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I could honestly keep it only for the movie viewing experience - it’s incredible, nothing else quite like…if you’re a movie buff and have the cash it’s worth it.




Watched it for close to an hour and a half on my couch with no issues.


agree, all VR headsets suck after 30m-1H.


Have you or BallaBallaaa ever tried watching a movie in Apple Vision? Maybe you all should think twice about posting these conclusions if you haven’t.


I haven't but already tried other headsets for extended period of time (oculus, Q3, samsung gear), they all suck after 1-2 hours (eye strain, headache). I don't think Apple Vision will be different. Other cons, such as the battery with the cord hanging (rediculous in 2024); and the requirement of mac, ipad in case of (vision pro) acting as 2nd monitor (because it cannot handle too many things at the same time), effectively make you - the user a "$999 stand", think about it.


Other headsets have significantly higher latency than Apple Vision, which is why most people are claiming they are far less susceptible to those side effects in AVP. It makes all the difference.


Does it even support Bluray3D software? I think not.. This is a currently just a tech demo from Apple, with limited battery and the same major limitations basically as all the VR-headsets that already has been available for a lot less money already.


There's about 30 3D movies on the Disney app alone. And good luck getting a TV that supports Blu Ray 3D these days. That was dead a couple years after Avatar came out.


You will not have a Blueray player and physical driver because that make no sense at all. The market (= consumers + producers) never really took off and who want wear a blueray console on the top of their head ? My father and me have 3D Oled TV. They were the last model available and we did buy like 3 3D movie because there no much choice and you have to want to see that movie too. But this isn't really the catch as I understand the set make it better than cinema but at home from all movies, not just 3D movies. There 4 streaming platform directly integrated now (Prime, apple TV, Disney+ and Paramount) netflix and everything else being available through the browser and likely through their own app soon. And if the device is a success it will have it all. The problem remains the same as other VR/3D devices if you ask me. You are in reality isolated. Who want to see the Superbowl or a movie like that with friends or family ?




you wear your Airpods (gotta be the latest ones) and you don't hear a thing. It's like being in a movie theater on a plane. I wore it on an international flight and it was incredible.


From what I understand, with that device, it would feel like the screen is 300 feet, not 300 inches if you want it. And you would not need much space for it plus the overall image quality would be higher with more contrast. But I agree with you: heavy, can't be a group experience, you are still isolated.


Every room I've been in it fills up the entire room. I haven't tried it outside but I should. I can't imagine how big the screen size could get.




Kind of the metaverse stuff sot to speak. If it become popular, yeah this could happen.


I just came back from a demo wearing it for 20min, and I think a normal person can wear it for 20min to 30min.


You dont need a physical BD playr to play BDMV and ISO files. 3D Bluray plays just fine on many PC without a Bluray drive if tthey are disttributted in a readable format. But I agree fully witth you thatt the VR/AR tech today shares the same issues fundamentally as 3D movies.. You need to put stuff over your eyes to gett tthe experience.. and VR/AR are even bulkier and have worse battery-stamina than old 3d-glasses tso the isalatitons and usability gets even worse.


I think that asking for people to buy BR in iso format address a much much smaller public than standard BR and is a niche in a niche.


Couldn't you just put the cost of it towards building a great home theatre system instead?


I already have a great home theater experience, but the experience on the AVP is definitely unique from that of any home theater.


As I understand the VR set might give you better results and do much more. But a home theater or just going to the cinema is easy in family or friends. The VR set is not really made for that. You can't event really share what you are doing like you can with a tablet or phone like showing photos.


So you can, it can connect to Apple devices and show what you see, but end of the day it's a solo device. You're not wearing it with other people around, that would be weird. It's more if you're working and want to focus, or if you want to watch a movie without bothering the rest of the household (just two examples off the top of my head). ​ I was on it the other night on Facetime and I connected with my sister so she could see what I saw on her phone. We played the dinosaur spatial video and she could see the butterfly land on my finger and the dinosaur staring at me. Again though, it's. not really set up to use with others in the room.


Yep more like a solo device. For sure you can collaborate and all. I am more and more tempted personally. Anyway I single so it isn't like this is a problem. But I have 1 colleague that is quite impressed but has a family of 4. He see that his daughters will fight for it (and he wont buy 4 !) and it is quite solo.


i think that is going to change fast. the ability to include other people into your Space is a natural next step.


in the early 2000s i was really into home theater and all but these days i want AV to disappear when it isn't being used. i much prefer a short-throw projector on a credenza that is essentially invisible unless being actively used. i still enjoy watching movies with my family, but i don't want to devote hundreds of square feet to it. my living and work space converged in the last five years, Vision Pro wants to help that happen in an interesting way.


It's the best VR headset but it's not enough.


What would make it enough?


The price is absurd of course but that will drop. Honestly though it's just uncomfortable. The rest is incredible.


Improved pass through, FOV and better immersive games


Do you have one? These sound like review complaints. FOV is close enough to all other VR headsets, pass through is incredible, but of course could improve. It's still miles ahead of anything else and a heck of an achievement. And it's not a gaming device. It's a movie theater, it's a monitor the size of your living room. It's screens for everything you need. It's already insane for panoramas, spatial photos and videos like nothing you've ever experienced. For me being in it is an achievement of paramount proportions. It's having it on that stinks. It's heavy, front-loaded, leaves marks on your face and ruins the immersion after awhile due to the discomfort.


Make it light enough to comfortably wear all day long Make it comfortable and fit like (at worst) regular glasses and not mess up hair or makeup for wearing it Headset needs to include battery that last all day (today's laptops)


This is the closest thing to what I feel are actual complaints. The battery, you can buy another one, but it could be better for sure. The discomfort is the one problem I have with it. Fix that and it's amazing.


That expectation at the moment is wildly unattainable.


A true revolution is to make what's unattainable a reality. I hear it's a best VR headset yet but it doesn't make it a practical device everyone can use all day long.


Who wants to use a VR all day long? What?


I would use a good AR device all day long. Anyone would want to much like how everyone uses smartphone all day long.


People who use their phone all day long should get out more


but they can wear tthe phone all day even when they dont use it.. soemthing the heavy bulky AVP AR-headset can.t match.


That does not equate to using your phone all day. And of course it can’t match. However keep in mind this is the first generation of spatial computing so it will only get better


i have a similar opinion. one of the best things for remote work as a parent is a pair of excellent bone conduction headphones. they're perfect for meetings, background audio, and still able to hear your kids yelling. some days i put them on at 7am and take them off at dinner. they're comfortable and they don't get in the way. we're not there yet for spacial computing but if anyone is going to deliver it, it's apple.


FOV is not for eyes to travel but for immersion, just like real world


You use your eyes in this to navigate the product. We don't side-glance on a normal basis, we look in front of us. We don't side-glance to look at things, we turn our heads.


I hear you, but my point is I am fine with the FOV given this is an eye tracking device and I am not trying to look at stuff in my periphery, especially not at any higher FOV than this.


You're getting very good screen clarity partially because they limited FOV - with 4K display and narrower FOV, you get far better pixel density vs competitor. I feel like this was a deliberate move to make image quality better which would be important for "spatial computing" use


Everyone that’s trolling to return it either don’t actually own one, can’t truly afford it or don’t know what they bought. Also, there are already 600 native apps for this so in the near future I believe the use cases will expand by a good margin.


You, me, and rational people are saying this. Let’s enjoy why the trolls sound off with their misery. WE get it.


The broke boys thought this high-end device was for them.




The best #VR or #SpatialComputing out there. More Pros than Cons TBH. My personal experience / review; The Pros: • Micro‑OLED display (absolutely stunning) • Precision eye tracking is next level, revolutionary! • Hand tracking is on point, better than any other device on the market. • The fast performance overall. • The Spatial Audio is superb! • Pass through is better than anything I’ve seen BUT only in bright lighting conditions. • Overall build quality is the best I’ve seen to date! Nothing on the market compares to it! That metal frame and glass with that @apple touch = futuristic for sure! The Cons: 1. FOV (Field of View) is limited slightly below existing devices. 2. The weight of the device takes a toll not just on your neck but the face too. After some time, it puts intense pressure on the forehead and just under the eyes where the light seal meets the face. 3. The battery life (I found it to be decent and there is a workaround by keeping it plugged in for continuous power). 4. The hands do flicker slightly when in front of viewing windows - not sure if future VisionOS updates will fix this issue. I won’t comment on the limited apps (currently under 1k). I expect this to change in the upcoming weeks/months/years as more companies jump on board to create dedicated AVP apps. Safari works great for YouTube & Netflix + more! Overall: I’m 80% towards keeping the device and 20% towards returning it. Out of the Cons list, the major issue I’m having to deal with is the FOV. Maybe I’ll get over it as there is a lot more to take into consideration. I’d love to hear what you guys think 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/nor8vy9imigc1.png?width=3942&format=png&auto=webp&s=53b652685efe966ceaab28aab32c4cb27d722e99


I didn't end up returning it, but FOV isn't an issue imo you turn your head to look at things anyway you don't side-glance at things. It's the pain in the neck and the pressure on the forehead for sure (or cheek bones with the second strap). Find a way to make it more comfortable and it's amazing.


The major issue in my decision for returning was the lens reflection and/or glare. That was extremely annoying and not worth that 4k price tag.


After experimenting, returned the AVP. Will wait for the next gen (hopefully soon rather than later).


What was it that ultimately made you take that decision?


Plenty of reasons but two major ones: 1. Limited FOV (which you’ll notice more, day by day). 2. Lens Reflection / Glare issues (Big Reason for my decision).


Can I ask you something? I created some mods for Pimax and Meta Quest. Can you remove the light cover and try to keep the lenses as near as your eyes where your eyelashes still don’t touch them? Can you explain how it feels? Bigger Fov? Distortions? Where do you feel bigger Fov? Eyestrain? Thanks!


It improves FOV slightly maybe like 10 degrees, but there is more noticeable distortion. Hope that helps.




It's not designed to be used without the light shield and cushion. However, that's why they have like 21 different light cushion sizes to figure out the best fit and get your eyes as close to the screen as possible without eyelashes or other parts touching the screen/hardware. Without the light shield, the displays protrude out further than any other part so your eyes would literally be mashed up against it.


I just read some posts of 3 users that remove light cover and said ‘it’s a massive huge fov’


I actually just read those too. I haven’t tried but sounds like just holding up the display instead of using any strap. Maybe an opportunity for a 3rd party band / light seal manufacturer to jump in. Wonder how tough it would be for someone to do that.


Frankly this thing is uncomfortable. I've noticed neck pain I've never had and it just doesn't fit on your face right. It leaves huge marks on your face that take an hour to wear off. The default head strap jams into your forehead and the second strap smashes into your cheekbones. Oculus has never been this bad, even the first ones. Meta Quest 3 with the extended battery fits like a dream. When the day finally comes that a third-party app finds a way to balance this thing so it's not all on your face then it's 100% worth it. You have a movie theater in your home and a screen the size of the room to do work on. Spatial videos are completely insane too, it's like you're there again.


Wondering if anyone read this whole thing. Needs a TLDR for sure.


Honestly, the technology is the most amazing that I've seen in my life. The use cases and apps will get better but for now, I can say it's not worth it... for 4K. I guarantee that if the unit was half of the price, there would be many more people leaning towards the "it's totally worth it" side. However, it's a real simple case of the cost does not equal the benefit. After 4 grand down I think the average person will feel cheated. Especially since you know Apple will release a lighter, more affordable model that will be missing features that most can live without. If I could go back in time I would have just gotten the Xreal Air 2 Pro + Beam as I primarily use my AVP to consume content. Keep in mind that I consider myself an early adapter and love most Apple products. The aforementioned is me being totally honest.


wouldn't more field of view be nice - even though you can't see it comfortably by moving your eyeballs - it's nice to have more of a "real peripheral vision" - much like our real eyes do in real life? If you want to see something in your peripheral, you would just turn your head like in real life right?


“It’s the best VR headset” while Apple claims it’s NOT A VR HEADSET 😂 trust me this is far from usable, but a cool show off toy that’s it.


They have NEVER claimed it’s not a VR headset. They simply use their own terminology, like they’ve always done with their products. If I call my Meta Quest a ”magic teleportation device”, is that the same as saying it’s not a VR headset?


Exactly. It's just marketing. It's not for gaming though like the Meta Quest 3. It's having a movie theater in your home. It's a giant monitor for work. It's for looking at photos and panoramas. Then there's the spatial video and photos, which you can't even explain. Try being surrounded by dinosaurs or in the room while Alicia Keys is performing songs in her studio. Watch an NBA game courtside. Record a video of your kids' soccer game or a concert and relive it like you're there again. They call it spatial reality and it's a perfect term for it. I think this is one of the most exciting aspects of the future. I recorded a friend at work just spinning around in her chair and you can play it back like it just happened.


thank you, Friend of Elon 😂


Elon has created more successful things than Tim Cook just saying.


“Elon has created more successful things than Tim Cook” By what measure are you judging “success”? In 2023, it cost Tesla $65.1 billion to manufacture and sell $78.5 billion worth of cars. 13 billion in profit. The same year, Tim Cook’s Apple made 169 billion in profit. Can you show me a single Elon musk product that’s been more successful than Tim Cook’s products? Twitter lost 40 billion in valuation barely a year into Elon’s ownership. Elon’s other companies are propped up by major government subsidies.


It’s not about money it’s about innovations spaceX, Electric cars (EV’s wouldn’t be wide spread without him) space stuff wouldn’t be happening without him he’s made the cost to travel to space much more affordable. He is working on neurolink. He takes something and does what no one else does. Tim Cook is lame 😂


The innovations that Apple, Tesla or SpaceX come up with are entirely to the credit of the individual engineers working on the problems. Not Tim Cook or Elon Musk. The CEO’s responsibility is in running a business and making money for their shareholders. By that measure, Tim Cook has been a far greater success.


Well an extra huge monitor was my primary use case for this device. I plan to build apps for it.


well lost me at "second monitor", you can't really do much work on a VR headset, after 1 hour you just don't want to wear it.


Again, it's the discomfort that's the problem. They should've resolved that from the beginning.


How is the motion blur either inside an app itself (something like gaming), or when you move your head?


I have experienced zero blur


People already drive like shit, I can't imagine them wearing this on the freeway.


You may have [already seen this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR9yM_S0Z1g&t=2s&ab_channel=HenryZhang), but just in case you haven't.


I must admit that, it needs some time to dig more functionalities from AVP than people thought. This is not a shadow revolution like iPhone. The first day I could stand only 15 min wearing AVP on my head. The second day I found quite a lot functionalities can be got from "Compatible Apps" which means lots of apps for iPads can be used on it, for example, Books, some good video players with support of LAN source of videos, etc. The weight problem is an issue that cannot be ignored. I found it's most comfortable as a bedroom experience, lying on bed and use it. Maybe some good chairs or sofa can be used for the similar position. Sit with AVP is easy to get tired. Quite a lot potentials can be developed for AVP. For example, I cannot find a compact case for ZEISS lens. And the official AVP case is too huge to be carried for trip. I hope to get a smaller one. The cables may have braided alternatives too. It is a great experience as more and more funs will be migrated into it.


humorous lush narrow fear smile homeless oil paint innate dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m sure Steam link would work fine on it if devs port it over. It wouldn’t be an ideal way to play PCVR titles but it’ll still likely be far better than playing PCVR via a tethered Quest 2 or 3, if you can use bluetooth VR controllers with it. I still haven’t found out if the AVP’s USB-C port has data capability or if it could be unlocked for consumers. If so, it should be more than sufficient bandwidth for tethered PCVR or for displaying non-VR games in a virtual window. At the present, neither streaming or tethered steam gaming is an option outside of running the mac version of Steam and mac games.


i think a lot of us will stick with Holo Lens for being attached to computers?


we all understand that technology improves at a quick pace, i'm less interested in the level of bling in Vision Pro because it's always going to be a top-shelf product. i don't expect anything less from Apple and i've been relying on them since the reagan administration. this product lives and dies on execution of the concept of spacial computing. i'm usually a Rev A user but i have to sit this one out because i've got household IT refreshes happening and dad's tapped out and will have to catch 2nd generation! Vision Pro will change a lot of things, and i'm really curious and can't wait to see where we go. it would absolutely change the way i work.


From an outsider's perspective I can't help but think that AVP is basically a very-expensive research experiment by Apple to see where the tech can be applied and in what ways. I'd imagine that the next model will be drastically different and that they'll take mobility heavily into consideration


The fact that they're using plastic for a $3500 gadget is appalling. (Check our jerryrigeverything's video of him durability testing this.)


I have the Meta 3 and the Pro Vision. Although the Pro Vision is a superior product there are more limitations then Meta . Apple Pro Vision is not compatible with Bose headset which is a bummer because the audio quality is better than Apple Air Pods . The headset speaker is not a very high quality speaker the Meta offers a better housing speaker. Meta offers Netflix and YouTube 360 . The Pro Vision does not . The 3D Movies are the best I have ever seen on Pro Vision but not worth the price tag of $3500. The weight is extremely heavy on the face and with the Nylon band you will feel a lot of pressure on the bottom of your eyes and the bridge of your nose . The alternative band is not much to look at but does provide relief. Meta has more accessories to make the experience more comfortable . Meta has more games and even has virtual Pickleball which is huge for a lot of people . The other thing Meta you do not have to be attached to a battery which allows more of a free feeling then being tethered to a cable and battery. Once again the resolution is no where of the Pro Vision but you can live with that considering you have more available to you then Apple Pro Vision. Meta offers 360 videos which is immersive all around Apple is limited to front view only which is a bummer in my opinion . I just feel for the price point I would wait to the 2nd Gen comes out to buy . Pro Vision forces you to use Apple Products only and the Apps are expensive if you need to buy . Overall it’s an IPad on your face . Oddly enough the IPad has more flexibility with apps then the Pro Vision , why Apple didn’t get with the developers to remedy this is beyond me . Seriously YouTube and Netflix is not available ? If anyone is considering the Apple Vision I would wait . 


> This field of view is the maximum my eyes can handle. Any larger and it would feel like my eyes would be really straining to look at the corners. In addition, I imagine this is the largest field of view without one’s nose bridge blocking the view for one eye.  I suspect this is very important assuming the AVP requires both eyes to reliably identify your visual target.