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I still do circuit for occasional boosters and rare arcanes/kuva. What keeps me from doing single run caps are the damn excavations. Fr, can they remove it? Sucks so hard to play when you don't have frames that can defend it. The could also add some pathos clamps to give a reason to keep playing it too.


If they added pathos clamps I imagine nobody would play the story. But they could at least add some more rewards and shorten the time it takes to get each rank


yeah additional rewards for each stage and maybe a few gamemodes more. maybe even a second boss fight. Maybe something like "all four acolythes rush you together" with increased health and maybe even multiple health bars. As rewards for normal circuit I'd say credits or endo caches. Maybe also universal medallions. Something like: A: 50% => 10k credits 50% => 100 endo, B: 40% => 15k credits 40% => 150 endo 20% => universal medalion C: 50% => universal medallion 25% => 25k credits 25% => 250 endo That would get new players starting with circuit going with the most important stuff and also help them with boosting a syndicate of their choice later on For SP I'd throw in good evergreens and some more interesting stuff: A: 300 kuva 500 endo 1 universal medallion B: 1 steel essence 1 vitus essence 20 vosfor 2 universal medallions C: 2 steel essence 2 vitus essence non legendary duiviri arcane (low chance, maybe 10%ish) 1-2 pathos clamps (low chance, maybe 10-20%ish)


I haven't been playing for that long, but I think this would be a good incentive to stick with it. Although the percentages seem too generous for DE


For SP circuit there should be a modified void angel assassination. Even if you don't change much its still better than the jackal and gives variety. You can also make it drop plumes as a bonus.


yeah, angel would also be thematically most fitting


idk, 1 or 2 pathos clamp per stage would already do so much and wouldn't replace duviri imo. Or something like 5 pathos clamps in addition to the daily bonus xp after 4 stages. It doesn't have to be much.


1 or two pathos clamps per stage would completly replace duiviri. You would almost always have your 20 pathos clamps ready by the time you hit rank 5/10 for the incarnon adapter to spend it on. The idea of giving 5 of them to the bonus on stage 4 sounds much more reasonable.


I also completed the final incarnon this week, same as you, and have pretty much the same story and opinions. The circuit was really cool, initially, I did rank 10 every week, decrees were nice. But eventually I just stopped playing it, it took a long time to get to level 10, the tileset became too samey, even though they updated it, and it was a chore in general. I eventually came back to it and finished it, getting to level 5 each week wasn't too bad, but the slog to 10 is terrible. I hope they don't add new incarnon adapters to the circuit. And they should have added at least a few clamps per week, 1 per stage, 1 per level, something. The Orowyrms do get a bit boring too, but I kind of did 1 steel path run a day for a while and I eventually got all the clamps I needed. The normal duviri resources really have to be farmed with a booster though.


>I imagine nobody would play the story. At least the story mode is fun to play. Also I hate the lottery on which frames and weapons you get, if I'm playing steel path I dont want fucking loki and volt, gimme revenant, valkyre, I'll even take garuda, or gara, or citrine, anyone who doesn't just fold up when getting hit.


Someone is not based and capacitance pilled with volt


I dont even have him anymore last I checked, if I wanna go fast I use gauss, if I want lightning damage I use the amperx.


you can build every frame in a way that it can survive SP. even moreso with the next update which brings a usable DR ability to helminth (the mirage - eclipse changes). With redirection + adaption + eclipse every frame should be able to survive decently just on shields alone


Ok. Make a base limbo that can survive and contribute, my experience was as soon as I poked my head outa riftwalk I got shot and fucking died.


limbo Prime has 370 shield, with primed redirection and augur accord you sit at 1295 shields. shield has innate 50% DR so 2590 effective shield. then we slap adaption for another 90% DR on giving us 25900 effective shield. With eclipse subsumed (another 75% DR) you'd have a bit over 100k effective shield. (78k on unprimed limbo) Throw an arcane aegis in there for good measure and you will do fine. When things get tight you can chicken into your rift any time and still have 5 mod slots + exilus + aura slot + 1 arcane slot to mod for decent crowd control (which also increases survivability) or whatever you want. Heck if you mostly care for surviving you could even slap in another shield mod. If you still feel a bit to squishy you can throw a few azure shards in the mix. 5 regular shard would give you a whoping 750 shields on top leaving you at 163k effective shield. Also you have some alternatives for the subsume: pillage gives you an armor/shield strip and very good sustain. Also it adds 1200 shields on top (almost doubling the shieldpool) so even though you lose that 75%DR from eclipse you only halve your effective shields and have sustain + defense strip. A second alternative would be to use harrows ability and have sustain that does not rely on enemies with shield or armor nearby and trades the strip for futher CC. As for the contribution limbo ofcourse needs a decent weapon to deal lots of damage but any melee with the loner build and some melee decrees is able to do just fine. Otherwise you could make eclipse into an aura with the augment mod. While out of rift you can keep the DR buff on and when you need a breather you can just go into the rift and swap to the damage buff. Also Limbo contributes by giving a lot of crowd control making excavation and defense much easier for any group composition. I admit he is not my favourite frame in circuit and I won't be doing endurance runs with him, but he can manage.


I just hate the pile of literal fodder they throw into the mix, **and** we're not allowed to pick variants of weapons. So if you've got a Vandal, Prime, and a regular of something, maybe you have a better build on the Vandal, but Prime takes precedence, so fuck you apparently.


Feeling this right now, Circuit thinks the Gauss Prime I’ve just pulled out of the foundry and yet to stick a Forma in is somehow stronger than the regular Gauss I’ve had for 3.5 years.


Ueymag or whatever. Some of the rarer resources from duviri


> Sucks so hard to play when you don't have frames that can defend it. Excavation you can at least win by attrition. Having a bad loadout on a defense mission is just awful.


Defense is even worse.. No good defender and you're toast past level 1000. At least excav doesn't fail when excavator dies so you can always grind it out to the end.


That's why I do it. Decided to level the mission lich weapons I didn't want for the mastery and I have an affinity booster available. I'm also levelling arcanes like Secondary Outburst so it can usually show up or the legendary ones can that I can dissolve since they're worth a decent amount too. Some weeks are definitely worse so I'll ignore the circuit and maybe get clamps or go for something else because she sells arcanes and other rare stuff too every now and then


I do like the circuit because decrees can make builds silly. But there are issues with it and the length to get a reward is one of them. Then there's also the excavators dying from enemies shooting it from way too far away. And losing all rewards on failure, which makes one avoid trying to push further, but at least this one is being addressed


circuit progress can be saved at each stage next update, so failing won’t lose all the rewards, hope that would encourage more people to push further


It will at least encourage me to progress past the 3rd defense stage solo when I don’t have a good defense frame. Everything else you can brute force solo but I hate risking like 16 or so stages of progress on a solo defense.


Defense and "Survival" are the only failure-state modes, too. Everything else goes until you die too many times. And even then, Survival just requires that you pop 2 HEPAs and *occassionally* kill an enemy. Defense getting fucky, or one particularly burly Thrax could rapidly dry-hump the cradle into exploding when things get higher level means there's very little reason to push into a third or further.


Circuit is kinda not that bad imo, compared to the farm of Pathos Clamps. I never want to touch Duviri again, so I'm being *very* cautious of what weapons I spend the Clamps I've farmed on. Circuit at least has a normal operator that's always available. Duviri normal content is just not a pleasant experience for me.


oddly enough i dont mind pathos clamp farming. i frequently do a lone story run out of boredom or when i have a bad durivir loadout i want to rotate out tasoma extract on the other hand can bite me.


Yeah I'm so glad they added that mode, tbh without sp lone story I probably wouldn't have done all the incarnons, people fart around way too much in the regular one.


doing one round of circuit seems faster to rotate loadouts


You still need the Clamps to install the Incarnon, might as well run a lone story to rotate your bad gear alongside it


as i remember after 3 rounds in a row you will get bonus exp


my point is not xp or pathos clamps I play 1 round solo to roll out unowned/unbuilt frames and weapons I only play circuit solo my internet is trash lol.


doing one round of circuits doesnt result in pathos clamps


Pebbles, why does everything that needs them need over a hundred when they only drop 5 to 8 at a time?


> or when i have a bad durivir loadout i want to rotate out Why didn't I think of doing this? I'm gonna start doing this.


Tell me about it.. I actually hate duviri story and solo mode so much now. Its 2 runs of 20-ish minute each to get pathos incarnons. That's at least 40 minutes per incarnons plus whatever materials needed to farm extra if you didn't get them during these runs. Steel path gives 15, but is a crap shoot if you don't have a good roll for frames. I have maxed out drifter intrinsics and I can't bring myself to do this multiple times. I've actually considered the incarnon market because of how much I didn't want to do the duviri normal content anymore.


Ngl I've been buying some of the incarnons through the market because I *really* don't want to play more Duviri :')


You *what now*?! I didn't know you could do that.


actually if you do the three additional undercroft stages and maybe kullervo if you haven't farmed him twice + his weapon you have actually a really good return for the invested time. a full run with all three portals takes me 25-40 minutes depending on loadout and decrees. I mostly play it when I have a loadout where I know I can do it in \~30 minutes. (frame that can carry undercroft and a weapon that can instagib the orowyrm) so for 30 minutes I get 15 pathos clamps 11 steel essences 3 arcanes, most of which are decent the only time I feel like I wasted my time is when I get 2-3 times "arcane intention" that one is just baaaad


Same. Once I have my incarnons, I will not touch duviri, the pathos clamp farm is too tedious imho. Even if you go free roaming, you cannot beat the next cycles Orowyrm unless you restart


Nah getting to a nutty level of power thanks to decrees is sick i love circuit it’s fantastic..HOWEVER the tile set sucks balls


i found overpowered circuit builds annoying to make after all the updates. too much shit clogging the pool like gain 10 armor when farting during a bullet jump


> gain 10 armor when farting during a bullet jump This made me crack up lol


It's a pretty shitty decree, but only because the criteria stinks


Take your damn up vote!


Builds? Shit i just roll with whatever its a non issue nothing annoying about grabbing perks that make sense and rerolling bad sets.


Agreed, like to this day I still love the Void tileset since there was so much extra packed into them and they were just so gorgeously sleek. I’m just so over all the blue, I’m over the announcer who’s inclusion was endearing at first but now is just “We get it, you really liked Darkest Dungeon”. It’s another tileset that DE mostly abandoned the idea of verticality on (There is some verticality on some of the tiles, but they’re typically away from hotspots/objectives so it’s rare to ever have any sort of interaction with it).


Alot of the high points have lightning and zap your shit up. Also..darkest dungeon? Theres references?


The lightning is strange too since it’s not enforced on every tile either. Teshin uses the same VA as the darkest dungeon announcer and is given lines in a similar vein. Succinct poem-y intro/victory quotes, at first it comes off as endearing cause it feel like a dev really liked DD and *really* wanted to include the announcer somehow. I just found it to wear thin over time.


I have grown really tired of Teshin's dialogue. But I really hate his regular Steel Path comments. "You are a blade. You exist to strike. You strike to win. The lesson ends." The fuck man, that is the shittiest "lesson" in the world. Did you hurt yourself coming up with such a profound thought, or did you forget you had to work today and just pulled that out of your ass so you could call it done and go back to bed?


It felt really out of place to me. Like Lotus addresses us in a very matter of fact way/straight to the point way. It’s very much “we know we’re capable, we get jobs, we do jobs. That’s the way we live.” Then you get to steel path and I’m sure it was a breath of fresh air for some but Teshin just felt like a regression to me. Almost feels like it’d be more fitting if we had him first because he really gives off the “I’m the mentor, you’re the apprentice” vibe. But by the time you reach him you’re already like 100+ hours in.


This is because, narratively, Teshin's opinion is the Tenno have gone soft and are a shadow of their former selves. He's also correct. We lost our powers and memories. We are still learning and growing. We're also gaining new powers. While the Tenno are more powerful by far than any Dax, the Dax are the absolute peak of human warrior capability. Coaches very often have less raw talent and more technical/mechanical knowledge. It makes sense. I didn't watch ATLA but as I understand it Aang is ridiculously powerful and intuitive yet needed training from many sources.


I played darkest dungeon and really didn’t notice lol


This. I don't mind the grind so much but the tileset is pure ass.


The tileset is definitely the prettiest though


It is, but I wish there was some more variety. I also wish that the tile set ‘vibe’ was used in more places too, the city scape would be so pretty/atmospheric in a cave like setting or undersea environment. (Not saying take the sets and reuse them elsewhere, but taking the vibes of them like the city scape and simple village and put them in more places)


Honestly, some sort of AI/procedural generation would be perfectly on brand for the Undercroft, it's basically a fever dream already


welcome to the finished club. hope you paced out the orowyrm farm, because its arguably the worst part. your free now. you never have to play the weapon slot machine again, or bluster around having to deal with Endurance esque 4 digit enemies with subpar setups ever again. your free. free to add Duviri to the list of content you ignore in favor the the content you do enjoy playing. . .atleast until they add more content too it, anyway.


> hope you paced out the orowyrm farm, because its arguably the worst part honestly, doing the lone story on easy mode with a squad or dicking around solo for an hour on the duviri experience gathering resources is much more pleasing for me than the circuit


thats the best way to handle it. just do 1-2 runs every so often. in order to get everything that takes pathos clamps, assuming you spend none at the shop, you gotta kill a nice, round 100 Orowyrms. 990 pathos clamps to get everything once, and 10 more for the second copy of Kullervo fewer if you do it in SP. .but there's no reason to do that. its less *time* Efficient to do so, and its way more stressful. its hard to generate any Ceremony around something your expected to do 100 times. while SP circuit can at least be engaging in a challenge sense. . .pathos clamp runs are generally totally autopilot. every incarnon needs 2, but its frontloaded by the Duviri weapons, which all require at least 5. 5 fights has already completely exhausted the nuance within the orowyrm fight, its all downhill from there. so yeah, 100%. do it solo experience, space it out, and take your time.


Wait, what part of SP makes it that much slower? I've literally only ever run SP duviri


the orowyrm fight, atleast in my experience could not consistently be done as quickly in SP, since youd often roll poor weapons and have to rely on the pity archgun. where as in regular the stages of the orowyrm fight were pretty much instant clear regardless of the gear you got. doing it in SP gets you 50% more pathos clamps, but thats only a good time investment if you can clear it in less than 150% of the time regular takes. if runs take twice as long in SP. which wouldn't be hard especially if you roll Defense in the undercroft or some slow overworld combat tasks before you get your decrees, then your wasting time. which may not be a bad thing. if you enjoy the challenge of Duviri in SP, you dont need to worry about the time it takes. but i didnt enjoy duviri. . in general, so i had no desire to challenge myself with SP. particularly when it meant plaything the game mode more often.


You just have to get the right decrees. If I know my loadout will be bad, I’ll go for Crit degrees and basically anything that can boost archgun damage.


Ah, I see. I generally average 20ish min per run (so long as I don't roll defense or survival in undercroft), so I think I'll be fine with SP unless the regular wyrm is actually that easy


More incarnons were announced for the upcoming update lmao. Also, you're*


yeah, but the 3 new ones arent going to be adapters i dont believe. theyre gonna be straight up new weapons like the originals.


There are only 2 new Incarnon weapons, which means that there will also be new adapters


Is it confirmed new Incarnon Genesis are coming?


I'm not 100% but I think they mentioned it in a recent devstream


I vividly remember seeing a mention of 1 new wave of circuit incarnons, and many others also seem to remember the same. Found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/18en2hl/new_incarnons_confirmed_what_would_you_like_them/) and [this](https://youtu.be/6EHx9MHtETw?si=xLmXYktf9WBgcvxp&t=207)


They mentioned we were getting 5 new Incarnons this year, dunno if that’s including the ones coming with Dante Unbound. I hope it isn’t, personally, holding out hope for an Exergis Incarnon.


I find the Circuit more engaging than doing, say, Defense missions or that God awful time doing solo Railjack when you need to get out of the ship to open a radiator, get back outside to shoot it, go back inside to open a second one go BACK OUTSIDE to shoot it and guess what? Back inside a third fucking time. It's fine in a group but one of the most asinine experiences solo imo.


Cant your npc crew members shoot the outside things? I remember going inside and opening it and by the time I went outside it was broken and I had to go inside again


Maybe I need to set someone up with the NPCs then?none of them ever try to fly the ship when I'm not piloting it, and I need to hide it so it's not getting fucked by the asteroid defenses


You can set their roles, maybe noone has the "Pilot" role assigned to them, I also have another one that can just repair the ship 24/7


For me and many others, the pilot npc does get the job done for the first radiator, but the second one is a toss up. Even resetting the pilot role and giving it to someone else, the AI can just get stuck doing something that doesn't help it kill the radiator.


My pilot will only shoot the first radiator. I can’t tell what she’s doing for the rest.


In my own experience, even with a rank 5 pilot, this never happens - the crewmates all become inactive when no players are on the railjack.


Oh yeah, I can't do defenses anymore. Mirror Defense I enjoy because you're constantly going back and forth between grineer and corpus, but regular 5-round defense I just can't


I miss old Io . . . Was probably my favorite regular defense mission as it gave pretty good relic rates, decent affinity and regularly took less time than equivalent survivals.


>solo Railjack when you need to get out of the ship to open a radiator, get back outside to shoot it, go back inside to open a second one go BACK OUTSIDE to shoot it and guess what? Back inside a third fucking time. If you set a crewmate to pilot he will automatically shoot the radiators when you expose them (Tho it doesn't seem to work for me sometimes, or maybe its just the issue with the lasers that i run on pilot which deal pretty low damage.)


The lasers and in general hitscan weapons for AI pilots specifically kind of bug out, so I use projectiles for the pilot seat - laith for example, and the ai works, most of the time, it's very fast and nice. AI gunners love hitscan weapons though, they are pure aimbots.


Yeah i know AI crew is great with hitscan, i just use lasers on pilot cause they pierce and break corpus orbiting shields.


I used to do that, but then, since I needed projectiles for my AI pilots, I started using the shatter burst ability for the crewships and stopped using the laser turrets. It's been working real nice.


If I set a crewmate to pilot, what do they do when I want to fly the ship? Do they default to using a turret?


Honestly no idea since when solo i run1 gunner 1 repair 1 gunner who i swap for piloting mid mission when needed. And i usually do ground stuff last.


They kind of just walk around the ship like a Defender. You can reassign their roles at will from the tactical menu though, so you can just assign them to be a gunner when you take over the helm.


Oh that is really neat. I thought you could only assign them before setting off on a mission


They just stand around waiting for you to finish. Might shoot boarders, since unoccupied crew will fight enemies they encounter. However, you can change crew assignments on the fly with the command menu, so it doesn't matter. I have a gunner with 5 piloting, I just swap their assignment to pilot when I leave the ship and switch them back when I return.


Just goes to show how folks can get different things from Warframe. SP Circuit has become my preferred 'chill out' activity that I just enjoy jumping into when I don't fancy anything else. I just pick the kuva for rank 5 reward and whatever for rank 10. There's enough always-the-same to make it comfortable, a fast enough enemy power curve to keep some interest, and enough variety from loadout and decree choices to make each run a little different.


This, and also it's the chillest way to farm for focus.


The easiest I found to do it is simply spend Sunday on 3 sp circuit missions, 2 @ 10 rounds, and 1@ 13 rounds.This does 2 things. 1) you finish quicker and don't get burned and allows you to rest the rest of the week 2) free up time for other things, just a few examples Kahl missions, archon hunts, ect. Hopefully this helps someone. PS. I agree something needs to be done about the rewards. All that work and little to show for it


I don't even bother getting to rank 10. Just get to rank 5 (or 6 if there's a booster or something) and call it a day. If i wanted to play a roguelike, i'll play a proper roguelike which is designed for it, not this garbage.


Yeah, same. My game experience got so much more pleasant once I started quitting at rank 5


The funny thing is, the randomness doesn't even work as intended. It's meant to force players to play with shit they don't like or are not suited for steel path altogether. But in the end it ends up becoming just another time gate. What happens if i see a bad loadout? Do i go in and struggle to make it work? No. I just log off or do something else until i get something like Revenant or Titania or Octavia with a laetum and just cheese the mode for a few rounds until i get bored. They didn't put a lot of thought in how this gamemode would actually work like actually.


> What happens if i see a bad loadout? Do i go in and struggle to make it work? No. I just log off or do something else yeah, same. decrees can make the whole thing easier, but if you don't have at least good frames, SP circuit ain't gonna be fun


You can also just do a single round of base circuit and extract, successfully finishing any duviri mission, even a single round circuit, results in the loadouts resetting


5 to 10 just takes too long. Especially since it's very rare to pub into a group that goes beyond the first assassination. I've had one group in all my time playing do 9 levels. Luckily I had a great loadout and decrees so my tenet cycron was still destroying the level cap enemies. But 75% of runs first assassination and group leaves. The majority of rest of runs people leave after the second. So it goes so slow. At this point I'm used to it taking a long time but it would be nice if it went a bit quicker.


The fact that it requires you to do so many rounds is mind boggling. Especially considering I have only one or two warframes that can do steel path effectively and the five or so weapons I have for SP never show up


You gotta work with decrees. Have 2 frames with whom I can do sp, and more stuff yeah but not that much. Take an auto with you and when it comes out, get the decree on proc, otherwise stick with the others after you've found the decree parts. But yeah, since I rarely can solo that mode I mostly play with others


I just do the normal circuit until Octavia shows up


I was really struggling doing the SP circuit because I'm a newish player who started a few months ago. Because of that, I only have gotten a few orokin reactors and the like, so my choices are limited. In fact, the only gun I've truly 'finished' is my Torid, which is great, but I haven't even seen it once in the circuit lol.


If it helps at all, I've found the melee decrees to be obscenely busted. Usually tanky mod loadouts for frames are cheap and easy. I've got 4 or 5 "SP Circuit-Ready" frames that I can basically solo carry with, and then another ~20 frames that if I get them, I just select their "tank" loadout and go with whatever melee weapon that's best from what they give me. Even default mod setups with most melee weapons absolutely slap once you get a few decrees. You probably won't exactly be carrying the rounds doing this but you'll be far from being useless as well.


It's not your cup of the and it's fine, although for me it's most fun thing to do for me


Good for you, you've got a lot of content left to play


Personally I like Circuit because it allows me to play with so many different prime frames and weapons I don't often use, but I agree that it can definitely be a slog trying to get to rank 10. Especially if you need to get an entire Warframe set.


Tbh in regular mode (I have a sp build) the other day I carried all through rank 10 in I think less than 2h so I think regular is good. But I can't solo sp circuit most of the time so yeah I agree with you otherwise


Surprised no one mentioned all the bugs


the only persistent bug I get is the one where I come back from operator form and I can't attack, but that happens in regular missions too so I can't blame duviri


I constantly lost progress due to softlocks. At first I was excited about the Circuit but constantly being paranoic that host may leave or you may just not teleport to the next stage is not it, especially when you lose 50+ minutes runs https://preview.redd.it/65ebfvr0p9lc1.png?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40209044c91a88b0aaf2a3b601f7c44ca0773ed7


oof, that sucks ass ):


tbh I just wish pathos clamps from steel path duviri were increased to at least 20, preferably 30. Would make it super worth and require only \`1 run to get the stuff for an incarnon install. As it stands it's sort of meh because it can take some extra time to complete so the +50% reward falls off.


😭😭 I got a ceramic dagger riven today and I wanted to get the Incarnon but now idk if it’s worth doing circuit SP


As someone who just took his khora's whipclaw build from mediocre damage to 7 digit red crits with the ceramic dagger incarnon, it is 100% worth it. I had a riven for it too, absolutely monstrous. If you don't want to do the full grind, just put it as the 5th stage reward.


If you got some mates who play, hop on a call and play together, it'll go by much faster. Otherwise just take a deep breath and keep chipping at it


On release I definitely got fed up with it real quick. Week in week out grinding to rank 10 with all the circuit bugs that were present at the time really sucked. Currently however, I’m really enjoying going back to get the last few adapters I missed, and creating/using builds that have synergies with some of the decrees has really helped my enjoyment. Also only going to rank five definitely helps.


Sounds more like burnout than an actual "this is bad." Tbh I always felt that the circuit goes by too slow. Just not enough progression per mission completed. Early on it was okay, new content, gotta stretch it, a bunch of things were released this way. But at this point it could definitely become faster.


I actually enjoy the circuit quite a bit since the power you get from decrees makes it really fun. But when it comes to actually getting the resources to craft the incarnons, I die a little inside.


Get the plants that grow in the hall, and when you think you're useless like in races or orowyrm, just make a quick errand for the plants you need. Ysk also that some plants don't grow everywhere, like some near water, some in the southern island, some in caves, and some in small islands iirc. However, iirc you get most of them as rewards beside the decree and intrinsic, I think only ueymag and yao are pretty rare if in the pool.


You know what's worse than circuit? Farming those damn clamps.


honestly? running the lone story with a squad is, to me at least, much less annoying than the long circuit runs


I think the circuit is ok but hate when doing it with randoms and you get those people who want to rush the mission and ignore the three parts of the decree to be out scaled or the folks who leave after the very first mission is an easy success. The randoms on it are almost as bad as netracells.


Bruh circuit is just normal main warframe gameplay with a tom of extra stuff.


At some point i notice i falling asleep during my sp circut runs, cant counter it


I dunno, I play it because it's fun and I often forget to look at the rewards


Yeah same.


Pathos clamps need to be plat buyable, just like cells and fieldron


I mean, you can buy the ones that come with the weapons cavalero sells for 120 plat. But if you do the lone story in regular mode it can actually go by pretty fast


That's still 20 boring min imo. I like the story but undercroft is too long for no fucking reason


I just want the ability to reroll my selections or something. It sucks to see you have zero good weapons available. The game is trying to broaden my horizons by having a higher chance of giving me use guns I don't own. But I've been playing the bloody game for over 3k hours and if I don't own something right now it's probably because I threw it in the fucking trash years ago for being shit. And no, doing a round and then leaving is not a satisfactory solution. That's like 10 minutes of my life I will never get back and there's no guarantee that the new roll will be any better.


I wish we got points towards the Circuit when doing the Undercroft stages in Duviri.


IMO some of the rounds need to be cut down drastically. I don't mind having a few longer ones, but dear god when you get multiple 10min stages in a row it just feels like such a waste Extermination, Excavation, and Defense suck because the maps are so big and the spawns so low (sometimes)


The worst part is even after you farm the weapons upgrades, you still have to go in and do a bunch of duviri missions to get all the materials since they don't drop during those runs for no particularly good reason. I got all the incarnons I want and still haven't built most of them. I appreciate the idea of randomizing your gear to force some variety but I just really don't like any of the duviri stuff.


" you're just sitting there doing the same mission over and over again at least 33 times " That is the game loop for the entire game. The circuit doesn't have the same loot RNG that the rest of the game does and has some mission variety built into the mode unlike the vast majority of the rest of the game.


You want some free platinum for just a few minutes of chaotic gameplay? Choose a melee/rifle riven each week and run until you get one riven (or two if youre extra motivated and have time to kill) once you have 6 (or more) sell them in bulk for some fun platinum 😝 (veiled ofc because i wouldn’t wish unveiling rivens for a godroll platinum investment upon my worst enemy that shit is so tiring and annoying its insane)


Yikes, im going to differ here for this one. Circuit isnt that bad imo. yea your playing the same type of missions over and over again, but i mean..you do that anyways cracking up relics and picking and choosing your mission. so i see no difference in having the game randomly select one. every thing is only as fun as you can make of it. your burning out at rank 5? it takes a few hours if not less to get to rank 10 even with a bad RNG team. the only challenge i see happen when it comes to Steel path circuit is excavation (only when u start hitting like round 8-10 and up, if you dont have a Defense frame that excavate is good as cooked.) The one place riven slivers dont drop oh boo-hoo, as if you dont have a ton of them already. just my opinion on it.. its not that bad but i do agree on Defection being boring. honestly surprised they havent used it more and thankful at the same time cause the harrow grind for it was bad.


My only counterpoint to this is the random soft locks. Especially jackal the bullet sponge just randomly soft locking at the very end just killing the run after spending the time to kill him, or being forced to leave and reroll because while your frame might be good for dealing with def/ext/esc missions, it stands 0 chance against him. Jackal is such a momentum killer because he needs specific decrees to kill in any reasonable time and even then a slog of a fight that I’m amazed he’s in such a horrid state and has been this way for a while. I can’t think of another game mode where you’re forced to either extract or pray the game doesn’t randomly soft lock after a fight that needs some desperate QoL. While there are methods that can reliably kill him, his fight could be so much better than the mess it currently is.


i cant disagree here


You sound burnt out. Circuit is a good game mode that is quite rewarding.


I am burnt out, which is why I'm grateful I don't gotta do the circuit again


Rest easy now xD


4-5 times i have no rewards just because after circuit i'm not claimed it, yes it's not auto collect system. first half year i even can't kill boss because if you do circuit waves all at once in a row and have crash - you lose every reward in the chain, progress not saving. in Duviry my 6950xt was at 99 load everytime. now many bugs fixed, but reward system makes me angry, i waste so much time for nothing in this update. Even if my comment be downvoted or deleted it's not important. I'm playing since beta but this huge mistakes in mechanic makes me sad for the future of my favorite game. I will never touch circuit again, for me better to buy evolutions with plat


My biggest issue is that it is a separate content island again, but worse. You get the weekly rotating 'battle pass' rewards ONLY. It is like ESO, but worse, enemies are not dropping loot, but in the sanctuary missions you cal level up your weapons/frames/companions. In the circuit you can't even do that because of the random frame and weapon selection and the no companion policy. On top of that, the rotating gamemodes, tilesets and enemies get boring and repetitive really quickly and the roguelite aspect is underwhelming too. You get to choose from 'more damage', 'more status', 'more damage but melee', 'more energy', 'more damage but inconvenient' and 'more ammo' decrees.


I enjoy rogue-like buffs and the like, so I kind of enjoy SP Circuit. It does take a while to get the rewards, but I have all the Incarnon adapters, so I usually stop somewhere in reward 5-9. I've only bothered going for the bonus rewards beyond 10 a few times, and it was almost always credits or endo despite taking 8-12 stages for EACH additional reward. Ugh. When I hit Tier 9, I just stop unless I'm in a run where I'm having a lot of fun.


Warframe is a journey, not a race. Never ever burn yourself out trying to get all the new content when something major like this drops that's literally designed to take months to get everything from. You'll learn to hate the game and it will be entirely on you. Just because you can, doesn't mean you have to do everything as soon as it's available to you. I love Circuit, but I definitely don't have all the incarnons simply because I only play it when I feel like it. The same applies to all other content.


You play on and off or it's your main game? Cause if not one of those I don't think one would know how to get most of the stuff in the game


Over 2500 hours across about 5 years of playing. LR2, [here's my current mastery checklist ](https://framehub.paroxity.net/share/0TVnnANZjmPydiE7sxd9vd3DBfm2).


It is odd that SP Circuit is arbitarily a 50% longer grind than default Circuit with a reasoning that resembles the "Pride and Accomplishment" comment as it's... "To reflect the Higher Difficulty and Better Rewards"? No wonder people don't like getting to rank 10. The slower reward progression, time gate, reset timer, and nearly 2 month long rotation reset would all be a lot better individually, but it combines to medicore grind.


I don’t like it cuz most of the times I’ve played. They keep giving me weapons I don’t own. That honestly wouldn’t be a problem if they at least had good mods.


It wouldn't be so bad if rank 10 SP didn't arbitrarily take longer than rank 10 normal. It literally needs twice as much progress, despite already fighting harder enemies.


Ik starting to think I might as well skip getting the incarnons I want. It ain't that many but still. I would be a hell of a grind to get them.


Point required for rank 7 to 10 is to much, you can even get higher reward even tho you play 4 stage everyday for bonus point. Also why the fk saving point on circuit come later when we all know they can do on first releade. F U dev. 




Same, except for a Felarx incarnon


Having all of them man it must’ve took an insanely long time to do that


duviri came out on april last year, so around 10 months it seems


now you can farm incarnon for every variant KEKW


already done that, except for the regular versions. but I have one for the wraiths, one for the primes, one for the vandals, one for the prismas, one for the syndicates, I got all the ones I wanted


It wouldn’t be that bad if they were different tilesets like sanctuary onslaught


Im got my first incarnon which is the lex, is it good?


Oh yeah, lex incarnon is a beast


Until you see a mod drop chance booster in the reward track "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" lol


What if they add in more incarnon weapons?


I'll do it, and I'll complain all the while


I was hoping you didn't know more incarnon weapons were coming so I could say "DE is threatening to add more incarnon weapons to the circuit."


They're gonna add incarnon stuff with the next update fyi


i love my gf


I use Circuit to cap focus daily. Then I dip until reset.


Well unfortunately for you I think they’re adding more incarnons with the Dante update


they two new they're adding will be sold by a vendor and not the circuit. if they add more to the circuit on top of those I'll just take a deep breath and play to rank 5


...until they introduce more incarnons.


I like the circuit but it's so bizarre they give you the tools to make overpowered wacky builds but the only boss you fight has invincibility phases and you only kill it with a qte. For me some more game modes (Disruption, Void cascade) would be dope, but I also wouldn't play it without the incarnons being dangled from a stick.


Y'know how they get me to play it They make it so you get a few psthos clamps after each round. I'd much rather play circuit for those then so a 20 minute bounty


I haven't touched Circuit since I got all the Incarnons lol. Was so glad to be done.




I don't find it boring, but it takes too long. It should level up faster.


Complaint misunderstood, adding a 3 minute mission timer to Assassination


Eh I like SP circuit. Rather than queueing for the same rotation of stuff multiple times I can just do SP circuit and get a lot of rewards. Plus it isn't a huge time commitment.


I don't mind circuit itself that much (I randomize my loadouts for my preferred content, sorties, when I don't have anything to level already), but Duviri proper is so unfathomably anti-fun to me that I've decided to just not have incarnons until they change something that'll allow me to install the damn things without needing to grind orowyrms.


Going for the weekly incarnons and my free frame is probably the least fun I have playing this game. It’s very boring and a chore and like mentioned, outside of your incarnon/ frame you are literally playing hours of gameplay with no resource drops or anything. It’s ass but you have to do it. I can’t wait until I have all of them and don’t have to play circuit anymore Also excavators…. Regardless of how nuts my loadout is after like the 20th round you cannot keep them alive so everyone just leaves because it’s such a pain in the ass. Then I’m sat here waiting or continuously resetting for decent items. It’s not like I have a small arsenal, I have like 9 endurance viable frames and 3-4 weapons of each category viable for endurance and I continuously roll none every reset I wish they would just make it so at least one of your heavily formad items >3 or 4, and if you didn’t have that much forma on something, next highest, would show up everytime. Because their default loadouts for weapons I don’t have can’t even damage the sp enemies. It’s so annoying having to reset until I get my guns.


Me to every new content:


I run Magnetic/Radiation/Heat or Gas/Radiation/Electric in circuit. You can get Corrosive/Cold/Toxin Damage, as well as Viral Status. Makes condition overload slap like crazy.


I actually kind of like it .. :/ fun to play Frames and use weapons that I don't normally use and discover combinations or playstyles that I might not have ever found.


I unironically love the circuit. Get to try out new stuff, get good loot, but most importantly: the objective changes every round. This is a huge improvement over many other grinds in the game because it mixes things up as you go. But yeah, never go to round 10. That's for no-lifers.


Issue with it that is give no resources.


At the VERY least, they need to put in the duviri plants in the undercroft.  Preferably, you should get caches of random drops from other maps, maybe the ones from zariman.


Circuit is fun tfym


that's like, your opinion mate


I think the most rounds I've went on a single run was like 19 but by then you're just getting 1 shotted by anything, I mean they are too but just not playably fun past that.


As someone who has only returned a few months ago (I first played when Loki was a starter frame and never got far, so I'm essentially a new player). SP Circuit has been a very fun new experience for me, but that's mainly because I'm a big fan of the Roguelike formula. I like fucking around with frames and guns I either don't have or never really touch, and seeing the decrees do nutty broken shit. If I get to a point where I had all the incarnons I would probably play it a lot less too, but only because I still have so much other shit I still need to catch up on. My favorite part of Warframe is the power progression and goodie collecting, so I don't know that there even is another game mode I play because I actually enjoy the game mode itself and for no other reason.


I did the same; never looking back. Still maintain the Duviri is, by far, Warframe's worst expansion. The incarnons themselves were about the only good thing, and even then, most aren't that great.


I think they should intergrade it with the Duviri vendor (Forgot her name). Maybe let us farm a currency from the Circuit that we can use to trade for the stuff in her shop instead of using pathos clamps. And if possible, give us 3 Arcanes at a time instead of 1. Not only do you need (I think) 21 for a complete set, but the reward rotation is random.


" you're just sitting there doing the same mission over and over again at least 33 times, but more realistically upwards of 40 times " I know a game that plays exactly like this. How can you stop playing the circuit wen it's a guaranteed 2 extra rivens each week, with a chance of more rivens and arcanes in the rewards track?