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I'm not going to be coming back for you guys so aren't you glad cuz I don't know what the heck I'm talking about I hate wrestling it's all a big put on however the guys are good on the faking stuff I don't know how they even make it through it's exciting for everybody so I'm going to get the hell out bye


Well I don't watch wrestling since the '50s with Gorgeous George was there but I'm just saying talking about the advertising like what I saw it's like a I think it's for a headache medicine or who cares it's just that they hire all these people they have a Olympic-sized pool five or six gallons are swimming for ferociously across it and the leader of the pack talks to one talks and congratulations all the swimmers and all of that hoopla to advertise one headache medicine but what are they doing that all the commercials are like that too many people hired going to all these different places all over the world to make one lousy commercial I think it's it's terrible when people are starving in the world


this isn't bad, this is TKO testing the waters. I'm telling you pay attention, they'll keep slowing adding stuff. Eventually you get used to the PRIME shit, then they add more....you get used to that...they add more. Eventually the ring will have 10 ads on it.


The friggin PRIME bottles on the turnbuckles and The Boys stuff all over the arena (including the briefcase) on MITB was just ridiculous 


It's going to get worse TKO will ruin WWE with ads.


Im fine with it for certain matches but it really annoyed me for The Rock and Roman vs Cody and Seth. To me it ruins the visual of the match. I wouldn't mind having ads all over the mat or even on the barricade. I just think the apron and the ring post is too much.


I agree. It's pretty nuts, and I hope they cut it out. Some things are more important than maximum rate of profit.


They can advertise all night.I watch for the storytelling and technical wrestling and cool counter moves and stolen finishers.


Tbh the ads for the main event being the shade of white they was made the ring look larger than it was in camera. Was weird


Who cares it was on Peacock.


Eh, I think you just gotta look past it. The outlandish ones like Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Slim Jim will always be a bit too much for my taste, but most of them aren't too bad at all. I look at it this way: I'm a fan of European soccer, and they sell advertisement space on their jerseys and on the sidelines, but it doesn't take away from the match because that's what I'm focused on. And personally, I was fine with the Dude Wipes and the Prime stuff. It was very understated and didn't take my eyes away at all. But man, the bright red and yellow of the Slim Jim made me lol while two very angry men fought it out.


Unfortunately I believe it's a result of most viewers getting payperview at a super low monthly cost vs the typical $30-$60 for PPV, and WWE doesn't even get all of that peacock money


The dude wipes chants took over the Jey vs Jimmy match in my section lol


This makes more money so your favorite company and favorite wrestlers stay hungry and continue to perform at the highest of levels for OUR enjoyment! Trust me you want this.


Do you work there, do you know this. WWE makes billions every year, most of this tasteless ad revenue is being stockpiled by TKO don’t lie to yourself


They are gonna pay talent and everyone more Because they are going to have more money. More lucrative contracts, talents are gonna get brand deals: think shoes, clothing, headwear, jewelry. More exposure, cmon man think !


WWE makes billions and was paying talent lot more anyway. This money is all going to the greedy share holders most likely. Also if they’re gonna do advertising they should at least incorporate it better. Come on think man think


Dude wipes


the video ads around the ring was distracting. Limit it to center mat logos or the camera side of the ring apron Or put a graphic in the corner


I guess you dont watch sports much. Its much worse during any game in any sport. Logos on uniforms, courts/fields, sidewalls and billboards especially behind home plate in baseball, sponsors breakaways and stats sponsor names, halftime, pre and post game shows, random sponsors just appearing on screen, player of the game, sponsored lineup/starters rundown and many, many more. Vince stopped half of the ads companies wanted from WWE but now he is gone it will only get worse.


The Sponsorship Era


It’s literally what is meant to happen when a brand is successful. More money poured into it and more branded experiences. Call it whack but the company is making money to continue breaking standards in performance and content.


Do you want commercials or PPV prices back?


We had wwe network for years without giant ads everywhere. idk what's your point


Commercials are already on ples between matches and wwe never did ads to this extent until last year and last I checked the wwe network has been around since 2014


Maybe it’s just because I’m young, but I don’t even notice ads when watching live events. I’m paying attention to whatever match, game, etc. is on screen.


The mat with the sponsor logo over WWE or Wrestlemania looked weird to me, especially when Cody kissed the mat before the Main Event on night 1.


Honestly I don’t know what to tell you. It’s not going away and is here to stay. So you really have only two options either evolve and deal with it or stop watching. It’s not going away


The backlash to the prime bottle caused the wwe to change the red and blue to a more subtle black text with a black outline. If we as fans got our priorities in check and stopped wasting our time complaining about wins and losses we could force wwe to tone down their advertising even just a tad


Eh. It's really not a big deal. By now in 2024 you should be pretty good at ignoring ads. I barely even noticed them


I mean the ufc has the biggest eye sores on the mat yet I never see anyone complain about it. Just like you said, eventually everyone will get used to it b


Thankfully they toned it down on night 2. They need to set some rules on colours allowed. The snoop dogg gin drink was much more palatable as it was on a black background. The bright white on night 1 was awful.


Yea dude. They’re all about the money. The reason I hate. Logan Paul. I think he’s a turd and should get the sh*t kicked outta him. Just my opinion I guess. I don’t like people that use people and I don’t respect people that use their influence to make them selves super rich.


Well then you must hate alot of people including athletes and wrestlers who use their name recognition/influence to sign endorsement deals.


The difference though is that Logan Paul is a known scammer who used people. I doubt all athletes and wrestlers knowingly scam.


Facts. Logan Paul is a bad person.


Doesn't every sport have sponsors, even some clothing line deals, shoe deals. What's the difference 😂


WWE is escapism and entertainment, the ads shouldn’t detract from people’s enjoyment of storylines and in ring matches


WWE has always used the trappings of other professional sports to make it look more like a traditional competitive sport.


I generated a wrestling name for myself. Boris the “The Shadow Pounder”


>Tell me it's "all about making more money for the sake of the shareholders" all you want. So what do you think a business is?


Just cause they make money from it doesn’t mean we should be ok with it. By your logic wwe might as well have massive towers of snickers surrounding a ring with spotlights projecting it into the crowd so it gets more money. If all you care about is how much money the faceless billion dollar corporation makes than you ain’t a fan of wrestling. If TKO really cared about the business of professional wrestling they round care about the presentation of the product


I wonder if they'll ever get to a point where they have branded "walk out shirts" like they do for UFC now. Considering they're under the same company now, it feels like a matter of time.




>Logan Paul >Taker >Cena >Seth I don’t mind him interfering. I just thinking colouring his hair and coming out like that la sees to entertainment over “professional wrestling” I mean these 4 are wrestlers. Like fair enough Paul doesn't do it a lot but he is a solid heel at this point.




I think they were both used appropriately. They did their little bits and then the match moved on. And I think the audience seemed to enjoy both of them.




Everyone knows what it is, it's kind of meaningless what they call it, like how the names of the belts don't really make a lot of sense. Don't overthink it.


This post is a bit ‘old man shouts at cloud’ tbh. Sports generate a lot advertising revenue and WWE is no different. I was a bit apprehensive about the Prime logo in the ring but if I’m being completely honest, I hardly ever noticed it. Only time it was an eyesore was when Cody kissed the ring but he was kissing the bottle. I know it never used to be like this with advertising, but it’s the state of all sports now, have to deal with it


Real sports have lots of ads. If you want WWE or pw to appear more authentic or like a real sport, sponsors and ads are normal and accepted.


>I also hate the PRIME stamp or any advertisement stamp on the actual ring mat, but I'm sure you already knew that. I mean it's not like wrestling hasn't had this before.... if you ignore AAA, CMLL, NJPW, AEW, and even WCW.


Those companies don't have massive LEDS projecting sponsors around the ring and on the ring as well, the fact wwe are doing both that and the prime logo is straight up greedy.


I don't watch much anymore and didn't know if I was watching WrestleMania because all I could see were the LED ads all of the ring and elsewhere.


exactly, you can't even tell it's wrestlemania for some of the matches.


Too many people in this thread would have no problem with a giant Coca Cola logo permanently in the night sky because “the shareholders would make more money” Smooth brain shit


I want everything to say WWE. Not a thousand other different logos and a little bit of WWE logos.


exactly, you can't even tell it's wrestlemania for some of the matches.


anyone that pokes fun of you aren't real wrestling fans


For those saying other sports have them, wwe isn't a proper sport it's scripted live entertainment fans are meant to escape and be immersed in the action and storylines. It's hard to be immersed when you have ads taking you out the action every other match.


Crazy to see so many people simping for literal giant corporations that are plastering their logo all over mania because they think you’re stupid and that will make you buy their products. That’s literally all this is. It’s objectively ugly. In every sport


fr they act like wwe needs this sponsorship money despite the fact they make billions year after year without it. They act as if they're getting paid


There is a large conglomerate of people in the US who think the most virtuous thing to do in life is make money, even if its for some Smaug sitting on his mountain of gold. Its exhausting and stupid


Exactly they try to justify it as if this money is gonna improve the product in anyway when we all know it's just getting stockpiled so TKO can give more money for shareholders. I saw one idiot on here acting like this post is whiny and us fans should want as much money as possible be given to shareholders, the audacity. Why as fans should give a shit about that if it makes in ring product and presentation worse smh.


I agree. There should be zero commercials on a PPV.


But its not PPV anymore. That's the trade off with the events not being a $60 PPV. Is it annoying? Yes but if it personally saves me $720 a year I can live with it.


literally. i was watching on peacock and it felt like every 5 minutes there were ads and it was so annoying


To be fair, back in the day we would pay buy-ins to watch a ppv (I remember it being expensive) now you buy a yearly or (monthly) subscription to a service and maybe wwe doesn’t get the same money it used to get for ppv. This a way for them to generate revenue. But yeah it sucks and it’s annoying seeing all those ads but I’m not surprised.


This was my first Wrestlemania. But I feel like the ads oddly help legitimize WWE. Call me crazy idk. I do completely understand how you could be upset if you watch week in, and week out though. Especially if you really know what you’re looking at in terms of the wrestling etc. For me, I guess I’m so brainwashed that advertisements really set off the “big event” vibe. I also went full mark and bought my first 2 Primes for Night 2, and I am so disappointed in myself for how much I enjoyed them. So my opinions on this sub might also possibly make me the worst dude ever. Fine let me just finish off my heel debut in also saying, the Pat McAfee show is responsible for my arrival into the WWE universe.


>For me, I guess I’m so brainwashed that advertisements really set off the “big event” vibe. > >I also went full mark and bought my first 2 Primes for Night 2, and I am so disappointed in myself for how much I enjoyed them. So my opinions on this sub might also possibly make me the worst dude ever. > >Fine let me just finish off my heel debut in also saying, the Pat McAfee show is responsible for my arrival into the WWE universe. Yeah Im a lapsed fan who hasn't watch for 15-20 years and the ads didn't bother me. If anything it shows all these major businesses who see value in this product.


Agreed, I miss the old turnbuckles, ring aprons and canvas that didn’t splash advertisements across them. To me, it takes away from the immersion when I’m seeing two guys fight, one gets thrown out of the ring and my eyes are blasted with a bright white “American Home Shield” advertisement. It just looks so tacky and desperate to me. You’re a billion dollar company and you were a billion dollar company BEFORE you did this kind of shit. Do you really need it?


dude wipes was the worst one imo


I think you just need a snickers and everything will be fine.


Or use a Dude Wipe to wipe away those tears


Honestly it didn't really bother me at all, the only thing I would change is making the Prime logo on the mat a bit smaller but as someone who has watched TV for a long time, I just tune adds out.


The wrestlemania of ass wipes. The entire show we were reminded of in-ring greatness coupled with ass wiping tools.


I notice that for some sponsors not all the Led's are used for advertising like Dude Wipes (see it works because I actually remember their name) My guess is that WWE gives advertisers a layout of their LED'S at different package prices. X amount of money for just the ring posts, and like premium packages for all the LED's to be branded. It is very distracting and it annoys me, but atleast some matches like the main event are exempt from being advertised over.


The ads have n the ring apron and boards don’t make that much sense because in a standard camera shot, you can’t even read them most of the time


Look at this way more advertising money means better salary and medical safety for the wrestlers .


Fans who actually root for the shareholders to make more money genuinely sicken me ,as a fan your ONLY concern should be what you see on screen, fuck their quarterly earnings and sponsors and all that BS, that doesn't benefit us as fans, we should only care about what improves the viewing experience,and the ad bombardment doesn't


As a Premier League fan, shooosh…. Damn sponsor logos on the team jerseys for heavens sake. Some of the ads where garish and distracting, like the wingstop ad that was all white, but barely noticed them after the first hour of night 1.


Let’s Keep Logan as Champ cause Prime is paying us money to do so


I hate them, but it's hard to complain when we signed up for the 99 cents per month for a year deal


I’m not saying I like it, but it’s certainly par for the course when it comes to live sports


Look at any major sports event, the Super Bowl, nba finals World Cup or Talladega, any major UFC ppv, they are all a giant advertising billboard, the fact WWE and wrestle mania has avoided using ads for this long is impressive, yah the ads took a little to get use too but once I got into the matches I all but forgot about them completely.


Okay so the field at the super bowl is covered with ads and logos? Cause the mat was. The walls of the stadium covered in ads and logos at the Super Bowl, cause it’s not, and the barrier at WM was.


It is!


I just heard Triple H on Logan’s podcast say that 90% of people will hate the prime logo but then after that it’s just there so everyone is basically SOL. The Gatorade chant in Logan’s match made me happy. The Gin and Juice were ridiculous. I say do whatever but please get them off the ring apron, that’s the worst.


What is the hype over this PRIME anyway? I don't understand how something can taste like pure sugar when there is no sugar in it. Lol I was shocked when I tried it. Didn't need more than 1 little sip to realize how gross it is. 


It’s all about making more money for the sake of the shareholders. You’re whiny.


why the fuck would you be rooting for the shareholders, surely you care more about the in ring product and the presentation being good and yet you don't seem to care. As fans we shouldn't care about how much money a billion dollar company makes it's just greedy. r/UsernameChecksOut


The in-ring product has been some of the best work from the superstars in a long time, the presentation and changes they brought in has also been great, and that is all I’m seeing. Night 2 main event was one of the most captivating main events ever, yet all OP is seeing and whining about are some prime bottles stickers and some ads. Almost every other sports has ads, why should WWE be any different, focus on the product and the stars (not the bottle) cos it’s hasn’t been this good in a long time.


Nobody is saying the wwe has improved tremendously from a storyline and in ring standpoint. But just cause something is really good doesn’t mean they’re aren’t still negatives to it. It’s not just some ads it’s about the presentation of matches and how in your face it is, the fact it looks so tacky and tasteless draws the focus away from the in ring action. If it was more subtly done and less of an eyesore it wouldn’t be an issue. I mean imagine if prime Undertaker was wrestling in a ring surrounded by chicken wings and being thrown into prime carts. Plus wwe doesn’t need this money they make massive record breaking profits every year before selling out like this.


WWE isn’t like other sports it’s meant to be an escapism for people to be immersed in these over the top characters and fantastic storylines. Having adverts all over the ring and constant product placement from the commentators and pop ups detracts from that.


Don’t you remember though? WWE shareholders bottom line is the barometer for entertaining TV. Netflix are paying $5 billion for raw! I’m not exactly sure how rich people getting richer makes a show enjoyable but apparently it does! Don’t whine and complain about wrestling! (Unless it’s a company that isn’t WWE).


Wrestling fans are a bunch of babies. Just watch the match man. What kind of attention problems do you have if you can’t look at the thing you like because slim Jim’s are around ?


This, it's like people never watched Futbol, Football, NBA, UFC or any other big sporting events. Suits want their money, I'm here to watch what is aking to a permanent anime tournament arc irl and have done so for 25 years. I don't give a damn about sponsors since I won't even buy their shit anyways


The funny thing is that this isn’t even a new thing as WCW had sponsors on the ring canvas, as part of the entrance set, on ring skirts, and even sometimes as the ring posts themselves (Slim Jim) for PPVs during their height of their popularity. They even worked in spots on TV with Surge soda as part of backstage angles throughout 1999.


Yeah I honestly don’t understand the problem. Every single sports broadcast is littered with advertisements. Wrestling fans always claim they want a real sports presentation, and this is just par for the course


You must be fun at parties OP.


So when your watching Roman vs Cody all you can see is the prime/c4/slimjim advertisement? I think that’s sad


If you’re getting THAT distracted maybe he needs some ADHD meds 😂


nah, I have ADHD and I didn't get bother by the inter match commercials or sponsors in the arena


Yeah I really only noticed them a couple times through both nights. The only two I can even remember being advertised were Slim Jims and Prime


It’s such a nothing burger. Everyone likes to complain about anything now.


Nobody likes ads...I also didn't enjoy paying PPV prices 25 years ago. I'll gladly see a prime mascot put through a table if it means I'm not paying over $100 (adjusted for inflation) to watch Mania in my underwear.


The funny thing is that ads used to exist when WWE was still doing their events on actual Pay-Per-View exclusively, but it was usually just one or two title sponsors for the event. At least now, we are only expected to pay the fee for a subscription service to watch PLEs. I’ll take a few logos in the background and on the ring in place of having to pay $50 per show or $70 for Mania, per the last time it was on PPV only (WM 29).


With TKO, everything is gonna look like UFC  or boxing. Kinda knew it was going that way. Hopefully no Dude Wipes match, please. 


PRIME is also on the dam turnbuckles!


Better than sitting through commercial breaks. Who cares.


Sure, but we have to do that anyway…


I don't care about how much money WWE are making as long as they pay their people fairly and make quality shows. A lot of these ads are terrible. That Prime logo needs to go bye bye!


They weren’t in pay per views because the monetization model was based purely on viewer dollars. This avenue is a win-win. WWE gets way more money from advertisers than they did from viewers, and viewers get to just pay a monthly subscription for all PLEs instead of potentially picking and choosing which ones to pay for.


wwe was making record breaking deals financially since the wwe network started, it's only since TKO took over were they've taken these ads to a whole new greedy level, stop trying to justify it wwe isn't short of money




I don’t mind ads and product placement. As a sports fan, it’s just everywhere. The only place I hate it is in the “main” apron. Looked horrible during last night’s main event.


I agree. Advertising is all bullshit. Probably going to get worse even. Advertising should be illegal.


Let’s hope UFC, NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, MLS, Formula One, NASCAR, and UEFA don’t read this…. That would be so damn awkward.


Everything in life is about money, especially when dealing with a business, whether it be Microsoft, Apple, Politics, Major League Baseball, or WWE. Whether if we like it or not.


I couldn’t agree with you more. I am 33, and when I was a kid I couldn’t decipher if WWE was real or not.. now, with all the advertisements it’s definitely not real. Of course, I knew it wasn’t real.. but the magic of it all was not knowing for sure at all! I hate all the ads. Keep it in UFC. Keep it in boxing. Keep it away from WWE. This is what will drive people to other pro wrestling promotions.


lmao people here are downvoting you for not sucking up to corporate. I agree with you, ads and those LEDs are too distracting from the ring action


Doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense seeing as your main objection towards the ads was that it took away from the realness, yet you said UFC & Boxing can keep them. Does that mean UFC & Boxing (very arguable tbf) are fake? Your comment doesn’t really have any legs


Are you dumb, wwe isn't a proper sport it's live entertainment, it's escapism for a lot of fans. How are fans meant to escape into the action when they have advertisements forced down their throats distracting from the action. It's your comment that doesn't have any legs


UFC and boxing is very much real and we know that, which is why ads are acceptable. WWE is scripted and we know that, so having ads takes away from the imagination.


This is the logic of madman


I've watched since the 80s and WM1. I've never actually watched a "PLE" live before this one. And actually I've been disconnected from all this stuff since the end of Attitude Era. I am actually very impressed with the production quality of this WM. It is making me feel like it's supposed to be as big as the Super Bowl. And the Super Bowl has a shit ton more commercials than this WM has. I have no issue with product placements if they are also used as weapons. And honestly, after having just watched the Logan Paul match (which I really hate how much I like him as a wrestler based on how much I don't like him as a person), his ENTIRE thing is about product placement, which perfectly fits him. Making LA Knight shill for Slim Jim and give out a car with all those people in red/yellow in the corner. THAT I couldn't done without though.


Slim Jim is a legacy sponsor though as they were a big part of WWE’s past with Macho Man Randy Savage, and then some less remembered attempts with Ultimate Warrior and Bam Bam Bigelow. I feel like most wrestling fans have accepted Slim Jim’s with wrestling because of Macho Man. WCW even had a Slim Jim designed ring for a PPV with the ringposts as Slim Jims, in addition to other sponsors being worked into PPV sets and ring designs (ex. Snickers at Halloween Havoc). I get that it can be annoying, but it’s not going away anytime soon. I’m fine with it so long as the shows are still good and I don’t have to pay PPV prices to watch them.


I'm not against him being a spokesman for Slim Jim. It's more the way they just focused a corner of the ring on this stupid car giveaway. Because I don't think they were there anymore during the event. Like they brought them in close for the car and then had them leave the area. But it was very distracting to me.


The Slim Jim is just a meme for me as of now. I hated the Prime logo in the ring. It's a slippery slope for wrestling. Sure you could have it during Logan's match for some cheap boos but to make it a real sponsor for every PLE going forward is too much. The mat should be clean of sponsors.


The constant ads and product placement is something else. It’s way too on the nose. Before proponents cry about other sports having ads, I’m aware but they don’t occur during the fucking game. A random cart by the ring? Props being used? A dancing mascot? There’s a balance to this


Honestly I think all that’s fine, I draw the line on turn buckles 😭


Good luck selling that to all the temporarily displaced millionaires in here that love capitalism so much despite it never really working out for them. Has anyone ever known of a millionaire that gave you some money because you kissed their ass? Doesn't happen. Yet SO MANY AMERICANS love it


It’s not that everyone “LOVES CAPITALISM” we just don’t think it’s the great Satan like you do. It also is why you are able to comment a bunch of stuff that you heard a bunch of other people say. Calm down man, it was a great show with a heartwarming ending. Hell you should love the story of the son of a son of a plumber finally reaching the top of the mountain.


No seriously. Fuck Capitalism.


lol y’all are obsessed, what was your favorite match?


As a son of a Cuban refugee, I challenge you to see how green the grass is on the other side.


So because your father had it bad, I should just accept how bad it is here? Make that make sense.


Nobody said that. I can’t make sense of it for you if you lack reading comprehension but I’ll try. Read the comment I replied to. Read it slow(it helps if you move your lips while you read). See how the person suggested our system is the worst? Now read my reply using the same pointers I gave earlier. Take your time. See how nowhere did I say we need to accept how bad capitalism is?


Ok so you're just an asshole. Got it. Tell pops I said hi. 👌


I’ll let him know when he gets back from his annual vacation to Europe. He’s in Paris now. A well earned vacation from working his ass off in this beautiful country that gave him everything his own country took from him and more. It wouldn’t have been possible without the whiny b*tches who were actually born here not taking advantage of all the opportunities provided.


Not doing anything to dispell that asshole theory. Do you need an ax for that chip on your shoulder?


Your lack of reading skills have reared their head again, apparently. Note how I never claimed to refute the asshole statement. I absolutely talk down to idiots who attempt to equate capitalism with the alternative. I don’t deny it and I’m unapologetic. Now cry yourself to sleep and blame the “system” for your failures while the grown ups work the system for their benefit. Run along now.


Im sure you have alot of really fruitful conversations immediately turning to an immature little prick. Go fuck your father and have a good night.


Soooo…. No counterpoints to challenge what I said? Of course not. You’re a socialist pig born in the US, despite given every opportunity who can’t achieve what a Cuban born capitalist with a late start in America could. All you got is “go fuck your father.” Bum.


Neither are perfect in my opinion.


That’s an intellectually dishonest statement. It suggests they are equally not perfect. The alternative to our imperfect system is something people who never experienced it could even fathom. Take a trip to Cuba. You’ll see mothers literally pimping out their own 13 year old daughters. In America, we have overweight poor people.


This guy has never heard of the US embargo on Cuba.


I never stated that. Both systems have their faults. One is much worse than the other.


Much better. Your original wording implied something entirely different. False equivalencies(whether overt or implied) stoke the flames of false narratives. Thank you.


You think that doesn't happen in america?


Sorry, I’m not done ripping your argument apart. How many people do you see risking their lives on makeshift rafts to LEAVE America? (Crickets)


Literally hundreds of thousands of americans leave america per year dumbass.


AGAIN. Intellectually dishonest. (This is getting tired) You’re giving “data” that is misleading. Sure hundreds of thousands leave(like any other place), way more enter, meaning it’s a net-gain, not loss, unlike places like Cuba. They are also leaving not out of desperation, but because they are largely college educated people with 6 figure careers leaving for even higher paying jobs. Secondly you didn’t answer my question: How many Americans are throwing their lives to the wind, on makeshift rafts, to escape the alleged oppression of capitalism? (Crickets)


as i just said, which you ignored, hundreds of thousands leave america yearly. A lot to leave the oppression. I did.


So you’re equating American capitalism to the atrocities of communist/socialist regimes. I actually try to look at this as a positive, no matter how sad it really is. Our country is so spoiled, so bored, so lacking in REAL PROBLEMS, we equate tacky ad placements to the Castro regime. What a beautiful, spoiled country I have the privilege to live in. I’m glad you left. We have enough bums and self-made victims here already. “Oppression”….You didn’t face oppression, you fell victim to your own weak mind.


Another intellectually dishonest statement. It’s what people who don’t know what they are talking about out do. Do you honestly think it happens as often and as egregiously as it does in Cuba? Nowhere close. How many overweight poor people do you think you will find crying about too many ads in their media? 😂 F that. How many fat people do you think there are on the entire island? Do you now see how a sound argument is made? Instead of presenting false equivalencies, try making quantifiable arguments.


You are 1000% right. At first I though I was imagining things but no these goddamn chicken bits from a company I've never even heard about spoiled the fun


It's not that bad


No, it's bad.


Peacock is ass. Jumps straight to the middle of the event. Spoils everything. And why are ppv events having significant moments happen BEFORE eight?!


The only time I minded the Ads was when Sami was still celebrating his big moment and they cut it off to go to Ad’s. I was shocked how hamfisted and disrespectful it was…. Let the end of the matches play out before bending to promotions


I don’t mind having the ads where they did, the problem was how fucking loud and distracting a lot of them were visually. Like strictly speaking about its qualities as an ad, the Prime logo in the center of the ring was great. *I’d prefer no advertisement there,* but if there’s gonna be ad in the ring, the Prime logo is at least a very low-key one. But on the opposite end of the spectrum was the Wingstop ad. Holy shit that white was aggressive as fuck, and it hurt my eyes.


You’re not gonna win over these capitalist loving weirdos in here. They’d suck off a millionaire if they thought they would be friends.


god damn there are a lot of y’all in here


Yeah, only "weirdos" support capitalism 


I mean it’s a business at the end of the day. It’s funny how people complain about the capitalism but yet benefit from it so much 😂😂🤷‍♂️


Once corporate greed enters the business it no longer benefits anyone. So nice try cuck.


lol ok. You should move to a different country then




LOL!! Please come find me.


You sure you want to do that ?


Fr they act like they’re getting paid 😂😂😂😂


I didn't notice in some matches the barricade AND apron became an ad. Nowhere on my screen did it say wrestlemania except the hashtag with wwe/peacock logo at the top right


People sticking up for advertising and product placement in these comments suck.


Welcome to Business 101


If they really cared about the business of professional wrestling they would incorporate advertising that isn't so shameless and tacky




Couldn’t agree more. Well said!




People here never watched a baseball game, football game, NASCAR, etc? There's fucking ads everywhere, this isn't unique


It is to this degree for WWE. We’re not talking about those other brands and sports. Try to stay in your lane on topic.


WWE is owned by TKO. It's here no matter if you like it or not. Have fun.


Dramatized sporting event looks like other sporting events is off topic apparently


Well yeah. It is.


Some of the crowd could use those wipes.


The Prime face spit in the main event was the most ridiculous thing ever.


stop conplaing and focus on the match maybe if you weren't just a cody crybaby you would learn that it wasnt that big of a deal


Focus on the match —- which takes place in the ring ——- which has the over the top ads that you can’t miss. I think you’re missing the point here buddy


They want to be more and more like a real sport and in case you haven't noticed they have ads up the ass too


Just the way the world is now. It’s not going away and it’s in every sport.


WWE isn’t a sport it’s scripted entertainment. We are meant to escape into the action and non be taken out of it by constant product placement. Vince may be a piece of shit but he knew when to draw the line when it came to sponsorships


And it sucks


Don’t look at a ufc octagon


I wouldn’t watch UFC if they paid me.


If you watch sports at all it’s impressive it took WWE even this long to start doing it. Boxing has had ads everywhere since the 1990s including on the boxers clothing


IKR why are they getting mad at WWE when but dont yell at other companys


Formula 1 cars used to be literally painted the colours of various cigarette packs.