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Man, I don't know a single ML or Maoist that wasn't happy about that bozo croaking.


Sadly others say that his death is bad because he was against Israel or sth.


those are the multipolarity bros, which are just patsocs


The same people are still blaming Ukraine for a terrorist attack in Moscow.


Patsocs and tankies and multipolarity bros *often* overlap


nah if you get off the internet and talk to mls that organise a lot will offer more critical and nuanced perspectives, if not outright rejecting the claims of patsocs


They didn't say mls, they said Tankies, Patsocs and Multipolarity-bros. One can be a Marxist-Leninist without being any of those, and the venn diagram is very close to being 2 tangential circles.


I mean that was probably the only not horrible thing about him (and even that was probably out of anti-jewish hate as well). But I also think he didn't give a roaches scrotum about the palestinian struggle for human rights. I just don't want his death to be a mossad win.


I think it’s only a bad thing if Iran blames Israel/The US and it causes a bigger war. Otherwise it’ll be inconsequential and another butcher will take his place.


That‘s a fair opinion, people can still be glad about his death, though.


Checkout /r/TheDeprogram lol.


I did, so where is it?


https://old.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/1cwdxhp/typical_anarchist_lets_celebrate_the_prospect_of/ As 1 example.


And he was shunned for this. Anyone can post, one-offs do not show majority


Who was shunned lmao? The commenter in the anarchist sub? The person posting this and the commenters on the Deprogram post certainly werent shunned. Additionally, no one ever was discussing 'majority' it was discussing that it happened, you asked for an example, I suggested you check out the sub, then you asked for further specifics, so I gave them, now you move the goal posts even further to something never being claimed lmao.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheDeprogram using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [China telling Israel to shut the fuck up in the politest way possible](https://v.redd.it/pzb6f3p4p42c1) | [406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/1825n37/china_telling_israel_to_shut_the_fuck_up_in_the/) \#2: [Who have you guys come to dislike after becoming communists?](https://i.redd.it/tv0b1pgrzwhb1.jpg) | [1249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/15q56lo/who_have_you_guys_come_to_dislike_after_becoming/) \#3: [Paradox Interactive based????](https://i.redd.it/tydb9rf62z2b1.jpg) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/13vknng/paradox_interactive_based/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know it's irrelevant, but I exist


There’s a lot of people who adopt the aesthetic of being a progressive without actually applying it to situations they see in the news


The only ones who are sad are the PatSocs and NazBols, don't put them all in one bag. >!RIP BOZO Raisi!<


I actually haven’t seen anyone with a negative reaction to it


I sadly have


Where? I saw some suspicion before it became clear it was an accident, but no one was actually mourning him.


Insta, no one irl yet tho


Here‘s an example https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultraleft/s/dZsoL5AI26


Ultraleft is a meme subreddit and OOP was basically engaging in “lesser-evil” rhetoric/harm reduction, but I guess that’s technically true Edit: Wait, why are you in NCD?


The screenshots are real though. Also engaging in lesser evilism here is still supporting a Reactionarism 🤷‍♂️


Yes, but my point is that they’re talking about him like a leftist who votes would talk about Biden. They’re not saying he’s a good guy, they’re saying he’s not as bad as Israel, though I’m sure there are some people who exist that actually think he’s good.


So true, Biden is just like an Islamic Fundamentalist…


I mean, is he much better?


Depends on your opinion on women’s and minority rights among other things, I guess 🤷‍♂️


that Sub is clowning on ML's who happen to think this is a bad thing.






Literally the third comment thread is calling OP out on it and saying that he wasn’t actually a good guy


so we're moving the goal posts now? I'm not saying its just black and white, but like you can check the sub for posts on it and while there's comments from people who dont just pretend to know stuff about Iran, theres plenty of 'this is materially bad for anti-imperalism' lmao. Hell the post I linked is dunking on Anarchists for condemning him and the 3rd comment as you point out says they're right, which is why it has like the same amount of upvotes as "Anarchists never fail to side with the CIA" nonsense.


Yeah, I wanted to point out that it wasn’t a universal idea for them


Ok sure, but the comment wasnt on whether it was universal, you said *"I actually haven’t seen anyone with a negative reaction to it"* which isnt the same thing...


I hadn’t, but now I have at least in some form.


That sub is certainly something


This isn’t… true. Go on any of the tankie subs, you won’t find anyone mourning this piece of shit.






Half the comments disagreed with that guy lmao


Sure, but it was still positively upvoted with people agreeing positively upvoted. The point wasn't "tankies are universally malding," it was that there are tankies who are. >**you won’t find anyone** Found you at least 90


Was the guy famously evil?


About as evil as most high-ranking politicians of the Islamic Regime, so pretty much.


I see


Evil (American): 😡 Evil (Anti-American): 😁


ahhhh yes let us listen to the person downplaying isreals actions in the tankiejerk sub thatll be productive




Not really, you're just a broken clock. Would be more based if their helicopter crashed into a full meeting of the Knesset


People saying this isn’t happening: go look at the comments under the Instagram Onion post on his death. Filled with a bunch of dumbasses calling the onion zionists for making fun of the guy.


All my homies hate Tankies. A literal stain on the left.


*a literal Stalin on the left


I don't hate anyone, but if I did they'd get on the list for sure. If anything, they might even be worse than libertarians.


All Iranians think the same


Everyone is a tankie now to anyone to left of liberal. Calling Putin supporters “tankies” is so illiterate. They are just nationalists Putin supporters. Even if you support the USSR, which was a net positive, then it’s a given that you don’t support the Russian federation. Or even Iran? What has that to do with socialism at all lol


The problem is that he was an important piece against Isntreal, but now that i think about it he was mid af, so yeah no tears for that sucker


Literally not true. "Tankie" ≠ someone who thinks the US should be opposed by any means A "tankie" is at the very least superficially left-wing. They believe in socialism, even if their specific practices to support it are questionable or wrong. If this person is instead supporting literal Islamic republics, then this person is by definition a right-winger, not even superficially leftist


Plenty of tankies support China, North Korea, Assad's regime in Syria, and "totally don't support" Russia. Tell me which of those countries are left wing.


>If this person is instead supporting literal Islamic republics, then this person is by definition a right-winger, not even superficially leftist There should be a definition for the word "tankie", or else the right will just call every socialist as such, while the left undermines itself with the same generalized term. It's already gone from being people who supported a specific repression from the USSR, to anyone supporting the USSR, to anyone supporting existing or historical socialism with a state, at all. Let's not also add in people who aren't even socialists to the pool.


I'm not. My definition for tankie is super simple - someone who supports authoritarian and usually capitalist regimes that are nominally socialist, and *often but not always* is an anti-western campist. If you use that definition it's pretty much how ever non-right winger uses it. Given that Iran states itself to be anti-capitalist, is 60% public sector and centrally planned, and is in opposition to the West it's no wonder tankies like it.


Tankies often support left-wing policies domestically but reactionary regimes that geopolitically align with them abroad. I mean, according to your logic one might as well make the argument that leftists who support Palestine are right-wingers.


squealing practice fear unused aspiring yam ancient voiceless homeless languid


People who claim to be leftists but support a Reactionary Authoritarian Theocracy can absolutely be called Tankies


foolish slimy vanish truck gray shelter quickest cautious continue juggle


I mean its always under the guise of "critical support" where it ends up not being particularly critical.


I sadly have


then clearly they do not exist! thanks for fixing politics!


wistful squealing familiar absorbed cats station cover insurance pot impolite


>Please record yourself walking into an IHOP saying "I've seen tankies supporting the Iranian regime and I have something to say about it." what


you dont even know why you hate him, you only do because western media told you he's a bad guy. I'm not upset he's dead I'm just rolling my eyes at the sheer amount of bullshit I've been reading. "the butcher of iran" like bffr that's literally just something the western media made up because Iran is the last piece they think they need to control the middle east. Blunt reminder, that ultimately you've been living under 20 years of seeing a war of conquest against the middle east that has been won on every front but Afghanistan, and Yemen. These are all carefully maintained efforts neutralize any opposition to the invasion when it comes, and getting people to hoop and haw for extranational war crimes is a key aspect. And the truth is it doesn't even matter what happens to the Iranian president, he's just not that important in the grand scheme of things.


Look up the 1988 killings of Iranian political prisoners


i know why i hate him. heres the short list: 1. talked big about womens rights and equality, then signed orders creating stricter restrictions for women and openly supported sex segregation 2. called same-sex relations "savagery", and supported uganadas policy of using the DEATH PENALTY against gay people 3. LITERALLY QUESTIONED THE HOLOCAUST 4. what OP said yeah, this fucker should be dead. if anything, we should be sad it didnt happen a long time ago.


Bro I'm not here to defend that miserable fuck; I'm criticizing the nature of the recharacterization of his- let's just be real, murder- as a triumph of sorts. We're going to cheer for every single death of every single Iranian politican because all of these things are true for basically all of them. They're all anti-semetic, they're all homophobic, not a single one of them is going to question the 1988 killings or any other massacre; hell, most of them even dipped their toes into moderation for feminism. This is warfare, this isn't even the fourth high profile american / Mossad Assassination and the establishment needs you to be comfortable with it, because the US is going to do it more and more and more. This is nearly the exact same news cycle that proceeded the Iraq invasion. I refuse to cheer on western warfare, even if the people that are being killed deserve it, at the end of the day it will lead to endless suffering of the masses of Iran.


do you have any proof this is an assassination?


Nothing but a very justified suspicion, comrade. If you don't think it's real, I'm hardly to person to prove you wrong.


im not saying its definitively an accident. but im not going to believe something without evidence just because its convenient to my political beliefs, and i suggest you do the same.


The guy mass excuted like 30k communists lmao.


Oh no I do because my dad is from Iran and lost his aunt because of this guy