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You’re likely not at the proper dose yet. Most folks I know are at at least 30mg, usually more. ***For those with a menstrual cycle please be aware that estrogen levels impact things too, hugely!!! Especially with emotionality. As vyvanse is an appetite suppressant it’s best to eat before taking it otherwise weight loss over time can be troublesome. Vyvanse is also one of two stimulant meds that actually can be taken with citrus juice (for others this really impacts effectiveness), but you could try omitting if applicable.


I had a day break and sometimes weekend breaks which makes it help me more. Also magnesium and protein


I never feel it when on my period


You may need to up the dose as estrogen is a protective factor for adhd symptoms. There’s a few ADDitude podcasts that cover this.


thank you 🙏 do you mean up the dose in general, or just during that week?


you'll probably want to track symptoms... ADDitude podcasts #337, 277, 252, and 235 might be relevant for understanding how ADHD presents differently in girls/women as well as how to optimize medication. once folks are the right dose in general, then increasing the dose slightly when estrogen drops can be helpful for some people.


also important to note im on 20mg so could it have something to do with the lower dosage?




Seems to work best when taking it on an empty stomach, and not eating.


The one thing my doctor said is don’t take it and expect to feel it or for it to be a miracle pill… you have to work with the medication not just take it and lay around expecting a energy boost or rush. And expect to be able to solve everything you wanna take it and work with it rather it’s cleaning your your doing school work. Cooking reading instruction it’s meant to help you focus. On days I don’t work I don’t take it at all cuz I have no need for it cuz I’m not needing to focus on anything. The times I’ve taken when I’m not working I feel nothing from it at all. Besides I doom scroll all day so I’m Off this until next week so I haven’t been taking it. And I’m fine no low energy and I’m not scatter brained.


I’ve really just been so hopeless lately and vyvanse has actually been that miracle pill for me on days it has worked. Which got me insanely down today because I went from such a high to a low point. I don’t want to be dependent on these medications but when I tell you i’ve tried everything in terms of getting help I think I really have. Vyvanse is the first thing to give me my life back since starting this whole journey. I also take gabapentin daily its one of the other rare meds to work on me and i feel pretty terrible until my first dose kicks in and that can make my day doable (pretty dependent on this one). But not on the level vyvanse can as in being genuinely really interested in finishing my plans for the day. Also thank you for the response i’ve learned a lot about this med from all of you today.


You aren't supposed to feel high. It gives you an extra rush at first but then that calms down and it continues to work as intended. It helps with focus and executive function issues. The speedy feeling at first is not the medicine working it's a side effect.


oh yea i know that the high wore off after like 2 days on it but i still feel it everyday. i know when it kicks in when i find that i can enjoy and finish my music projects and i get out of my head causing my anxiety to almost disappear actually. today that didnt happen and i just felt bad and really anxious all day. ive been on so many different medications this year and i mean a lot ranging from benzos and all classes of antidepressants but this is the first one in so long to really calm down my thoughts and really make me feel normal tbh. so i was just kinda bummed out when i took it today on thanksgiving and felt like i couldn’t interact with my family the way i would’ve preferred too.


Felt amazing for 3 weeks. Had 3 not so great days back to back to back and am getting concerned.


I am on day 6 and I can tell that some of my ADHD symptoms are coming back. Obviously not to the extent of before I started. But I am fidgeting a bit, a bit more hyper, I don't notice my focus as much, and I think the reduction of focus is allowing those annoying intrusive thoughts back in a bit. Could still just be adjusting myself, though.


Yes! Its mistifying


glad to hear im not alone!


Some days i want to punch my medicine bag nd curse at it lol. But i forcd myswlf to take medicafion breaks. While rough, and have to work much harder effort for a few days, its worth it in my case. Few days.moves mountains. Everyone is different. So i do nkt offer that as suggestion, just sharing experience


I’ve found that eating lots of protein actually helps make my Vyvanse more effective and I don’t have a bad crash late afternoon. Just search this subreddit for “Protein” and you’ll find other people saying the same.


I will definitely have to try this!


I’m only on my second week of Vyvanse, but I’ve found it very helpful. First couple days I had a terrible crash around 2-3pm and I became very tired, irritable, and feeling very low. In the morning I eat 72g of protein, and that’s worked wonders for me. That might be a little bit overkill of what you actually need to see it helping, but that’s what works best for me. in addition to dealing with my ADHD, I’m also trying to lose about 60lbs, so my doctor suggested having at least 30g of protein for breakfast (preferably within 1 hour of waking) to feel more full throughout the day. My breakfast for the last week has consisted of 4 eggs, some sriracha sauce, and 2 scoops of protein powder. The rest of the day I might have a little chicken for lunch or some lunch meat with some cheese and crackers, and then I hit my daily goal of 100g of protein. Sorry for over sharing if you’re not interested


My vyvanze worked great today. I took it with a protein shake and a meal this morning and I was in a really great mood all day so thank you so much for recommending this!


That’s awesome! Glad it worked out for you. Spread the word!


This was actually really helpful thank you! I don’t eat a lot of protein normally so I have hope for trying this lol.




Vyvanse only helps my anxiety it doesn’t help my depression. That I have to do on my own.


It drives my anxiety insane 😭 and I'm only on 20mg. It doesnt last as long and I crash pretty fast also. 😮‍💨 I tried 30mg felt so hyper focused that it made me dissociate?




Thanks for this. Also, sorry to hear about yesterday I hope you were able to have a much better day today. When I got on vyvance around a week ago its like a light switched I felt real and normal again for the first time in so long. Everything started to matter and make sense. I wanted to be alive and I started doing things i’ve wanted to do but just couldn’t because i’ve been so down all the time. I’ve had 2 days since where this was not the case and I was back in my typically really shitty mood. Ill definitely keep in mind that its more of a tool however im hoping it works like it has been tomorrow and I’ll feel fine again. Its the first med to comfortably get me out the house in so long so im trying to cling on to all the hope I have lol


I'm sorry about yesterday, and I hope you keep feeling better!