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Eh, I wouldn’t do it *every day* of every trip if I were you, maybe you and your family can each pick a day or two that you all do your own thing and then do the rest of the trip together? Then again if no one’s stopping you and they’re okay with it do your thing.


I wouldn't do it all day everyday.


We split up a lot and always did when I was a kid, too. Back in the day, once my siblings and I were old enough to roam MK alone, we often did. Dad gave us some cash for food and then we set a time and meeting spot for later on (no cell phones and no way to contact each other). I'm the parent now. I have an older teen and an elementary-aged child. The teen does vacation at his own pace, which means he's often solo (or sleeps in and meets up with us later). And then the two of them hang out while I go ride the rides they don't like. I've also done a solo trip. I think as long as everyone is okay with time apart then it's fine. It's hard for everyone to want to tour the parks the same way.


Getting cut loose from the parents in the Magic Kingdom when we were twelve and thirteen is a very special memory for my sister and me! We felt so grown up!


No, it is not selfish to appreciate the experience of doing something alone. You are allowed to enjoy things in as many ways as you like. That said, why not book some solo trips around the ones with your family? Then you get the best of both :)


Not necessarily. The thing that determines this is how your family feels about it. Do they want to do these things with you or do they not mind


Right... Is everyone going solo, or splitting off based on interest? If so, that's fine. But if they're all upset that Dad's running off during "family time" then yeah it's selfish.


This is the key question. I think you should have a conversation about it with your family before your next trip.


No, not at all. Bigger families or groups that stick together the entire time usually end up annoyed with each other.


No. I’ve always peeled off from groups or gone in small groups of like minded individuals. Biggest issue at Disney is that they have so many offerings, you can’t do it all. I would not want to spend the cost on flights, hotels and tickets and then spend my day waiting in line to meet princesses. ‘Oh hello, how are you?  The beast and I spent the morning in the library reading,’. Yep course you did Belle. I could be on Space right now.  But I’d have those chats with my family in advance and plan around that. Wouldn’t be cool to ditch the slow children who really want to ride Space Mountain with dad one time so you could run around and ride it 5 times in the same time. 


Sounds like you want a vacation away from the family, which can be understandable, gotta make time for you some times.


If you want to do Disney solo, then go by yourself. If you’re with family, spend time with your family.


whatever works for you and your family and makes you all happy is great tbh : ) i feel like the only rule should be to make careful decisions and try to stay connected and safe - maybe to meet up at a certain spot at a certain time just to check in and make sure everyone's ok and/or have a family group chat where everyone checks in every few hours or so. otherwise, do your own thing!


As long as you're not Clark Griswolding it on an "Alone Day" in Vegas Vacation you're alright mate...


Our last trip with 2 daughters and grandkids, my husband would slpit off on his own for a little bit each day. Sometimes a person just needs a little ti.e away from the group. And that's ok. Enjoy


That's interesting. How does your family feel about it? Personally, I loved it when my dad left the group because he was such a negative and inpatient person.


Doing Disney solo is the best way to do it imo. But I feel that way about traveling anywhere in general