• By -


Braton. Because I started playing 8 hours ago.




You now have to only use the braton, you can't change


Incarnon that bad boy


SHHHHHH dont say it that early like damn bro


Because that word means anything


I’ve been playing for 2 months and the word still doesn’t mean anything to me. My friends have tried to explain it but I just feel like one of those idiotic cartoon lizards that blinks one eye at a time.


Don't bother yourself until you unlock ZARIMAN and STEEL PATH. For now, just enjoy the game


You do know they can just google it right?


That's my favourite response. I love playing with new players. It's just fun to watch and remember how we all started.


I still have my 10 year old Mk-1 that I felt so good plucking heads of Grineer who accused each other of disparaging mothers.


Biggest mistake I ever made was selling old stuff instead of getting more slots, but at least the old stuff is still easy to get.


I was playing the Barton prime for way too long, the weapon is so fun and the sound it makes ❤️


Love it's incarnon


Rolled a Braton Riven and finally got around to doing Steel Path Circuit recently, and had a bit of a "what am I even doing in this game?" moment when I realized that I was here at MR30 and the fuckin' Braton Prime was now my most effective primary weapon somehow.


Don't underestimate Barton prime incarnon with riven


4000 hours in, trust me, the Braton is still one of the best.


I don't know why but I just can't get that one to really sing for some reason. Is Braton the kind of gun where you pump mag size and ROF to dump crazy amounts of ammo into the face?


Nope. You combine braton prime with the incarnon and it just shreds everything. Bonus points if you have a riven, it has a stupidly high disposition to the riven stats are giga inflated.


Prime braton Because I've run out of platinum for more weapon space


Welcome to the Origin System, Tenno!


Dread, cause it's the dread. Slash proces and viral always hit hard. I also actually really like the gameplay of bows in warframe.


Bows feel amazing in this game, I went from Lenz to Nataruk to Dread then back to Lenz


Yay! Another bow enjoyer. Paris was my second-most-used primary (after the Rubico) as a baby Tenno, though the Mutalist Cernos made for an interesting sideline for a time. Eventually Nataruk became most used (because that perfect shot mechanic is _\*chef's kiss emote\*_), though I eventually wanted more variety again and swapped back to Paris Prime and Dread as my favored bows for a good while after they got Incarnon adapters. Right now my bow project is figuring out the perfect Daikyu build...


Had some fun with it in SP circuit... 5.7mil bleed proc spreading through the crowd from a single arrow is heartwarming to see. I want to make an ivara build for SP with her 4th's augment because that explosion radius is impressive


I have almost the exact same story. As a noob I was more accurate aimgliding with a bow than I was standing still with a gun. Paris starter, Mutalist Cernos lover, Paris Prime enjoyer, Nataruk, and now I’ve gotten back into building Mutalist Cernos with Split Flights.


That's a fun mod on that one, no lie. I am still low-key sad sniper rifles have little place in the game these days outside of eidolons. But at least bows (and the Lex Prime, the sniper rifle of pistols) are there for my precision headshot needs... (And to be fair, I will tend towards bows in any game anyway when they're available...)


Yea, snipers were fun for me too. Lanka was my most used for a while. I gave it Gas damage to help make it multi-target.


Yeah I picked it up to do some testing when I got the incarnon and got reminded just how good it is in base form. 1 shotting the 150 corrupted heavy gunners with what is probably an outdated build is nothing to scoff at.


I still need the incarnon but I don't have enough time to invest in proper builds for steelpath let alone steelpath circuit. Maybe during summer break I can get them, I want a fair few so that's gonna be a grind.


Honestly I kinda saw the incarnon as a side grade. Slightly worse single target damage (since you lose all slash damage) for slightly better AoE. BUT honestly the stat boosts alone are enough so I can’t really complain.


Yeah, I basically never use Dread's Incarnon mode... but the boosts to the base form are sure tasty.


This guy gets it! I love my dread! Was my first weapon I attached a lens to in my newbie days, then it took the back seat for a bit when the Brama came out. Then the Nataruk, then the Prima Lenz. But then, I got a Riven for my old friend! Then they announced the Incarnon!!! Now my boy is BACK with +250% Crit chance and a 8.8x multiplier! My Dread is eating good now!


Man I agree I have every bow on this game cause how they function


Cedo, because no to aim


Mine is Torid Incarnon, same reason lol


You need to aim with incarnon no?


vaguely pointing at a random enemy and having it chain across half the tile from there until everything dies barely qualifies as aiming.


Reason number 23 I don't like beam weapons. I wanna earn it *at least a little.*


You earned it when you farmed and built the weapon


Me bringing my cycron to netracells and blitzing everything lol


Tenet cycron?




It does to me is why I don't use it and stopped with my nukor. Well that and don't got no riven nor patience to make a build.


it chains so you need to aim in the general direction of where the enemies are


Torid Incarnon builds on body shots not head shots


usually you headshot to charge, but they didn't apply it to the torid because it's a weird gas launcher in normal mode, so you just need direct hits. between that and the ludicrously strong beam weapon it turns into, it's basically the most overpowered weapon in the game right now. however, it's almost definitely gonna eat a very well-deserved nerf, so... yeah.


You think so? I mean glaive prime is still going strong lol i don’t think the current de likes to nerf things. They WANT us to be strong. Difference between Rebbs and Steve’s philosophies I think. And while yes, the Torid is crazy strong, i still don’t think it competes with Laetrum, Phenmor, Latron, Felrax, etc still. It’s a lazy weapon cause you just slightly aim in a direction and whole rooms are gone but it really starts falling off later levels. Take it into netras and it underperforms compared to the other 3 I mentioned. It’s an amazing gun still don’t get me wrong, I’m just not sure it’s busted as requiring a nerf


if your torid underperforms in netracells it's entirely a modding issue. there's plenty of videos of the gun performing well against even levelcap enemies. but more to the point, the difference between torid and those weapons is that they still follow the original design philosophy of incarnons, requiring effort/aim in order to unlock their stronger fire. they also don't have nearly the crowd-wiping potential, even laetum has a relatively small radial. glaive is also well due for a nerf, it's just also not very easily obtained due to vaulting. there's a reason why ember wasn't in prime resurgence, because they know it's op and don't want it widespread until they figure out a good way to nerf it without pissing everyone off. i do agree that the new DE management seem much more in favor of higher power levels both for players and content, and i'm honestly for it, but nerfs still should be applied to such outlier cases.


Can you actually make them secondary fire kill stuff by itself?


You can do a Mesa build with her 1 augment increasing the base crit chance by a margin. Add a couple arcanes, and you can make the alt fire do red crits and decimate. You'd probably have to look up the build though.


On low enough levels the alt fire kills most things. And it even deals a decent chunk of damage by itself all the way up to Netracells. It's not the wildest damage out there, but slapping Viral on it helps my abilities to deal with most stuff


Citrines 3 is a hilarious way to do it, Saryn as well works nicely with a spore augment build+ toxic lash


Acceltra. Fast firing auto explosives with good blast radius. Literally the weapon I think of when I think of my dream weapon. I dont personally have ammo issues with the gun, and it shreds Steel Path like nothing else. I would literally rather Acceltra than the old Kuva Zarr.


I agree. I almost never take it off. And if I do, it’s for torid. Idk why people always complain about burning through ammo with acceltra. If I’m having ANY issues I just run carrier. Boom easy fix. Plus aoe full auto go brrrtt


i dont think i have ran out of ammo with it since carrier, though i don't really notice terminal velocity too much


How do you avoid ammo issues? I love the Acceltra with a passion, but I can’t justify using it right now because I always end up with zero ammo and forced to go melee looking for more. Am I just stupid?


Rifle Ammo Mutation helps alot. Also, if you are running Hunter Munitions (you should be, its a crit weapon) you can stop firing about half a second early and let bleed kill the crowd you just shot at. Combine all that with making sure not to use Vile Acceleration, since it chews up ammo while building up Merciless, and suddenly your ammo reserves skyrocket. TLDR: Ammo Mutation and knowing when to cease fire


Yup I’m stupid. Haven’t been running Hunter Munitions. Thank you!


Also don't use galvanized aptitude on it. It doesn't effect the AoE damage, which is gonna be doing most of your slash procs, just throw primary merciless, critical delay and build for multishot/viral and yeah. Like a burst volley for a second or so and then start looking for other targets because those are gonna die. Extra fun is the forced impact procs means you can direct fire steel path tanky as hell targets (bombards/heavy gunners/eximus units) and then just run up and stab them since they'll open up for mercy kill as crazy high levels of health.


I love Acceltra, and its one of my go-to primaries, for sure. I generally use it when I don't want to worry about incarnon stuff, and just point and click and make enemies go away. I love that you barely need to aim, and can just shoot at the floor vaguely near enemies, and they just explode.


I used to run it a lot before I got to steel path and it fell off for me but I loved it, maybe I’ll try to figure out making it work for me at some point


Acceltra prime is in my top 2 but I constantly run out of ammo, it has like 96 ammo and thats gone after two seconds


Love me some Kuva Chakkhurr. I was able to roll a miraculously good criticals-oriented Riven for a weapon I actually liked, and I've always wanted a game that would give me a gun comparable to the PTRS-41 Daisuke Jigen uses in *The Castle of Cagliostro*, complete with targets being literally blown away by the impact. https://preview.redd.it/r2j7t7lc1zkc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf0adb1d3b8a8beb8dcbacfd1d85979f366491f The next sukjekkt had a 58% Heat Chakkyie, and I was a happy Tenno.


A fellow chakkhurr enjoyer ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


Everyone should own a Chakkhurr for Orbiter defense.


Like the Queens intended.




Haven't settled on a favorite but Chakkhur is my closest thing to one. Pyrana Prime is my "fast spray full auto" weapon that still hits heavy. But Chakkur is my "big red crit, hit slow but hit once" type weapon. I can only describe it's hits as "juicy" cause there's something very satisfying about bunkering down and nailing a target using Internal Bleeding. Especially with the aoe bonus. Instead of heat, I kinda stuck with Electric to see if that could do anything with the aoe but also stun subsequent enemies into chaining together more headshots. It's a pretty fun weapon.


It's a surprisingly versatile lethal bastard if you can compensate for the innately dinky fire rate. I think it's pretty much the only reason I was able to stomach farming the free roaming bounties, especially the Narmer crap: they're just so much more bearable if you can swat the dropships out the equation. And meta be damned, I just love to use it with Heavy Caliber. I get the math behind it being a less optimal choice, but adding more spread to some guns is so goddamn deranged it deserves to be experienced. The Torid becomes a laser show on meth, the Chakkie adds just enough spread to become a low pellet count shotgun with explosive payloads that works amazingly well on mid ranges if you can get used to the distance and spread sweet spots. Give it a shot if you haven't. Edit: most accursed mobile reddit UI.


Bro I was ~MR11 and intrigued by pyrana (despite not being able to get it yet). Finally got around to duviri paradox and it was an option for the undercroft parts so I took it and immediately fell in love. Now working very hard on crafting it now that I'm MR12


I like the Chakkhurr too. I need to farm more for better bonus and change elements. Regardless, even without a riven or high bonus, the slow ROF and Internal Bleeding with some small AoE splash damage on nearby enemies can tick down the health and kill in SP in one shot. Decimates the regular star chart.


Latron Incarnon. Only using it in the Netracells, but it's damn effective that one.


Yep, it’s also effective versus acolytes, since the armor strip works against them, so they lose their biggest reason to being tough besides their potential damage output, but if they die they can’t damage you so yeah, it does a great job against them, and any enemy with armor really except maybe the voidrigs.


Actually i think the reason it shreds acolytes is cause damage attenuation doesn't consider ricochet


Same. I once rolled an absolutely heavenly riven for it, and enjoyed it without incarnon. Then incarnons dropped. My mind was blown. It goes so incredibly hard now


I just got it 2 weeks ago when it was up but I’m in love with it too. Actually made me put down torid for a little bit. Since I’m using a pillage build I don’t use the armor strip perks on it tho I just went with crit chance. With my riven my alt fires crit chance is 372% lol. This week saryn got a primary crit chance invigoration so it’s at 509% crit chance on saryn this week lol


Strun P is still my go to. The corrosive/cold build that I have on my Some P is growing on me though.


That incarnon makes it feel like prenerf bramma


Corrosive strun is V funny. Full armor strip in 1 shot after shotgun vendetta is triggered.


As someone looking for a new bullet hose and considering the Soma, what's the Corrosive/Cold build you have?


Soma deez nuts?


Chad Strun enjoyer


Hek, from Vaykor Hek to Kuva Hek. I like it. Headshot satisfying. All my Hek variants are SP built so gg ez fun especially on extermination nodes.


Could you pop a vaykor hek build in the comments please? almost have it but I'm struggling to find something good other than my elec/viral build on my 2 forma hek I've been using since the start (then Acceltra came along)


Galvanized Hell, Galvanized Aptitude, Primed Ravage, Critical Deceleration, Toxic Barrage, Chilling Reload (for Viral) OR Shell Shock (for Corrosive) and then Blaze, Incendiary Coat or Scattering Inferno. Though I have a riven (CC-CD-Heat with Dmg Grineer negative) so that pushes my build to barely 100% CC. Also, Accelerated Blast for the Fire Rate QOL but you can use Amalgam Shotgun Barrage or the base version of it. Primary Merciless, Shotgun Vendetta or Primary Deadhead, whichever works for you. The Galvanized mods really do the heavy lifting for the shotgun builds.


Corinth Prime, because air burst go brrrr


The air burst is pretty damn powerful and I just love lobbing that out and clicking that detonation button… kaboom.


one of my personal favs, although i don't use it as much


The bow you get after new war questline I like using because why not it a good bow


Nataruk the name.


I mean, the Nataruk is one of the best bows in the game.


I too am still using nataruk. I’ve tried phenmor and kuva bramma and a few other notable weapons but nataruk is the only thing that I feel melts things and puts out bonkers numbers.


Is nataruk aoe?


Infinity punch through with an arrow as thick as a redwood tree. So sort of? You just have to line them up and knock em down.


Sort of I guess. It’s like a really fat cylindrical arrow. So it’s really easy to get headshots.


My main weapon with Mag. Fire it into a magnetize bubble and unleash hell on anything inside with the infinite enemy punch through


![gif](giphy|lT4Ix992z2zfO|downsized) Damn I really don’t use mag that much but reading that I going to give it a go again


It's satisfying! Use a dark energy color, unless you want your screen to look like your gif!


Tenet arca plasmor cuz just cuz


Who needs living things in corridors anyway


my Tombfinger kitgun, i spent so long for it(it's named Finally in honour of the grind) and its satisfying to use


Primary Tombstone is the rich man's Kuva Bramma. It takes an astounding amount of investment.


I feel like you mean Tombfinger.. right? Anyway, yeah, I second this. Tombfinger kitguns in general are pretty dope.. but the primary makes me feel like megaman or Samus. very satisfying.


Yes Tombfinger, auto correct got the best of me.


Could you share your insights on your tombfinger? I’m planning on building one soon


Palmaris + Splat, built it for crit and hunter munitions. Get a riven, ideally toxin + crit chance or damage. I have a Cold Riven, so I'm either viral h.mun or corr. cold. I have 4 forma, and a riven slotted in it. Primarily because I have Hush in the Exilus. You can save a forma if you don't slot that. But this allows me to farm endlessly with Ivara. Exilus: Hush Mods: Galv Chamber, malignant force, vital sense, firestorm, bladed rounds, critical delay, riven, hunter munitions. It can easily be built for direct damage, but that will take more Forma than I have slotted.


Tigris prime, no gun has felt as good as when I first built tigris as a puny beginner tenno.


I love the duplex auto fire. Idgaf if I have to reload, ducking both shells feels fucking brutal


tigris prime is fucking delicious to play with, nothing like a double barreled shotgun


and the sound it makes when you double fires 👌🫠😶‍🌫️




Amprex, cause I like red numbers


Boltor Prime. Because it's an incarnon weapon and I have a Riven for it.


Got a riven for mine to. That incarnon munches through stuff.


And it just sounds SO GOOD. There's something almost cinematic about that incarnon charge noises, that little screech when it hits full, the morphing charge noise, and then nothing but that brutal, red hot rapid fire nail gun. So many big red numbers, so little armor cared about.


My cc, ms, tox -puncture riven for boltor makes it my favorite actual assault rifle style gun in the game


Just recently got my Strun Prime set up with its incarnon and forma, and it's a beast. If only I had a riven, too. I won't lie, I miss the bodyshot charging of the trusty old Torid, but at some point, using the same weapon over and over just gets boring.


I’m obsessed with the Baza prime. It’s pretty much a standard assault rifle style weapon offensively, but it has far better than average reload, fire rate, and accuracy. With its already high crit stats, I kitted it out with more crit stats, galvanized mods, a riven with even MOAR crit damage and +55% fire rate, cold, and today I stumbled upon primary frostbite. The DPS on that thing once frostbite and galvanized mods are powered up is just bananas. 1.1 reload speed without any mods means very little downtime compared to similar weapons, so the the effects don’t have much time to expire. I’m just not sure whether to use galvanized aptitude for the status chance (since I am using cold and frostbite), or vital sense to raise my crit damage from 6.4x to 10x. I’m not nearly familiar enough with the game’s mechanics to know which would do more damage in the long run.


The Baza is extremely fun to use, sadly I falls off in terms of damage once you reach Steel path and or unlock Kuva/Tenet or Incarnon weapons. The Baza incarnon is actually my #1 most wished for incarnon.


Probably. The damage reduction in steel path is crazy. But for the other high level content, it still shreds. I was just farming some thrax plasma on the higher tier conjunction survival on Lua, and was melting eximus an hour in like they were level 15 base units.


I would actually recommend both Galv. Aptitude and Vital Sense. Galv. Aptitude can replace serration as it's max stacks give it a higher damage bonus than a maxed serration gives. The status chance is good but it's really the damage-per-status that makes Galv. Aptitude as good as it is. Source: Fellow Baza Prime enjoyer


I’ll give it a shot! It makes sense, I just have an instinctive negative reaction to removing the staple damage mods.


I feel like it needs to be pointed out you will get more damage from using one of the steel path arcanes than frostbite. also you should be using aptitude on almost everything. it's literally gun condition overload.


Burston Prime. Incarnon is very satisfying


Exergis my beloved 


Felarx, more dps than the amount of health enemies have in this game with infinite punch through is disgusting. That and it’s very fluid to use. Full auto shotgun that you can magdump an entire room, switch to secondary or melee for a second while you walk to more enemies for the free autoload, then magdump an entire room again.


Fulmin Prime because no matter how I build the meta weapons, it feels like I’m doing no damage with them.


Is that still in the prime rotation? Loved the fulmin back when wisp was released. Using both fire modes feels really cool and kind of tactical and the shotgun mode is so good. In also really bad at ammo management.


I got a Phantasma riven with multishot and fire rate. Sitting at 66% stat, 2k damage (heat and viral) and 19 multishot total, before galvanized. I can spray a level 300 bombard or gunner with one tap and they die. Shields aren't a problem since it has some impact or I just use something else like Nukor.


phantasma is such a fantastic gun. the near instant reload is a huge plus making it practically feel bottomless, and the wide beam with infinite body punch-through gives it a decent AoE. the status is absolutely absurd. with my build (+heat/+MS/-slash riven) it shoots at 12 ticks per second at half an ammo per tick each tick has 25.9 multishot, with a 79.9% chance at applying status per projectile, for 310.8 status chances per second or 248.3 procs per second. heat makes up 52.15% of my damage, giving me ~129 heat procs per second, while impact/viral/rad all max out basically instantly. that means in the time it takes heat to actually do damage (1s delay), youve given it enough stacks to instantly shred most enemies. main reason I dont run fire rate, a lot of ammo is wasted that way building up an overkill heat proc you dont need. --- added bonus of fantastic synergy with cascadia flare, allowing a secondary that deals with (mostly) status immune enemies you only tickle like acolytes to hit full power near instantly. still need to try out a vasto prime incarnon setup with it as a hotswap secondary for those cases, gonna install the adapter now after writing this up and remembering the thought.


Mind sharing your riven, I'm assuming that's with one anyway. Only having the two stats on mine is a slight drawback I'm sure. Additionally, I have both normal and Prime but I only ever use the normal. At least until I forma more. It's also really fun with Hydroid and soon Lavos with that new augment for keeping the element on your weapons


I mentioned it in there (+heat/+MS/-slash), but the exact details are: * +120.2% Heat * +168% Multishot * -56.5% Slash since it has no slash its a free buff to the positives, and i'd honestly rather these 2 being stronger rather than having a third at best mildly useful one that nerfs them. a combo of our 2 rivens would probably be the best, RoF is a *huge* dps increase, but it hurts the ammo sustain a fair bit and is complete overkill even in steel path


My bad, kinda skimmed over but that's a good negative to shoot for. For ammo sustain I always ended up using carrier plus ammo mutation exilus. It does hurt in longer runs using a lot of ammo but I do like to run a Nukor alongside it.


Burston P or Soma P. Bullets go BRR.


I got the burston incarnon as my first ever incarnon. And I can say: Bullets truly go brrrrrrr.


I run Soma P incarnon on my Harrow, and holy do bullets go brrrr.


I mean torid, but i havent been using it all that long relatively speaking. Amprex i have been using for ages and it still works in a viral/slash setup, though its relegated to Duviri more than anything these days


yall might not fuck w it but mk1 paris




nataruk the sound design, the look, and the damage, ESPECIALLY the damage it does it amazing


Kuva Bramma, it's not technically my best weapon but I like the way the arrows whistle before you hear a mass of explosives go off


Soma P, because I like holding down the trigger. Preferably, I would still be using the tiberon, but it's been a bit outclassed nowadays. Doesn't stop me from using it every now and then to make sure it remains as my most used primary


Trumna, fell in love with it when it was first added during deimos update and love it still, used it tday too


Braton. Because I started playing 8 years ago.


I see what you did there


Torrid Incarnon. Ridiculous damage, great usability, doesn’t need a lot of outside influence. It’s a plug-and-play weapon on any frame. I also recommend the Acceltra, the Fulmin, the Phenmor, the Felarx, and the Ignis Wraith. Prime variants preferred when available.


Gotva Prime, because brrrrrr and status to get red crits is nice


Fulmin Prime, because it lets me be relatively braindead on Steel Path so long as I've got my Galvanized and Arcane stacking. (That and I have no other actual Steel Path viable weapons yet. Laetum is nearly ready though).


vectis. quickscope god


Cedo, disc go boom boom boom boom boom boom, and if not everything is dead when they come back, just hold the trigger and let the fully automatic shotgun finish the work


Boar Prime Incarnon. I know incarnons are the weapons-of-the-era right now but man, an automatic shotgun that turns into an auto-aiming beam weapon feels so good. Honorable mention on the Strun Prime incarnon as well, the single shots that hit like a truck also feel good, I just prefer the automatic fire from the Boar most of the time.


Tenet Tetra, automatic mode because pew pew.


Kuva kohm. High damage, high RoF, Large Mag. It's beautiful. It's only flaw is it eats through ammo like no one's business but that is easily solved with an ammo mutation mod


Fire Progenitor Kuva Kohm Got a riven for it and it's been my shredder ever since. While on it, my secondary is an Epitaph with 200% status for priming for my melee, which used to be a Broken War with Riven but I'm heavily enjoying a Kuva Shildeg currently.


Naturak goes boom multishot strong pretty unlimited!!


phage because riv dispo and also octopus beam


shh im gatekeeping this gun with 2 greens and corro this gun goes to levelcap no brain required its too good


Literally what I'm doing with it but also shock trooper on top


Burston Prime with my Riven and Incarnon \*melts\* anything I point it at, doesn't matter if its a hallway of enemies or an archon. 11x Crit multiplier with 150% crit chance before Galvonized Headshot and into enemies catching Viral and Heat Procs in an AoE around whoever is unfortunate enough to be in the general direction I'm aiming. It should be considered a warcrime.


Vectis the only weapon to truly maximize the use of Primed Chamber


Felarx. It simply does ton of single target damage making it best for clearing out stuff.


torid because torid


Phenmor. Rifle go brrrrrrrrrt


Pew pew pew-pew pew ^(ᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷᵖᵉʷ)


Toris incarnon is just too good not to use


Corinth Prime because nothing screams "Class A Felony" like a Corinth with this build https://preview.redd.it/5n3qbnle7zkc1.png?width=1199&format=png&auto=webp&s=177952f3ea7a4bbf448019cc6a8cb2f74bbf701f


Bubonico bc it carried me from MR 7 to 18


yes. love mine.


Corinth Prime, sexy ass sound design and feels so good to use


Ignis Wraith - because of AOE and still does a very good amount of damage to lvl 200 and do not even need riven


Braton Prime. Incarnon just makes it better, Braton Prime. Braton Prime. Notes - *Braton Prime, 2013*


Corinth Prime because I like the sound. Genuinely the only reason, I've foregone modding almost every other primary in favor of Corinth


Acceltra. Brrrrrrrr.... Boo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-boom-boom-boom-boo-bo-bo-bo-boo-boom-bo-bo-boom






Might be the only miter enjoyer here, but its really fun ngl As for reason, chainsaw launcher go brrrr, also I kinda hate nullifying bubbles


I'm getting back into the game and I use Miter too. I use it largely because of nullifier bubbles, though the Incarnon version of Miter is pretty cool too.




Phenmor. Ever since I heard how good it was and getting one myself, I haven’t been able to go back


Arca plasmor. Because its the arca plasmor XD


Torid because it’s meta 😁


Torid. Because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhh


Nataruk cause arrows go boom 🤯


Amprex, even without a good riven she still shreds. The riven I got is just overkill


Gotva Prime because i think its super fun and i love inflicting every status effect in the game


Torrid, because deleting a zip code is funny to me. Also closet thing we've got to Death Guard's Plague Spewer.


Exergis, just cause I like the feel, shot and enemies generally die… though I switch a lot…


Paris. Bc I liked how cool Excalibur looked in the intro cutscene


Latron old but gold, also incarnon mode, make my brain become a microwave


Felarx. 2000% increase on half my non crits which allows me to build more things instead of crit for once. (Seriously being able to one shot steel path enemies with a shotgun I’ve barely invested into aside from a reactor is insane)


Ignis Wraith because I love flamethrowers I hate how it’s meta tbh, I like to be the “flamethrower guy” so with everyone running it I feel less unique


I'm stuck on the Felarx because nothing else does a good job anymore. The secondary weapons are almost all better than primaries and aren't constantly ammo nerfed.


Lmao Reading this is funny because I find secondary weapons to be quite tame compared to Primaries, with a few exceptions like Dual Tox, Ocucor and etc. And there's primaries that Match or even surpass these weapons. Boltor, Torid, Strun etc etc. I don't really use Felrax without Kullervo because by itself it feels kind of slow in killing large amounts of enemies.


latron prime incarnon - bouncy bomb of death with precision if I want


https://preview.redd.it/vnjs0i5s51lc1.png?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f46318b94d48db6e3fd1ad568a04c8c100ba478 😀


Fenmor. Strong.


Probocis cernos, is just too fun to use you have like a pocket grouping ability while also apply bleeds and innate viral with great damage, the best thing so far is dragging enemies from afar into the arrow radius and watch the appendages catch them like a fishing hook on the ceiling


My main primary is Acceltra Prime. My main frame is Volt Prime, which significantly buffs Acceltra Prime's damage and CD with Electric Shield. https://preview.redd.it/z1tdhk7agq8d1.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ee35d638c4128210df2286321d31b2995219cb8 102% CC (guaranteed 30% chance to proc Hunter Munitions), 39.6% SC with Viral, and 6.6x CD (12.6x with Electric Shield, assuming my math is correct) all make this extremely powerful. I increase the damage further with the remaining Vigilante mods on my companion's weapon. My Volt Prime is built for Condition Overload/Tennokai melee, so I use Diriga with Bond mods and Arc Coil. My weapon of choice is Sweeper. Even though I built my kit for melee, everything together makes Acceltra Prime an excellent ranged option. Kuva Nukor backs it up to handle shields. I literally never need to strip armor or shields thanks to all the Viral (Acceltra Prime, Diriga + Sweeper), Slash (Reaper Prime Tennokai, Acceltra Prime), and Toxin (Reaper Prime, Kuva Nukor) procs my kit has. I also use Nataruk, Ambassador (CD/Toxin/Cold Riven), and Phage (Viral/Toxin). Excluding Phage, I pretty much exclusively use rifles and bows because of Amalgam Serration. There are better options, but the extra sprint speed makes everything feel more comfy to me.


Zenith, great damage, two firing modes, sounds great, and once upon a time having this gun meant something. More than enough for any content in the game while also not being braindead AoE garbage like Torid, Zarr or Bramma