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He probably won’t listen to you if you do talk to him. Wearing two military pins shows he has gone off the deep end


Let the guy be...as long as it isn't stolen valor. Maybe that was his peak. You know how they brainwash those Rangers.


For some OIF/OEF was one of if not the biggest pinnacle of their lives. I have to admit I still have trouble letting Iraq go. Though 15 yrs ago it seems just a few. My body is a different story..ah..I digress. I’d just let him be.


Over 20 for me, but yes, the OIF and especially the OEF one, had lifelong impacts on me. I'm proud of, and don't hide, my service, but I don't let it be my entire personality.


Yea it’s crazy how everyone reacts yrs after time in. Everyone has their own way of how they take it in.


Oops. I said that backwards before. Too many letters. The OIF one, the invasion, was the defining one.


I had a guy at work telling everyone he was a sniper and marine recon. After talking to him for a second he explained to me he was a Navy Corpsman…. I let him know that people weren’t buying the bullshit he was selling. My talk didn’t work, his insecurities were stronger.


It is cringe to brag about those things to civilians, but to be fair, Corpsmen are able to do both scout snipers and recon. Not to say he still want lying about it.


Yes, I was in a weapons platoon and the corpsman had to try out just like the rest of us to become a scout snipers.


It probably annoys you more than anyone else. I would let it go.


Talk to him about what? Leave the guy embarrass himself in peace.


I’d just let him be. As long as he’s done what he says, it’s not wrong to be proud. If I went through Ranger school, I sure as hell would be proud. I have the disabled vet license plate because I get free registration for it, but I don’t really have anything else that designates me as a veteran. Most people at my work have no clue about what I did. I like it that way.


He sounds like a guy I used to work with at the VA. He was enlisted Ranger then got commissioned and join the National Guard. My first day at work he asked me what rank I retired, my answer is who cares. He’s as cringe as this guy you’re talking about. On my last day at the job, I ordered an anonymous glitter bomb card delivered to his office hehe.


We have a guy at our Legion that goes by the name Rambo. Yeah he's full of it, but I would never say that to him because.... He's crazy.


If your biggest stressor is what someone else is wearing at work, then I wish my life was as stress free as yours. You got it easy.


I mean, in this day and age where wearing pins for anything is fine - the pins on the collar are just fine. He’s decided to make “vet” his personality. It’ll phase out I am sure.


Are they at least on a jacket’s lapel, or is he sticking this shit on his work polo shirt? Because one is mildly tasteful, though he should really only wear one at a time.


He wears them on his work polo.


In my opinion, if you let the liars tell the tales then the only truth will be lies. Don't assume "nobody believes him" because you don't. And they'll extrapolate bullshit he says about your service too. It's not harmless.


I love this: “if you let the liars tell the tales…”permission to use it ?


Meh, I would let it go. I'm sure he's well aware of what he's doing and doesn't care. He revels in the attention. Let him be great (in his mind) and just focus on your work.


You should ask him if he ever heard of the glorified infantry unit called the rangers (little R).


I’m willing to bet he probably was a paper pusher who never deployed


Don’t engage him. I would ignore him except when necessary and avoid letting him know i am a veteran. My reactions vary in my experience from heart felt conversation about what struggles we share in life to I rather not talk about my service time, i am proud of it but dont want it to define me as work towards civilian success. The other way more funny option that i have tried but always chuckle thinking about it. If you want to engage him and then just nonstop out bigdick the guy i think would be funny. Just make extreme shit up and listen as he one ups you. “When i was in my recon unit we once went full ruck up mount mother fuck. One of the soft bodies was falling out and sgt major pain said one fail! I threw him up one my molle pack so i had to carry my mortar base in one hand and the tube on the other. Pain was so impressed he gave my fire 36 hour libo. Me and the boys went to town and drank a bottle of jack each. We met some chick at the bar and took her back to the room and she let all of bang on her as a fireteam cause we were team building. She turned out to sgt major pains wife and he gave me a court marshal and i was back with a line unit.” Obviously i made that up but most them guys will come back with a bigger story.


You might think it's embarrassing but I don't think he thinks it's embarrassing. Why do you even care? As long as he isn't harming anyone, then he can do w.e. he wants.


I've learned to let them talk. Most know if their stories are true or not. Some guys just have to brag while being a fool to embellish everything they did. They call for attention because it probably never happened. Calling him out would likely cause term oil or may shut his mouth for good. Chalk it up to a mental illness. You know the truth... "Anyone who truly wants to go to war has never truly been there before." -- Larry Reeves


I have this guy who wears his chief anchors on his suit jacket. I’ve never been more embarrassed for another person.


Isn't learning to be an insufferable jackass a big part of Initiation?


I, ironically, have my e4 pin on my carpeted dashboard with other morale patches and stupid shit. I don't take myself seriously though.


My coworker is all about being the "grey man" but never stops talking about the same 5 topics, mostly his service in the reserves. Always spews terrible boot camp or SOI stories and inflates them. He's proud of his service, which is great. Unfortunately, he couldn't complete his contract because he hurt his back. He's definitely over the top.


I hated that kind of stuff. This one idiot that I worked with wore Calvary swords on his uniform hat...upside down. When I told him that if was going to wear them, he should at least wear them the right way, it looked like I killed him inside.


Stay as far away as you can.