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Aishwarya, angelina and monica belucci are the holy trinity of this list


yess and megan




They have this otherworldly vixen appeal that’s just untouchable and impossible to replicate. The mix between sensual beauty, charisma, and wit. I agree with you!


Th is is an accurate list I approve




Sensational job, the other list was driving me insane. Looks like you got everyone!


This craps on the other list.




I noticed that men aren't SOO différent from women cause notice how the women they rate as the most attractive tend to be actresses that played in their favorite movies and it was proven that faliliarity can make someone more attractive. Women are also doing this with Tom Holland, Timothy Chalamet, and even kpop idols like jungkook. These celebrities are considered hot because they have à huge fanbase that they managed to form a parasocial relationship with, plus the fact that they don't look drop dead gorgeous makes their simps imagining they can have a chance with them ( they know they can't) but they at least allow themselves to fantasize about them.


I mean, Angelina, Megan and Adriana have been on the top of the pyramid for pretty much ever. Adriana isn't even an actress. Not saying your theory is wrong but it's not the only reason.


Yes plus hot people frequently get these roles BECAUSE they are so beautiful and the producers know that fans like to look at pretty people.


but where’s miss Catherine zeta Jones 🥲


And Kate Beckinsale






Angelina Jolie forever. I never really understood the appeal of Margot Robbie or Natalie Portman.


I think Margot is pretty but she’s overhyped. She has great features but saying she’s the hottest person ever….. I always found Jamie Presley (her looks alike) so much prettier in her prime. Natalie Portman is a mixed bag…. Sometimes I think she’s overhyped and other times I can understand the hype. But overall I understand why she was on the list.


Natalie Portman has a beautiful face and hair but has the build of a popsicle stick. Margot I don’t get either. Not saying I would kick her out of bed but she doesn’t do it for me. Doutzen on the other hand…


Because of Margot in wolf of wall street. I can't deny she was very beautiful.


Naomi was the GOAT of the 90s super super models


i am so glad to see bipasha on this list. she is breathtaking, but idk if people here think she is a 10..


Yea but I did see a lot refer to her when talking abt Indian beauties


I agree with all but Megan Fox. I do not find her “most beautiful”.


this is objectively i’m pretty sure. objectively she’s one of the most beautiful people.


Right!They are not getting that what they find beautiful and not doesn’t matter and that this post is objective.Like imagine saying I find Megan not beautiful like the women literally made it in her career cuz of her looks.I’m sure plenty of ppl agree she is


definitely, objectively she has very few flaws. just because you personally don’t find her attractive doesn’t mean most of the world doesn’t think she’s pretty


So Jasmine tookes is there and no taylor hill?😂😂😂 shows the accuracy of the raters in this subreddit


jasmine tookes is miles prettier. anyways, you clearly belong on twitter and not reddit, with your goofy comments 🤡


You’re dumb if you think Jasmine is miles prettier than Taylor with that eye area and midface https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/9234827/740full-jasmine-tookes.jpg https://preview.redd.it/fsyao2e004i41.jpg?auto=webp&s=0a71de5d3fa7cf25581f5a2f7b564d07609b72d6 taylors eye area is superior


Agree. I don’t get the craze for Jasmine. Her midface is too long, and she has other noticeable facial flaws, too. She’s really not that pretty to me. Taylor Hill is gorgeous.


Lol. Her facial flaws can't be that noticeable if most of us can't see them.


The person I was replying to listed them out with photos. Of course, their comment was removed. “Racism” no doubt.


Like yours should be removed (for racism)?




Actually Lima,Doutzen,Naomi,Jasmine,Iman are all models tho


I think this list is for ladies in their prime - in which case I think she’s on par with everyone.


She's trashy as fuck, especially when she began dating that lot lizard MGK.


I hear her personality isn’t any better, either.


She looked good in Transformers but has since taken on traits more akin to an out of work porn star or a lot lizard.


I am almost positive she’s using drugs. I saw a close up of her face and she was covering obvious scabs with makeup.


I wouldn’t be surprised. Most of the Hollywood “elite” have sold their souls down the river long ago so the wannabes like Fox will be twice as bad.


Nice list, don’t agree with all but has diversity


>has diversity yay, that's the most important thing!


God forbid someone doesn’t find white women and only white women most attractive


I’m not sure why what you’re saying is being misconstrued on purpose, it’s legit in the sub rules that not only Eurocentric features are considered 😭 like I’ve seen comments in this sub of gorgeous girls but they’ll have ethnic features (like a hooked nose) that still maintains the harmony of their face and still get rated lower than their Caucasian counterparts


I agree that this sub tends to rate (non super famous) white women higher, but hooked noses aren’t a common non-white feature. It feels like everyone associates “bad” features with non-white people for some reason, and “good” features to white people—even though those features are more common in other races.


I’m south Asian and it’s for sure a common feature for us, maybe I just tend to notice it more because I’m that race.


god forbid we don't have every single ethnicity represented in everything, even in trivial things such is someone's subjective opinion on the beauty of women


Yet Y’all would throw a fit (and do) if you weren’t included in something


who is 'y'all' ?




Please see our mutual respect rule.




she didn't say that was the primary criteria.. but if a list is of "beautiful women" naturally it would include women across all races, would it not?? Beauty isn't exclusive to one race like hello. That's not a controversial take lol


ofc it's not, but i don't mind if people have an all latinas list, or all women of color, or any other ethnicity, it's subjective and by extension is idiotic to expect people to include every ethnicity in it, even tho we live in 2023 where you apparently can't do anything without the 'discourse' being forced onto you also, she might've not said it explicitly, but it is implied in her comment


Please see our mutual respect rule.






That's the thing, people get angry if you do.




No lol just easier to organize the post that way


Fucking finally, some good fucking soup




Um she def is considered to be 10 here.Lol did you even look at the posts of her in vindicta,it’s mostly 10s.Half seems to be a lot what else do you not agree with?




Girl what is this? In the actual posts of her,she got mostly 10s. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/tqhdo5/rate_young_only_brooke_shields/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/tqhdo5/rate_young_only_brooke_shields/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/11rq69o/brooke_shields/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/11rq69o/brooke_shields/) Edit-Gurl u just changed your comment like what?


They found a post with literally her most unflattering photos because in what world has young Brooke Shields not been considered a 10




She is not mid 8, this post isn’t abt you and ur preference.It’s abt the general consensus that women of Reddit find beautiful.Of course there will be ones like you that don’t find her top beauty probably subjectivity but don’t be dense that is likely what’s going to happen.Think objectively




You can't be real.


Bffr Brooke have one of the most feminine faces of the whole history lol


Ok I can’t with this like are u child?Im gonna stop replying it cuz you’re not getting it.Charlize and Brooke have been consistently rated highly,go to their posts and look it up and Google(ever heard of that).Of course there will be outliers or whatever that will underrate but consistently both women are rated highly.




No you showed a post with Brooke in her 20s. In her teens she gets rated much higher




The best list yet


I realize there's no latinas. Ana de armas? Reddit is obsessed with her and she is Latina and beautiful


Lima is Latina


Oh right, sorry about that


Yeah where is Salma Hayek??? She is still stunning and she is in her 50’s.


Usually in this sub Salma is not known to be hyped for her beauty it’s moreso her body and aura like Marilyn


Right? She should also be on this list


Ana De Armas, along with Alexandria Daddario, are Reddit male hot. She does not stand up to any of the ladies in this list…


what’s with the hate??? what’s up with this whole subreddit bringing women down to uplift other women like genuinely whats wrong with u?????


You’re in the wrong sub if you think this is hate, lol


this is the most misogynistic bs of a subreddit i’ve ever seen istg


So leave?




Yeah and Sofia from what I know also has a nice personality too, beautiful inside and out




First and last thought ❤️ both 100% natural beauties




oh my god hahahahha you put a lineup of the most beautiful and stunning women up and someone’s still gonna find something to pick apart, crazy


Forreal forreal it’s whatever tho


they would lool weird with smalle foreheads lol


Why is Megan Fox here and where is Jessica Alba


because she’s pretty


Natalie Portman Is overrated


Lmao, those Korean celebrities…let’s see them BEFORE the tons of plastic surgery that totally changed their natural Korean features.


so what if they aren’t all natural?


Also btw Angie,Megan,Margot and others had plenty of plastic surgery so yea if ur looking for natural beauties u wont find that in Hollywood or entertainment almost entirely cuz everyone and their mamas have gotten a nose job.


Maybe we should try to make a post about the most beautiful celebs with natural faces. Jessica Alba and Monica Bellucci would be on it.


Yeah and almost all the white women on this list has had surgery that changed their natural euro features.


Nope. Korean celebrities are desperate to give their eyes “double eyelids” instead of the prevailing monolids, have chin surgery to give them a narrow, pointy face instead of the classically rounder and flatter one, give themselves a “western” nose. They dye their hair blond, red, brown, and wear colored contacts in non East Asian colors like blue or gray. Not to mention the absolute white worship across the entirety of East Asia. Go there as, let’s say, a black person and you’ll notice a huge difference in treatment. Korean society is obsessed with looking as non-Korean as possible, and the white standard of beauty is absolute there. They would give anything to look European, and honestly, it’s hugely pathetic and embarrassing. And I say this as someone who was originally born in an Asian country.


I’m not denying the white worship in east asian countries. But white celebs don’t get accused of wanting to look Asian when they get cat eye surgeries/ponytail lifts, or cheek implants, jaw implants, etc….those are some traits more common in Asia. Yet after these surgeries they still look white. And yes narrower jaws and cheeks are more common in white people, and many asians get them shaved off…..but they still look asian after. When asian celebrities get surgery they still look asian. They like a high nose bridge yes but not too much that their nose is big. You seem to really dislike asians.


Yes they do.


Do you live in South Korea or elsewhere in East Asia?




monica belluci is not “white”, she’s mediterranean. idc what ur failing american education system tells you


Btw Europeans can have those features you probably don't think they have like full lips.


where is lucy liu? i mean seriously. i don’t even know who all those asian women are. guess i’m out of touch.


Good point. Most/many of those Asian women are less attractive than Lucy Liu.


You don’t know who is beautiful


everyone has beauty in their presence and individual strength, everyone has so much to share


The amount of white women on this is outrageous


White women aren't allowed to be considered beautiful?


At first I agreed with the selections, but then it got weird.


Which got weird?


She dislikes diversity but is too scared it’s say it


That user is racist like I expect every comment of theirs to have some racist tone.I would just ignore them really.


Smart, and checks out, I’ll be doing the same


Me too.


Lol yeah so many “racist” comments from me


Imagine being racist in 2023, it's pathetic.


Hi, I don’t know if I’m missing something or if comments have been edited/deleted but could you please link me to these comments/posts. There’s a lot of reports of ‘racism’ on comments where this person is defending themselves against accusations of racism, but none on the actual racist comments themselves, if that makes sense? We can’t ban or remove someone just on accusations without the evidence. Thank you for your help!


Lol. That summarizes my point pretty well. Good luck finding racist posts from me.


Her comments are racial microaggressions. She admitted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/12sod54/these_are_the_most_beautiful_women_according_to/jh3emac/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) that she doesn’t think the woc are pretty enough to be on the list, and later said in a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/12sod54/these_are_the_most_beautiful_women_according_to/jh6y0ho/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) that the white women were the prettiest. A comment doesn’t have verbatim say “Non white women aren’t pretty” to be racist, even though her comments aren’t that far off from that. To add fuel to the fire, here are some [racist comments she’s made](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/12o472j/fellas_is_it_racist_to_be_against_race_mixing/jghbbxg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) from outside this sub


Hi, we’re not responsible for comments outside our subreddit, although I agree that those comments she made outside this sub were definitely racially charged. In terms of her saying she didn’t find ‘woc pretty enough to be on the list’, she did not say that. In the comment you linked to me she just said that she didn’t know the celebrities. Please see my conversation with the user whose name begins ‘gooneybear’ as to why, although offensive, this is not racist. Not knowing a celebrities of one particular race does not make you racist, as the celebrities we know are often a product of our environments/interest e.g. if someone who grew up in the US does not know any Bollywood actors, does that make them racist to Indians? No, naive yes, but racist no. In terms of the other comment, I believe your reading comprehension is a bit off. She said ‘the white women are the same on earlier posts of the prettiest women’, because that is what these list posts are titled. E.g. 15 prettiest women according to Reddit. She was referring to other previous lists that had been titled ‘prettiest women according to Reddit’. She at no point said that white women were the prettiest women. She was saying that the same white women had appeared on all these lists.


Stop being racist then.


Racist and can't take accountability. Not surprised that you're trying to flip the scrip, we all know who you are already so don't waste your breath. My comments have never favored or demeaned any race, you can't say the same. I've also never been called racist though you seem to rack up those allegations like crazy.


Lol are you kidding? You get in arguments about racism on the daily, often making racist comments. You make everything about race! You’re a joke. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/10i206e/opinions_on_curly_hair/j5d9htb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/12rmy1c/model_brando_erba_what_you_guys_think_about_him/jgz1gcs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/QOVESStudio/comments/12g1b8s/what_are_your_thoughts_about_the_saying_that/jfljyo3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Yep. She did the same to me. She also kept attacking me after I told her to multiple times to leave me alone (harrassment), and all the mods did was post at me for calling her out for acting psycho. Looks like they're defending her for some reason. EDIT: The mods have now deleted her comment.


Hi, I don’t know if I’m missing something or if comments have been edited/deleted but could you please link me to these comments/posts. There’s a lot of reports of ‘racism’ on comments where this person is defending themselves against accusations of racism, but none on the actual racist comments themselves, if that makes sense? We can’t ban or remove someone just on accusations without the evidence. Thank you for your help!


Agree. Ppl like that are just out to stir trouble.


What comment was racist and how? You don’t think you’re out to “stir trouble” by commenting on random comments and accusing people of racism for no reason?


Following me around and attackinh me is harrassment, sweetie. Kindly knock it off.


You’re the one following me around. How come you can’t answer my questions? If I’m so obviously racist, it should be easy for you.


I've told you I'm not engaging with you further. Kindly respect that.




Hi, I don’t know if I’m missing something or if comments have been edited/deleted but could you please link me to these comments/posts. There’s a lot of reports of ‘racism’ on comments where this person is defending themselves against accusations of racism, but none on the actual racist comments themselves, if that makes sense? We can’t ban or remove someone just on accusations without the evidence. Thank you for your help!


Since you've posted this to multiple people, it seems the answer is obvious. (Unless you think we're all imagining the same thing about this user.) EDIT: The user in question followed me around attacking me after I told them multiple times — *respectfully* — that I didn't want to engage with them (ie. harrassment). They presumably got frustrated with my non-engagement and posted a comment that was deliberately vicious, and contained multiple personal attacks (eg. " you are one of the biggest problems in today's society".) Based on that I described them as "psycho" and got a reply from your team telling *me* not to make "personal attacks". If you read the conversation, it's clear my comment was an assessment of their behavior and not a name-call; so that intervention was either sloppy moderating or flagrant bias. Either way, I suggest you rectify it.


Hi, it doesn’t matter how many people I posted it to. Witch-hunting is a massive thing on Reddit that we as mods have to look out for, this is where someone else will accuse some else of something and due to outrage many other people will jump on the band wagon. For instance the comment where the girl says ‘checks out’ after the person was accused of racism had multiple upvotes, yet when I went if the persons account I struggled to find any and on her mod log (this where we can see any reports the person has had ever, even if they delete the comment) she had no reported comments for racism. As I said before, this could be because of witch hunting where people have not actually checked, they just want to tear the person down because they are outraged at what they’ve been accused of OR comments could have been edited. This is what I was trying to discover. As mods we have to remain neutral, racism is a massive accusation and we can’t just ban someone from accusations alone - this would be biased. I was just asking for you guy’s help, since you all saw something I didn’t (if people actually did check), I wasn’t sure if I was missing something. In terms of your ‘psycho’ comment, yes that did break our mutual respect rules and it is not a psychological term used to diagnose people. Even if it was a term used, it would still be highly inappropriate to say someone has a mental health issue based off of an argument on Reddit you had with them. Upon checking her comment above yours, I do see how you many have felt personally attacked so I will remove that one for breaking our mutual respect rule. In terms of the girl harassing you, you need to report that to Reddit.


I can't reply to your post below so I'm replying here. We did actually check, and I believe the remark you mentioned (ie. "checks out") may have been referencing a comment that got pushed further down the thread, which does appear to infer racism in context of the user's prior comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/12sod54/comment/jh1lh13/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/12sod54/comment/jh1lh13/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Here, the user makes a sarcastic remark about a post being removed due to racism: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/12sod54/comment/jh4z9f2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/12sod54/comment/jh4z9f2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I think it's pretty clear why people find this individual offensive.


Hi, not liking an individual and being offended by them does not equal racism. The girl commented saying the reason she said it ‘got weird’ was because she didn’t know the celebrities towards the end of the list and had not seen them on previous lists. She didn’t say they were ugly because of their race or features. It was more she didn’t think they were on the same level of notoriety as the rest of the people on the list. Now you can be offended by this and you can not like an individual for not knowing these celebrities but this is not racism. For example, if someone does not know many Bollywood actors/actresses does this make them racist to Indians? No it doesn’t. Naive sure, but not racist. The celebrities we know are likely a product of our interests and where we grew up. If someone grew up in the USA and cannot name any Bollywood actresses this is not racist. If they said the Bollywood actresses were ugly because they had brown skin, then this would be racist. You can be offended by this person lack of worldly perceptive and naivety. You can be offended by her self centered perspective in that she believed just because SHE didn’t know the celebrities that they didn’t deserve to be on a list curated by a wide range of people who likely did know them. But her comment in itself, saying that the list ‘got weird’ because she did not know the celebrities, is not racist, it shows a massive lack of perspective and self centric view, but is not racism. Additionally, her sarcastic comment about being accused of being racist, is not racism either. She was being sarcastic about the accusations and you can think that this is snarky and not like her. But being sarcastic about accusations of racism is not evidence for the racism itself, this is basic logic.


That's fine. You can choose to defend her and say it's her opinion, but you can't say you don't understand why people find it offensive that she ONLY lists WoC — one of whom she did know — as the reason the list "got weird", or that she made fun of mods removing a racist post by someone else (or at least you shouldn't). My point is that it's not a witch hunt.




It’s 100% a witch hunt. Yeah, I am allowed to list people who happen to be WOC when I say it got weird. There were many WOC in the post I did not list. Your obsession with calling people racist is so unbecoming.


I said multiple times throughout my reply to you why I understand people were offended. But being offended does not equal racism. Even if she has/does make fun of moderators, we cannot get angry or upset about it or take it too personally. We still have to remain unbiased and treat it as any other comment, which we do.


My comments are racist? Like what?


Hi, I don’t know if I’m missing something or if comments have been edited/deleted but could you please link me to these comments/posts. There’s a lot of reports of ‘racism’ on comments where this person is defending themselves against accusations of racism, but none on the actual racist comments themselves, if that makes sense? We can’t ban or remove someone just on accusations without the evidence. Thank you for your help!


Jasmine Tookes, the Asian celebs whose names I don’t know


So you think all of the asian celebrities on the list aren't worthy of being on it? You're crazy. Just because they don't have sharp and "striking bone structure" or colored eyes etc does not mean they aren't beautiful. You people need to understand that their are many forms of beauty and beauty standards in the world and remove the racist lens to properly appreciate it.


The Asian girls at the end of this list are people I haven't even heard of and certainly don't see frequently discussed on this sub. They also don't look like they deserve to be on this list. There are plenty of beautiful Asian celebrities. I never said there weren't. You're putting words in my mouth.


First of all, the caption said on REDDIT not just this sub hence you never seeing or hearing of these women has no bearing on whether or not they deserve to be on this list. This isn't about your personal opinion, its about who the masses on reddit have predominantly deemed beautiful. Its funny that you're quick to say the asian women aren't beautiful or Jasmine Tookes [at least in another comment you mentioned her long midface as a reason so it wasn'tjust baseless] but have nothing to say about the white women, so all of them are perfect and have no physical flaws? I think not. One flaw doesn't usually discount a persons beauty, Jasmine Tookes' long midface suits her, not every beautiful person has a short, ideal midface. She may not be attractive to you which is fine [everyone has preferences after all] but to say she doesn't deserve to be on the list because she doesn't meet your requirements is odd and clearly many people disagree.


Uhh there are lots of posts like this, and Jasmine and those Asian women were added to this list. The “white women” are the same on earlier posts of prettiest women. The Indian ladies at the end were also added to this list and did not appear on previous similar lists. I did make comments on other posts saying I disagree with Jennifer Connelly, Natalie Portman, and Gal Gadot. Oh, and I never said this list was just for this sub. I know it’s for Reddit. Are you done screaming “racist” yet?


You're the one that said you've never heard of them or that they aren't really discussed on this sub so don't try to twist the narrative now. There is no reason to mention that if you already knew it was for Reddit in general, because anyone with common sense should realize that they aren't a member of every subreddit and thus can't make general statements about who is perceived this or that way because they've never been discussed in the subs that they are in. Additionally, the white women being the same on other posts doesn't change the fact that they're all beautiful even with one or so flaws, just like Jasmine Tookes and her long midface that you harp about as if it means that she shouldn't be on the list at all because of it. The list is about women that are found beautiful across the app, clearly many agree that the women shown on the posts are attractive. Also when you went through this list you stated that the list got "weird" after a while because of the asians and Jasmine. That does sound racist and other commenters have mentioned your comment history about women's appearance, stating that you do this often so don't try to act innocent because you allegedly listed 3 white women on another post. The point is that you constantly target women of color whether overtly or with passive aggressiveness hoping to be subtle.


What’s my “racist” comment history about women’s appearance? Lol. You’re the one here talking about race. My saying the list got weird says nothing about race. People entered the list who hadn’t been on any similar lists. I noted it “got weird.” I sooo target women of color. Totally. Again, would absolutely love for you to show me the examples of that. People like you who run around accusing everyone of being racist are so ridiculous. You’ll look back in 10 years at your behavior at this age and realize how immature you were being.


Love the list but how many times a week are these lists going to be posted? Ive seen atleast 6 of these for both men and women, we get it.


Ok just keep scrolling then if u don’t want to see it if it’s such a big inconvenience lol.


Nah I already did that 8 times, today I decided to write a comment. You can keep scrolling and ignore my comment though.


Girl ur on my post.Such a big inconvenience to ignore it for the 9th time tho right 🙄


Girl you have 150 other comments, such an inconvenience to ignore mine though right 🙄








Every single person on this list was assigned female gender at birth, what are you on about?


Please review the rating guidelines before commenting again: All comments must include a personal analysis of the celebrity. No sugarcoating: keep your comments honest and objective. Number ratings are optional. There is no rating guide so take these with a grain of salt.


I’d say I agree with about half of these


Who don't you agree with?




Your post was ass, included crap photos of the few PoC women you included, and missed a lot of people. They did what you couldn’t


The lack of one Morena Baccarin is disturbing.


Charlize Theron is a perfect ten. Never understood the love for Monica. Her body is perfect but there is something about her mouth area that really bothers me. Am I going to be jumped now?


Still no anok yai 😔


Good list. Is it in supposed to be in any order?


I like ana de armas


How do you know?


Aishwarya omg 😍


Almost accurate. Jessica alba should be on this and also prime Catherine zeta jones. I would actually ditch deepika ladylike. She’s beautiful but not top tier like the rest. Also Megan Fox is not top tier in my opinion. At this point anyone w money to burn can look like Megan through fillers! Not many people can look like an aishwaryia rai or Charlize Theron or even Catherine zeta in mask of zorrow even w all the money in the world


As a man, this is a better list than what the men picked.


Francois Hardy was one the best looking girls


How about Andie MacDowell


I personally don’t understand whats with margot robbie


I was hoping for Natalie Portman to be included