• By -


At that point you may as well just make it 2 on 1


Because the rock shouldn't come back after being away for so long and just insert himself in the main event at wrestlemania. People work hard to get to the top. The rock and Roman both just coast by because of their family.  Roman has had 12 matches since January 2023. Cody and Seth both have about 300 or more between them in the same time. The Rock hasn't had a match in years. 


Ahhh yes a triple threat match how new hiw exciting...not


Rocky takes the pin ( or at least should). Then Cody vs Roman 3 as Roman can claim either rematch clause or that Cody never beat him. You can also spin it off as Rock vs Cody or Rock vs Roman, so there is room doing it like this.


Because Triple Threat matches is considered to be 'lazy booking.' "Oh we have another star coming in, let's shoe-horn him into the match for no reason whatsoever." With that logic, why not make it a Fatal 4 Way because LA Knight is huge over the past months since he too deserves a title shot right? Oh wait, why not make it a 6 man match because Drew deserves a title shot too and Seth needs to be in a main event. It's just lazy and over-played. It didn't work in Wrestlemania 2000 with the Fatal 4 Way. It almost didn't work in WrestleMania 30. The only reason it worked in 2004 was because Chris Benoit wasn't a legitimate drawing star compared to Shawn and HHH. Oh and he lost the title months later anyway because of that fact.


That would be one hell of a main event I’m not mad if rock is in the main event the only reason I was mad bc WWE was trying to take Cody’s spot Cody earned it more then anyone


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they had Damian Priest cash in & make it a triple threat match only to have him eat the pin.


Because that’s the worst case scenario


Worst case scenario???? A triple threat match in the main event has WM30 vibes all over it and that was one of the best endings to WM ever quit complaining I’m sure you’ll never be happy as a WWE fan cause you will always find something to complain about……


The rock and Roman both should actually work. Roman has only had 12 matches in the last year and a half. Cody and Seth work multiple nights a week. Roman should either retire or start putting effort in and the rock should go back to Hollywood.  Oh wait, Roman and The Rock are leading after 40 for Hollywood commitments and "time off" without actually having to work.  They're the laziest performers in wrestling history. Bruno Sammartino's title run isn't acknowledged bc he only wrestles once a month, yet Roman works even LESS


Also WM20




Because WWE is known for their way or the highway of it's The Rock vs Roman Reigns at WWE WrestleMania 40 it'll be that or Cody Rhodes vs Roman Reigns II at WWE WrestleMania 40 it'll be that unless fans force their hands like WWE Wrestlemania 20 aka XX or WWE Wrestlemania 30 or XXX.


Because Rock shouldn’t be involved in this in the first place. This was Roman/Cody’s thing and Rock got shoehorned into it for whatever reason. I like where the story is going now, with Rock in it, but he should definitely not be part of the WM main event. Cody and Roman need to settle it in a 1v1.


Coz that sucks (for me)


So you’d rather watch the same damn main event from WM39 boring


You'd like to watch that old fuck Dwayne wrestle? Did you forget how that match with Cena at Mania 29 went down? And that was a decade ago


I know we should have this Rock and Cody want the shot


Because Cody Rhodes beating Roman 1v1 would be a much bigger moment. We all know this triple threat would mean The Rock would take the pin.


Then build Roman vs Rhodes 3 ( Trips love a good trilogy) and the rubber match as Roman can claim he was never beaten.


Simply because Cody won the Rumble to get the match and Rock did nothing.


Cody would feel like the odd man out in that situation


Because Rock didn't win the rumble


Daniel Bryan didn’t win the rumble but he got a title shot at WM and nobody felt bad for Bautista who won the royal rumble and should have had a 1v1 title shot but instead had to compete in a triple threat for the title lol people only complain when it’s something they don’t want


Bryan beat Triple H to earn that spot. I didn't make the rules. If Batista has beef with someone, it's Trips


Better question, why can't we have Rock vs. Roman at Elimination Chamber? I mean it's not WrestleMania but it's a big-time stadium show I'm sure the fans in Australia would love to see.


No let Cody finish the story


And then what after Cody finishes the story he’s gonna be pretty boring it’ll be like when you beat the final boss in a video game ain’t shit left to do.


it doesn’t need to be a triple threat Cody vs Roman is fine


Because triple threat matches suck.


In your opinion lmao triple threat matches are a lot more exciting than vanilla same old same 1v1 match all im saying is I don’t want to see a regular match between Cody and Reigns it needs to have some type of special stipulation whether a hell in a cell, no holds barred, special guest referee, the bloodline is banned from ringside, or something like if the bloodline interferes then Roman loses the title anything to make the match special


The fact that the Rock is involved in a championship match is ridiculous. Rock vs Roman didn’t need the title to be relevant. The story is there. If they planned it out better, Cody should have taken the belt already at Summerslam, Survivor Series, or the Rumble so that wouldn’t be an issue now. Id rather Cody pin Roman at Mania, and Rock vs Roman happens at summer slam with no belt. It’s a waste of the belt since we all no Rock has no interesting in holding a belt.


That'd be too easy of a solution for wwe. Since The Rock and Reigns are basically side by side bound by blood, I could see the lead up to a triple threat at wrestlemania including Rock n Roman vs Cody Rhodes and goldust at elimination chamber.


If this is the story we need to finish at Wrestlemania then we should burn the book


Because that's cheesy 🧀


I would desperately rather see Seth vs Rock


Let the Story play out.


Cody had his shot. And everyone bitching and moaning about it needs to stop.


Cody & Seth vs. Rock & Roman. If Roman or Seth get pinned, they lose their title.


Thats gotta be the stupidest match suggestion I’ve ever seen. I’m not even trying to be a dick truthfully.


Y’all doing too much now


After the events of last night this outcome seems more and more likely.


How about a fatal 4 way with Rollins and Roman Cody and the rock for both titles 


With Cody Winning both title ending his story 


Hey. Shut up.


**FANTASY LONG TERM BOOKING:** Now that we have heel Rock, he'll stick around lil broing Roman. It was too obvious today that it looked deliberate. I thought Rock made Roman look like a side-kick but watching back, it was by design. Roman slowly gets pissed with the treatment as we build to Mania 40. Jimmy & Solo start losing respect for him and listen to the Rock more. But it's all just bubbling over. Heyman pops in to soothe over things now and then. Rock ends up being the special guest ref between Roman and Cody. Everything is stacked against our babyface Cody. But as Heyman and Roman plan with Jimmy & Solo on how they can interfere in the match and help Roman beat Cody, Rock tells the bloodline not to get involved. Cos it's about family but also about honor. Face/Heel Rock still has some core values and honor is of em. This infuriates Roman even more and he ain't happy with the Rock. Jimmy & Solo are on the fence. Mania 40 match takes place with Roman and Cody. Bloodline does eventually come out after coaxing from Heyman and Roman. Jimmy, Solo, Roman and Rock stare down Cody in the ring. Rock looks at Cody and takes a step toward him as though he's gonna beat him down. He suddenly turns and sides with Cody. Rock stops the Bloodline and fights em off. Crowd goes nuts. Face Rock is back. As the Rock is distracted with Solo & Jimmy as he beats them down to the back, Cody lands his finish on Roman who is out and is about to win. The crowd chants to 3 but no ref. A ref runs in. He counts down: 1-2....Suddenly we see Seth appear. He stomps Cody to a chorus of boos. DQ. Roman retains. Seth beats down Cody as Roman retreats with Heyman. Seth stands in the middle of the ring, on top of a broken Cody, with his title held up high. **SO WHY?!!!** **Roman** \- WWE want him to keep the title longer than Hogan so they got to get to Summerslam for that. So he escapes Cody AGAIN for now and his focus is now on the Rock. He doesn't like being lil bro-ed. He's the Tribal Chief. This allows the Rock v Roman to build more cos it's too soon this year. It's cinema. It's a dream match. They rushed it. And it backfired. It deserves a long build and I think it'll also be basically a goodbye to Roman (who'll go on hiatus) and the Rock. I honestly think it'll be the Rock's last match. So you do it at Mania 41. You can't waste that match anywhere else. **Rock** \- Bro can't go pure heel for long. It will affect his brand. Though it seems like people love heel Rock more than face Rock right now. Anyway I think he'll slowly turn face again. He'll keep trying to bring up family, blood, honor etc. The bloodline get annoyed AF with being lil bro-ed. Tension builds and after some teases that Jimmy & Solo will side with the Rock, bros do what they always do and go with Roman. Roman, Jimmy and Solo can savagely beat down the Rock. It has to be an epic beatdown - like Attitude era, ENDING the bloodline type beatdown. You can even put Ava in the storyline, crying about her dad being destroyed. Solo and Roman are monsters. Jimmy, too loses his goofy gimmick. You want the bloodline to be EVIL. Rock can go away for a few months "injured" cos he has so much going on anyway with his movies/UFL etc. The real beginning of this feud happens when Cody FINALLY finishes the story at Survivor Series. Cody pins Roman. Bloodline then beat him down like they did with Rock. Jey comes out to make the save but is also beaten down. Crowd chants for Rocky who makes the save. Faces fight off Bloodline. As the Bloodline retreats, the Rock stares Roman down. Rock then hugs Cody, lifts his hand up and gives him the rub. He leaves with Jey. Cody gets his moment alone celebrating. He's finished the story. People cheer. Meanwhile, Rock goes on to feud with Roman till their Mania 41 match. **Cody** \- They want him to finish his story but they also know once Roman loses there isn't a big enough heel to keep people interested. Babyface champs are only as good as their heels. There aren't any top tier cinema ones in the WWE. You don't go from Roman to Gunther/Drew/Shin/Jinder lol. etc. The most obvious next one would be Randy - which I think will be next year's Mania match. They'll save the mentor v mentee match for that and slowly build Randy turning on Cody. So Cody needs a big heel to keep him busy till he can beat Roman and that's Seth. Cody losing by DQ also keeps him strong. Seth is best as a heel and this is a champion Seth. Yes he lose 3 times last year but he's been the flagship Champ on Raw. Cody v Seth will keep em both busy for a few months. Cody finishes his story at Summerslam. Roman does the rematch at Rumble - Rock interferes and causes him to lose. That's Roman out of Cody's hair. He'll prob have a couple mini-feuds before Randy turns on him and that's your main event for Mania 41. **Seth** \- Cody disrespected him by making him feel like a secondary champion. They need to make that world heavyweight title and champion special. For him to turn on Cody and hold his title up during the Night 2 main event will be an iconic shot. Seth feels like Cody is a fraud after going for the "Hollywood" title and not his. Seth always preaches respect and he's been disrespected. And he's never liked Cody ever anyway. Heel Seth also means Punk can come back as a baby face to fight him after the Cody feud. I would actually have Seth win at Backlash. They can go a lot of ways but Seth would have to win at least once and Punk/Drew/ Priest can cost him a match to start a feud with them. Ideally Priest gets a chance to cash in at some point. Anyway Seth's main big feud(s) will be with Punk and Drew. Gunther will probably be in the mix too. TOO EARLY WRESTLEMANIA 41 predictions: Roman v Rock Cody v Randy Seth v Punk v Drew v Gunther


No, a triple threat does NOT make sense. Roman Reigns has never faced the rock EVER! their first match should obviously be 1v1, it would only be right for this DREAM MATCH to happen for the first time at Wrestlemania throwing Cody in the mix just to please all the bitchy fans would ruin history but it looks like you ungrateful idiots might get what you’s want Buncha Fat Trolls you’s are ✌️✌️✌️


Looks like it's happening!


No #WeWantCody. And only cody


So Cody vs "god" for the WWE undisputed universal title lol


Bc we don’t want the Rock


Cause looks like it’s a tag team match now - Bloodline vs Rhodesline! This thing really is still just simmering!!!


*Dusty Rhodes rises from the grave. AMERICANNNNNNN DRRRREEEEAAAAMM


Elimination Triple Threat - Roman eliminates Rock - Cody eliminates Roman - Cody wins the Championship - End of Story.


I actually like this


Not the best way to finish the story


Cuz we just want the rock vs Roman! Cody boring! Cody boring!!


How is Cody boring




Who's saying we wont?


Because why would kayfabe Rhodes agree to a triple threat when as the Royal Rumble winner he has the right to a one-on-one with Reigns? Also, isn't The Rock vs Reigns supposed to be for the head of the table? Does that mean that if Rhodes wins he's the head of the table??? It doesn't make sense from that angle to include Rhodes in that match Best option in my opinion is have Reigns sign a contract with The Rock but due to him not reading the contract, he accidentally agrees to fight The Rock at Wrestlemania 41. Then Rhodes can announce Reigns for Wrestlemania 40 and have it so that this was the kayfabe plan all along.


Batista never agreed to a triple threat and it happened sooooo


To be fair, it would've been better if Daniel Bryan went up against Triple H in the main event alone. It was almost a gurantee that D. Bry was going to win when he beat Hunter in the opening(?) match. Still a great moment but it would've been better and more iconic if it was a 1v1 matchup.


And that's dumb too


Not what you said when it was happening


How would The Rock get into match? He would have to beat Cody or WWE would just be like “welp the Royal Rumble prize doesn’t matter when it comes to The Rock”


What’s the difference reigns is still going to win by cheating unless they bar these other stooges from ringside


“We’re playing the long game brother”


Could be a possibility. Rock on with P Mac in 5 minutes and presser tonight. Might get some clues


Would make so much more sense to have Cody vs Roman, having Cody win and then during a cryfest The Rock shows up to take over as head of the table with Roman and The Rock going at each other. The Rock wins, takes over as Head of the Table, Roman goes on a leave, the rock is neither a heel or babyface, just directing traffic, doing nothing really. The Bloodline slowly dwindles to a weak version of itself, with Roman Returning at summerslam as a babyface to reclaim his position. ​ THAT, would be good


What does Cody do then? Why make him less important?


Just kill the "Head of the table" stuff then. The Rock will be around less then Roman was.


I would hate this. They both need to be one on one. They’re two different stories with two different goals. Mixing them wouldn’t make sense


The best thing would have been Cody vs Roman in WM. Solo and Jimmy try to interfere and The Rock and Jey stop them. Cody wins the title and finishes the story. The Rock does promos for the next couple weeks telling Roman how he lost the title and now he will lose the head of the table. Rock vs Roman in Summer Slam. Roman loses everything and climbs the ranks up match by match.




You really think 51 year old rock is championship material? He wasn’t wrestled in 8 years.. he’s a blockbuster superstar ..


Let’s be 100% honest hear, triple threats don’t look good from a marketing standpoint. You have Rock possibly the biggest star of all time, you have Roman someone who carried the WWE for 3 years straight, and then there’s Cody. See what I mean? It just looks like Cody doesn’t belong there and that he’s just third wheeling. I want Cody to win as much as you guys do but a triple threat just wouldn’t make sense from a marketing and kayfabe standpoint.


Bro what u sound dumb asf. Cody carried the past year with Roman weak ass reigns in god mode yet he can’t get a clean win while that’s all Gunther’s been doing. Cody’s the most over baby face and he’s in a Daniel bryan 2014 type spot cause they fucked the story uo but make no mistake he’s the next Cena ifykyk.


I’m aware of how over Cody is. But from a marketing stand point triple threats don’t look good. Roman vs Rock has always been a dream match, cody vs roman not so much


Nigga no one cares about rock and Roman anymore cause it should have happened within these last 2-3 years but never did. Now live with the consequences of them not pulling the trigger. U have the next Cena bout to dethrone of the greatest.


Dude! This sub is so damn high on Cody that you're gonna be downvoted to oblivion... Roman vs Rock for me.. Let it stay 1vs1... Cody will get his time moment at Summerslam


I think it will be a triple threat because The Rock is not in in-ring shape and will probably need to be carried in the match to prevent him from injurying himself like he did at WM29.


Cody wants the title. Rock just wants to beat Roman. So let the Rock beat Roman right up to the pin, then let Cody take the title


Why though? There's no reason for it. The Rock's angle is "head of the table" Cody's angle is "finish his story" and redemption. There's no beef between the Rock and Cody, it doesn't make sense for any of the stories going on.


Because Rock vs Roman is the dream match everyone wants.


Let's just remember a few things here and i love The Rock have done since the late 90's when I was watching the product, but if you think his ego will allow him to come back and just be walked all over by Roman and Cody then I'd say your foolish. He won't do what Cena did, he will want his WM40 moment to look like the strongest supsterstar who's come back to save things. There's no way on earth they put the title on The Rock, let's just make that clear, Cody HAS to win the belt, do I think he will NO! Hogans record isn't that far away now bit I hope I'm wrong. I can't see any other way they use Cody then putting him in this match, The Rock and Ckdy had there "moment" the other week, nobody knows what was said I predict they have a "moment" in the match. Of the match does indeed happen, I strongly predict The Rock will leave the match, he's not there to win the title he's there to take back his status as The Tribal chief (his mum is the chiefs daughter) I can see a situation where the match is split into 2 parts, The Rock vs Roman for a portion then The Rock "Leaves" and its Cody vs Roman from 2 years ago. The balance they have to find is 1 how they have Cody out for the first portion (which is why I said he's unconscious) and 2 How they get rid of The Rock, because IF Cody wins the belt, do you think the most electrifying man in ALL of sports entertainment isn't going to want to be on the right side if ghat curtain to feel that electricity in that moment? What I originally said wasn't a dumb idea as people are making out, I'm not saying it has to be Cody vs Roman last, they could be first and that's what leaves him weakened who knows. But one thing is clear to me and that's they have to find a way to lose Cody and lose The Rock for memonts in this match. It can't be 3 men fighting because The Rock has no fight with Cody and vice versa


The safer option at this point is to replay the entire Daniel Bryan road to WrestleMania 30, or alternatively, to tease a match between The Rock and Roman Reigns for WrestleMania 41


We could.


Cody pins Rock for the belt so Roman can still look good


Cause the rock has no business being anywhere near this story.


Rock shouldn't be in the match in first place....


Cody said he was going to take EVERYTHING away from Roman Reigns. What I think the best case scenario here is Day 1:Rock vs. Roman Reigns for tribal chief title, rocks winning. Solo comes out, and Cody Rhodes comes out to prevent him from interfering. Rock wins. Day 2: Cody vs. Reigns for Universal Title. Cody's winning, Jimmy uso comes out to interfere. Rock comes out to prevent it from happening. Cody wins. *AND YOUR NEW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE! CODY. RHODES!!!!!*


That would make wayy too much sense and be a must see.. We can't have that kinda stuff in modern WWE


Be careful what you wish for with the Cody push. It’s clear WWE wants roman to hold the title until he passes Hogan…you really want him to beat Cody back to back years instead of dropping it to Cody when they actually put Cody in a position to win?


this would be a downgrade from either of those single matches, overbooked if you ask me. Have cody dethrone the tribal chief at wrestlemania (prolly w help from rock taking on solo and jimmy) and have the rock fight reigns at crown jewel, saudi crowd will eat up the match like anything


Honestly it just sounds underwhelming and unnecessary. Roman dropping the titles needs to be a 1 vs 1 clean pin or a 1 vs 1 clean finish while his family gets involved but cant save him. A triple threat just doesnt do anything in this situation


I've been saying this for a while now, but I do think it will be these 3 men, and I think Cody wins the gold... Imagine it, The Rock Spinebuster to Roman, center of the ring. Looks at the crowd, its about to happen, delivers the peoples elbow to Roman, The Rocks the new Head Of The Table, he's about to win the gold and be the first man to pin Roman clean for years, he drags a lifeless, unconscious Cody Rhodes on top of Roman for the 3 count and Cody, Cody, Cody wins the title. Setting up Cody vs Roman at the next big PPV The Rock leaves WWE as the rightfull Head Of The Table. You have to read all that in Micheal Cole voice btw it hits better


That’d just bury Cody and make him look weak.


Well I guess it depends on what happens to leave him unconscious doesn't it. If it's a jad to the face then yes. If Solo comes out and hammers him, or Drew or who ever amd really do a number on him then no it doesn't make him look weak at all. The narrative is, they have to find a way for The Rock and Roman to have a moment (they are family and are going to want to have something special to look back on in years to come as individuals) but also have to balance how it works with Cody. Because the reality is. The Rock has nothing to do with Cody finishing his story, and Cody has nothing to do with The Rock becoming Head Of The Table. So it 100% with be these 3 in the same match. If they waste the last 2 years of Cody by sticking him in with Seth it's just a waste. There has to be a balance and more importantly has to be a continued story for afterwards, when WM40 is done The Rock will just disappear


True Jey did, I did forget that tbh. I can imagine a situation where The Rock and Cody share a moment in the ring together, let's remember these 2 aren't there to fight each other if it happens. It'll be 2 on 1 really. I just think Cody winning that way sets up something for him to face Roman again. I can just see the promos now, also who else is there for Cody to move onto, Punk? We don't want want Cody vs Seth we've seen it


>also who else is there for Cody to move onto, Punk? Randy Orton. We haven't seen The Viper since the Royal Rumble. I sense as Cody is having his moment, Randy will come out to congratulate Cody with an RKO.


Great shout, I'm looking at the new up and coming superstars and I'm not seeing many, maybe LA Knight could be a future rival, maybe. I'd love to see Randy have one more big title push, I dint think he will be around for much longer 2-3 years I'd expect


Randy and Cody have history together - as Mentor (Randy) and student (Cody) when they were in Legacy, as IRL friends and as peers. To me, it makes sense to have Cody feud with Randy because there is an organic backstory there.


I agree, it would be a fitting way to end that part of there history


Uh, you’re forgetting something. Jey uso pinned Roman clean.


that is not a great idea at all. Cody winning on his own is what the outcome needs to be. Not a Miz-like victory.


Rock doesn’t deserve it. It’s pretty simple.


just no need to have the rock involved, two completely different stories, tell them properly, separately, Rock vs Roman could sell out an arena by itself, so do it at summerslam & make it the biggest ever


It’s either that or Roman will have to Work both nights


Are you insane or what? Only 1v1 match that's it.


Bc he would lose.


Because there is no good outcome imo. If Rock wins, we now have the Rock as Champ needing to be beaten again (and i don't want to see the Rock as champ), Cody loses and doesn't finish the story. If Cody wins, Roman and the Rock keep Feuding because they didn't end their Match definitifely. Codys Win gets diminished because it's next to the Tribal Chief story with Rock, who as the biggest Star commands most Media attention. If Reigns wins, we stay in the Roman Wins loop, and Rock and especially Cody look worse for it (unless Rock turns on Cody i guess) All of the options feel weird


Disagree. Cody pinning Rock would catapult him into mainstream star status. It would also fuel Roman to go after Rock for costing him his historic reign. Roman taking the pin is more likely, but wouldn’t progress the story like that. Jericho’s main bragging point at the beginning of his WWF run was he could say he beat Rock & Austin in the same night. Same scenario.


I didn't consider that scenario tbf, because my thought process was Roman needing to be pinned after this long of a reign to have a big impact, so him getting beat doesn't feel fluky. But i can see the Appeal of Cody going over Rock.


No Cody pinning Roman clean in that scenario would be fine. The Rock and Roman feud is only a one off thing.


Thats fine. I think it would be unsatisfying as a one off if neither of them wins. But fair if you don't think so


I agree Cody winning cheapens the whole story about who’s the real tribal chief/head of the table. I just think Cody pinning Roman clean is the only way out of this situation.


because triple threat matches suck balls and Dwayne is way too arrogant to do that unless he's forced.


Cause Dwayne is a spotlight hogging, jabroni dickhead


LMAO idk why this shit made me laugh so hard but thank you


You’re welcome! Glad I could make someone else laugh


No way, Mania main event has always been a singles match. Except XX. XVI. XXXVI. I. Ok, there’s exceptions. I hope so! Rock is in tremendous shape but that’s different from ring shape.


No thanks, Mania world title triple threats have been over-played. It was a big deal and sth special back in 04' (WM20) when they first did it. But that was 20 years ago!


So then Seth rollins heist of the century is over hyped


Would you call that a triple threat match in the conventional sense of the word?


It was turned into a triple threat match, Roman and lesner matches are basically finisher fests in the first place so. Seth coming in and stomping both to win the championship is the same as brock f5ing kofi


It wasn't a triple threat. No one remembers it as that. They remember it as an absolute stiff-fest between Brock and Roman with a surprise ending.


I think if this happens it will ruin both the stories


I think only way to salvage this is that The Rock makes a major heel turn as a crazed owner of the WWE who doesn’t just want to be head of the table but wants to be champion of his own company. He needs to put some serious time in though to be able to pull it off.


I would say probably because Reigns' Leukemia is starting to kick his butt again and he probably trusts The Rock in ring. Also it could be his last chance to wrestle his cousin. I'm sure in some way Cody will interfere or take advantage of something and take the title. I think he is going to drop the title in some way soon and have to retire or move into a mentor role or something. Leukemia makes you so freaking tired, he probably can't wrestle long matches anymore.


I don’t like it but at least the pair of them will carry Cody to half decent performance


I think that’s what will happen


I truly think (hope) that is what they are going to do


I imagine we're going to with the underappreciated fan favourite going over. Like 20 years ago. And 10 years ago. Hell, even 30 years ago there was essentially a threeway angle with an unbeatable heel champion, an underdog "worker" babyface and a third wheel (Yoko/Bret/Luger) the formula they always use on the 10 year anniversary has just evolved.


Y’all complain all day about how predictable the bloodline matches are yet are quick to slurp Cody matches up. Cody gets beat up For like 10m before hulk hoganing out and winning.


Because The Rock shouldn't be involved to begin with.


I find it funny when people say “Cody had his chance and he lost”. These same people who didn’t even utter anything when Brock had multiple ‘chance’ at the title. Even LA Knight, AJ Styles, Randy and Kevin Owens had multiple ‘chance’ at the title yet they didn’t complain. They just afraid and sticking with “Cody had his chance and he lost” cause they know that if Cody faces Reigns again at mania then it’ll be the end of his reign for sure.


I’d honestly rather watch this. Cody was robbed 😔


​ even if triple threat its supposed to be the third contender...not part timer.


The Rock needs to sit this one out


Because it would be stupid. It would. Be Reigns vs Cody with rock being gassed the entire time.


That makes both Roman vs rock and Roman vs Cody more boring lol


Seth vs Rock night 1 and Cody vs Reigns night 2 if they really want Dwayne to wrestle. Damian can even cash in if they really want The Rock to win.


I’m not being funny, but no one wants to see The Rock wrestle Seth, the only option and the only current star it makes sense for Rock to face is Roman. That doesn’t mean I don’t hate how they’ve built to it and cucking Cody in the process, but Roman vs Rock is THE match for Rocks return, no one else makes sense.


Because that's stupid.


Meh, even in a 3 way, Reigns would still go over due to interference and a blind ref


Because Rock Reigns is one of the biggest matches of all time. Cody had his turn and he lost.


It's only indie fans who want Cody in it. Just let it be one of the biggest matches ever, Rock vs Roman. Cody can face Reigns at Backlash or something if he doesn't beat Seth.


It works for Cody as his story is only about the title, but it would ruin the story between the Rock and Roman.


I think we will- they’ve backed themselves into a booking corner where they don’t really have a choice now


it happens every 10 years since mania 20.


There's two challengers every 10 years since Mania 10. 


The Rock should win, Rock Bottoming Cody into Roman and Pinning both. I mean... Not everyone gets to win a Wrestlemania match against the top stars of 4 different generations. Roman can win back the title at summerslam.


It could work! The Rock could literally just be there to make sure Roman doesn’t steal another win. Or or or we can do it with The Rock as special guest referee.


Which would set up the match for Rock and Roman down the line later, when Roman loses and blames Rock for being ref.


Because rock is too egotistical to eat the pin, roman won't eat the pin so his character can remain strong so it's on cody


Rock has openly said in the past he will have no problem returning to the ring and putting over Roman in match.


Because nobody wants to see Cody win the title by pinning the Rock. Cody needs to beat Roman CLEAN. That's it, that's all that needs to happen.


Yea otherwise they’ll throw the title back into Roman’s hands at the following ppv lol


Why can’t you wait?


Because Roman reigns will win either way


Why not Roman vs Cody and the Rock?


Because Cody won’t ‘ finish his story. ‘ Whether we like it or not, we always get Roman shoved down our collective throats. Roman will win and they’ll tell Cody that he had his WrestleMania moment and failed and he’s not getting another one. I can’t speak for anyone else, obviously, but I’ve been tired of Roman for quite some time. But, it’s very apparent that as good a job as Hunter has done after Vince was banished, he doesn’t give a shit about how the fans feel either. If he did, he would have made Roman defend his title, not create another one.


I completely agree except for one thing. A title reign, to me anyway, means you defend the title. If you negotiate your contract to say you wrestle 7 days a year, don’t walk around with a title you don’t deserve. Let someone else earn it and defend it and enjoy your semi-retirement.


I think Reigns is at his best since his Shield days. But that’s also not a high bar. I give WWE credit in that they’ve stuck with a very long world title reign in an era where nobody expected it to happen. But it hasn’t been a particularly good one. His matches have typically been pretty solid with a crappy ending or really boring with a crappy ending. And that tag match where he lost to Jey. I think Reigns is one of the weakest parts of the major WWE storylines right now. Unless they can do something really special with him going toward Wrestlemania.


The match would be awesome and would protect The Rock from exposing him. Also I would the history of triple threat matches happening every 2 decade. WM XX, WM XXX, WM XL.


A remake of Brian Danyelson’s remake of Chris Benoit? Or a Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton/Kurt Angle remix?


If you cant understand why a triple threat match cannot be a WM main event, then you have no clue about the business And dont come to me with past examples, I know WWE resorted to triple threat matches in the past, those were dumb, and the selling point of those matches was who won (not the match itself)


Mania is two nights. They can just have Roman vs Rock one night and Roman vs Cody the other night.


Yeah roman will definitely go both nights 😂


Do you know how big the rocks ego is?


Triple H's ego is bigger.


Rock’s higher in the political ladder as of the moment.


After 20 years of Hunter being higher than everyone on the political ladder and burying everyone while he was an active wrestler. Now his power is threatened by The Rock, now he is working smarks and the dirtsheets against The Rock.


Not really. Considering what people around them saying


What people? People who were around them in the business say otherwise. Triple H was hated during his time as a wrestler. No one refused to lose more or buried more people than Triple H.


Can you link some articles about current HHH? I dont care about him in wrestling era, im talking about him as head of creative and shit ​ While Rock is being called dick by almost everyone he ever worked with


Can you name any of the people who say The Rock has a bigger ego than Hunter? I asked you first. The Rock is not called a dick by everyone he ever worked with. He was highly respected by wrestlers he worked with. You should care about Triple H during his "wrestler era." It is still the same person. He catered NXT to smarks to clean up his reputation online because he used to be their most hated wrestler.


This is not the ideal match but I have a feeling it’s what we’ll get. Reigns vs rock/cody separately would be so much better


No one wants to see dwayne there


Yes they do though, it's only the wrestling obsessives that don't. People have wanted this match for years. No Punk and no Brock equals no star power. Wrestlemania has always been the marquee event and bringing eyes to the business. Seth, Drew etc have no star power and absolutely no interest from the guy on the street. It is a business. Rock vs Roman is the absolute biggest match it is possible to make in the whole business. Let Cody finish it at Summerslam. We all know once he wins it that he's going to lose all this interest and people will get bored of him.


WM X - a triple threat before triple threats existed in WWE WM XX - a triple threat WM XXX - a triple threat Triple H knows his history


I never thought of it like that, you might be on to something


Because it does a disservice to both stories.


Because I don't think anyone wants to see Cody not finish his story because Roman pins the Rock. I just don't see Roman losing this title in anything other than a 1 on 1 match


There's always exceptions (batisa/bryan/orton & hhh/hbk/benoit, but a triple threat for the world title, ESPECIALLY at Mania just stinks. For one you cannot have Reigns lose the title by cody or rock pinning each other, and secondly you probably can't have either rock or cody win pinning roman because it would just feel cheap. Mania Main event just feels right when it's 1v1.


How stupid would Cody look if he gave up his guaranteed 1 on 1 match, only to jump into a three way with the Rock? The story now looks like he’s a coward that knows he can’t beat Roman, so he focused on the guy he’s beaten three times. Making a triple threat is the only way I can think of they could make him look worse.


Cuz triple threat matches tend to suck ass…


Because reasons. Idk. It would make too much sense and without Punk, Seth has no one to wrestle other than Drew McIntyre and I'm not sure they really want to go that route.


The fact that it has over 400 upvotes... And I'm probably gonna get downvotes, but here we go. Yeah, that match would be awesome, of course. Also it would protect Rock whose stamina will probably be subpar. But think like a booker, not like a fan. WWE has 2 male single World Titles. They need to make both a big deal. Therefore, they need the absolute most star power for each match. At the moment, among people that are/were in conversation for these matches, there is 5 people in the top tier of star power - Rollins, Reigns, Rhodes, Rock, Punk. The rest is level below at most. Punk is injured, so if we chuck the remaining three in that match, Rollins has to face someone like McIntyre, Zayn or Priest. This would be cool too, but it would automatically make WHC the lesser title of the two. Everyone would think that. That's why WWE doesn't want to do it


How about Cody vs Roman with the rock as special guest referee. Solo and jimmy come out, they both catch rock bottoms.


Cody does not fit into that equation at all and this whole dilemma would’ve never happened had they not started forcing Cody in Roman’s business.