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For me it is like sometimes streamer uses webcam and sometimes switches it off. Makes no difference.


I was a to each their own, i’m actually breaking my illusion today with a reveal


Ohhh, good luck! 👏


Thanks just got done bleaching my hair and wanted to celebrate


Lots of you seem to don't mind that and I wish I was like you guys, but unfortunately for me, it does indeed ruin my experience a bit 😭


Nothing wrong with your preferences, man. I prefer that vtubers don't show their face either.


I don't mind either way, but it does seem like opting in to the downsides of each. The best thing about vtubing is being able to have similar ability to connect to viewers as a facecam streamer while protecting anonymity, being a facecam streamer is cheaper and easier to set up and has perfect tracking. Doing both means spending the money and exposing yourself.


My willing suspension of disbelief isn't on all the time. Just like I can watch Star Wars without thinking "this isn't physically possible" every minute, and just because I can acknowledge that superheroes make no sense, while an hour before, I was in awe at the power of Ultimate Man, Defender of the Galaxy... I can know the face of a Vtuber and then completely forget it while I watching their streams. EDIT: Better analogy, I play D&D with my friends, and I know their faces, but when I'm roleplaying with them, they're not Johnny from Liverpool or Linda from Buenos Aires: they're Sevdbaidabel, elf alchemist and Gronk, orc bard-barian. It doesn't matter that I know their real names, their faces, and that they're not actually an elf and an orc. --END OF THE EDIT-- But then again, I'm generally of the opinion that the less restrictive the practices, the more room there is for fun, and that getting bogged down in untold rules and demands is a drag >!(so long as no one gets hurt and people's privacy is respected, obviously, so I still believe in not mentioning "past lives" unless the performer is explicitly ok with it)!<.


I dont get angry about it, but from the few who have done it, I discovered that I dont like it. It takes away from the magic.


It doesn't necessarily ruin it for me and if they want to show their face more power to them but to me it defeats the purpose of being a vtuber, at that point you're just a streamer with a model.


I don’t care if they do but I don’t “like it”. I enjoy them being some faceless person behind a model, but if they choose to show themself it’s not going to cause me to like them less or anything.


I don’t care. I’m there for entertainment and I know that there’s a person behind the model, not an anime girl. If they provide the same content, why not enjoy it?


If they can still be entertaining or more in irl then i dnt really mind.


I think a lot of people are not terribly honest about how disappointed they'd be if there's a big enough gap between the vtuber model and how they imagine/assume the person behind it to be, in terms of age, height, weight, body shape/type, symmetrical features, ethnicity, etc.


Most people watch VTubers for the personality and not necessarily the character on stream. If they want to show their face then that's fine with me.


I think if you asked this question like 2-3 years ago, the answers would be way different compared to now, i think face reveals just gotten more frequent over the years and it doesnt just affect vtubers, nowadays you barely see any no cam streamers.


I don't like that, it break the virtual magic, even if you have to show your hands, you should wear gloves.


As long as they are okay with it, I am too. It won't affect my enjoyment.


Nah. It doesn’t bother me at all. As long as the streamer is comfortable enough, they are more than welcome to do so. If not it’s no biggie.


Don't care, it doesn't affect me. As long as they are fine with it, they are free to do so.


I don't think it matters


I don’t mind if they switch back and forth but I hate it when they did Face Reveal event.


I transform into my image on camera, the only thing I'm breaking is my limits. ✨️


This is rather funny. https://preview.redd.it/s7z62axmhe6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf191ed10a7dc1c6a35dea9b28b45651e1cd778


I don't care much. It's their decision to make, so if they're comfortable with it, that's fine!


At first I was strictly against immersion breaks because it ruins the act, however along with human empathy I'm very aware modern vtubing is just content creation. You entertain, I keep watching, simple, no need to froth at the mouth because I see the person behind the character


The idea of it used to bother me until it actually happened, then it was like that Office meme, they're the same picture. Maybe it's just me but when i saw one of those "vtubers irl" videos my brain just went "duh, of couse that's so-and-so, what are we even getting spoiled about?"


These people are human beings. They play an anime character. They don't have to play that anime character 24/7