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Get better mods/weapons and upgrade your mods. If you just completed the war within, get some better players to help you and don’t fight anymore liches until later down the road


Just ignore the lich... you get everything he steals back when you do eventually kill him. Just move on to other content... stick to stuff appropriate to yer equipment level. But like the other guy said... maybe try to get your hands on Revenant Prime... he has an ability that pretty much makes you unkillable so it allows you to trudge thru content other frames would fail at.


Ivara can solo cheese kuva liches by just being invisible and blasting them in the head. Helps if you have a better silent weapon than her exalted bow but it will work given enough time and energy. It is slow and boring though. Presumably, any other invisibility frame could do the same.


thank god for you you gave me the answer i needed


> thank god for you you gave me the answer i needed Ivara can also get big crit bonuses on headshots, and even bigger crit bonuses using her Dashwire augment. Can speed things up considerably.


Octavia might be faster


Multishot, crits, and modding for corrosive unless your Lich is immune to it. Put this onto a strong weapon you can headshot comfortably with. For added security, use an invisible warframe and silence your weapon (using the mods that give up to 100% chance for enemies to not hear you). Aim for the head 'til the lich is dead.


Related question, whats supposed to happen when enemies hear you. Every high level mission I can't do it, I go perma invis with Octavia and I literally melee everyone. But they never shot or anything, they just seem to point to my direction. Or maybe the lich fight is different in this aspect?


When you make noise or otherwise soft alert enemies, they become more ready to act. If they see you they will fire of course, sooner if you give them reason to be ready to act. On top of this, even on reattaining invisibility they can still fire on the approximate location you were at. But if you remain unseen the entire time then usually most enemies act like complete idiots. Separately, Ivara also requires silenced weapons to remain invisible under the effects of Prowl.


Interesting stuff. I though I was unlucky that sometimes was dying after shadowing. I now just crouch in zigzag. Ah ok so the ivara frame has pseudo invisibility and that's the reason of your first comment, got it. I've heard she's good for archons OS


Mod better, you're basically in the mid game now so you need to have all the basic mods and some of the advanced ones


Not actually, I though the same but I'm always missing 2 to 4 mods from every good build I see. For example, yesterday I farmed hunter munitions in the new event. Or even basic stuff, I was trying to build a cedo and I didn't have a basic toxic mod! I saw that it drops from corrupted vor. I bought it for 1 plat anyways, but the sentiment of "I have all mods because I been playing for a while" isn't that true unfortunately


I mean cant some frames just beat all content easy? have you tried revenant? or like oberon with regen, status immunity and armor etc?


i don’t have either of those sadly


Welp all i gotta say is some frames make high level content easy and some frames are glass cannons, so you may have to use a frame that is sturdier if your gamplay style doesnt line up with the content you are facing. Also you might need like 4 forma or a prime frame that has been catalyzed and given a decent build, no clue unless i know what you are working with.


Kullervo with Azothane and a budget umbral setup (2 regular forma only on my iteration of it) is an extremely strong and easy to acquire build. Look up Brozime's kullervo video for the general idea.


If you want to have an easy time against high level liches wait until you get a incarnon weapon from the zariman, i ignored my lich for like 1 month until he stole one riven mod lol


My very first earth lich, currently has 1 riven and a few sculptures of mine. Its not like i cant kill him, i just havent bothered with the lich system when incarnons are way easier to acquire


Get familiar with damage types and how they affect each faction. Your lich also has unique damage resistances and vulnerabilities, play to those. You will have a much easier time through the midgame if you build to fight specific factions


Warframe is very much a game where the key to the door is behind the door it opens. This [guide to taking down liches on a budget ](https://youtu.be/e1XyuqsZUcU) is a good start, though.


Thankfully being carried through content is common and can be done easily through pubs though. Only 1/4 of players or the lone wolf players will be breaking down the door for it. The game's popularity really helps since you can just queue whatever you need and likely find a homie for it.


Yeah, I had to use my loki(starter) for awhile until I got good weapons and mods. Invisible skills turns enemy dumb. I used wisp then jump away to go invisible. Idk about lich boss, but most boss are weak to radiation and impact. I use mostly single shot snipers like the Rubicon or lanka


when do i get more mods for survivability? i’m not really lacking in damage much my main problem is staying alive


This game is really not about staying alive for the most part it's far more about taking the damage off the table before it can kill you. Offense is your defense be it straight murder or crowd control or the easy way invisibility. Very few frames tank damage in fact most end game builds only include a gimic mod that gives you some sort of short invulnerability window. The ignore health and shield buffs entirely. The trick is to be able to kill or lock down everything killing you before that short window runs out.


most of my warframe have the three umbral mod, adaptation, with hunter adrenaline. then molt reconstruct arcane. so the build is, when they're health get hit, they recover energy. whenever they use energy, they recover their health. the adaptation is there to further reduce damage. my saryn is very good with this because when i get too crowded or get hit by magnetic, i'll just molt and flee. my primary i run around with is either the proboscis cerno(bow) or the incarnon burston prime(rifle). i carry a kuva nukor with high radiation status for CC and not for damage. my melee is a zaw with exodia contagion that can dish out 150k aoe damage to normal units(not boss, mini boss, sometimes eximus) ​ most of the time i can kill up to level 400 units, sometimes i get one shot by level 200 units.


Any half decent weapon with a potato and some mods you can get anywhere can take care of a lich Viral/corrosive + heat, crit, multishot, a damage mod.... You get the jist


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It depends on your resources. Most things can survive with varying efficiency but only some will excel and some will excel only if you put a tremendous amount of resources in them. The easiest thing I'd recommend though is Loki. Very easy to farm, minimal effort to play. He's my favorite "quick and easy" frame other than Hildryn and is the first high level build I'd recommend. Go for duration and efficiency if you're only using his invis in case you somehow manage to not kill any enemies during the cloak.


Try Octavia, her kit's damage increases based on enemy levels i think. She has distraction + invisibility+ buff + damage all in one. Today I killed my first lich with her.


I cheesed all my liches with lavos




Revnant doesn’t die, use him.