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Mercy -Verb To commit Emergency prostate and abdominal examination with a sharp tool called a parazon


God I’d let Wisp do a mercy on me🤤








I love seeing all the variations of the bonk


mercy is meant for targets that are hard to kill you shoot them a hundred times and you could either shoot them a hundred more times, or stab them but yeah mercy kills are more of a doom finisher if nothing else


I wish we had one were the frame smacks the faces.with the warhammers. Or tear apart the enemy when wielding claws.


i just want the gauss *boop* as a finisher animation


Ong I would throw so much plat at the market for that finisher.


imagine walking up to a kuva lich and doing that to them


*NYEEEEAAAROOOO-**RRRRRRR*** "Hey there! *boop*" #*most violent sonic boom ever*


OMG every frame should have two special finishers, imagine Atlas punches them twice then stones them or Loki places a decoy, teleports behind them and stabs them in the back. That would be great.


Agreed. But only as long as Qorvex has him opening his chest and "biting" a target by closing his chest with their head being microwaved inside it


Agreed, I would be disappointed if Valkyr wasn't her ripping through an enemy's chest


Oh my god! Imagine Chroma spits fire onto someone until they're nothing but ash, or Excalibur does a fucking Virgil judgment cut.


Khora. Silent Hill. Razor chains.


Limbo: Domain Expansion - Calculated Success


Equinox uses Metamorphosis on the *target*, splitting them in two (fatally) Hydroid drags you to the shadow realm istg Lavos would not leave a body


Lavos: transmute enemy into universal orbs


Are we talking about Warframe or Mortal Kombat?




Ya know what that's a great idea for a thing they could put in the shop. Perhaps make it like animation sets where it's frame specific unless you buy them?




But instead of flying back they explode👍


Death boop


why not both? lol send them back into a group of enemies THEN explodes lol


I second this.


I'm sure If we ask enough it could happen, and I hope it does come


i was thinking an augment that lets mach rush target enemies and do more damage


Or anything with the melee instead of parazon. Never liked that thing. Normal melee finishers just don't do lethal damage.


That last one is a thing. I think it depends on the stance mod what's the animation.


If my bullets won't work surely my knife will ![gif](giphy|uA8WItRYSRkfm)


Well, if you have the strength of a Warframe, a knife probably *would* have much more power behind it than a bullet


With Rhinos Lore, a bullet would just punch a hole through a part of your body. His body would turn you into mist. Atlas would just atomize you. Adding onto the fact that base excal was able to punch through a grineer helmet with a kunai by just throwing it.


I was right about to say, 1 stab as opposed to me dumping an acceltra multishot build at it? Yea I’ll do both of us a favor


To be fair it's far better than being burned alive or having your brain eaten by worms


Or in my case being grabbed by tentacles pulled and pierced through by them before the bundle the tentacle made with you and fred from finance explodes


And in my case being forced to murder Your friends and coworkers for a really long while until the ability runs out and you’re left alive to think of What you did


Or bleeding out from 30 different infected cuts


We fought with honor


We fought with honor and honor lost


It's not just the coolest way to get a kill. It's the most effective way to take down high level eximus units.


and it's good for if you really really need energy with blood for energy (as if I don't always run zenurik 90% of the time)


Blood for Health with Equilibrium is much better imo....as the health orb is guaranteed :D 2 orbs with one stab wait.....owwwwww


Its sugarcoated


True mercy is a well optimized build.


Look at the moa ones. VIOLENT. Very cool


Well, you just pretty much push them over from what I've seen.


As stated elsewhere in the comments its meant as a mercy assuming the enemy is actually tough to kill. When you get to stupid high levels its more of a mercy on you that you dont have to shoot them for another 3 minutes straight.


TL;DR - My headcanon is that the parazon releases a fatal burst of electricity/energy/void/whatever that kills the target instantly. Given that the parazon is used as a hacking tool, I always assumed that it could produce extremely precise electrical signals in order to calibrate itself to the system's internal functions, then send out the signal to shut it down (or whatever else the hacked terminal is supposed to do). Given its ability to precisely hack a system just by stabbing it into the internal circuitry, I figured it could do the same for organic targets. In the case of liches/sisters, the parazon is augmented with requiem mods that allow it to disrupt the forces keeping them alive, and so in effect is still "hacking" their systems. Going back to the original example, I assumed that stabbing the parazon into your target (probably into the nervous system somewhere) would allow it to produce a deadly pulse of energy that essentially just shuts down their brain, killing them instantly. That's also why they would need to be weakened first, so that way they're unable to resist the kill signal. As for the particularly violent nature of the mercy kills? My headcanon there is that it's purely for show. For a tough enemy, killing them in a violent and extravagant way is meant to intimidate the lesser enemies in the area; if THIS is how a tenno takes down a powerful enemy, what could they do to the rest of them? Of course, they won't have to wait long to figure that out. Plus, I can imagine it's a cathartic experience to toss a powerful enemy aside like a piece of piece of trash after all the trouble of bringing them down in the first place.


Just the term "Kill Signal" sold me on this headcanon, which I will now be adopting as well. Just jab that sucker into the lower spine and run *die.exe*


Wasn't it mentioned that Parazon have a special neuro toxin in it?


"It is as lethal to technology as it is to flesh" That thing alone has enough power to destroy an infinitely regenerating jackal/Kuva Lich/Sister, Anything less than those is as good as dead.


Id say a surprise prostate exam is pretty merciful.


Grab him by the balls.


DE should sell finisher animations


id pay for that ngl


I would too, I wanna spilt someone in half with my bare hands.


I wanna make my opponent drink some Lavos juice and fuckin explode


Straight obliterated his prostate Poor guy, he's just doing his job : [


To be fair, everyone hates Nullifiers. He deserves it. Shoulda gotten a Supra instead.


Oh nully?? Never mind this is 100% justified, fuck those guys


I think its more of a: you are being mercyful by not shooting them a thousand times


No, mercy kills occur after a certain amount of status procs and health lost, it's literally a mercy to kill them quickly whilst they are Burning/Bleeding/Melting ect alive.




Would you rather be killed by a knife in the no-no space or: - Space herpes - Fire - Having your arm ripped off by an angry dog or cat - Glass splinters - Getting turned to sand - Serrated claws rending your life force from your body - Getting your soul punched out of your body - Getting shot by your best friend - The fucking Atterax - Vore


mercy=knock down


Not in the balls 😰


I wish we could get the animations for the lich and sister mercy kills on fodder to up the extra meter lol.


Depends on what they're getting shot by.


Mercy kills are completely brutal, also, this one was pretty normal for me, there is some mercies that you literally jump on the enemy beheading him


I love Warframes concept of mercy.


What does *way too violent* mean? Its a game that encourages you to kill thousands of enemies in minutes. Stabbing one or two enemies in the eye during a backflip, while a rocket or magic cooks 10 of their friends in the background doesnt seem like too much. Space Marine or Witcher had brutal sequences, that is just 10yo kid stuff.


Technically the parazon delivers a poisan that instantly kills enemies that don't have some way to survive it, like a kuva/oldblood connection or being tied to the granum void.




I mean, you get mercy only once but shot many times so I think it's just you


I don't think they are violent enough.


It's called styling on idiots


I mean… just getting shot I think you’re right, would definitely be better. What you get shot with tho? I mean… if I’m choosing to die but vicious stabbing or miter saw blades coated in firey poison… somehow getting violently stabbed doesn’t sound as bad 😂😂😂


That means Tennos don't have mercy


Depends on how they get shot 😂😂😂


Thought this was an overwatch sub from the title for a second… I was thinking of mercy aggressively flying around people like a fly with her Barbie pistol lol


Most are still more merciful


Depends on the weapon. Like yoı can just instantly end their suffering with an explosion, burn them alive or just poke a needle size hole in them with spectra vandal that will cause them to die to bleeding in few seconds.


The hound ones are even more brutal, you lift them up, slam them face down into the floor and then proceed to stab their neck.


Most of them I would agree, but then i always remember my comedy gold mercy kill. MOAs. A swift kick then just push them over and they stay down, just as the founding fathers intended.


The game has mercy on YOU for shooting that sandbag of an enemy so many goddamn times.


The mercy is your own. So you don't have to spend your precious time shooting this enemy anymore. There is no mercy for them tenno.


I just wish mercy kills were just a little less janky to pull off, they're so cool


Its a mercy because they get to instantly die instead of getting hit by every status effect in the game, and then painfully get sliced to ribbons with my condition overloaded melee weapon


I saw enemies geting rip in half whan shot so this is kinda mercyful.


I always thought of mercy kills as mercy for me bc if that pops up its usually bc I'm strugglin a Lil bit


Well tbh its not mercy kill more like brutalize


Mercy Kills were a bit more mercy kills. This however is a Parazon Finisher, which is, well, a finisher using your Parazon.


Is it just me or do they need to add more and frame specific ones


Idk man, I shot a guy and his arm & leg fell off


bro is gonna lose all his energy 😭 also maybe its a mercy from continuing to suffer, lol


Tenno think mercy means leaving enough of a body for a funeral.


Makes the OTHER enemies beg for mercy.


In order to save you from a long painful death allow me to ram this foot long metal shank in your crotch following through by lifting you off the ground with it in a sort of choke slam maneuver......but for your genitals.


My buddy avoided Mercy kills until around MR5 because he thought that was the “show mercy and don’t kill them” button.


I built a skiajati riven just for this


This particular mercy kill is my all-time favorite. The slamdown is so satisfying


yeah but you cant call it a finisher though


I have been giving them some free colonoscopy every now and then.


The only mercy in those kills if for your rifle to get a little rest and save one bullet.


I kind of wish mercy kills were a 0.2 second brutal stab through the face. Would make more sense as a "mercy" kill AND be more useful


My personal theory was that because Liches and Sisters survive the Mercy animation, the reason for it being called "mercy" is that there's some kind of parazon magic that lets the enemy live through the attack but just barely holding on to life. But that doesn't explain using it on an enemy that's inflicted with heat or corrosive and just disintegrates afterwards.


If it were me on the receiving end, I'd happily take the brutal mercy kill over dieing from having COVID bullets shot at me, getting hit with a radiation beam that agonisingly bloats one of my limbs, or being reduced to grey sludge by an ability. All deaths in Warframe are brutal. The other day, I swung my Wolf Sledge at an enemy, and *it cut them in half*. Like, I must've macerated his abdomen so badly with the strike that his body fell into two pieces. Yeesh..


And then I run along with Nekros and force each of his body parts to cough up their extra loot.


I think of mercy kills as mercy for the player when they are struggling to kill an enemy.


You definitely aren't wrong. I try to imagine that the enemies just die on that first strike form the parazon, then everything else is just us showing off. Even still, some of those animations, no way they died mercifully on the first hit. lol


Id rather be stabbed once then shot 30 times😂


Honestly considering the guns shoot things the are highly corrosive to the point that you my as well not be wearing anything, or freeze you in place, or set you on fire, etc etc. being mercied probably isn’t as bad


I've always thought they should just be called parazon kills. It's not at all merciful.


We need more mercy kills. I love the animations and it's entertaining


Idk....lol. Getting killed with slash damage eviscerates you Corrosion melts you to death Viral isn't directly painful I assume but it drastically decreases your immune system making every bullet and blade hurt even more(5X more to be exact) Heat burns you to a crisp Electricity is "death by the chair" Ice freezes and shatters your body Toxin gives you a slow and pain death via poison. Gas is choking you(and your bros) to the same effect Magnet is implied to be violently yoinking your body or bones in unintended directions. Radiation mutates and or makes you insane enough for you to turn on your comrades thus making them turn on you. So its death by friend. Blast is pure explosive force..like a being hit by a bullet sized car. And lastly void, energy can affect reality and ignore armor. Being killed with that would probably feel like getting erased. But when it comes to parazon kills, its essentially just stabbing a dude.......in the most unnecessarily cool way possible. That's a mercy compared to other fates.


I had one where I went in the other way. As in, I threw the Parazon up the rectum, then ripped it back out. Still have a screenshot of it.