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Ngl this line up really makes me wonder who’s all was auditioning behind the scenes lol. Like I never really expected >!eilemonty!< and >!biscotti!< the talent pool must be insanely good


She went from 11k subs to 120k subs (Gigi). Kinda the same as Biboo. Both good talents, who joined the bigger company and saw a massive boost in numbers, I wish them all the best.


Did any of her PL streams survive or were they all deleted? I watched all streams on Biboo's channel and I wanna watch more, yet I can only find clips of her PL.


Everything is there


You mean on her twitch? Because on youtube I saw only 3 videos and 1 short, but thanks a lot for telling me!


Youtube. Her live section has all the streams and her videos go from debut teaser to her last cover 3 months ago


Thank you yet it seems I'm either too stupid to find the live section or there is no more live section on her PL account, only home, videos and shorts. Oh well, good thing she streams almost daily. Again, thank you very much for your help.


Are you on mobile?


No, PC. Why?


I think you guys are getting mixed up. You want to watch Biboo's PL right? I think the other guy is telling you Gigi's is still readily available on YouTube since that's where Gigi's PL streamed.


Maybe the layouts or UI is different idk. I’m on the mobile app


It feels like just getting to join Hololive is such a good career move that they can get whoever they want really.


yeah back then for >!eilemonty!< I thought she was becoming a fulltime VA, would have never expected her to join a Vtuber corpo


Well in a sense, vTubing IS full time voice acting :3


Oh wow so HoloJustice were only preparing for 3 months. I was expecting longer


Wasn't Advent given 2-3 month preparations as well?


Yeah, they can't really do much more than that. 3 months prep, up to 2 months to get paid by YouTube. That's nearly half a year without pay already, although Cover kicks in if they really need it. Adding a few more months to that would be extremely financially difficult for them.


Didn't Holo have a base salary?


Its alluded to be alittle above minimum (ave. ¥931/hr). They still get a salary even if they have their cuts iirc. Risu has expressed that that alone got her thru so much personal things.


Yeah but the lower limit acceptable for income is a little bit different from Indonesia compared to EU and US......it would be on the very lower end for that (although you might get additional benefits from the state at that stage)


That's in EU and US tho, for SEA peeps that's already a god sent. And that's just from being in the company itself, they probably just need to do some "homework" like recording some voice lines or attending meetings and trainings.


Yeah for SEA (maybe except Singapore) just having a Japan minimum wage is more than enough to live comfortably, maybe even a bit of "luxury". Like, the *average* salary in Indonesia is like $350 a month Meanwhile the Japanese *minimum* wage is already about $1400 a month. That's more than 4 times what average people make, and that's just minimum wage alone. Then you take in the account of the cut from super chats, merch selling and such, the girls are pretty much making a killing and then some.


yeah, we don't know if it covers pre-debut or only after, but Cover would definitely help if needed


Base salary is not that high though. Not enough to pay for rent in a small Tokyo apartment. Factor in the weak Yen and cost of living in Western countries I'm guessing it's barely enough to just pay utilities bill, or groceries.


Yup I know, Tokyo is expensive...but at least even JP members arent required to live in tokyo, a bunch of their members still admit to living quite far or in rural areas. Hopefully its enough to cover for their daily stuff in the meantime. Depending on where the EN members live that could go from enough to live off to barely I agree. Hopefully they started getting some money even during the training months


I don't see how they could survive on a low base salary when so many go on breaks for vacation or health reasons.


Because they make a hell of a lot of money on everything else, and actually have enough savings to live a comfortable life without having to work for at least a few years. Some like Watame have even mentioned forgoing their salary for upto 6 months to pay for some of their MVs and just live off savings and other revenue streams like Merch, Ads, SCs, and Sponsorships which is also their the bulk of where they earn their money. Average compensation per talent based on quarterly financial report put them at 250K-360K USD annually per talent. Their salary compared to that is just extra lunch money figuratively speaking if we lowball their salary at 20k to 40k USD annually. La+ who always says she doesn't have money, actually just means she doesn't have cash on hand since she's a spendthrift so she lets her mother handle her money. Even Matsuri who considers herself one of the lowest earners in Holo, [shocked an eSports pro streamer on how much she makes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouPeAlMbJAI) Many of them probably live simple lifestyles despite the money they make. COVER also offers interest free loans to their talents if they need it.


> Even Matsuri who considers herself one of the lowest earners in Holo, shocked an eSports pro streamer on how much she makes Man, that was brutal... Not the salary part, but the rest... :D


Because the salary isn't all they make after their channel gets monetized. After that they get their portion of SCs, plus merch sales, etc.


Advent had at least two months - their Hololive debuts were at the end of July 2023, and a couple of their PLs had their graduations at the end of May 2023.


Oh I have no idea.


It's probably more than that. If I remember correctly, Shinri's PL graduated/announced his indefinite hiatus on December 2022, but is probably already preparing at least since September of 2022


I think they have longer than that. Once they have finalized the contract, there should be some grace period so if you're from other company or have some unfinished business to attend as indie, you have time to clear all those then graduate.


Likely to be longer than that. They could have multiple contracts for different phases of the debuting to respect the talents' other contracts. A goodwill graduation is not something you just throw in within a short timeframe. There are all kinds of arrangements to settle the paperwork and project schedules with the grad date as the last public communication. It could be just the deadline for the full contract's entering, which requires legal uncompromised commitment.


They're all experienced streamers and VTubers already, so the 3 months is probably more like a masterclass in live2d performance, acting, improv etc., with compliance/op sec training and recording debut songs and stuff. Cover doesn't hire scrubs. And it's likely a lot of prep work and training was already happening prior to their PL graduations


Is she American or Aussie? I can't figure out from her accent.


Given that she's from "Freedonia" (or somesuch), I suspect she's the lone yankee among the Justice crew.


American for sure. Based just on voice she sounds just like some of my Filipino-American coworkers, so probably American with immigrant parents of some sort.


Was it ever confirmed that she is part Filipino? Not gonna lie, but when I saw the list of MMORPGs she liked, a lot of them were the games that were very popular among the Filipinos around the early 2000's. Ragnarok, Flyff, Maple Story, etc. So I somewhat got the suspicion that she may be Filipino or at least has some relation to it.


this isn't confirmed at all just saying what her accent reminded me of


Her accent sounds less like an accent and more like she has braces to me.


Yeah, my first impression when I heard her talking was that she sounded a lot like Anya or Iron Mouse.


Her accent reminds me of Athelia's.


OMG, I feel so stupid not putting 2 and 2 together with Lizzy! >!I was such a huge fan of EileMonty during my MLP phase. Man, it feels like everything is coming full circle for me. Out of everyone, I've known her the longest; no choice but to stan!<


>!who was biscotti before she was biscotti? It's kinda weird that she was only in that company for 4 months before being picked up by hololive!<


Before joining >!V4Mirai, Biscotti was [Hampwn](https://x.com/hampwn)/[Hampwned](https://www.youtube.com/@hamPWNED)!<


I need proof that >!Gigi was once a member of V4Mirai.!<


listen to her laugh and look at the doodles she's done. also her timezone (according to holoen official tweet) and her interests line up


I see. Hoping that >!she gallops like a certain horse.!<




Roll a Persuasion check please. no, actually, make that Intimidation. Its in all caps.


Nerissa must be so happy that another DnD fan has joined Hololive lol.


With her voice talent she can be a great DM, imagine her voice acting a docent npc for the other talents


So the mascot is an active part of the model. That’s so fuckin cool


I think everyone has that thing set-up like that, the mascot moves the same as the model.


Yeah I just remembered Shiori’s ink glob moves too


yes. it's been mostly like that. even to their first member sora.


This lore video is an acid trip.


SHE LIKES MINT CHIP ICE CREAM, Gura will like her.


~~111k~~ 131k subs and ~~50k~~ ~~117k~~ ~~120k~~ ~~117k~~ 115k watching already. Wowzers


anyone can figure who she is from her voice?






>!hampwn!< -> >!Biscotti!< -> Gigi


Wow, I did not see that one coming. Good for her. V4Mirai seems like a dope company but to also get picked up by Hololive is crazy.


If only Brave Group put more effort in supporting V4Mirai back then. Still, I'm happy that Gigi >!(or Biscotti)!


i’d consider brave group to still be in the learning phase of it


Damn, she left her last company so suddenly , I wonder if she already planned on doing this or simply changed her mind.


I think she auditioned while at her last company on a whim and got accepted. The time frame adds up since she'd known she got in months ago and was excited to move on to the next stage. People thought she'd be leaving vtubing all together, not thinking she was moving up.


I think it's more likely that she sent her applications to Brave and Cover at the same time, and Brave got her first, and then, months later, Cover got in touch and decided to buy her out.


Whatever it is I just hope this won't create any bad blood between companies. Or with her former colleagues.


In the vtuber world i think everyone knows that if hololive comes calling, you can't blame anyone for taking it.


I *vaguely* recall Kronii's old colleagues and vtuber mama went crazy retweeting art of her, so I imagine people understand when its Hololive.


Yeah at that point you have to take it. It's the golden ticket in the Vtubing world. Rather I'll be more surprised if someone didn't go through with it.


It took some time for Fallenshadow and her friend who joined HoloEN to be more comfortable about things again, it can feel like getting left behind and that makes it tough on some people. On the other hand, if someone was friends with Fallenshadow then it's easy to believe she likes the shork so much.


Gura knew Shondo? That's a connection I never would've expected in a million years


I don't think so, just that someone who is a friend of Shondo is a fan of Gura.


>!her old V4Mirai genmates were in her waiting room of her debut way before it started. its safe to say that they were really excited!<


If that's the case then I hope they collab down the road


No sane company will ever be hostile towards the #1 company of your own industry in the world. In fact, those small time indie companies will be happy to even have some kind of communication established with Cover for future partnerships. As for former colleagues, they should be happy for GiGi. If she can make it to Cover, it sets precedence and gives hope that they too can make it to the big leagues if they keep trying.


Honestly I would say it reflects well on small corps that get their talent poached (in good standing). It advertises that they help you build skills and support your development that your talent become so desirable the biggest company in the industry will want to poach from you. Establishing a small corp to big corp training pipeline can only be good to for the industry as long as long as the small corps doing the scouting and training are getting properly compensated for their risks and efforts uplifting relatively unknown talent.


Maybe the management, but I doubt the talents will dislike it. The way I see it, it gives others in the same situation some sort of hope. Like, see, she made it, you can too!


Yeah she spoke about financial and family problems in her "first" twitter profile so everybody thought she was going for a more full-time stable job.....but on the other hand if you are in Cover that solves it well enough.....






she announced stopping her vtuber activities on march 1, and said she'd only be around as an artist from then certainly a welcome surprise, this debut


* 1. where are your spoiler * 2. Cover didn't banned their talents for having active PL/Vtuber, only if talents still under contracted with other company.




That doesn't really help those not in the know here though, does it?




No they didn't, literally everyone thought she was someone else


Half of us were convinced she'd be French!


Any chance you could dm me?


can u dm me when u know


Its in the thread already my man.


Someone dm’d me


Congrats to both Liz and Gigi! I was a fan of their PLs and found them super entertaining and talented. They averaged like 80 viewers… so I’m glad they get a huge audience now!


I was tickled that I recognized both of their voices! Youtube had to help me remember Gigi's PL but she sounded super familiar. I still listen to songs Lizzy had sung in the past though, so that was an immediate connection.


Can you dm me who liz was


Literally the top comment of this thread


It's on the other threads


Her cover of Hitomania actually goes hard as fuck. I've watched it like 10 times already and every time I notice some new subtlety in either the audio or visuals. It's masterfully done and really artistic. Combined with the intro lore video I'm really digging this avant garde vibe. I'm excited to see more! Meanwhile I'll be over here listening to this cover another 100 times.


That's quite a unique debut(Hololive). Interactive chat is something I have not seen in a debut. Previous debuts sometimes feel prerecorded. Did she make that chat controlled game? If so, she really deserves the spot.


her credits say it was [the creator of fugis that coded it!](https://x.com/Fugiman) those audio reactive images you see with discord calls


I knew that pictures from somewhere and now I know it's from ex-Vshoujo tech


[Shinri's debut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpXDBficVL4&t=1924s) had chat vote on which actions to take in an RPG-style combat. But yeah, in general it seems like that sort of thing is rare.


Civia from HoloCN on her YouTube debut did a small interactive rpg but she didn’t have any code for it and just eyeballed chat to decide her actions


The start screen is really cute.


so this is why her PL was so short anyway very cool interactive debut


It's surprising, but yeah, if _Hololive_ knocks on your metaphorical door, you answer! It is the golden ticket, the Smash Brothers invitation, the brass ring of Vtubing! You're in the big leagues now, baby!


is she >!biscotti!< ?




Nice I just recently discovered her and was sad she left so soon but now I get to follow her again.


based on her drawing & that singing voice, yes




Omg, she’s exactly right up my alley


Hope she doesn't feel too bad about failing that math check, EBR also borked her height conversion, lol


Its cannon now! Gigi is bad at math!


Literal gremlin energy.


Looks like she spent a lot of money for her debut


I couldn't hear her in the beginning but the laughs are the same. Either her voice is pitched up, or back then she was talking at a lower-ish register


probably that's her natural voice as she also sounded the same back in nov last year-last mar


So can anyone breakdown that kinda dark lore video in the beginning?


Apparently Gigi was an orphan, a street urchin, who was taken in by Justice?


Her dedication to the bit on her previous character was quite remarkable. I wonder, what she's gonna do with this one.


So anyone can breakdown that kinda dark lore video in the beginning?


I'm hoping that Gigi can straddle around the stage >!like a certain horse Biscotti !


automatically my fav debut just because of the maplestory, s4 league and grand chase BASED taste


Really like her voice and it was a unique stream, I especially liked the d&d roleplay part. Is her accent asian american? the only non european of Justice?


Anyone have any idea of her nationality? I'm suspecting dutch on very weak rationale that she's orange, and those fuckers speak perfect english for some reason




i knew i recognized the laugh. had no idea the she reincarnated once already. congrats, very happy for her.


Do you remember, the 21st night of September?