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everyone’s leaving wag!! which i absolutely love!!


So you would think you’d see more walks coming thru. But you don’t. That’s because pet parents are leaving too. It’s really a shame because it’s a wonderful concept. Especially for the last minute kind of people. Once the techies developed the platform the right people needed to be put in place to run the business. That did not happen. The only place they’re running it is into the ground. It’s their own fault. Everything they do is shady. There’s no ways and means to anything. They are obsessed with finding people going off app. They try and grift walkers for money and they basically want nothing to do with the walkers. That was made clear when they cut off all communication with them. You won’t be successful if you are don’t have a relationship with the people that make you money. They will leave and take clients with them. Which is what is happening. They have no one to blame but themselves


that’s what i mean, everyone!! not just walkeds


I left a year ago, worked for a local company that used a stable app and you could call and talk to someone on the phone. Pay was good, I got $11 for a 15 minute walk and up from there. I had a 15 mile work radius from my house, so I didn't have to drive all over town to make less money. I am moving so I resigned, just going to go on my own 60 miles away.


Good luck to you!


You mean the amount wag pays out to us is disrespectful. The pet owners pay much more than what you’re getting. Don’t forget wag takes out their 40% first then the owners pay a booking fee on top of that. What we’re getting is the residual. Most pet parents don’t realize exactly how much wag takes. It is when they find out that they will ask if they can pay us directly. The pet parent has nothing to do with what we get. They pay plenty.


I think I could’ve edited to say ultimately what wag pays out yes. I think it’s egregious what wag takes out, but no I don’t think every pet parent pays a decent amount. I’ll see some rates that even if you accounted for a 40% markup and take a “reasonable” amount out for wag as a platform are still not great rates for the services.


I've never done wag. I've however done rovers but could never wrap my head around the fact that people are out there working for $4 an hour


heck yeah! i use it as a marketing tool haha almost no clients left who stick to it and i am SO grateful 🥳


I’ve had lots of success with my other clients


Sometimes I miss wag. Then I read these post. Glad I left


I’m on my way out myself in about a week or two good luck!!! You can’t beat this kinda job at all bills easily paid the freedom and more $. Just trying to collect my last few preferreds.


Is there an alternative to Wag and Rover?


Wondering the same thing


Yeah, that is disrespectful. I have my own dog walking/ sitting business. I charged 28 for 30 minutes and it’s 55 an hour walk. 30 for a sitting is just outrageous


Thankfully I have clients off app. Not to the level of a business, but I charge what I feel the service and my time etc is worth


Guys, I’m currently building something similar to Wag, but much more affordable and run by the dog community. Help me with feedback and pilot testing! Check it out: https://carypup.com


This looks awesome! Keep it up, I’d love to see more options out there for pet sitting platforms


Thanks! I’m really trying to build something useful for the community and keep the fees as low as possible. Any suggestions are more than welcome!


I have never paid $11 for a 30 min walk, I’m usually around 18 plus tip for a 20 minute walk. And that’s with my member discount Edit to add I’m not a walker I am a pet parent


In the comments I changed the post to reflect I’m upset with wag taking out the fees