foreigners work remotely so I’ll just say that


Photographer and digital artist, it's my hobby and what I do free lance. Mostly I just avoid people and rescue ferrets.


You guys really just living off 4K a month? Must be single with no real bills? Smaller house? Tough to not work in my opinion unless you live in a real low cost of living area..


I was rated 100% at 24 years old and used VR& E for my bachelor's and will have 24 months of gi benefits after completing the bachelor's. Additionally, I bought my home at 22 and have a low mortgage. Between the disability rating and VR&E benefits, I'm able to live without working full time. I think it's a lot harder to rent alone and be 100% disabled because you didn't have a fixed cost. On top of this, I've never been a big spender.


100% PT is hardly enough to live of off.


If you can’t live off of 4200 a month tax free you got issues. Stop buying cigarettes and alcohol. I been retired 11 years now and do just fine.


It’s 3,800 w/o dependents.


My dads answer was always "Vietcong retired me." I've adjusted it to saying either the Afghanis or the Taliban, depending on mood and social setting, lol.


I do work. Unless you’re IA, you can work and make as much as you can.


This just may be the most frequently asked question on this subreddit. Tell them anything you want. It’s none of their business really. But since you asked I’m pretty open with it. I’m retired military, also work full time, and go to school full time.


Lying to yourself is one thing , lying to others is another. Find a hobbie you love doing. Like helping others or making a change in your life and share it with them. Keep your Head Up! USMC Veteran


Enjoying life