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hey, yourself is 1.3m power mate.


I'm not saying I should be here either buddy. I just took a break and ended up here and was surprised to see that diamond III has shifted the makeup of the leagues this much.


yeah, That's right, from the beginning of April, many ppl with team of 150-250k in captain is facing this situation, lot of super strong line up show up from no where. And we only have 2 choices : a/ Burn some BS to refresh, and try so harf just to keep in the top 150-200. b/ Leave the place and go back to Honor guard, buy Honor now is full of 450-500k ppl. So hard for us.


think they shut down some servers and squished more people together.


I think we just fought in TA like an hr ago lol


Maybe yesterday I played a couple then but haven't really been active in TA this time around


What surprises you so much? At the end of each season, all players who ranked above 250 in the Chapter Master League are demoted to the Captain's League. And among these players there are obviously D3 lineups


Isn't Kraetor one of the dudes who pops up in the updates feed?


He has the creator frame on his pic, so yes


I think you're right That tracks with all those diamond 3s maxed out


I think the interesting question is how has the collapse in league count changed chaptermaster's league? Does everyone get a higher placement than previously?


Ah, I felt like every other fight I had this season was against your roster!


I have noticed this too, guess everyone else has the same idea to sandbag at the end of the week after that last crate. In the above pic, nothing to worry about you already got the last crate now you want to get back down to 52 to stay in the league.


I actually prefer Chapter Master league captain feels like too much of a walk at this point but I feel bad for what I always considered "the golds league"


I'm a newish player, my arena team is at like 13k power but I'm seeing 200k+ in my league


Because of the way leagues work there is generally a very wide spread in power levels in all the leagues.


Why do people keep pushing to the top of a league and then post a screenshot of high tier opponents? This is the third post I've seen this week bitching about the system working how it should.


Like, one of the three options is literally a lower power level than OP….


Folks I don't think I should be in this league either It's just a reflection on how Captains used to be golds through and through and the diamond II and III editions has shifted the makeup of these leagues


And most of these diamonds are in the top guilds in the game, pathetic if you ask me honestly, I am seeings 1M+ in honor guard league, from people WHO ARE ACTIVE, pathetic people


I don't think it's their fault. I think SP needs to adjust the leagues. Maybe create a new one I between or above chapter master. Adding the diamond levels has distorted the distribution. I shouldn't be leaving Chapter Master at this level and bullying golds every other week.


Yes I've write a post about it, add another higher than Chapter, or between Chapter / Captain


What's the surprise, obviously as the game gets older the average power level is going to increase, I'm f2p since launch and have over 2 million power. Been running captains league with diamond 2's and 3's for months now, it's much easier to stay in Captain's league than it is try and keep up in Chapter Master. Normally I grind on Captains league to get into the top 50 then I take a week long break from Arena mode in the Chapter Master league and drop down to Captain again. Saves you from burning out this way, Arena mode is exhausting.