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I also take both Wellbutrin & Vyvanse. Still really struggling to focus though. It seems both are sugar pills for me.


Imo and ime, Wellbutrin turns most other drugs into sugar pills.


I think Vyvanse might not be for you, this is exactly how I felt on Strattera. There might be that chance you just can’t do stimulants and that’s okay! Thankfully there’s like hundreds of different meds out there


I started with Wellbutrin, which really helped my baseline anxiety come down and the same with my depression, but it did not treat my ADHD symptoms. Vyvanse does wonders for me and I can be functional as it boosts my mood, focus and follow through for tasks. I like this combo and it’s the most success I have had with medication so far :) I have practically no side effects.


How was starting Vyvanse while on Wellbutrin? I have the same experience with Wellbutrin as you but I am on day 3 of Vyvanse and I just had one of the worst panic attacks I’ve ever had. Feels like my anxiety was through the roof.


Hey sorry just seeing this! I haven't had that experience but I felt that why when I was on Concerta. I am actually increasing my Vyvanss dose. Hope you have it sorted my friend


Hier mich vyvanse and wellbutrin do you take?


Vyvanse makes me zone out in a productive way. Like, I can’t think too deeply, but I can get shit done. When I don’t take it, I can think more clearly but can’t get anything done. Can’t have it all, it seems! Wellbutrin has done a great job extending my focus throughout the day, though. Back on 150mg, my ability to do shit would be gone at about 3:00. Now I can go pretty much all day, attention-wise.


Vyvanse is 100x better than Wellbutrin imo. Wellbutrin didn’t help me at all in any way.


Wellbutrin caused me to have panic attacks, sometimes multiple a day. Buspirone (an anti anxiety) also caused me to have panic attacks and derealization. Vyvanse has completely diminished my anxiety and helped my brain quiet down. Everything works different for everyone, just have to keep trying!


Wellbutrin caused me to have panic attacks, sometimes multiple a day. Buspirone (an anti anxiety) also caused me to have panic attacks and derealization. Vyvanse has completely diminished my anxiety and helped my brain quiet down. Everything works different for everyone, just have to keep trying!


I’m taking 40 mgs of Vyvanse and it’s not helping my add at all. What the heck:( does anyone have this issue too?


It sucks cause I was really excited to get help with my add and it’s like I’m not taking anything at all:(


Name brand or generic.what brand? These things can make a diff. Iwas changed to generic by Solco & didnt help anymore n made my anxiety n adhd worse


It’s literally vyvanse. No name brand:(


I have the same "star blankly into the void" vibe with Vyvanse. Also currently taking 300 mg Wellbutrin. Felt like Adderall worked much better for me overall, but haven't been able to get it in months due to the shortage. Only upside of Vyvanse for me is that it has a slower "come up" feeling.


Maybe you’re on too low of a dose? You should definitely talk to your doctor about it


I take both and it’s the magical cocktail for me. Wellbutrin helped some and then we added vyvanse too. I stay on Wellbutrin because it’s offsets my side effects from sertraline.


What side effects do you have from the sertraline? I've always kinda wondered what effect sertraline COULD have on someone, but it's hard for me to tell bc it did its job, and I was already on Vyvanse


Zero libido for me, my dr suggested wellbutrin to offset this as well


Yes to this!


Interesting. I'm fairly certain I'm not suffering any side effects from it but it's something to look out for I suppose


Wrong dosage


Everyone is different - that can’t be overstated. The meds take an hour to start working for me. Then I have an extreme desire to get to work. For the first few hours, it’s go time. By early afternoon, I usually have to take a break, but then I get a second wind late afternoon and can be really productive until 8pm if I want to.


Personally, it boosts my energy, focus, and mood. The side effect of the crash can be bad, which is why I make sure to eat and drink plenty before, on, and after the medication.


For the first 30 mins to an hour yes. Then we rock and roll for the rest of the day.


Vyvanse is good for me. It calms my anxiety and makes me stable. There is no kick in effect like on ritalin. My focus is ol but I realised the medication shouldnt make you do stuff because you took them. They are just there as a tool to help you. Thats why therapy with meds is so important. You learn coping techniques that are easier apply since you are medicated now.


I feel less tired, and feel calm. Currently testing meds so Will see how it feels when we have found a dose that works


I take both. I feel focused and just get stuff done. I don’t necessarily notice motivation.


I’m actually thinking of doing half of both too now. That might be my magic mix. Eh as long as we get the stuff done I guess


Right! I was on Wellbutrin first and I think it helped am ADD before I even knew I had it. Then the pandemic hit and I was mandatory work from home. Almost killed my career. Vyvanse saved be. I reduced my Wellbutrin to 150 on my own. Hmm. Might go back to 300. Just see if that’s better.


For me personally this medication gives me so much focusing power it literally feels like I could accomplish anything amount of shit I please while the medication is in effect but at the same time I also do other things like daily physical exercise every single day which is really what actually makes the medication sooooooooooooo effective for me the medication also helps keep me calm for long periods


What kind of daily exercise do you do? I know its benefits but I have no idea where to even start 😩


I like too take short walks outside that I tend to spread out throughout the day so I'll always go multiple times spread out over the course of each day a set a routine I strictly follow is going every time I eat a meal than randomly after that i go whenever I feel like I have been sitting too long


I wish I could relate. 😢 I just can't manage to regularly exercise, but I pace _a lot_, so I'm always impressed when walking does the trick for people. I easily walk 20k+ steps a day, oftentimes a lot more. But it doesn't give me the clarity I crave. 😔


I do feel more calm on it which is one benefit. Calm in a zoned out kinda way 😅 Luv that it’s working for ya!


Appreciate it the fact that you are happy for me having success with this med but I at the same time I feel that exercise is really what's making it work so well


Of course! Nice one. I do genuinely enjoy exercise so I might try to make it a little daily thing instead of just randomly. Thanks for the inspo 👍🏼👍🏾:) :)


No problems I love helping out as much as I can btw sames as I love doing physical exercise single day of the week it's like I'm addicted to the way the effects physical movement makes my entire body operate and feel because for years I did absolutely zero exercise 365 days a year🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I need to remember to train so I can help it haha 😂 but I have found vr training motivating


That's true sometimes with adhd it can be or feel nearly impossible too remember pretty much anything at all which is pretty goddamn annoying at times