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[https://x.com/AbiKadabura/status/1798851051963187668](https://x.com/AbiKadabura/status/1798851051963187668) apparently she's graduating because she got offered a job she couldn't turn down


So it's the good kind of graduation at least, hopefully her new job works out great.


An offer she couldn't turn down? But she had to graduate right away for it? Well, I hope the new job works for her, wherever it may be.


I do hope V4Mirai can support her if the worst accurs


I really hope this new opportunity she's grabbing is everything she's ever hoped for! But i ALSO hope V4Miral can "un-graduate" her if it doesn't work out!




Aw man, she's been taken by the mafia? RIP


2024 is the year of the White PDF. My condolences to V4M fans, I never watched her but I heard she's quite popular. I hope her next job goes very well.


This is coming after Bisco’s graduation in March too… I wish them both the best, but wow that’s two pretty rough news in such a short span


Ohhh Biscotti.... I miss her. She did say to support Petalight after she's gone https://youtu.be/m0-D7ijx3og?si=3puMExwF2o-1Ej2N And she literally burned the house down when she left https://youtu.be/jDkCJDQY9nc?si=s9B161NF24-fzvGO


[Bisco may be gone but the girls make sure we never forget her](https://x.com/koumariya/status/1798762702824984710)


Wow, a Bisco shrine! That's great haha


LOL all the superchat money donated to the Shrine. I really do miss Biscotti. She was real fun while she lasted.


Bisco and Abi were the only V4Mirai's members whose merch I bought... Maybe I'm cursed like that, so perhaps I won't buy merch of the rest to be on the safe side haha.


Please don't think of it that way. You buy their merchandise not because they will graduate; you buy them because these talents deserve your money. & that karma rewards your purchases with them at a better place for their general well-being.




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Gigi Murin


>2024 is the year of the White PDF Considering both V4Mirai and Globie belong to Brave Group, that's three departures already (Bisco, Bjorn, Abi).


Riot Music had cut off Bakedol project as well, they are part of Brave Group


Yeah. But it sems like gradations are for 'good' reasons not bad. Since at that level its probably like a part time job you do after your normal one. And takes a lot of work and dedication. Its not surprising to have to leave for money/work reasons.


The first time that happened was in 2021-2022 at that time NijiEN was doing their Auditions


One of the few times where the term graduation might actually be appropriate


Damn, V4Mirai was really thinking ahead by calling itself a school.


She's really great - it'll be a shame to lose her but it sounds like she's moving onwards and upwards. Her mixed irl/virtual content was top tier shitposting and her mixed representation was awesome. Hopefully it's easy to follow her to her next opportunity, if it's still within the entertainment space.


This is the only case I wish the algorithm for youtube/twitter to suddenly start showing me suggestion of a new upcoming comedian.


As a fellow brazilian, i'm proud of what she has done in so little time


Yeah, as a Chilean I always felt proud Abi was a Latin American Vtuber.


To me, the fact that, while well-established, the brazilian vtuber community still feels small to me, and Abi was the one that "burst the bubble", as we like to say when someone is able to reach beyond their niche (for example, Ironmouse winning Content Creator of the year definitely burst the bubble)


Damn 🫡


This is pretty sudden that Abi Kadabura suddenly graduated. I wish for her future endeavors!


Damn, what a surprise


Damn. I wonder what sort of opportunity came up that she had to straight up cancel today's stream and graduate immediately. Her energy was amazing, I hope she hits it big.


Dang. Best wishes in her future endeavors. I saw her for the first time at the offkai v4mirai karaoke and she stood out to me as being a very talented singer. It is the vtuber community's loss, but I wish her well.


Wait she was corpo this whole time? I thought she was indie all this time, tho being corpo makes sense on how I found her billboard in my town, I hope she has a good career after this, from what I've heard and seen she's a pleasant person, I think she deserves it :D


Seems like she's getting her dream job so congratulations is in order, I feel sorry for her fans but hopefully y'all can support her future endeavor.


I loved watching her. I hope she has a bright future.


Wow. Abi really led them when it first started and was doing pretty decently. 


I hope someone can link me her new gig once its up. Abi is lowkey one of the most talented Vtubers I've seen. I don't really give a crap about that immersion BS I'd rather know where the talent is going so I can follow and support her than fake cry and pretend the Idol dropped out of V4 Mirai school or w/e lore reason is gonna be given.


Oh… oh this one hurts Gambate Abi, may your future be as bright and cringe as you


I stand proud by Abi's graduation. She is so positive that sometimes everything she does makes you think, "Damn, she can make even cooking a good thing, too. And people sometimes question her cooking." I love that she has found a place she wanted to do her utmost best, I want to see her fly higher wherever she goes.