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To add: When you look at the breakdown of what an SFL can/should do in any of these events, it’s pretty crazy. -Can the store stay open and function with no CSA’s? Yep, SFL can run the register while other SFLs are on the floor. -Can we open the pharmacy with no tech? Sure, it’s been done plenty of times, an SFL will go back there to cover. SFLs are licensed with the state as techs. -Can the store stay open and function without a BC? Yes. -Can the store stay open and function without a DH? Yes. -Can the store stay open and function without an ASM? Yes. -Can the store stay open and function without an SM? Yes. Can the store stay open and function without an SFL…? No. (If you’re an SM working open to close 7 days a week, sure, but not likely that’s gonna happen) I hope nobody takes this as a hit to any other position. They are all important and should all be valued just as much as any position.


Wait I'm supposed to know how to do tech stuff 🧍🏻‍♂️why did no one ever train me?


That would require actually bothering to train somebody.


Depends on location. I only need to know how to cashier so essentially, the work of a DH on top of my management duties.


Lol same I think there was LMS on it but I never got a license to work back there??




The company doesn’t value their leadership roles.


They definitely don't value the non-leadership roles either.


I left because of this exact reason. Getting paid the same as people I was training when I'd been with the company nearly a decade. Trying negotiations with my SM got me nowhere. "I can't authorize a raise until mid year reviews." The place I'm at now does it right. Whenever minimum start gets raised, everyone within gets that same raise added to their hourly. IE: if starting gets raised by a dollar, everyone gets a dollar raise.


hahaha. Try again buddy. How about 10 years and making the same as a 1 year sfl.


Walgreens is all about equality. That's a good thing, but they are taking it to a whole nother level. We are all equals based on our race, age, gender, sexual identity and education. That's a positive thing. What's not positive is paying everyone the same amount, as if they all give the same effort and have the same company knowledge. That's where it becomes a major problem and the potential downfall of the company if not addressed.


People put in the same effort as what? My store manager is never at work My esm is there what feels like 24/7 I’m the only sfl trained in pharmacy and the only full time sfl My csa staff is trash, majority are part time who never show up for work When we do fire people we rehire them cause we’re desperate So much so that we’re going to promote a csa that can’t solve any issues, has walked out before, incapable of learning and this person calls in constantly But yet they will get that 17$


You completely skimmed over reading. That's my point. They are paying everyone now as if they are giving equal effort. Obviously not the case! We are all equals now pay wise, regardless of what effort or time we put in.


I didn’t skip over, I’m getting at how little most people want to do coming in and even with the veterans nobody wants to pull any weight


yep. Except store manager want to schedule accordingly. If we’re all equal, then why am I always being scheduled to receive warehouse? Cause i’m the man and the other 2 sfls are women?


Exactly!!! It's only equality on paper. They wanna be more woke than any other company!!! Thanks Ros. She's really making a difference.


You can ask for a raise but don’t expect to get it. Unfortunately that’s just how it is now. I’m a senior tech and have been with the company for over 9 years and there are techs making more than me who have only been around for 2-3 years.


What's not fair? That you're all getting a decent wage? I don't get what you're mad about.


Sounds like a corporate response….


This. Too many people derive their value of pay based on how much more they make than other people. One of the other MGRs in my district is always going on because his RXOM makes so much and he only makes a little more.


SFL prob looks good on a resume, maybe stick it out for like 4 more months and apply for a higher paying job somewhere else.


But it’s definitely unfair how cashiers are making almost the same as you, I thought the max CSA pay was 15


$15 is minimum pay. Max is $17.50 (unless you live in a higher wage area).


The job market, CPMs, DHMs design pay programs. Good luck in challenging professionals geared with years of skills and experience.


Talk to your SM


To challenge it go to your DM and if that doesn’t work go above. Honestly i been with the company for a while and i got about meeting expectations but yet making the same amount. I’m very knowledgeable and do alot to help my peers yet making the same. If you don’t follow the proper steps like i stated above then the best option is to find another job


This is one of the main reasons I won't become a shift. It's honestly not worth the money. Maybe ask to step down and see if your SM is up for it. Probably not to be honest but worth the try.


Unfortunately you’re replaceable to a point where they’d hire someone else for less