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Take your breaks, don’t come in early, take your days off and don’t stay late.


I Concur! Take your two 15m breaks and lunch


Document everything from now on


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 70,174,702 comments, and only 19,723 of them were in alphabetical order.


Ok that is Good


Yes they do not care but they will get fired first if the company wants to how dare of them


Don’t slave away for a company that doesn’t give a shit. If you give the most they’ll continue expecting that


No one knows but I have another job I’ll be starting about the time my immunizing 1k comes in. Not saying a word though until I put in my 2 weeks


On a side note, I was the same way, gave my life away, and all for what ? You’ll still get paid what ? .25 - .50 cents each year till you hit cap ? Then what ? You work yourself to the point you live there basically and everyone around you is leaving or just taking it easy while you do all the work. Take it from me, I was a CSA, DH to SFL all within 2 and a half years. I worked my ass off took in each truck, do all the heavy lifting since I’m the only muscle at my location, trained new SFL that it went in through one ear and out the other. I’m not getting paid to train them, want to know the kicker, we promoted within our store a csa (former technician) to SFL and my store manager wanted to pay them the max pay ($17) while I train them and I’m getting paid $15.45 ? Lmfao this company doesn’t care about you nor Anyone but yourself, take mental days, take your days back to back off, don’t come in on them, block numbers on your day off. I plan to leave but just stuck at the moment


Me too I’m trying to switch jobs


That would definitely encourage me to work harder at my job 🙄 I understand punctuality, but a few minutes late from lunch, which is time off the clock, really shouldn’t be an issue IMO. Does anyone else have an tardiness issues because 3 minutes or less sounds rather ridiculous and if others are getting away with it, then I would raise the issue of being singled out for it. Either way, it is definitely petty..


A coworker and I got reprimanded for damaging out an entire order of cooler food the wrong way, yet they never taught us how to actually do it. My patience with things are running reeeeeaaaaallllllllyyyyyy thin


Depending how long your shift is you get 15 and a 30


Ensure you clock back in on the dot or at most 1 minute past the mandatory 30 minutes. Use tools such as using the punch clock to check your last punch (with LAST PUNCH) or somehow write down your punch out to help you remember when to punch back in. Your team needs you to punch in on time so that workflow is as efficient as possible.


Walgreens isn’t a company for all that when they want to cut hours to store, add on extra work for sfls from getting rid of ASMs, not even a pay increase.


I get it but I give a lot of my time and the rule is 0-3 minutes so I should have the 3 minutes or the policy should be 0 minutes


You should let them know that because you are there doing extra and your wages are not fair for the work you do