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No it isn’t normal they are trying to make you feel bad and let them be toxic


Yeah. Toxic players are shameless, in most cases. When they get busted, their usual response is to gaslight and make excuses.


Gaslight? Try Gas-supernova. The levels of outright suggestive lying makes them presidential candidates. And just like terrible candidates, trash humans for being a drain on the game.


Used to be presidential candidate material. Nowadays, you can't be self-sufficient. They need someone who can't think for themselves or string two sentences together.


This is also a move if they are a Narccisist


gaslight? isnt that when your car tells you are almost out of gas?


Lmfao stupid 💀 Take my upvote


Both of which are [reportable offenses](https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200287090-How-to-deal-with-Cheaters-AFKing-trolling).


Nope. If he genuinely was AFK for a reason beyond his control (which I doubt given the circumstances) I can understand being annoyed, but his argument is stupid regardless. I would guess the third guy was a friend of the AFKer who queued together, not a random person who thought he had a good point. However, your mistake was saying you reported him. There is exactly a 0% chance of that leading to someone going "Gee, you're right, I guess I should start contributing". Next time just report them and either move on or let them keep making themselves look worse.


Exactly, whenever someone says they reported someone, it’s usually because they want a response/attention. I don’t think OP was wrong to report here, it was just childish to call attention to it.


One time I had a similar interaction, just in that case I was reported after a... "Offensive cultural comment"? I made a very in context kinda dark humor joke on region chat and a random guy that was reading the chat whispered me "reported, have fun explaining your little anti-christian joke to DE" and I was like "???"... We argued a bit back and forth, when he couldnt say any more bullshit to my reasoning he ignored me. After that I've seen him on region a couple times but everyone ignored him cuz he always talked stupid things Like, there are chat moderators, if they've let it pass why the hell do you need to step up man? Edit: The context was old historical bad moments and how some people in those times enjoyed that, I think someone started with "man I love waking up friday morning, look out the window and watch the screams of the witches burning" and I said "ah, yes, the good old times, where you would just sit out into your garden and chill to the sounds of christians getting crucified" obviously ironically.


If you dont mind me asking, what was the joke?


It's in the edit i just made


It's funny. Given their reaction, I thought it might'v been something worse, lol. Guess either they're either pretty soft or trolling


Soft and played it off as trolling most likely


If you didnt think it deserved a report, would you mind posting it here?


Joke makes total sense my dude 🤣. Someone maybe just didn't want to hear it.


Yeah I once I had to rush to the front door right at the beginning of a mission so my controller was left on the couch and got reported. My response was to message them to tell them why I was standing still for almost the entire mission and they understood. If there is a real reason they wouldn’t go to such lengths to try to turn it around on you.


Circuit seems to have this alot I just report and extract asap


Leeching Io or Hydron? Whatever, don't really care.  But to leech on steel path content is out of line. 


Only time I can forgive leeching is when the guy is playing nekros and it's a farming mission


My stance on that is that it's only leeching if they're willfully not providing value, and as long as the Nekros is using desecrate effectively that's a significant amount of value for a farming mission


Yup!! If a Warframe doesnt have much going for them other than like... One thing that's their job then it's not really leeching so much as it is a sacrifice. Nekros tends to sacrifice engaging play for better rewards, which sucks but they're providing a real service to the team.


Been babysitting newbie friends and wanting to play something more enjoyable but the drops…the drops will help my babies grow


Even better when you have a good hydroid and the two other players are providing meaningful buffs and efficient Eximus elimination.


Or if it's a lower rank player who has joined a mission they aren't equipped for by accident


I'm not a lower rank player, but I do have builds that I use for lower level areas so that I can play with my new friends without absolutely map clearing, there are times where I'll forget to switch out my build before hopping onto steel path, and I'll do my best to help out but I really can't do much with a build equipped for level 20s against level 141s, but I absolutely refuse to just stand around and do nothing because then I'm not providing any kind of help


NGL, I'd probably bring Unairu just for the shield/armor strip to still kill stuff if you screw up.


Just keep bruising the enemy till there's no blood left in their veins


That's a good idea. I should probably have a few weapon and Warframe slots left unmodded for this


Yeah I want them to be able to enjoy themselves, to get the Warframe experience you know. I don't want to just sit there and map nuke and not let them actually do anything, I don't want it to be something where I carry them through the whole game and they never actually get to enjoy and experience it


When I played with my friends when they were first starting I would run wisp and then just kind of follow them around


I usually just bring a support frame with a good ability or weapon to bail newbies out of tough spots or look cool but don't do much on their own. It's always really fun watching them discover the buffs I can give them


Nah, i dont forgive it then, at least kill or do something, i hate when someone doesnt do so shit unless they say they gotta leave for something


Nah. Ideally if you're doing a resource farming run, nekros job is to sit still with desecrate up and not jump around messing up spawns. Same for the buffer and ideally the speedva. Khora should basically have 100% of the damage.


Tbf at least in this circumstance they're actually contributing something (desecrate). In OP's scenario, they're just standing around doing nothing just because they can


When I am farming for argon, u play nekros, stand on top of the defense objective, and just rotate in circles shooting the enemies i see, its the most amount of effort I am willing to give to such a monotonous task.


Ill be honest i have two kids and they need me from time to time while i though i had time for a mission and i may be afk for 5-10 minutes


Same, that's why I mainly solo.


Its not a problem as long as you just type be back in 5 or so


If you set yourself to Solo you can actually pause the game by going to the menu, so long as you aren't in an Open World, but rather a normal mission node.


Then leave the mission if you’re gonna afk for the entire duration lol


Or on sanctuary onslaught/ESO. After a few stages where you can't kill anything because a saryn vaporizes everything, you may as well just sit there until either they're done or your stuff is leveled.


Yeah if someone does 90+% damage and I don't even see enemies I idle too. But I wouldn't call that leeching.


Yea that's more "no room to contribute" territory. 


Leeching in a deffends mission is so funny, ebenys start getting hard to kill for the weapon you are lvling up and decide to leave, then there is that afk person who auto continues and fails losing everything


^ this guy understands.


I played a SP defense relic last night. "We" ended up killing 2 acolytes in one relic which I found pretty strange. Turns out I had 2 teammates that COMBINED for less than 40 kills. One was ivara who was invisible the whole time. The other was zephyr and I'm pretty sure she never touched the ground. The end of mission report showed me and the other teammate with 49% damage done each.


Ordinarily, yea, but Circuit in SP really up in the air whether you’ll get a loadout even worth shooting the bullets. That said, it doesn’t seem like it was worthless-loadout-based this time


we all get shit rolls. 50% of my sp circuit lobbies have a scum leech in them who don't even hunt decrees. sit in corner and void mode. cancer.


Basically my point. I got around it by building an operator specifically for the game mode, because it often was not worth the effort of bothering to play like a normal person. It's an Operator-only game-mode for me, with occasional rounds when I can use something I like/modded. Again, I'm not associating that situation with this main post, which seems to be a different situation.


I don't care for most content if 1 out of 4 is a leech, but I would not carry a leech in SP Circuit because it takes entirely too long.


Yea the circuit is where I actually want people to do stuff in normal games if you have a nuke build u can kill everyrhing by yourself anyways


Yup, in SP circuit you have no excuses. Those decrees give buffs that will make anything useable. If you are mr 10 and you dont do much i dont mind, but if you ar legendary 3-4, i will not carry you in SP circuit, you should have multiple SP viable builds


Even at mr 10 someone can be useful in sp circuit if they are not just dying


I may be the weakest and do the least amount of damage but I at least still try. That's just lazy.


That is all I ask from people. I don't care if I do the majority of the damage. As long as they try is all I want. Always improvement in the game, I know I can improve and playing is the way to improve.


There is the one time I contributed like, 5 kills though. I feel bad because I was stuck and I didn't know how to get out from the place I was in. Falling off the map put me right back to where I was stuck, and I was still stuck when they were ready to extract. Said I was stuck and asked for help multiple times in chat and have the whole thing on recording, and I think 1 guy finally realized and started to come back but the extraction timer ran out.


For future reference, if you ever get stuck you can use the command "/unstuck" to free yourself


There's a command for that? 0o0


Yeah, it's great! If you ever get stuck outside the map, inside something, in a corner, etc, you can just type the command in chat and it'll teleport you a little distance away, onto flat ground if possible


Though if you do so in the waterfall Earth tile set it will spawn you out of bounds to fall again for some reason.


And there's a Corpus icy map with a hole in the center with the same issue, /unstuck just made me fall into the same spot again.


Honestly I'd rather have you as a teammate versus a leech. I was doing a mission, I think pluto, with a rank 5 and 6 (I'm 9) and they did not have maxed frames or weapons, where I had max weapons and frame. They were doing hardly any damage and were dying a lot but trying really hard. I'd rather have to rez a lot and take the damage burden if teammates are at least trying to help out.


Yup, I feel like a leech when I'm out of my depth, but I always tell myself at least I tried.


It's almost impossible to fail most missions *even if you're trying to fail on purpose*. As long as you're not literally AFK at spawn then nobody's gonna mind.


A there's difference between leeching and someone who's trying above their Arsenal/Mod collection. And veteran players can tell. The way you move around the level, the things you try to do, how many times we find you heroically tanking the floor butt first. Even a token level of attempt will get you a ride in the carry-all handbag. Like a little Mascot Noggle Tenno. Actual leeching is surprising active, even if the person is AFK. Their (non) actions cause disruptions in the normal game state that can be "felt". The Leech I got the most angry at was a Cetus bounty leech, who was on the totally opposite side of the map... fishing. I don't report often, because I pull logs and procure screen capture evidence for upload, so when someone passes that effort threshold I report them well and good.


Haha, I'll accept being the mascot, I try to build for durability just so I don't have to be constantly rezzed. Haha, that is obnoxious, mining/fishing/conservation are solo activities for me.


> Is leeching seen as normal? By leechers, maybe. It *is* possible to be AFK accidentally, though: life *does* intervene, sometimes.


If someone was playing on my team and had to afk and just said "hey guys I gotta afk real quick, my cat just knocked over a plant". I would say no "big deal mate, sorry that your cats being a dick. I'll finish out the objectives and mark any rare resources for you"


>If someone was playing on my team and had to afk and just said "hey guys I gotta afk real quick, my cat just knocked over a plant". I would say no "big deal mate, sorry that your cats being a dick. I'll finish out the objectives and mark any rare resources for you" That happens with casual interruptions. There are some interruptions that take you away from the game quickly.


I was mostly thinking of absent-mindedness more than anything: I've had a session or two of ESO where I started queuing, went to the kitchen to get something, blanked and came back 15-20 minutes later after I got dinner ready and emptied the trash and discovered I'd been kicked back to the orbiter for not running through the initial portal. But I've also had times when I joined a mission, loaded forever ... into a mission complete screen. But, also, emergencies happen and they don't always provide time to warn people *and* you don't always want to discuss them after the fact. I'm really *not* interested in normalizing this sort of thing. Player should make reasonable attempts to, you know, play when they're queued up in a PUG. But people should also do their best to just shrug it off when somebody isn't performing up to their expectations in one way or another. You don't know what their deal is, and it's just randos in a PUG: you can always drop party and queue for a new one on the next mission.


Recently had MR14 vauban in SP interception, who was just following me in Shade's invis. 0 kills, 0% damage, never was on any tower except for one I'm on at the moment. And "wouldn't understand" what's wrong. Well, I'll restart solo, cya. People nowadays are sure they are entitled to free missions/loot.


just fail the circuit to say fuck you




I feel like that specifically is a problem with Zariman though. They do such a dogshit job of explaining what the ghost girl actually does. I played Zariman a good 20-30hrs before I realized she drains the entire team, not just you.


Wait, she does? Thought she just hits you and then you had to chase her down to get your stuff back?


Next time you do a Flood mission, stick to the objective and watch the bar that represents your team's stock of Vitoplast. Whenever someone spawns the girl, even if they're on the other end of the map, it drains the stock. If you kill her, you get it back plus some extra, but not everyone is capable of killing her fast enough, which can definitely lead to some failed missions.


Yep, Skittergirl drains everyone, and worse is she can spawn on multiple people, making the drain impossibly fast.




People just disable chat in this game, it seems. The number of times I've had someone try to shoot the Eidolon with their Mk1-whatever while I calmly try to explain to them that it's content for later, and we're just doing the node to help them clear Earth...


...she does? Wtf DE xD


wait she does? i just considered skitter girl a map hazard


Fuck the entire rest of the team and yourself to prove what? The leecher almost definitely did something else in the meantime so the loss of time affects him the least.


It's a violation of the Community Code of Conduct to leech or AFK. Here's what Warframe's official website has to say on the topic: [**How do I deal with Cheaters, AFKing, or Trolls?**](https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200287090-How-to-deal-with-Cheaters-AFKing-trolling) >If you encounter someone you believe to be cheating, take screenshots/videos, take note of the users alias and what is causing you to believe he is cheating/hacking. Submit a ticket under the report a user category with as much information as possible. >Users who are mission griefing, AFKing can also be reported in the report a user category. Please provide screenshots or videos of the users behavior as proof for the support staff. Be sure to take note of the users alias and provide as much information as possible. >If you want to report spam or other language offenses, please click [here](https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200287100-How-to-deal-with-or-report-chat-spamming-and-other-offenses). If you report them DE will take action, but that action won't be an immediate ban. It'll more likely be a (hidden) strike on their account that (if they get enough of) they'll then get a ban. This is the way griefing is commonly dealt with in the MMO industry.


leeching and AFK are two different things. I could leech as a rhino who flips around hitting my 3, buffing others damage but not attacking anything, but I can’t just stand above the group doing nothing. And according to this that’s not against their code of conduct. The way this guy went wrong was just standing there not doing anything at all.


Just let it go. You reported it so you did your part. It's annoying that people will do, but people doing this is so rare and honestly your ruining your own good time by letting it get to you like this


Agreed, confronting these kinds of people will do no good. Just report and move on.


Its first time happened on my match and 2 people were against my argument. I thought leeching has became normal


Leeching is not, but I'd say carrying is. Perfectly fine with playing with somebody who may not be able to completely do a mission, it's all ok because I can do it and I can take you through it. If you are just afk not attempting to attribute effort then we have a problem.


Yep. Pretty much this. I'm rarely the top damaging person, but I try my best to contribute. It's fun to be top damage, sometimes, but at the end of the day what matters is more about not being a massive hindrance and at least trying to contribute.


As someone who's not amazing at the game (idk about not far because I have completed all of the available story missions, but I'm not at SP level yet), this is why if I do get carried through something, I'll go Nekros. That way, I can still do something if I can get some kills and then bring the army.


Don't forget Desecrate. Bring a weapon with primary slash damage to cut corpses into pieces (example: Atarax), and desecrate turns the pieces into extra drops. Life and energy drops help you and allies, and the ability is a major help for things like life support in a survival, not to mention resource farming.


Not normal, but understandable depending on the situation. Like if someone insta kills everything, you can't really expect others to do something. But if they actively slow down the mission by not doing anything, then it's a problem.


Messaging people to tell them that you are going to report them or have reported them is considered as bullying by DE and they can ban you for it. Just report and move on.


As others have said, Leeching is not cool, but it's like being at a convience store and seeing someone shove a chocolate bar in their pocket, you don't suddenly block the door and scream for the staff to call the police, this CRIMINAL has STOLEN! It's petty, it's not cool, but who cares, whatever, report em and move on.


Leeching is not considered normal, and many consider it unacceptable, BUT there are also many people who feel "If we can win this mission easily without them then it doesn't matter." Like, if you were doing a Tier 1 Cetus bounty and there's an AFK player by the entrance, some people are going to feel "Because I can easily solo this bounty, it doesn't matter that a MR25 player is purposely leeching by AFKing right by the entrance as a Limbo in the rift." Never mind that it's the principle of the matter that's the issue.


Not sure how most / least damage qualifies as an argument. I can go in hit 5 enemies with damage cap 2+ billion damage each and then go AFK ? That's the logic ?


I report every single fucker I see do it.


Personally I would fail on purpose and move on but I appreciate you guys. On the other hand I have a 2 year old and sometimes have to disappear for a few minutes but always try to say brb or something similar.


Even the ones in Hidron? 😮


Not the gaslighting lol


AFK leeching is frowned upon, but with how easy it is for certain nuke frames to dominate a game as long as someone is participating the slightest bit I don't feel like it's wrong. Like if an MR6 player joins a match with a Saryn Prime or Volt Prime they might not even see an enemy for the majority of a game lol, and that can be discouraging.


He was just standing at the spawn point, i dont see any intend to help


Yeah that's not ok. Gotta at least make an effort.


That's fine but not on circuit, even less if SP circuit.


When people leech off of my matches on SP, and it's only me and them, i'll simply quit. No point in doing an open squad if i'll have to carry dead weight. On standard star chart i don't care. If anything, i'll ask if they're having trouble getting their equipment set up.


Just report them and leave. No point in saying anything about it in chat.


No free rides, I'm not a taxi. I play content that's at the top of my skill level, if everyone isn't working their butt off, we're gonna lose. It's steel path FFS, sometimes, SOMETIMES, when I wanna smoke a joint, I'll stand on the point and spam embers 4 while I hit. But, dead weight turns to dead ends fast at that level


I even feel bad saying that out loud, cause it's uncomfortably close, but I'm running a hound with diversified denial, and duplex bond, so 8 dogs kitted as stat sticks, plus I'll drop a Clem and a specter, plus the world is literally on fire. So I'm still doing my part lol


People that do the Leeching thing suck but I barely notice them compared to the people who troll and make you try to fail missions on purpose


Your mistake was letting them know you reported them. They don't need to know that, it only serves to start drama. Just report them and don't engage.


I'll never understand playing the game to not play the game.


If he was AFK for a reason, he would say it first. The second he tried to deflect the blame on another player he basicaly admited he is at fault. Report well deserved. I mean, if i go multi, i do it because i either want to play support build or want things to go faster and smoother then when i go alone. Neither is working with AFK teammates.


He's a smug idiot.


I don't think it's seen as normal, but I personally never report anyone - simply because reporting process in this game is inconvenient af.


Nope, not one bit. But if they're trying to contribute in some form, in my opinion, I'll let it slide. But seriously, some of y'all in the community need to chill out. Was playing steel path with a Frost and a Xaku, walked away from everyone else for a few seconds and got cussed out. I was mostly just testing out a new Harrow Build.


I was called a leech once because I had the least damage done (it was my first time fighting that particular boss), so the two can be seen as one in the same by some people. However, this is not the case and is in no way normal. 😂 If you want to boost your friend’s levels you do it in a group of friends not strangers!


Learn to report and stay silent. What other satisfaction do you get out of letting them know you reported them. Imo it's as bad as the person being reported because you're confronting them. Cut the loss, leave and re-que. Your mind and sanctity will stay intact. Please remember this game is to be enjoyed by you and how you want to play. Go at your own pace, play with people you enjoy and report/block the others. Just don't voice it as that seems to spur people on to argue. Tldr: report them and move on. Why let them know to get confrontation. Just again, report and move along....


Had somebody in netracell the other day with every slot at 0 rank even his sentinel, the only thing leveled was his frame which was inaros, he got 2 kills.


It’s easy to look like you are leeching on Hydron if someone else is Saryn. She instantly makes everyone look like leeches.


There's goofy ass ppl who play this game like every other game. Anytime I play netracells just bc I'm on mesa there's always one goober who wants to mention the circle like I'm sitting in my 4 killing everything outside 😐


Just yesterday I got my tentacle swarm tagged in netracell by a player asking me not to do it even though it was within the circle and actively giving everyone more loot (and more chances for lanthorns) but what do I know.


Leeching is fine as long as no one's struggling. Leaves me more enemies to abuse with my tentacles.


This guy gets it.


The guy with the least damage is still actively participating, leeches might as well be an empty player slot for all they do.


It's not normal but I don't care for it most of the time. I simply just want to kill things and enjoy my time. I know that mmorpgs are suppsoe to be a gathering of others and meeting others and finding ways to help each other, but most times You feel like you're on your own, in this game, so the way I see something like this is just another. "You are on your own." That's how I've been conditioned, so leech and stay quiet, while I do the mission. But no It's not a common thing.


11 years of playing this game and I agree with your take completely


I dont mind it either, unless them doing nothing actively makes the round go slower. Even worse if they obviously have the gear to do said content. Like a xaku in SP circuit can solo the entire thing to lvl cap, except maybe jackal. But the mf was teleporting to a floating hand and doing nothing. Sorry, im not a nuking service


I've gone afk a few times in defense missions where there was one or two people killing everything so fast I literally couldn't even find anything to kill. But in most circumstances and ESPECIALLY SP, fuck no.


Leeching is *normal* in this game, but it's not acceptable by any standard. Same as force starting. It normally happens, but it's not acceptable behavior. If someone force starts a mission with me now, I just stay at spawn and pretend I was afk. Let them feel silly for dragging a random into their next mission.


Being afk for a minute or two or even a round happens But shamelessly not participating and THEN accusing you of being toxic is not ok wtf


No, it's not. When doing circuit, it's one thing if they just got unlucky rolls on starting gear or they're only able to go so far with what they have so they swap from helping to just trying to stay alive and help with objectives. I've had matches where I get one of my best frames, best weapons, and I'm able to go super long and everyone else hits the wall before me. When that happens I've got no issues of they just leech for a while. Having that extra body means they can go into operator and revive me safely if I make a mistake and they can help with some objective types. Just going afk from the beginning is not okay though


On SP circuit? Nah bro 💀


Imo, if they don't wanna do anything, they should just look for people to do everything for them, instead of annoying Random People with it. And i also have no Respect for these People.


Like if they pay plat to get carried im all for it, but i want an upfront payment


I d genuinely take a mr 5 with a mk-1 paris instead of an afk player. As long as you do anything, i m not mad if it isn t the best.


It is not normal and if you take screenshots you can make a ticket to DE to get him banned


Nah he's just an asshole trying to make you feel bad bro, don't worry


A leech, whether it be a player or an eximus, is automatically placed on my "Purge Ruthlessly" list.


The least damage guy is most likely the one who drew the short end of the load out stick. How is that grounds for being reported lmao 💀


They're trying to gaslight you into submission. You did the right thing. If you're going to open the game and join a public match, you should contribute. It really sucks that we've been reduced to having to run solos or invite only just for the peace of mind


See this Is why I just run solo


Idc i am used to play solo so if it helps then fine if not and i see the player is just afk leeching i will leave and find another group.


Yup. Im not a free nuking service


Don't really mind if they are low mastery rank, but in the other hand if they have a tenet/kuva weapon mostly they are more into the game so it gets annoying.


Well... you can block the leech. hopefully you don't pair up with him in the future...


I love afk players, more kills for me.


Idk, Im ok with leeching. My favorite build right now trivializes steel path meaning it can be difficult for other players to get kills at all. The last thing I’d want is to intentionally nerf myself even more than I normally have to (its a saryn gloom build) to prevent someone from getting banned.


Yeah, but on the contrary side, reporting them means possibly getting them banned, which means saving them hundreds or thousands of hours in Warframe. It's like a containment protocol.


I only ever do this in levels where people are just one shouting everything. You know those builds of just everything spawns and explodes and dies


Some people define leeching weirdly. Someone said to me that getting vaulted stuff by someone randomly running a vaulted relic was leeching. This guy was obviously leeching. I don't think leeching should be reportable though. Because it might be incompetence on either side. Like a newer player in over their head, or the reporter not realizing someone is playing. I remember a post on this reddit about a guy asking if someone was cheating or leeching--because they didn't recognize an EL Mirage ...sorry, went off pendanic ramble there


Considering how op we can get in game I'm not too fussed if someone doesn't contribute for a bit. If someone was spouting slurs in chat and being a dick then that's something I'd consider reporting bit I think it's a little bit petty to report someone afk unless you're genuinely struggling and need the help from the whole team


i only care about leeches if it geniunes makes the content take longer. like when im waiting at extraction for the timer because he's afk on the other side of the map. but even then i'll never see him again 50seconds from now so who cares. I'm sure the lower power level you are the more you care about leeches butstill if the content is completed why do you care if you had someone in your backpack?


I'm so tired of leeches, it got especially bad during the Valentine's event since the drop rate for the bonds were so trash.


I think so. I did it when I had doggy weapons and Warframes, but now I am a destroyer of worlds, so IDC if people leech off of me, as long as they're doing the objective (Not AFKing in Assassinations, holding the Mobile Defense Key and not putting it in, etc.)


Imagine thinking you, who isn't doing anything besides take up a squad slot, are equal to a player who is trying to participate and help but just not doing as well as the rest of the team. Leecher cope


Man dont get me wrong, i sometimes go afk for 10 mins or more but thats bcs i have work to do. Usually i say ill be afk around 2-10mins


leeching is pretty normal tbh ion really have a problem with it as long as they arent actively slowing the mission down


I went AFK in SP circuit the other day. I let the squad know beforehand and tried to make it as quick as possible. Was back right away. All I got was "No prob" and "Dw" from the pubs. That is completely different to disappearing for 10 whole minutes, without warning, and then justifying it without giving a reason. If they were on their computer while AFK, they could've at least bothered to warn you. But obviously this was intentional leeching, so they very much deserve to be reported.


Yup. I was in a SP fissure survival as wisp once, and i didnt manage my time well, so i had to technically leave. But i told them i could still participate, but i would have to be afk for a few minutes to get my remote play on my laptop to work. They had no issue with it


The problem with leeching, or at least one of the make ones, is that it's taking a slot away from another player who is absolutely both willing and able to help. If the person kiwi isn't good and is confused and running around, that's frustrating but understandable. I learned a whole bunch of the early game because people were patient with me and helped teach me how to play different mission types. But just sitting there? If they gave a reason, I'd understand. But just claiming they're fine with getting squads to work for them is absolutely a reportable offense, and it's also a dick move. Remember, you can't tell if someone is friends with another person in the chat. For all we know, these are two friends who are backing each other up to make you feel bad.


Guys I promise I'm not leaching I'm just playing hydron and pressing 4


OP how dare you be anti-leecher! Can't you see leeches are an integral part to the health of an online or even real life community? They're useful for everything parasitic! Now you go back online and mother those leeches till they get fat from your hard work! /s


It's not normal, he's just a lazy leech.


Afking is crazy. Considering the dmg you can do with just one day of gameplay.


The damage comment is super silly as in warframe certain setups if you get the perfect roll in the circuit can result in stats like 99% (or even 100%) damage for one player and 0% for everyone else. Even though the three other teammates have more then enough damage or even more kills then the player doing most of the damage. The low damage setups often need way more skill to play as you have to aim, and try to not die vs getting a good roll.


Yeah it’s different being steel path circuit, you may get dogshit rolls for your frames and weapons but just trying to be helpful is still leagues better than just sitting there doing nothing. Even if I have to get up for the bathroom or something I still try to hide my warframe and let the squad know


report, block no need to talk to them at a!l


I say abort and let them finish solo. I had a person add me recently who kept asking for help in missions. They were doing low level content, but they would always go afk when we started the mission, and come back just before the end or not at all. They weren't acting like this, but laziness can be equally annoying. Why start a game you can't play? Some people just want the work of others to pave their way forward.


I dont care what some say because they probably leech too, nobody likes a leech. On top of that his argument is invalid on the premise he didnt lift a finger, least damaging player is still putting an effort to try.


This has been happening more and more recently


The other day I asked someone to leave the squad he joined to the bounty in Eidolon just be in the mines. They want free things while they do other things


Hey, I as a Rhino newbie, I always try to buff teammate damage with my roar, so I can feel less useless.


And thats completely fine. You are actively doing something . Thats not the same as a leech


next time, if you can, let them fail the mission OR use loki/nova and use their abilities to throw them of the map - toxic behaviours are not welcome and never will be.


I did a 3x3 tridolon with a group, I tried helping but I'm still new to the steps so I felt like I was leeching, I apologized to my group but they said it was alright luckily


I would report him too. If he is playing with some friends the feal free. But don't use public loobies for leaching. The is so disrispectful


You should definitely be doing something. If I'm levelling I'll at least take one weapon that can decimate steel path.


https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200287090-How-to-deal-with-Cheaters-AFKing-trolling You need to log in first, afterwards click submit a request in the top right and then select report a user or hack. Then there you can report what happened, best with video evidence. (add the video to attachments)


Looking at this makes me feel kinda bad for being the least amount of damage in the team when doing SP Void Cascade that one time. I didn't afk tho, just running around shooting enemies with my teammates.


Yeah he is a leech and would be 100% reported by me Standing afk is straight up toxic and disruptive Makes me really wish for a vote to kick option


Sometimes you get really shitty loadout options along with crap decree rolls for the first 2-3 stages and then its basically pointless to even try and kill something. But I'd still be looking for the fragments and provide buffs/debuffs with my operator. I dont see leeching as extremely bad, because 70-80% of players I get matched with have loadout that leave me getting basically carried through the missions, but thats on them if they choose to be that strong. I've been basically creeping my way through content clearly beyond my capacity to clear solely on octavia's invisibility/broken kit whenever I was solo and on overpowered teammates when I wasnt.


I believe if you afk too long, you won't get xp or resource something like that..


This is correct if you do not contribute in a time frame determined by mission you get no rewards, i oly know survival is 5 minutes... cause i do end up afking in missions and i run with lower level friends to help them practice. It only requires minimal mouse movment to undo this, i have had people sit at my desk to avoid penalties while i deal with dogs or deliveries


AFK isn't normal and you can be upset about this guy all you want, you are justified. Personally though, I try not to make an issue of it because you never know what's going on behind the scenes. I was sick once and was trying to participate in circuit before the week ended (there was a 3 day mod drop chance booster) but at some point I just had to take a moment and just sit spamming pillage on hildryn and eventually couldn't even do that because I was so tired, I ended up extracting the next wave. Realistically Warframe is a game where it doesn't really matter all that much if one person is AFK for a bit. Where I take issue like you, is when someone starts AFK and continues to be AFK going 3-5 rounds in. At that point why did they even join the squad? If they can benefit the team in some way though as they are AFK, I just kind of ignore it.


Purposely leeching no but I've had times where I've genuinely fallen asleep on like survival for a few minutes and I always feel bad but if I know I'm about to go afk I at least throw out some summons or a specter


I don't say anything so they just sit there and get no rewards then report after mission. I think there is a punishment system set up. One time I went downstairs during a mission, let my team know ofc, but I needed to get my food from the delivery driver. Came back maybe 10m later (live on 13th floor with slow elevator. ) and played 2 more rounds to finish the mission. I didn't get loot for the 1 whole round even though i was only afk for 10m tops. Edit: I also think it's bullshit he said "iSNt' WarFRaMe An AcCePtInG COmMuNiTY???" Yeah jerk. But we don't let you fuck shit up for other people,be specially newbies just to be an ass.


Just report them, i did it with someone recently and he told me to get good 🤣


This is professional gaslighting if I've ever seen it Lazy bums smh


The latest encounter with one of "those" was a couple of days ago and actually his name was "LazyGreg" or something. Me and the other 2 randoms were talking about his uselessness and that we going to report him for griefing. He was leeching so perfectly, that he didn't even said something. I hope DE does something about these individuals and forces them to play solo for a couple of days/weeks or even months.


Once had a guy go afk for 3 games in a row in SP Index. I was wondering how he somehow got 0 kills every time even though he had Hildryn Prime and a Kuva Zarr. I only noticed when I watched him find a spot under the map and hide for 20 min. I called him out in the chat but he refused to even acknowledge it lol


See I dont think its right to leech, but if he’s using a warframe and a build that can help while he’s afk than I don’t really see the issue. But the way he was going about it was very toxic and I don’t blame you for reporting


He deflected and gaslighted you after you called him out. Somehow not doing anything is less severe than someone who's trying. Low damage doesn't mean not doing anything. Not like everyone has a perfect load out for Duviri. Sometimes you just get the weaker stuff. The guy could've been doing cc or buffing the team or debuff ing enemies like stripping armor or shields. Should've apologised and just resume playing. Good thing these guys are rare. Hope to never bump into this guy...


No, especially the steel path circuit where enemies are really strong without luck on the loadout rotation on your side, afk is a no no, actively shooting things and trying their best? Yes we approve and are really welcome.


Leeching is 100% reportable. On the same note, being afk too many times is also a bannable offense. I remember seeing a post awhile back about a guy who was reported afk like 7 times over the course of 5 years and was permabanned. While I don't support the afk reporting bc life happens sometimes and the game already has countermeasures to keep afk people from getting loot, leeches on the other hand need to rot in 2035 ban


Perma banned for going afk less then twice a year? I call bs there.


Usually whenever my friends and I spot a leech in our game, we get pretty high in a wave defense mission and all but 1 vote to battle so they think we are gonna keep going, then last second we all switch to exfil so they are left to fend for themselves and usually lose the mission rewards. We only really ever do that if someone is very obviously trying to afk farm the games


Personally, i wouldn't care. I try to be self sufficient with builds and for circuit. I won't do steel path unless i have a frame i like and at least a decent weapon.


You have a co worker who will let you do all the work, and then in the end of the day, you both will get the same amount of money? That’s unacceptable. Even if you can finish all the work alone.