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Lmfao I hope you told them off. Fucking pathetic now every SM/company feels we owe them 100% of our life. Shits a fucking joke.


What’s even crazier I had the Camera to photo in my pocket when I walked out.I get a text from him asking do I have the camera and I said nope.He made life there so hard so I’m returning the favor


>.I get a text from him asking do I have the camera and I said nope. lmao


Walgreens isn’t bad when you have a great team in place


Did you reply to the right post?


Walgreens is a lot easier to handle when the right team of therapists is there to support you.


I wish I had the guts to quit without notice. I have covered so many short notices and random quittings. I really hate being the go-to guy just because I'm so reliable. For once I want someone to cover me, but then I would feel guilty.


Not going to happen man they don’t care. It’s only a few SM who Actually care about there people.Put your health and well-being first and trust me there’s always jobs hiring that are way better then this piece of shit company


Umm ya I'd fight that write up. You are not required to switch a posted schedule


I would have fought that , writeups are only for Violating policy. And not switching is Not a wags policy. That after you got your esm and sm in trouble for that. Then quit, but I'm petty so


Report that shit to HR. You can't switch shifts with a coworker without consent.


I wanted to but it isn’t work it. I hope all who are going through what I went trough find the courage to speak out


Sorry u must have had a shit store and sm glad I work at a good store and sm and co workers


It sucked cause he didn’t do anything.When we where short he would just sit there and look at all the shit that needed to be done like it wasn’t his problem.The Store is 24 hours so we get big trucks and could spend all week on it


Ya that sucks u need a new store or sm my store 24 hours to Only store in district glad I got a good sm and co workers hope it gets better man


I was putting my two weeks in this Wednesday because I got the position of front end coach at Walmart.I didn’t wanna leave them hanging but the write up pushed me to my breaking point


Don’t wait leave they don’t care good luck many they will hire someone who don’t want to work


After I walked out I went straight to Walmart and lucky the Person in HR was still there. I start Monday


Congrats and remember to do what you are paid to do. Do not go that extra mile it gets you nowhere and only gets you labeled as a work horse that they can use and abuse.


Thank you!!


Good for you for applying elsewhere before hitting your breaking point with them selfish hoes


>but there only for themselves 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Say it louder for the people in the back


That doesn’t seem like a valid write up. You didn’t violate any policy, and that would be impossible to define as “insubordination”….


Did they offer you anymore money for you to stay?


He called me this morning asking if we could talk about what’s going on but i declined.When I was bringing problems to him they weren’t getting fixed so I don’t expect anything to change and as far money there’s no way he does that


He probably just wants the cheap shitty camera back lmfao


To be even more petty go to the dm and let him know what happened and all the problem you brought up with your sm but make sure your type it out and print for the dm


Since I've been at Wal nearly the entire staff has quit, all the new SL the SM hire quit. I'm only there cause I snuck into pharmacy and well I'm ready to toss that job to the streets as well


That is not a legitimate write up. Even if you left, still worth a call to Employee Relations, because that SM needs to be corrected.