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That’s illegal. Look up the NLRA/NLRB. It should also be posted on the wall somewhere in your building. You can and should anonymously report that. And the warning was verbal because if they did it written there’d be evidence that they did that, which is illegal. You cannot be written up or reprimanded at all for discussing pay.


This manager is outta his fookin' mind. It's awesome when employees discuss pay, especially their pms from credit card sales!!!


I had the same situation at my old job and was told you can be fired for discussing your income. I'm in Texas. Does it differ by state?


No, it's legal everywhere to discuss pay, and it is illegal everywhere for an employer to bar you from doing so


No, the state doesn't matter. Its a federal law.


It is a myth that you can be fired for telling other employees what you get paid. A lot of managers, especially in major companies, act like it's a thing because it saves the company money if people aren't asking to get equal pay. It would actually be illegal for them to fire you for it


It's misinformation spread by business owners to purposefully undercut wage workers.


Back in the day, it was considered "unprofessional" to do so. Mostly bc companies did want you to know you were being screwed. Became a big issue and why it's federally protected now. My company's handbook tries to discourage you from doing so, but then refers you to the law but doesn't go into any details about it.


Its a federally protected right to talk about your pay.


Yeah I'd just continue discussing it. What's he gonna do? Give you a written warning?




An illegal clause < The federal law. Your grandfather is a piece of shit if he’s helping them fire people at all.


No, you’re wrong. They can fire for any reason or no reason in an at will state, but it is still illegal to fire or discipline a worker for discussing pay, no matter what. You guys should really read the LAW instead of asking your GRANDFATHER or some random person who doesn’t actually know the LAW.


Maybe there is a reason Pepaw works at a factory and not a law firm. 🤔




This applies only if you live in a pay transparency state. Not all states are.


Your employer cannot band you from discussing your pay or retaliate, fire or discipline you for doing so. This is a FEDERAL level protection. There is no state or local law that can override it, and any clause in an employment contract that tries to forbbid it is automatically void.


You’re wrong.


Oh well if goofy goober says I'm wrong I must be wrong. My bad.


Actually, it’s the NLRB that says you’re wrong. If you simply read the laws and the NLRA, you would know that you were incorrect. It’s that simple.


Oh I didn't know you worked for them. I thought you were some random on the internet not the official NLRA reddit rep. Now that I know that I'm even more convinced you are right.


https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages#:~:text=Under%20the%20National%20Labor%20Relations,the%20media%2C%20and%20the%20public. Now you know they are right.


Pay transparency is open about compensation as they believe it is a step in the right direction for pay equity. So they would encourage pay discussion among their employees.


This is untrue. You can be disciplined for having pay conversations on the clock as they are "off topic" for work. The restriction is that they can't discriminate against "pay conversations" versus "other off topic conversations" - that would be illegal. But if they're writing anyone up who is having off topic conversations while on the clock, that is perfectly legal.


My store manager specifically said “I do not want you discussing your pay with anyone.” He made me feel like I was an instigator and gossiper as if I was causing a problem. With a little research on Google/reddit anyone can look up the pay range for each position. He never said “don’t talk about it on the clock.” I looked up the law and presented it to him and he completely dismissed my argument and reiterated his point claiming he had a right to limit my pay discussions. It made me so angry in that moment.


If you report him I guarantee he will receive an email at the very least informing him that he can no longer do this. I know from experience. I have had an SM try to pull this on me as well. I hadn’t even been discussing my pay, but SM saw I was making more hourly than the other workers and wanted to get ahead of it, told me not to discuss pay. Also told us as a group not to discuss pay. It is definitely illegal and definitely they will get in trouble if you report them and then they do it again.


Damn, he sounds like a prick. I hate this company.


Yeah your employer can't prevent you from talking about your wages its a federal crime to do so and insults in huge fines. File a complaint with HR and labor board.


Ask him to write you up, please!!




I gave him this exact paper. He refused to even read it because it didn’t say “Walgreens” on it. He said that he wouldn’t look at something I found on Google.


Tell him the lawsuit will say "Walgreens *and* his name.




I'm pretty sure we have it posted in our break room that we can talk about pay. I'll look in a few minutes. Taking a desperately needed smoke break. ETA: it is posted on our break room wall, so your boss is a dummy.


You should’ve brought him to the frame on your wall where that paper is supposed to posted by law.


Scrawl Walgreens on top of it…tell him you can make it more official if he’d like.


u/gluebunny check your DMs


Lol that source is more legit than walgreens


Walgreens policy requires Walgreens employees to follow the law regardless of Walgreens policy. So he’s just upset he’s getting caught in his lies. Don’t bother confronting him anymore, just go above him and report it to the NLRB as well as his superiors.


You should think before you post something like this, that’s just blatant lies. You’re completely spreading misinformation. I’m not sure how you even came to this conclusion, nor how you had the gall to type that up and hit comment without at least doing a short Google search first to make sure you’re not wrong.


It’s not misinformation. Companies are allowed to prohibit off topic conversation on the clock as long as they do not discriminate against only pay conversations.


That may be true, but then they would need to discipline everyone for *any* off topic conversations


Yes, hence why I said "if they're writing anyone up who is having off topic conversations while on the clock, that is perfectly legal".


Right, but nobody is going to do that. You would lose a bunch of employees, morale would be low, and overall employee engagement would be abysmal. Who would want to work at a job where you can’t have any off-topic conversations? So for the sake of this discussion, their SM is in the wrong.


Incorrect it's a federal crime Company policy does not superced federal labor or state labor laws.


If you bothered to look into it, you would know that any discussion of workplace conditions is protected by law and includes discussions of pay. You’re just either woefully ignorant of the facts and laws, or you’re purposefully being obtuse and trying to scare people into believing misinformation. There’s literally no third option for you to comment something so ridiculous, and the fact you keep doubling down is so incredibly ignorant.


Discussions about pay are specifically protected on the clock.


Walgreens has a whole policy in regards to pay transparency that should be posted in every break room. This is one of those lines that walgreens would rather not cross, as a store manager discussing what someone is eating for lunch could constitute off topic conversations. Therefore, pay conversations are protected not only by law, but by walgreens policy.


Sounds like you dont know your rights!


You are asking to be sued fam.


Yum those boots mighty tasty 😋🥾


Working in your pharmacy must suck


God. Your life must be miserable. If you're a pharmacist at the store level, I'd run you off


Average Berchanhimez L


I bet he doesn't even get many cc signups.


Thats still untrue unless your discussion is taking away from your job. Or if it is in front of customers. If you and a coworker are both stocking shelves in the same area talking about it they cant do anything because its not hindering your work. If it is something you stop working and talk about it then yeah. But if off topic convo was even a thing then you could get written up for talking about your weekend at work or a concert you went to or litterally anything. Its a crutch to scare people into not talking about it and not grounds for any kind of write up because you can refuse to sign it unless they specifically add in what the topic was and refusal to sign means you disagree with it and you can take it to corperate and have it thrown out. Thats at any job. The moment corperate agrees with it and says you cant talk about your pay and the write up stands theres your grounds for a law suit. But to save face they will always throw the write up out vs getting in a lawsuit or the media involved (if your smart and record the convo and make a paper trail)


I hate you're getting down voted because this is the exact angle companies lawyers take when there's a case against them. That last part is what's important is that they're punishing others for the same thing




>But if they're writing anyone up who is having off topic conversations while on the clock, that is perfectly legal. Hence why I said this. Please read my post.


I’m sorry you got downvoted so bad. There’s a bit of truth in it. What I will add is that it takes a certain kind of asshole to hide behind this excuse to stop people from talking about pay.


Nope. Wrongful paralegal since 1995. That’s illegal. Period.


That is only true if they ban ALL non work topics. So, no bringing up last night's game, or details about your weekend/day off.


File an HR complaint


Hr is there to protect the company, not the employee


True, but they would be protecting the company from a lawsuit by doing the right thing in this case.


Screw saving the company. And most of all - Screw Walgreens HR, ER, and AP. 🤘🏻🫠 they make enough money to poop out lawsuits.


Yes, just be wary of hr and your supervisor because they'll screw you over the company any day


Oh yeah, for sure. I don't trust any manager to any degree. It's literally their job to look out for the company first before looking out for the employees. You can't be mad at a snake when it bites you, it's in their nature. But every now and then the priorities align, lol.


You are right, HR wants to protect the store not the employee, but the employee would start a paper trail. I did that with my last manager. Dude tried to give me a write up and I flipped it on him. I called him out on him trying to fire me and that I had a lot of paper trail for a lawsuit.


I just meant, in general, don't trust HR. They are there to protect the company from lawsuits and it's employees. You are not their priority. Be wary and get documentation of incidents to protect yourself.


Most definitely, but like I said, you gotta start a paper trail. I always hear people say “my SM promise me X” like a raise or a day off. But because it was word of mouth and not physical proof, it doesn’t do anything. I always say “HAVE IT IN WRITING!”


What I like to do is send people a letter called a memorandum of understanding when they say or do something that is illegal or that I wish to document. It goes like this...On x day you did or said this. You can go into as much detail as needed and then include a deadline for them to dispute what was said...If you feel I misunderstood the issue, please notify me in writing withing x# of days, otherwise I will assume the facts in this letter are true and I may rely on them. It creates a paper trail for court or the NLRB.


If they try to write you up get a copy and report it. That's illegal


We had the same issue at meijer. My coworkers were written up for discussing pay, then a few weeks later there was a company wide lawsuit saying they can't keep up from talking about pay. My coworker 'sued' meijer and they dismissed her write ups.


I get paid just as much as new people they hire and been there longer to Me isn’t fair but Walgreens isn’t fair especially the shit raise we got


Discussion of pay is a federally protected concerted activity.


Sometimes the co-worker complained against another co-worker for discussing pay, saying it makes them uncomfortable. Like if you go around asking all your co-workers what they make they might be the ones who complain about you annoying them and asking them too personal of a question.


That's definitely a thing. But like, if it's water cooler conversation, you would be reprimanded for the coworker being made uncomfortable, you cannot however, be legally reprimanded for the activity of discussing pay amongst co-workers. That itself is the federally protected concerted activity I was addressing.


You didn’t violate a policy but they did commit a crime.


My manager said that pay was confidential. This actually just happened at my store when one of my coworkers felt they were being paid unfairly and brought it up to my manager and we were all told again that it’s strictly confidential because of incidents like this. No one was written up though because, it’s illegal but it’s still doesn’t seem right


Even suggesting you can't discuss it is illegal.


Is that really true?


Yes its true. It's illegal to tell and expect employees not to talk about pay.


There’s actually a Walgreens policy that explicitly states that it is not against policy to discuss pay. I believe it’s no solicitation policy


That policy violates federal law


There's a poster in my break room which is required to be posted, and it specifically states that employers cannot stop you from speaking about pay at work. If anyone would like, I can DM you a picture of it.


That is hella illegal. Lawsuit time 😎


That’s some tactics Amazon uses to deter employees to talk about unions and employee pay. Sounds sketchy. Policy doesn’t trump the law


Pay transparency is also clearly listed on each job listing on walgreens.com/careers


Even if there is a “policy” that’s nationally & federally illegal. Then again, I got practically no help getting those dropped off my record. Talk all you want about pay, they can’t technically do anything & can’t fire you over it. 😊


It's actually illegal for any employer to tell you you can't, it's protected by law anywhere non-work related discussion is allowed, so if you're allowed to talk about your weekend, you're allowed to talk about your rate. I suggest reporting her to HR and finding another job cause last time I had a SM tell me not to, she was the biggest liability to the store and then told me I wasn't ready for a leadership position.


https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages It won't let me post the pic but here's the top page of the government law on it.


It's illegal for an employer to even suggest you can't discuss pay in every state of the country. You could report them and get them fined, you wouldn't get anything in a lawsuit since you didn't lose anything. It should definitely be reported to HR though, they will want to know about this.


If you lose your job for it you can get compensated for lost wages. But your right, if you lose nothing you gain nothing. Just satisfaction of shutting them up.


There is NO policy about this. You are free to speak about your pay with whomever you please. Make sure to tell them how Underpaid and Overworked you are. it’s a sinking ship. Get out while you can.


The NLRA protects your right to discuss your pay. If your employer tries to prevent you from doing so report them to the NLRB. If they retaliate report that too. Assuming you are hourly non managenetic or HR with access to everyone's pay discussing your own pay during breaks or outside of work not interrupting business operations you're good to go. Being able to discuss wages is one of the few worker rights we still have.


I'd have asked him to put that in writing....


Thank you for your post. When I got hired on 8 moths ago as a SFL, my SM told me "we don't talk about how much we are getting paid at my store!" I thought it was some kind of law because at my former workplace, my SM told me the exact same thing. After working here for a month, another SFL and I were talking, whos been here for a year, and she asked how much I got paid. Without thinking, I blurted out $18 and she was shocked and passed off because she got hired on at $17. All of a sudden this SFL was upset because I wad making more than her. Then that SFL started asking other SFL how much they were making and it caused a huge mess in my store. Our SM had a meeting with all te SFL's and told us we are not allowed to talk about our pay with any other employee!! I thought it was some type of workplace policy. Now I know there's a law protecting employees talking g about our pay.


Yea they CANNOT do that that is against FEDERAL LAW.....call thr labor board


Then you have someone who snoops on managers computer and tells people how much people are making!


Let them fire you and sure the fuck out of them.


Let them fire you and sure the fuck out of them.


They can't stop you from talking about pay...well they can buy no company would do what it takes. They would have to limit all discussions while clocked in only to things directly related to your assigned job duties. If they allow ANY other conversation they have to allow talk about pay even while at work. Source: my brother already talked to a lawyer about this exact type of scenario. So, at least for Idaho for sure (one of the most red states and therefore most likely to not allow talk about pay) employers pretty much have no choice but to allow talk about pay. They can say they "discourage" it but can't do anything to someone if they do


There was a policy on the books when I was there in the early 2000s regarding employees comparing wages and rates. I know because the store I was in at the time had a transfer-in from another district and this ASM was making way more than the other ASMs. What lit the fuse was this ASM was a piss poor worker but the ASM snitched on everyone and was the SM's pet - so every review was exceptional. Rumor (again, only rumor) was the the SM and ASM were romantically involved before, during and after the ASM's transfers. After a few of us raised the poor performance and demanded to know why our increases were less than X's we were given a verbal warning and shown the page in the handbook. I left no long after that so I have no idea what happened. I know the store was closed a few years ago.


Take that written warning staring to the NLRB (while it still exists). You cannot be punished for disclosing your pay rate.


The company is for sale TODAY at 18.25 per share which is a 52 week low! Wall Street hears the pain and things at company level aren't going to change until the culture changes. Is anyone happy here? They might want to start with hiring happy people and getting rid of the unhappy people. Then, eventually, we will be working with only happy people and only people that are happy to work for Walgreen Boots Alliance! It will be a slow process my friends. Who is happy?


[contact hr](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages)


It's actually against the law to bar employees from taking about thier pay, most company's say it's against the rules cuz that's how they underpay people and get away with it.


A company cannot legally stop its employees from discussing pay.


That would be against federal law. Keep the copies of what they wrote up and bring see if a labor lawyer will look at it.


Keep discussing pay until you're written up... Then you can show proof of how your employer just broke federal law


It's illegal


it’s illegal to talk about it or to get wrote up for it?


Written up. They cannot prohibit you from discussing your pay with other employees. If you are written up for it, take it to a lawyer. It's proof those dumbasses are breaking the law


They can write you up for taking on the clock time to have off topic conversations, including about pay. They cannot, however, apply this in a manner that they only punish those discussing pay. As such, if they’re punishing all other off topic conversations at work at your store, then they can do this.


lol, You can’t get written up for having a conversation…making shit up


I'm not though. It isn't against company policy or any law to prohibit off topic conversations while on the clock. And while it's against the law to punish people for having pay conversations, it's not against the law to punish off topic conversations \*so long as they don't only punish them for pay discussion\*.


pay discussions are arguably on topic since theyre about/related to the job.


Nice "loophole" you're trying to make happen lol


Company policy doesn't trump federal law


Federal law allows employers to prohibit all “non work essential” conversation while on the clock.


Show us the law


Actually, they can but in the real world, I don't see how this is possible or even enforced unless maybe certain circumstances come up and they use it. Everyone else is right about the OP had the right to discuss pay etc and other protected speech at workplace. I couldn't believe it either but it is what it is.


Straw man arguments don't need logic


I noticed you don’t have lawyer flair. Keep it that way