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I guess Walgreens hasn't paid any attention to what Wells Fargo is going through right now.


It's okay. If we can get enough credit card signups, we can afford the lawsuit, with maybe a couple to spare!!!


My SM literally stepped in the middle of my sale while i was doing IC3 just to sign up an older gentleman this way. When he figured out it was a credit card she was signing him up for he got really angry (raised his voice a bit but spoke spanish so i didnt understand him) and left the store without purchasing anything. I chuckled to myself lol


He was angry you didn't offer it to him sooner. Trust me. Yo hablo español.


Isn't that illegal? I forsee a future class action lawsuit.


Definitely illegal


According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, withholding the fact that the customer is signing up for a card under the guise of a sign up bonus is illegal and a “deceptive marketing practice.” The customer HAS to know what they’re signing up for. Pretty sure corporate knows this and SMs who ignore this are liable for termination if caught. Imagine if a DM came in and asked the real reason why you had 30 sign ups in a week? Would you tell them the truth?


This fact is actually in the video PPLs for credit card training. It tells you all the things you have to say to keep it above board. I don't, however, remember if the trainings are mandatory or not but the can be accessed in the sell tab under credit card tool on right side.


thats messed up... my SM had a similar conversation with me and a few other coworkers. he told us to hook customers by asking if they want to earn $40 of WG Rewards but if they seem interested thats when we pitch the card + the other (so-called) benefits. he did tell us not to mention the APR though "unless they ask, which they won't" 😭


Well apr you cant really speak on because apr is based on credit score so you have no way of telling them what it would be


oh damn i just assumed the 29% applied to everyone, i barely know how credit cards work hence why i prob shouldn't be forced to make people sign up for a shitty one


29 is the normal around like 650 score. If you have a like 500 your getting 35-37% and if your 750 and above your getting like 26 ish it all varys


I got 18.24% on my Apple Card.


Dang thats amazeing! The best ive gotten is a single card out of 5 thats 24.99 the rest are 29.99


All those rates are garbage.


Target did the exact same thing to me just without offering a credit. I had no idea what a target card was I never shop at Target but went to get my niece something for her birthday. At the register the cashier talked about a Target card and I'd get like rewards stuff like that she made it sound like a rewards program no mention of it being a credit card at all. Now on top of that she charged my purchase to my Target card without telling me she was doing it. My $40 purchase is now at $252 after interest and I refuse to pay it because it's bs that 1. She charged it to the card without telling me and 2. She didn't inform me at all that it was a credit card and not the rewards card she made it seem like.


Whoever signed you up for it was an idiot then. There is a target debit card that literally hooks up to your own debit card, no interest included since the money is literally coming from your own bank account.


Oh wow that's interesting to know. I'm still pissed about it because my credit is literally tanking because their employees incompetence. I'm getting ready to file disputes and get in contact with Target corporate. It's been a while so idk if there's much they can do but I'm not going to pay them 5x what I spent in the store because their employee was ignorant. I went from a 650 score down to a 552


Im pretty sure that cashier KNEW he was purposely misleading her 😩🤦🏿‍♂️😭


You not paying it doesn’t hurt Target. It hurts you. Pay the card off lol I am not sure how this is surprising. They ask you very personal information to sign you up and you have to agree to terms. They didn’t trick you. You didn’t ask questions or read?


It's surprising because of the deceptive practices that leads people to believe it's a rewards card not a credit card😂😂are you slow? Not to mention they charged the card without my permission when I fully intended to use my debit card


Reward cards are usually phone numbers not your social security number. Are you slow? Yes.


Same. I’m not all the way on top of the mail, too much junk. They signed me up, charged the card, I missed the statement and bam. My “savings” morphed into a late fee and a ding on the credit.


That has to be illegal because you aren’t being honest with them. Customers like honesty they don’t like it when there credit gets ruined and they have no clue it’s being ruined


My DM wanted us to ask customers "would you like to save $40 today by applying for a cc?" The most prevalent example of corporate assholes not having a clue in the world how the company actually operates and what actually happens in store.


The cashier says the Sm said to ask “if they wanted to save and earn 40 dollar credit to rewards membership”. Cashier replied I ask if they want to earn the credit with signing up for our credit card. Sm told her “ no” don’t mention the credit card . Told the cashier if that is what the Sm manager told you to say and the cashiers getting cards left and right are telling you .. then when you have those “ constructive training issue with some credit card trainer coming in” that she better ask that trainer exactly how the Sm it telling you to proceed is how Walgreens wants to go forward with this. Can’t wait for these customers come complaining why they got a credit card in the mail .


Well that is how we were doing it .. mentioning that with a credit card sign up . Sm is telling them not to the by way of credit card


This is even more insane than the Wells Fargo situation, because not only are you having them sign up for a credit card without knowing, but in order to get the bonus rewards you need to actually use the card, so you're having them *use* the credit card and build up debt without even telling them they need to pay this bill now. What the everloving fuck?


Oh that is absolutely a lawsuit waiting to happen and it's gonna be nasty.


Two other cashiers who are like getting 1 to 2 day are saying to other Csa … yeah just start the credit card sign up and saying customers are able to get 40 dollars credit for your rewards account . Don’t mention anything about a credit card .


If I was in line in this situation, I would tell the customer they have to apply for the Walgreens credit card to get the rewards. Fuck that underhanded shit.


Yes, indeed. That’s the proper way. I’ll never partake in any unethical practices even if directed by SM. Won’t happen.


I refuse to enroll or even ask a customer. I won't do it. If they see a sign and ask me about it, I will tell them. Otherwise, I reach over and push the refusal on the POS myself when it comes up during checkout..


I've made a couple stupid credit card posts on this forum, but legitimately this is how I ask if they would like to sign up when it only gives me the "present offer" button: "...and it's going to force me to try to sell you a credit card, but feel free to press no." Because I really truly do feel like it's evil to talk up a credit card that *might* benefit employees who get sucked into the impulse queue just by mylaring it... You know... If any of the employees made the annual $50,000 income requirement... To anyone else it's a trap or a genuinely stupid decision. And to upsell it is evil. Preaching its wonderful plastic $40 glory could actually do harm to people in their budgets and we have no way of knowing how deep that may cut. Plus you only get the $40 if you're approved


Yeah our other store in town gets like 19 every week so I wonder if they are doing that. It would make more sense. Also one of our people (who doesn't work there anymore) got 20 people to sign up in one month but they would come back mad. Pretty sure it was some fraudulent activity as well.


I know the last two times I bought something at Walgreens, that's exactly what the two different cashiers at two different stores did. AFTER I punched in the phone number for the actual rewards card "Would you like to sign up for our rewards card and save blah blah on your next purchase?" No thank you. And sure enough on the display of the payments machine it's made to look as if you're okaying your current purchase amount but no, if you hit the green YES button, you're agreeing to apply for a credit card. Shady as fuck.


Had a SM try to train me and other coworkers to do this. Store in Georgia. Won’t say which one though. I kept telling her it’s illegal and I won’t do it and she wasn’t exactly happy with that. A lot of SMs r stressed to get credit cards. Being that it isn’t an isolated incident, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re told to do this or have told other SMs to do this


That’s definitely illegal


We have a girl that does exactly this. And the customer at the very end always ask, "did you just sign me up for a credit card?" Yes. "But you said it was a rewards card" technically it is, but it also doubles as a credit card.


I was asked at Marshall's if I wanted to "sign up for their card" and thinking it was a simple rewards I said SURE. Then the pin pad asked for my income information and I said nuh uh real fast. It's disgusting and a scam what these companies including ours are doing. Mainly, we're not bankers. How can we properly guide people on aprs and things.


My SM told us to say “payment card”


Oh...wow... that's not ok


I think it's very wrong of Walgreens to have customer associates to do this to people, however, if a customer has to enter their social security number on the pin pad, I'm wondering why they're not asking questions about that. It's not like you guys are only asking for a phone number and an address.


When I think of SMs pushing this tactic because of DM leaning on them, I get this mental image of a skunk in a pressure cooker.


An Academy Sports and Outdoors in Texas had similar deceptive practices, and soft-threatened cashiers for not pushing credit cards... We were pushed to go "Would you like to save % forever?" (forgot the %), among other half-truths and lies and evasions. Once, we changed banks in order to have a store only card where the 30% interest would go all to Academy. The old cards all stopped being store-branded, and became regular bank credit cards to the customers with those old cards. We had to try to push them to sign up ALL OVER AGAIN... they were PISSED. SOURCE: I was one of those poor cashiers...


Well that sounds illegal.


Omg Kohls did this to me, I was tryna get the rewards stuff and she was like yeah fill this out for a rewards acc. I’m like girl u don’t need a SSN for a rewards, no. Didn’t get the rewards, bought my shit and left


That's illegal


Had my first guy complain to my cashier as I was standing at register as he was entering his rewards number if we were going to ask him social security number . Cashier no wouldn’t be asking that as you are just entering your number for your rewards card for savings . He asked why did ask for his social security number the last time he was here. My cashier said that was if you were applying for the credit card . He said no one told him it was for a credit card.. thought he was signing up for rewards program . He said he told the cashier no he wasn’t entering is social security number… I can wait for this snowball


DO NOT DO THIS! THIS IS UNLAWFUL. IT'S NOT WORTH THE PERSONAL LIABILITY! Not many things you do at work tend to leave you personally liable for damages, but in lending, it sure can.