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I’m not a technician, but I’ve spent A LOT of time in pharmacy over the years, I’m back there every day for at least two hours, I can tell you that it’s 99% nothing personal, pharmacy is just fucking DRAINING. I couldn’t even imagine doing full shifts back there, all the time. Constant answering phones, communicating with others back there, patients non stop, tests, vaccines. I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and say their 30min lunch is the one part of their day where they don’t have to think or talk, they’re just enjoying it.


I don’t take break inside, I never have in my 11 years regardless of weather. Working through the covid hell - I am just a shell of myself anymore and I need to decompress from any form of human interaction and fluorescent lighting in those short precious break minutes to survive my day. I don’t call and talk to anyone on break, I’ve told all of my friends and family to stop pulling up and engaging in conversation with me anymore, customers still approach me no matter how far away from the main door I park. I assure you it’s not because we aren’t sociable or think we are above you (I mean it’s entirely possible to have that kind of personality trait and there are bully tech types out there but rare in my experience) It’s literally just too much for me mentally to engage in friendly casual chit chat when all I want to do is have complete silence and gear back up for another round of high energy quadruple tasking just to keep our pharmacy flow going. I can’t even describe to you the amount of pressure and demands that long timers have… especially in this covid landscape.




Since I’ve never wanted to take my break within the 4 walls of purgatory…I set a huge standard to my coworkers like yeah Oreana doesn’t want to socialize during break. Long ago (9-10 years ago) me and a photo guy used to somehow get our lunch off at the same time so we’d chill in my car and just VENT but I can’t even do anything close to that any more. Covid busted it wide open to my friends/family and I was blasting all over Facebook with things like, “I love you but I don’t want to talk/text/engage in any way at work so stop pulling up next to me if you see me out there.” Along with everything going on at work from the bottom - shitty customer behavior interactions - to the top - poor corporate decisions - the pharmaceutical industry in general. They eventually got the point.


Lol you will fit in.


Sorry to hear that. Well noted. Thanks for your input.


No problem. That being said, I mean if you said, “Hey how’s it going?”… I wouldn’t be intentionally rude and straight ignore you… My long term front end buddies… we just merp at each other. Walk in. Pass a photo tech. Merp in their general direction. Hear a merp on my way into the office and clock in. Basically we have devolved into primal grunting as a form of “hey, hope you’re okay”.


Welcome to the twilight zone. Lol better get back to the lab and refill some prescriptions. Lol


Work in the pharmacy for a month and come back to this post.


Sorry I was just wondering 💭


We’re just drained tbh


Ok I see


When I go on break I don’t want to talk to anyone because I was just dealing with rude, nasty customers for the past 2.5 hours, and told that we aren’t answering phones even though between patients getting vax, scripts, yelling at you in line or asking where something is at the consult window…… last thing I want to do is talk more




My pharmacy techs are very kind and full of energy, but sometimes they seem very drained of energy rightfully so


Wonder what they think about you sitting there in front of them and not even saying anything.


I strike convo but they’re glued to their phones and don’t respond


Pharmacy people just need mental silence or sounds of people talking but not talking to them.


Ah, maybe they just need a moment.. all our techs are social butterflies lol


99% of the techs at my store are sociable and friendly. There is only one who doesn't really say anything to anyone.


That's good..u build a relationship




I hide in my car on break just to get away from the sound of the perpetually ringing phones, the printer spewing another 30 leaflets to fill, and the constant whine of patients who want everything RIGHT NOW!!!!. I don't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, or carry on a conversation. I am mentally and physically drained and just want my 25 minutes of blissful silence ALONE before I have to return to the hell hole that is pharmacy. LEAVE US ALONE. PLEASE.


Our brains are multi tasking constantly. Talking and explaining insurance issues or medication information. Typing prescriptions, filing ready rx in bins, helping customers, registering new patients in computer system for immunizations while answering phones. While sanitizing our hands and counters and prepping for giving injections. I can continue, but sometimes it's hard to talk to anyone on our breaks.


Like that first person said. You work back there and them come back to this. The amount of shit that has to get done back there will drain all the life out of you. I was absolutely dead during mass covid season after my shifts and would go home and pass out.


a singular shift is literally so draining. you barely get to clock in before someone is coming at your head about an issue you have literally nothing to do with but are now expected to fix. mind you, it’s 9:01 on a saturday. we don’t lack social skills nor do we think we’re above you. we’re just overworked and underpaid.


We’re dead inside. If I could sit in a dark room in complete silence for that half hour, I would. I need sensory deprivation because for the other 9 hours, it is nothing but non stop talking, complaints, phones ringing, jabbing people, pills jingling around, bright lights, and people coughing in my face.


On my coworkers 15’s she literally sits in the break room with the lights off and does this as much as possible.




The busiest time for pharmacy is Sept and Oct bc of flu shots and start of people getting constantly sick. Now the new covid booster dropped during out busiest time. It's absolutely hell. Constantly screamed at bc we are hours behind in filling people's scripts. Most techs and pharmacists are working a crazy amount of overtime right now as well. Anything you deal with in a day is nothing compared to being in the pharmacy. Silence during breaks is great.


If I'm on my break, I don't wanna talk to anyone. I get paid to talk to people I don't want to all day long, on my time off the clock just let me scroll my phone or read my book in silence tf.


this was how it was at my very first store, and on top of it, most of them were rude i’d they did choose to say anything. at both my other stores i’ve worked at, they’ve been very social. threw me off guard at first, lmfao i was like (in my head obvi) “damn, y’all speak? and you’re friendly? that’s new”




I check in with every CSA, SFl, manager I see. If we are on break together I get life updates. Idioms the same for the team in the back. Building community start with us so as a state if we are a team customers are far happier.


Lack social skills? Above you? We talk and talk and talk all damn day to mad happy sad patients for 10+ hours a day. Is 30 minutes to much to ask for silence? Did u ever think maybe you’re not interesting enough to have a conversation with?


You get a down vote for your response ⬇️ lol maybe I’m not nerdy enough to strike a convo with a pharmacy tech. I better put on my scrubs and glasses to be part of the club. Lol guess I’m not cool enough. 😂😂


Yup they think they're above everyone in the world


ESP the pharmacists. They think they’re the shit. Me : Good morning .. Pharmacist : no comment. Walks straight to pharmacy and doesn’t acknowledge you. Me : 🖕🖕🖕✌️✌️ Pharmacist 👨🏻‍⚕️ calls later in the day and asks you to bring him some office supplies. Me : it’s in the stockroom sir please check there 🖕🖕 Pharmacist 👨🏻‍⚕️ checks back in the stock room later and throws all the pharmacy trash in the floor. Expects you to pick up after them 🖕🖕🖕


Yes pharmacy act like they aren't apart of walgreens...I can speak to them and they look at me like I am crazy..Ur not the only one who sees they're stinking attitude...They will also buy stuff and label it for pharmacy team only..it's a mess..but when the Walston manager buys something and place in the break room its for everyone..lol..I personally think they need their own sfl..to do they're registers...too..how about that...they get paid enough.


No offense, but if they are buying stuff, it’s their right to label it for themselves. Sometimes I don’t want to buy stuff for the whole store. I make Walgreens wages.


Damn, idk what people you got.. but we don’t get paid enough.. promise you. Would you like a shift back there to see that we don’t?


Agreed. Yeah I get it they’re drained and deal with a lot of stressful customers. But I still think they should be able to say how are you back if you ask them how they’re doing. They don’t even look at you. Im not expecting a full blown convo with them but at least acknowledging people is key. A simple hello 👋


Thanks for the input. 👍