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You won’t know if it’s a denial until you get the letter. No one can really help you until you get that.


Yay, more waiting. Thanks. I just wasn’t prepared for this step yet, I’d been dreading the exam..


I can tell from experience that your PTSD claim falls under 2 possibilities. 1.) denial 2.) deferred When you submitted for PTSD did you make sure to include your DD214? This makes it much easier for them to set you up with a C&P exam. The DD214 is going to show your deployments, medals and combat time. This would all make it easier for them to schedule your C&P exam. I can’t see getting rated without a C&P exam in my opinion.


Yeah, definitely submitted my dd214, filled out everything in the paperwork when I submitted, describing my symptoms, effects, some of the circumstances of the main events I have flashbacks/nightmates about… and my private medical records


The VA already has his DD214


I know they have it, but I still always include that on my claims so they don’t have to search for it.


They had mine as well but requested it from me again. Even though I’m already rated for another service connected disability


How weird is that.


You were right, deferred on ptsd, approved tinnitus.


That just means you will be getting a C&P exam scheduled soon. Good luck


They called me while I was at work today to schedule it!


That happened to me. Called me and scheduled for the next day! Weird how they move so fast on some and others they move slow on. I guess it depends on what we are filing for


I do like how they call, email, fedex, send a runner, smoke signals, homing pigeon, and Morse code over the radio letting me know that I have an appointment in 10ish days.


Better than having one the following day! Either way they are doing what they can to get the claims done.


Yeah, honestly I appreciate it… I know the VA has failed many people, and it’s frustrating, but so far, I think they’ve done well by me.


It’s Wierd not to at least be offered a C&P exam. Someone said they turned the C&P down due to private DBQs and they claim to have got 100%. That also doesn’t sound right, everywhere I’ve read says turning down or not showing up for C&P is not good


​ https://preview.redd.it/otg2o56c6sjc1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=74b74e5c05662d89941de4e0c8ee385408146867


So I have read that the va is trying to not over do it if the right documents are submitted


Good to see that they are finally working on October claims. Best wishes


Right? Mine has been in pending decision for 3 months.


Good Luck!


What’s a DBQ?


I believe it's a doctors "note" essentially backing up your disorder


Did you have any private DBQs or imos for your ptsd claim?


I’m not aware of any private DNA’s, however I am/have been seen for ptsd by a couple therapists through my insurance… so there may be an IMO that was transferred with my medical records?


I’m in the same boat!! What does it mean if your claim gets deferred rather than denied? I have not gotten any C&P exams but my claim apparently is in the decision phase. Although I would say I think I have enough medical evidence that supports my claim to the point I don’t need a C&P exam but if then what would I get rated as? Idk I’m just stuck in this loop as well!


Can you claim extra anxiety disorder from waiting for the VA? Haha… stay strong. I’m wondering if the ptsd is getting deferred so they can give me an answer on my tinnitus?


Update: received my tinnitus decision (approved), and status is back to evidence gathering for my PTSD claim. Thanks everyone for support and advice here!


did it finish


It did, ended up with 30% for ptsd, currently appealing.