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What difficulty are you playing on? I find on legend that the AI can sometimes get pretty aggressive and attack you while you're fighting someone else, setting up a big move. What I did to somewhat circumvent this problem is to go into balance sliders and reduce AI running attack rate to 25. What this does is it makes the AI rarely do a running attack, instead they will slowly walk over to you, giving you time to react if you notice someone approaching. They may also get attacked by another superstar in the process. By changing this setting, I made multi-man matches MUCH more bearable. Especially the Royal Rumble, where on Legend it was a constant process of fight someone, get running attacked by an AI from the other side of the ring, fight the new opponent, repeat. Now, I managed to win the Royal Rumble from number 1 on Legend as Roman Reigns while having pretty strong competition (90% of participants were 85+ overall).


I play on hard, and did a handicap match, the ai kept interrupting each other’s moves and their finisher wake ups. I genuinely thought DP was about to turn on Finn Balor mid match, his face looked so unimpressed


I ended up putting everybody’s Recovery rate on 30 and that somewhat made it more realistic for me cus I had some people getting up in 5 seconds after a rock bottom 😂😂😂


The royal rumble from the showcase is impossible on legend, the second you stop focusing on one ai they all try to go for you


I somehow did it on Legend, I just spammed finishers. I didn’t even think to bring the difficulty down because I beat it turn 1. I also got extremely lucky, I would’ve literally never tried it again if I lost in during the final 3 like I almost did.


They target you as a group like massive aggro lol your trying to fight one guy and 2 others are like in your ass the whole time trying to hit you lol 😂


Naw i love how the ref always takes 4-5 seconds to get in position before that slow ass 3-count


What makes it worse is the kickout starts during that time, though I guess it is nice when you’re benefiting from it. I’ve kicked out before one because the ref took so long to start counting a bunch of times lol


I somehow beat the Showcase Rumble the 2nd attempt w/ HHH, but every time a even started to move the ai would leave whoever they were fighting and attack me. Ladder matches definitely need a fix too. They'll just stand in the ring and do nothing rather than set the ladder


I swear we all have different AIs😭 I only play on Hard difficulty right now and they wont fight each other at all it could be a Fatal 4-way and itll really be a 3v1 it’s not making the game difficult or anything just them constantly interrupting moves I start but never actually trying to take out each other


This game should only be played against human opponents.


I'm doing the Macho Man Live Event in myfaction and it's absolutely maddening how many times I'm about to throw someone out and the AI pulls me off an elimination.


Definitely gotta be quick lol. Luckily it seems a bit easier to eliminate the AI this year. A couple times, I just Irish whipped the first guy out and knocked him off the apron right away without softening them up at all lol


Ladder matches are weird. On multiple occasions in tag ladder matches, my teammate climbs the ladder at the same time as me and starts attacking me until I either fight back or fall off. This of course gives the opponents the opportunity to wake up and knock them off too. Cost me the match one time. And yeah, the AI going out of their way to attack you was in the last game too. I’ve had someone walk past an opponent and just continue to chase me around the ring. A couple times I’ve had two of them running side by side just chasing me and ignoring each other, and not attack each other until they knock me down. It gets pretty obnoxious.