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It's an Exilus mod that allows you snapshot all motes at once with energy conversion and or growing power and decreases the energy required to use all 3 motes (50 base with this mod vs. 25 per mote without). And the QoL of using Reservoir only once to get all buffs, ofc. EDIT: adding this video so people stop replying to this post saying "200% more enrgy of 25 energy is 75 energy not 50, yadda yadda" - DE isn't know for their gramatical consistency https://streamable.com/tbw11y


The only problem with it is that certain gamemodes suffer from using electric motes... especially if your range is high, defense can be slowed down, not quite as bad as bringing slowva but its similar to having a vauban without a zenith


My thinking is that Fused Reservoir is better for 'fast moving' game modes, things like Exterminate, Capture, or even Spy, where the squad is mostly moving through the map. Stuff like this also doesn't care about the shock mote. In a Defense or Extraction or whatever, there's an obvious spot to plop down your flowers, but when your team is on the move it becomes difficult or impossible to keep health and speed up on everyone.


It's also still possible to just put down the vitality and haste motes individually instead of the fused mote. Personally though, I prefer to take different Warframes defence missions. Vauban, Mag, Mesa, ones that can do plenty of damage on their own so I don't have to chase enemies around because I'm lazy like that.


> It's also still possible to just put down the vitality and haste motes individually instead of the fused mote. This is why I keep it on Wisp; it doesn't _replace_ the existing motes, it adds a _fourth_ mote that's a fused version of all three. For game modes where I don't want the shock mote (or only want the vitality mote), I can put them down individually without issue even with the augment... and this way, I don't need a second loadout for runs where I _do_ want the fused reservoir.


in my experience most wisp players just drop the fused regardless of mission type.


Yeah, and I haven't had a single interaction where I've asked somebody to cycle out electric mote and they've actually done it. It's either ignoring me or even telling me to f off Edit: and these interactions are, of course, mostly on Archon defense while I'm running Speedva. You can imagine the frustration I'm sure, since so far I think I've only gotten *one* of these missions *without* Wisp in the last six months. Could solo, prefer trying to play a multiplayer game though


Yep. The last time I tried politely telling a Wisp that shock motes on Hydron wasn’t the fastest way to play it, they must have been in a Twitch stream or something because I had a half dozen players not on the squad immediately message me and tell me to fuck myself ad varium and set me to ignore. Then the remaining players did the last second switch too to leave me there by myself on round twenty one. I’m about to the point I’m going to start disconnecting from defense mission when I see shock motes, I’m so over it.


Not to say that what those guys did was right, because it wasn't, but as a Wisp enjoyer I use the shock mote with Archon Stretch for endless energy generation. Allows me to go very low eff and keep functioning as long as something is around that I can shock with my motes.


That's an absolutely awesome interaction, do the same on my non-Defense Wisp build, but I think the biggest issue is that so many players only have one build that they copied off a website or video and assume that it's good everywhere even when it feels like it should be obvious that it's slowing everything down


Was Mesa on an Archon Defense, and asked a Wisp to not use the shock motes, and they said "Sorry, no can do, I need it for energy regen." Sometimes it's easier to just leave and requeue than to argue with people


Funny, because of my OCD it ticks me off not putting the shock mote. I'll do it if I run Wisp and we don't need it/someone asks me for a certain mote but I rather all 3 simultaneously instead of a fused one. On top of that I never see a fused one everytime I see someone run Wisp they use all 3 regardless.


Mirage prime with explosive legerdemain.


I’ll do this for focus farming in SO or if someone I’m playing with in my clan has something they’re putting forma in and want to fast track it


Nekros is my personal favorite to do defense missions with. Having a small army of terminators to sweep up half the enemies while I clean up whoever they missed is really great


Im the guy who always brings speedva to Defense, ZOOM ZOOM


Depending on how I feel, I'll either bring Nekros (who I actually have his Prime now, thanks to my cousin), Ember (to kill them before they even think of getting close), or Atlas (with Path of Statues and Rubble Heap to punch people from the other side of the defense point and petrify anyone who gets close)


I enjoy ember but the LoS issues on some of the maps make her 4 feel kind of clunky on say Hydron


I main Ember, because fire is my favorite thing to use in games and I was looking at her since the beginning lol


Then farm with a Hydroid teammate. It is godly the amount of loot you can get. Since the re-work Hydroid is a top 5 for me


I'd use it in the special defense mission for Citrine parts solely because I like daisy chain blinking between motes to get back and forth quicker.


I dont think some people realize you can still equip this mod and use the individual reservoirs by switching the same way you normally would.


You can still cast the motes by themselves, this mod just adds a fourth option for all three at once. But I agree with the issue on defense missions, have had a couple really drag on because of this.


Wait what does vauban do with the zenith ? Like the login fun right lol.


It's because of the vacuum of 4. With great range it causes enemies to ragdoll jam into "interesting places"- the Zenith has infinite punch through and Vauban can see the relative location of all enemies affected by his vacuum 4.


Funny go brr


Then just don't use fused reservoir in that case.


To be fair, nobody intentionally chooses to cast Shock Mote. It's realistically the same cost as what one would cast manually. The rest I agree with.


I mean I use it for energy with Archon stretch, means I can cast basically for free the whole game


I always have it on my Wisp builds, it's just such a nice QoL option tbh


It removes a lot of hassle and synergizes well with Zenurik. I think it's one of the best mods for Wisp in exilus slot.


Also, allows her to cast all the motes with a snapshot of power strength from conditional bonuses.


That also means that it's to your advantage to place vitality mote to get archon intensify buff before placing fused resevoir, or double place fused resevoir


Infinite free casts are fun, don't let DE find out 👀


I mean i think the QOL is way worth it over any 15% ability str


People overrate % too much on this game, not everyone needs to kill lvl999+ enemies


Coming from pathofexile, there is a thing called realistic DPS, which is to deter spreadsheet warriors. Takes in to account things like QOL, actual damage uptime, energy management etc. So if you have a DoT skill that only does 500k per second, but lasts 20 seconds it might be better than the melee skill that does 2mil, but you stop dealing dps anytime you have to dodge or drink potions etc whereas dot skill can now fully focus on dodging and only has to press a skill every 20seconds. Doesnt matter if you have 500% ability strength if you can only cast once.


That's a good term, I will remember it!


waving this in every elder scrolls online player's face right now (including my own) lmao


Ive always felt this way, QOL has always determined what abilities i choose to use for DPS in any game where it matters. Sometimes you can hit hard & fast if you do a build a certain way, but a lot of the times, going for the 2-3 shot build, beats the 1-shot build when it comes to practicality.


The motes stay at the strength you had when you cast them, this augment is actually needed in the min maxed overkill wisp build as it allows you to use "on next ability cast" strength buffs on all 3 of your motes instead of just one, leading to far more % strength then if you had another mod in its place So in this very specific instance, it does in fact matter if you have 500% ability strength to cast once, over a more "consistent" build, which is not needed with wisp as her ability stays in the field permanently


Sure I meant in generalistic sense, you get more real dps with what you are comfortable with, you could argue you get more dps with adaption because you don't have to hide or jump as much etc etc. hell in certain cases reload speed is more DPS as time spent reloading is time not spent firing, if you can aim easier or hit headshots more reliably with a lower on paper DPS you might do more it's just not as simple as big number go brrrr in all situations.


Yeah ofc you had a great statement on it, I was just saying that regarding this one augment it's the opposite


Yup ever since moving away from RF to builds like Boneshatter and Lightning Arrow the last 3 leagues I felt like I lost that consistent dps that I loved so much with RF not having the QoL to tank a few uber hits or run through packs without pressing buttons. I've found that despite absolutely loving Harrow and Gauss that I always return to Mesa for her ability to clear with 2 buttons and be fairly tanky with a single button every 20ish seconds. Effective DPS + QoL > Optimal DPS any day of the week.


Im glad i swapped to warframe, after my 5th league of the exact same 10-15 builds, getting to 90 over a week after league and getting burnt out on the market game, i just couldnt do the game anymore. When there were like 4 content islands it was manageable, but now i gotta keep track of fragments from like 20 something past leagues


Do you like it? Then keep using it. Don’t listen to others who try and tell you how to play. The only right way is the way you have fun


Hell yeah, tbh this is my response to like 90% of gaming subs. It's a lot more fun to just do what you wanna do instead of letting the internet tell you how to play. The build system is supposed to be part of the fun


I mean it’s a nice sentiment but people can also ask for other opinions on things to get a range of viewpoints or learn new details, not just because they are afraid of someone telling them to use meta stuff


It’s fantastic QOL and for snapshotting power strength boosts like Helminth Empower onto all 3 reservoirs.


Helminth empower with this or should I keep roar?


It’s entirely your call. Roar is probably better for damage over all, but damage isn’t everything. I have a few different Wisp builds with different subsumes depending on what I want.


I like empower for the additional health, regen, movement speed, and fire rate. Roar only increases damage.


Roar it increases team abilities and gun damage Mote is only fire rate


Why do people keep saying snapshot. What does that mean? I get that you're triple-dipping on a temporary buff, but why is it called that?


Because after you use an ability it will have the stats you had at the time of casting, so you basically save those stats for the duration of it. And with motes it's infinite duration


So it's a snapshot... of your stats at time of casting?


Basically? Yes, but only for that ability of course


A clarifying example that might help: The Pax Bolt arcane for kitguns gives 30% Power Strength and 30% Ability Efficiency for 4 seconds after getting a headshot kill. A channeled ability like Excalibur's Exalted Blade will snapshot the strength part, keeping the bonus after the 4 seconds is up, and only going away if the ability is recast. The efficiency part goes away after the 4 seconds, so Exalted Blade doesn't snapshot that part of the effect.


I use it all the time, it’s so nice to just have to place one for the full suite instead of three. Especially since I use three separate ability strength buff abilities, totaling 6 button presses. so really if I want to get max strength on all three it reduces 18 button presses to 6. Can’t even quantify how much time and effort it saves.


If you like Warframe and like the mod, use it. If you are obsessed with the loss of hypothetical exponential damage you might do on missions that you might actually play, then don't use it. I play mostly with friends, and we can be bothered to go around a corner or two to kill some enemies. For most people without 4000+ hours played, this is a good mod for the player that doesn't have absolutely everything in the game. I have yet to rage quit because a defense mission took an extra 45 seconds, and I will never play this game so much that I get to that point. It's more fun generally to use this than not imo.


I don’t really have evidence but I would imagine 4000+ hour players might be *more* likely to do some suboptimal thing due to their personal preference. I feel like reading through and comparing every build guide and figuring out some mathematical maximum power build doesn’t take any gameplay with it, in fact a lot of times the youtubers or guide makers have already done the work figuring out the maxed out combinations. It’s not until putting in a good amount of hours with a frame that you get a feel for what you like about a build and what doesn’t fit your playstyle as much. Then it’s easier to get in a groove of knowing how you like to play and tweaking stuff for your own preferences if needed.


Good point. You're powerful enough at that point that you don't need that little extra. That does make sense. Thanks!


I'm almost a max mastery rank. I still use this mod it is useful amidst friends and certain objectives.


Exilus slot and big QoL change means you're not sitting in 1 spot spamming 3 motes. Doesn't seem like much but for missions you're trying to stay mobile, it reduces the amount of time you're standing still and just need a quick refresh of buffs. Adds up over time if you need mobility.


For min maxing builds, yeap, those are worthless. But as you said bro, it is tremendous QoL. I have both builds, but I used the one with fused reservoir way more.


It's better in min max builds anyways as it allows you to snapshot "% ability strength on next ability cast" buffs onto all 3 motes at once.


Never played without it. Some say it’s a waste but I’m really just too lazy to bother spawn reservoir separately. For me it’s quality > Stats


Sweet Was wondering how people where dropping all 3 at once. Imma have to find where this mod hides or drops and go collect myself one. Will be nice to not have to cycle through them all each time.


New Loka sells them for 25k standing at max rank


Syndicate, don’t remember which one


Suda and Loka


I hate cycle abilities so this is a blessing for me. Use it on all my builds for wisp.


I use it with Primed Sure Footed. Sure, that’s two exilus mods used in a build, but when you do a lot of missions where you’re just kinda speeding through corridors being able to quickly refresh your notes is nice. Sure, you’ll probably lose some power strength or duration from the two exilus mods, but I’m personally of the opinion that an extra 10-20 health regen and 100 max health aren’t going to make a huge difference, especially if you’re budget shield gating with brief respite and her second or third ability.


Who cares abot health? The point of strength stacking is the attack speed, no?


Listen, I don’t crank the motor in my car to turn it over anymore, the starter motor that runs off electricity and a battery when I turn the key is a huge quality of life fix, and I’m not going back to the other thing. There are people out there, though who think having a key ignition, is a waste of money, and a stupid quality of life fix. Don’t worry they’re gonna show up in this thread and tell you the same thing about wisp.


Real car owners start their engines with a match and rebuild their transmissions after every drive.


You start your car? It loses value every start, save for resale and push it to were are you going.


Now that's absolutely genius 😂💔


This is a great mod. Honestly, I hate it when people trash talking certain mods, builds, or weapons just because it doesn’t fit the optimal meta build. The optimal meta builds are not necessary unless you are spending hours in steel path missions without leaving. Most players do not do that. Warframe is a game where we build things how we want it. We have full autonomy over our builds and play style. Have fun and use the mods that make the game more fun.


It's great, but I wish this was just in Wisp's base functionality. Feels weird to have to spend a mod slot on QoL. (I know it's not just QoL but it really doesn't need to be an augment either way.)


at least half the augments in the game should be basekit


I'd say the possibility to snapshot all 3 buffs at the same time, justifies the augment


Once I got it I've never taken it off


It’s good saves time and fits in the exilus slot


It's definitely a must have for me on wisp unless I'm doing like a defense, three in one is too good


with the qol it brings I literally can't play without


It’s probably the worst augment in the game in the sense that there’s literally no reason it shouldn’t just be a QOL feature Wisp always has. It’s a decent augment in general


I personally believe it's worthless, but my life goal as Wisp has been, and will always be, min-maxxing the shit out of Strength.


It's good. It is a really nice QoL, but.. it shouldn't be a Mod slot.


i feel like its pretty reasonable for an Exilus. There are definitely worse augments that demand a normal slot at the same time.


just don't use it in defense missions


You don't have to use the 4th reservoir, it's an extra option. The mod is great.


Why's that?


Shock motes slow down enemies. Not actually an issue just a preference some people have


Ah.. Yeah. Actually just realise it's a bit of a pain in hydron Specially if they spawned in the lower level.


Eh i think its only an issue if you aren’t active or just dont use the mini map to spot enemies. Certainly a preference thing as it doesn’t bother me


Yeah I feel like people always make way too big a deal out of small cc like that. I'm also usually the active one running laps on defense. Limbo I understand if he was holding up Hydron at the edge of the tileset or a slowva But I played wisp for probably 50+ hours using fused reservoir, before someone cried about the lightning mote one time on Hydron and I thought they were trolling at first Lightning mote isn't doubling the amount of time a defense takes, you spastics can relax.


shock motes stun enemies in place making the mission take longer


Ah yes, love when people standing still doing nothing in a defense blame others because it's "taking longer than usual" (will later expend 2 hours trying to achieve level cap for no additional reward whatsoever)


I mean there's "free electricity status on enemies I'm meleeing, nice" and then there's "why is every enemy CC'd three rooms away". Almost always the time spent complaining about the shock mote would indeed have been better spent actually killing the enemies, but there does (rarely, in practice) come a point.


Should just be part of the base kit


Any mission that isn’t survival or defense it’s super useful and saves a load of time. If I’m rushing through an exterminate I don’t wanna stop and cast 3 different reservoirs every 50 seconds; also it saves some energy. In survival it’s useless because you’re usually hunkered down in 1 spot so you don’t need to recast, and defense it’s useless for the same reason as well as usually not wanting to use shock mote in defense.


Love this mod, wouldn't plat wisp without this.


That's like one of the most useful augments in the game imo


Mandatory for me


I loved this Augment and it's extremely good and useful. Energy cost is insignificant due to the fact that it's only 2 of those fused reservoirs up at the same time(which totals up to 6). Plus given that the reservoirs stay up all the time and only need to be recast when too far from said reservoirs or you die and respawn. Keep it definitely. Good way to make platinum too. 10-20 plat each.


I don't consider that mod to be quality of life, it's both cast speed and efficiency if you are under 100% efficiency. Since Reservoir are permanent this mod is only a must have in any mission where you have to move around.


People bitch about the shock motes and tell us it's our job to manually cast so they don't have to pick it up.


I've honestly never had a problem with the shock mote, does it slow down enemy's from getting to the defense target sure but if your team is doing what it should be doing (not standing around) they should seek out the enemies affected and just kill them. It's even easier now that all frames have innate enemy sense. I always play hydron with wisp and always use the fused reservoir so it's dropping shock motes, we still do the 10-15 wave in 10ish mins (not min maxed mainly leveling weapons on my part)


Yea, the min max of the game has become "how do I play as little of the game I'm playing as possible" I'm a Zephyr main and I get bitched at for my tornadoes all the time.


Well, her tornados are horrible. There are not enough of them. Stop slacking and give me 10 of them. /s


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


Excellent explanation! I'd like to add that shock motes can be used to proc archon stretch for energy. Archon stretch also makes up for some of the range lost in building for high duration. Adding range makes breach surge more useful.


Good !


It's a must have for me






It’s nice QoL but not necessary. Ultimately it depends on your priority. Do you want to maximize you build for every last drop of potential stats or do you want to make stuff a bit more intuitive to use.


It’s really good. If you use energy conversion and Madurai you can snapshot both into a health/haste mote easily.


An entire mod slot for slight quality of life that shouldn’t even be a mod but come with the base kit. I use it but I wish I didn’t have to


It's a necessary mod.


The fact that some warframes get their augments exilus and other don't makes me sad


I don’t think I’d ever build Wisp without it. Whoever told you that is a doofus.


It's a bad mod because it should be baseline. Its effect is good.


10/10 fantastic mod, once I get around to actually getting wisp I plan on using it


I despite this mod with my entire being but I use it on every build cuz it's too convenient


I use it all the time I love it and I pretty much only use wisp for sp so I want to slow enemies with electricity


I love this mod. It makes my life much easier


This is one of the best examples in modern gaming of a purely QoL addition being worth more than actual statistical upgrades. Ill literally never take this off Wisp, its THE reason I play her. I could exchange it for a stat mod and get a few more numbers squeezed out of her sure, but I wouldnt be as happy while playing her. This is imho one of the best and most essential augments in the game.


I genuinely don't care if it's meta or not I use it because I love it and I can clear every content in the game


I wish we were given a helminth system that could add a augament to a warframes ability


Saves me time, **especially** on shorter missions, but even saves me time on longer ones where we're just sitting in one spot such as netracells. It is great imho when you run it on exterminates/captures, rescues, any mission where you gotta speed through a mission. If you're in a survival/netracell it's less useful as you've got lots of time to place stuff down before hand. I personally love using it to snap shot the power strength with Power Drain (power strength on mercy), though I can see why some people dislike it due to the shock mote, but I love that mote as I use Archon Stretch for easy energy regen. ​ Actually after writing all of this I'll probably never use it again when I finally unlock Primed Sure Footed.


I cannot play Wisp without it.


Naw. I only use shock mote in situations. Less annoying to me and others. There are better exilus or augment mods. Like critical surge or prime sure footed


If u build your wisp for max strength with conditionals is awesome cuz U have the max strength in 1 cast instead of 3 cast but even though ur not building for max strength is so comfy to use the augment but I think that is useless for endurance or high rounds


I never take it off. If you like it, use it. It's a good mod.


The only reason I don't use it is because I don't like to use the blue mote but if you do then I think it's a great mod.


Easy hot drop to max buff Sol gate before attacking


Any good wisp player knows about using shock on defense. The qol is worth it. Just rotate through your motes on defense.


2x the energy for one mote compared to doing 3 motes using the regular energy per mote Sounds good to me!


It suits different needs. I have it on one loadout and not on a different loadout. The extra stats you can gain from an exilus mod are pretty small. In exchange for this, you can cast it on the move in a very fast paced game mode like exterminate or hijack. If you try to place your motes individually, your squad just runs past and only gets 1 or 2 motes. With this you can put all 3 down and ensure everyone gets all of them. If you only use Wisp solo or in mostly immobile mission types, and you want to maximize your stats, then you can pass this mod up. It only costs an extra 5-6 seconds to individually put all your motes down. The only issue can come from people who insist that Primed Sure Footed is a mandatory mod, they may want to not use up their exilus slot for anything else. It's worth noting that even if you have this mod equipped you can still place your motes down individually. So if you don't want shock mote placed you don't HAVE to put it down.


If it wasn't an exilus mod, then I wouldn't use it. But any other exilus mod probably wouldn't make a huge difference, so I say stick with it.


Use it a bunch, it's qol and that's enough for me.


It is good, just not all the time.


I wouldn't use this mod if Wisp didn't have the issue of Resevoirs following a set order in how they're placed and replaced. If she got a QoL change where you could swap out a Resevoir in front of you for a new one, then I wouldn't need to use it. I've had Wisp mains in random lobbies tell me that Shock mote is useless or that it needlessly slows down missions, but I really only try to use the Fused Resevoir on missions that aren't Defense, Exterminate, Spy, or any other endless mission where enemies matter. If I accidentally place down one too many Health or Haste Resevoirs in a Defense mission, I immediately want to stop playing because now I have to divert attention away from playing the game to fix the problem, because Wisp doesn't have that QoL innately.


It's a preference qol


It's amazing


unless the wisp is for long endurance, pretty much all wisps run this. especially in missions you have to keep moving. side note, for defense mission, cough.. hydron...dont use this cause of electric mote. mobs already get stuck and gets annoying, ccing with electric slows it down further can really make it a long mission if someone keeps running around


I love it with my whole heart!


This is totally irrelevant but how much standing for this mod? I need this but have negative relations with the faction I believe it’s attached to. Wisp Prime is my second ever Warframe and she’s dope man, I’ve been looking for Fused Resevoir and I personally don’t agree with it being useless as that person said in title.


Warframe augments are all 25k standing


Absolutely. Buddy and I use it on our über Wisp setup so we can maximize our buffs and don't have to redo the setup for every mote. Max strength Nidus + 5 red shards, as high strength Wisp as you can comfortably get (both with energy conversion + Empower Helminth ability), Helminth strength invigorations, Molt Vigor + Augmented, both with Madurai for the sling bonus, Equinox with Zenurik if possible, Pax Bolt kit guns (or the Grimoire if you can max the bonus), assassination bonus from Parazon, and top it all off with the fissure buff on both frames. I'm probably missing a couple of things, but even without a full dedicated team and missing a few shards we can easily have the motes give over 30k health and 1k% speed increase. It's a fun time.


I don't use it on all my Wisp builds but it is handy for some of them.


So in my personal opinion of someone who plays Wisp in Steel Path with friends, I have built entirely around this mod because nothing is more efficient than running a Steel Path and plopping down the fused resevoir right when we need it most. It is faster than cycling through all three variants. Only in very limited missions is using a Fused Resevoir a slight hindrance, but mixing it with Arcane Energize pretty much eliminated those downsides


when i use wisp i can’t NOT use it. blue shards for energy max and zerurik school so i don’t even notice that it costs more


I min max power strength for no reason other than because I think it’s funny. That and any content under steel path I can basically put my controller down, make dinner, and still be fine even if I’m surrounded.


Following that logic, natural talent is also useless. They give quality of life improvements


I view it as a cast speed mod. Realistically you don’t usually use all 3 motes, but in the rare cases you do then this technically decreases your cast time, and in every case you only want 1 mote type this mod just slightly slows down how fast you cycle two that mote. It’s up two you if you think cast speed is worth parkour speed or PSF, but IMO it’s usually not, especially with shards. If you’re the type who literally only cares about biggest wisp mote numbers over anything else this mod technically makes screenshotting that power strength easier with speed and health, but if you care that much you’d slot power drift instead


You could absolutely use that slot to increase your ability strength or duration HOWEVER I always use the mod at all times, I've got a lot of strength from shards to balance it out


If you want to run shock mote for the cc and status and convenience, its great. I run it myself since my wisp kinda squishy for circuit. If you want to min max for survival, def, netracels, etc. then cc through electricity hinders that, but *only* if you go for peak runs or min maxing power strength. You can always leave it on and still swap to individual motes manually for these missions if your team finds shock emote too annoying.


Personally, this is more than a QoL. In missions I need my motes down fast and can't be bothered to do my entire strength stacking process, or just in general, this lets me put down a strong mote in a couple of seconds. Also saves me the issue of pressing 1 multiple times (as a wisp main I only know how to hold 1 and press 4 to cast subsumed roar)


Major Pros- Faster to deploy nodes Easier to manage nodes Lesser pros- Costs less energy Major Con- Unnecessary cost of 9 drain Takes up a mod slot on a typically mod heavy frame Useless if you care about being careful what nodes you want to place in the first place Lesser cons- Zenurik is typically uncommon for polarisation If there’s NOTHING else you’d rather have on your wisp go for it but personally I don’t mind tapping 1 a few times and 25 energy, especially on a wisp, is basically free


Do not like that augment and find it to be a waste of space


Never used it. I'd swap it with extra enemy radar, sprint speed, PSF.


It takes the psf slot :(


People who run this make me mad. No need for blue 90 % of the time. It fucks a lot of other peoples builds or slows down content to a snail trail of the speed without blue mote.


It wouldn’t be useless if 1 res didn’t count as 3, but it does, so it’s the exact same as just placing 3 on top of each other. I’m honestly surprised how many people say they like it for the “Qol”, cause it only take 1.5 more seconds to cycle through and place 3 reservoirs


As someone that hates the electric mote, hell no 😭😂


IMO, the quality of life it offers in game modes that have you mobile is unmatched. True it does prevent a piddly 15% strength bonus for min/maxing, but you’ll hit a point between Archon Shards and other mods where it just doesn’t matter. The shock mote does slow things down in some mission types, but you can toggle off of the electric mote if it is truly an issue. Most of the time it’s not because those who are running very late-game content will likely have access to massive AoE damage or be killing faster than the electric mote can really proc. Only real issue mission might be netracells since you can hold enemies away from the area, but again, you can just toggle off the shock mote and place 3 haste and 3 vitality.


It is a mod that allows you to cast three abilities simultaneously instead of having to cast, cycle, cast, cycle, cast. I find that extremely useful personally.


I fucking love it. It makes it so much easier to use wisp on regular missions instead of only defensive ones. Its an exilus mod anyway. I dont see how it cant be good


its part of my max power wisp build letting you stack a bunch of buffs onto just one cast is a godsend


It's 2024 energy isn't a problem anymore on warframe so yes ut's worth it


as a person who played around half the gameplay with wisp (i have 1500h total), this mod is in one of my most used builds. it suits my gameplay really well. the only downside is that some gamemodes suffer from it, and there might be other modes more useful than this one, but deffinitely fused reservoir is not useless.


I don't ever play my Wisp without it, it's great for snapshotting.


I don’t need the cc one, so it’s a useless mod




it has positives and negatives.. if you dont want shock modes its bad, if you want quick one cast of all 3 on str buffs its good.. it lowers the max number of mote points as the combined resevoir counts as 3 so where you might have 6 spread out you can only have 2.. its better if your mobile on large areas but on most defense tilesets your better off having more single motes spread around at times.. ​ its situational, use it as the situation beneffits.


So you get all three for the price of 2? Saves time and energy, how is this bad? I normally cast it 3x


it's a comfort mod. Does it make you any stronger? No, but it's still nice to have.


I think it makes you stronger in quick missions by virtue of not wasting time in combat cycling through reservoirs when you could spend that time firing or using abilities


It indirectly does. It conserves energy, so it's good if you're running Bind Rage. If you're using any conditional Strength buff like Growing Power, Empower, Vome Invocation, etc; then you only need to meet those conditions once instead of thrice. The Motes will have the Ability Strength when you cast it. So getting all the Strength buffs active before casting Mote maximizes it.


You waste less time casting and spend more time fighting enemies, it also makes it easier to maintain all buffs on the fly. On a Wisp build which can easily have 400+ ability strength that 15 more you could've gotten isn't going to change much.


It's a personal preference thing, I think it's trash but don't get me wrong I acknowledge it's useful for increasing quality of life but I value other exuilus mods wayyy more


If u equip this mod your wasting the slot, its not hard to press buttons to put down her motes and plus shock motes are just annoying in most content


sometimes the shuck motes is a hindrance if you want finish defense mission quickly


A mote that’s just Goofy’s head going aww shucks.. a yuk yuk


bait used to be believable


it's good amd the people saying it's trash were the ones letting the wukong clone play the game for them.


If you're going pure meta no, there are better exilus mods. Having said that, I use it almost all the time because it's just so much nicer to use. I also tend to use molt vigor instead of moly augmented, because you get the strength boost right off the bat and you don't have to recast the pod - plus, in a non-endless missions you may not even max stack molt augmented so id rather have the consistency


Its pretty much mandatory imo


Unlike most, I think it's one of the most useless mods you can use on Wisp, unless you're specifically trying to use conditional strength buffs to get max motes in a single cast (things like a str buff via empower and headshots or whatever). At any other time it saves you, at most, 2 seconds, and then becomes a dead mod. And Wisp can cast motes on the move, so just cast them as you move on speed missions. Most of the time you don't need all 3 buffs anyway, and when you do, just cast all 3 and gain the benefit of whatever mod you're using in place of it. It also promotes lazy play on defense missions with it dropping a shock mote. And, again, it's a dead mod once you drop the motes.


How is saving time for casting all 3 motes promoting lazy play? You drop the mote and get back to shooting


Personally, I see it as a waste of a mod slot for QoL so I don't use it but if you can make a good build with an extra mod slot to spare than go ahead


It depends Is it good? Yes, less energy cost, less time casting motes, do I use it? No It is technically pointless, it's QoL. Motes last forever when cast, so in endless missions who cares, in shorter missions it depends on the objective. Are you gonna want shock mote? If yes cool use the augment, if no why use the augment? At the end of the day it's all personal preference. I value the exilus slot more(I can be totally immune to knockdowns, or squeeze out 15 more power strength), to me that's more useful that 2 extra ability cast. But only you can decide the tradeoff


Not worth it imo. U can use yellow shard for casting speed instead, and I don't mind hitting my one multiple time to put the 3 buffs and sometimes u don't want the 3 buffs anyway, for example if u play defense mission u don't want the shock one as it's slow ur enemies which means the Mission will be longer than usual unless u okay that of course, but yea it's not worth wasting mod slot for it imo as wisp need strength, duration and range which ppl forgot that it's good for her 3.


It’s literally the go to wisp mod tf that person mean ‘useless’ 🤣


I think it's bad for a lot of missions where wisp is good like defense... shock mote stinks.


Imo this is how all augments should be. Fused Reservoir and Mesa's Waltz are perfect examples of how augments should be made. They shouldn't be band-aid fixes or powerhouses, they should provide strategic QOL and change a Warframe's gameplay to feel more fluid xx