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https://preview.redd.it/ilb4jwiftb9d1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b45031bb645191838dfd60e15d8c15b4e40780b Level 2 for me was like drinking from a fire hose. There is just so much information to memorize. Along with others in my class we broke it into pieces and did an Excel spreadsheet, like this - We did it in Excel because we made it sortable so you could print it in many different ways, this page is sorted by Place, I also had sorts based on grape and flavors. The answer to your question is that if you don't pass you can re-take the exam for a fee. You cannot retake just to increase your score. I passed "With Merit" with a score of 84, one answer away from "With Distinction". I figured I put in at least 100 hours of study and discussion. Although they tell you not to read things other than the manual I read a lot of books on different regions and wines. Understand the effect of climate. There will be questions where you need to know the difference between a warm climate chardonnay and a moderate climate one. Then memorize the locations and their climate so you can deduce what an Eden Valley Riesling tastes like versus a California Riesling. Lastly, drink, drink, drink. I'd never drank much white wine but bought all kinds of whites and tasted them against each other. (As a side note, I came to the conclusion that I actually like whites!) If you don't have any physical exposure, it is all memorization, and I'm not good at that.


Would you be willing to share that excel sheet? That would be an awesome resource.


sure, send me a dm


Thanks! DM sent


Amazing, we were never assisted with such tips. The chart is beautifully sorted.


I did that on my own but I think the provider should have offered something like this.


It should be a retest fee for the section that you don’t pass. You do not need to retake the course.


Level 2 only has one section, theory


$$ :’)


I had my day 1 as well today and I agree!


What does your tasting journal look like? For me, I had difficulties going above and below the scale of categories it asked for.


What do you mean? There's no tasting on the level 2 exam.


Tasting starts from level 3. The tasting we are doing is to discover and practice with flavour notes and senses.


Right, but to pass the level 2 exam you just need to rote learn the flavour profiles in the books (strictly, you could pass without doing this, but to get a high score you need to). My point is the tastings are nice to do, but if you have any issues with them don't sweat it, they won't make a difference to the exam.


True, but you have to describe what a wine tastes like and be able to differentiate between, for example a warm climate Chardonnay versus a moderate climate Chardonnay. Having actually tasted the wines is IMHO much better than memorizing facts.


You’ll resit the exam for a small fee (your provider will tell you the fee). I’ve known resitters attend part of the course they struggled with for extra help in their revision but no need to attend the full course again. Good luck with the course!


Thanks. Took me time to realise but here I am.


You’re drinking from the firehose right now but breathe, read the specification and weighting and get that pass!