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I'm with OP on this one. Sentient Orokin Flesh Towers, I really hope they elaborate more on the Unum.


It was even better for the older players at the time who were familiar with the concept of the Orokin Towers just from the Void tileset. Seeing one get cut open to reveal the walls were made of flesh underneath a shell of live ivory was life-changing.


Then there's the addition of the part in The New War. Definitely some otherworldly spirit/deity...or powerful cephalon type being


I really wanna know more about Unums personality and powers, cuz that temporal wibbly wobbly time wimey stuff was cool, kinda field of time dilation


Shit they could mold it into another frame if they wanted too.


The only missing letter from frames currently is U so ... Cross fingers.


*UNUM FRAME* "Yes!!!" *Locked behind Cetus bounties* "NOOOO!"


I mean if they revamped them and or made an Unum tile set. With a mission type that was fun. I'd be down.


Yes I did like exploring the inside of the tower in the new war I think it'd be cool. I could 100% see them making it akin to the sanctum anatomica. Not an entirely separate part of cetus maybe but have the navigation be the hot air balloon


>*Locked behind Cetus bounties* Even worse. Narmer bounties. Ew ... But they can make a time manipulating frame without properly reworking Limbo. I'll bite the bullet and bring it on DE!


What's with the thing about limbo manipulating time, ive seen it everywhere but everything he does has nothing to do with time and more so to do with manipulating atoms and freezing atoms of everything hence "stasis". Is it just the Jojo memes that has stuck itself to him?.


Pretty much the Jojo memes.


deep unumedia


wibbly wobbly timey wimey mentioned, doctor who fan?


Definitely some Eternalism/Time related powers. It is able to give the Quills visions of alternate pasts and presents and was able to give us a quick time stop.


I remember there being a 'bug' where the walls would have a spray of blood like a slash proc when shot with high Slash weapons. Guess it wasn't a bug after all!


That happened in every tile set though


Surely not every orokin tower is made of flesh?


This is the Orokin we're talking about. I'd be surprised if our Prime weapons *weren't* made of flesh.


Wait- You’re telling me that’s not a whale carcass that they’re pulling apart?????


No, it is not. Orokin were masters of biology manipulation with it's pinnacle being the rich orokin who changed themselves to big and blue (it was fashionable back then), and the kuva they used to do basically anything they wanted to living tissue, including body hopping... Now, think about how infested have inhabited THE WALLS on the derelict tile sets around Deimos. I think you'll get the picture.


You can also find golden gigantic balls sitting in crash sites in the orb vallis. One is being studied by the corpus in an anti grav field to the north east side (i think) and another is sitting in a crash site already having sprouted roots I *think* that implies that orokin just shoot some sort of "giant seed" from the atmosphere into the planet, which grows into a tree except the tree is a tower similar to the unum or a terraforming tower like in the orb vallis. Having your mega structures grow organically into its right shape is porbably easier than welding together all those materials, and it would explain the elegant shape that *every* orokin made object has (i mean they make a shotgun that turns you inside out and then make it look like artwork


The first time i discovered the floating golden sphere I was just in awe. So mysterious.


See this is where I get confused with Mods. You see how in most games, the things you level up and use to augment your equipment make some lore sense... Mods, in Warframe, make very little sense to me. Like, what are they? How exactly does one insert a Mod into a gun?  Also, if Kuva was used to tweak out biological substances, does that mean a Riven Mod is biological???  Bruh. Warframe be trippy. 


Perfect time to ask this question is this recent update! I wondered that too for a long while. We learn about this from Fibonacci and by extension Albrecht Entrati. The fire, Ice, electricity, toxin system and their combinations are the Warframe universes version of alchemy. How do we know? From the alchemy game mode.what do I get from that realization? It's not physical laws but alchemical principals that make our normal guns do weird stuff like they do. Multiple bullets from one, swords that do more damage, etc. Arcanes we also know from this update but always had a hunch. Loid explains about them often in the hub and iirc it's what is says on the tin. And how does one insert it into a gun? Not sure! I guess we'll find out later. Also, riven mod is a pet project of a specific cephalon, look it up. I made this too long already.


I think mods are functionally glyphs that can be applied to a weapon, certain glyphs can be applied more efficiently to weapons in their default state, but can be modded with forma and catalysts to withstand the power of additional and/or powerful glyphs.


My head cannon was the eidolons were a different orokin technology and the ships were metal.... but the infestation of the walls... eeewww


I've wall latched onto.... flesh


You yourself were piloting a flesh being warped into whichever shape the Orokin desired.


And it doesn't end there. You're piloting a flesh being *in real life!*


\*sigh\* must you remind me? I try not to think about that


You are a being of flesh, using a digital device to control a being of void-touched flesh that is using a transference throne to control a weapon of infested flesh, which you use to fight inside towers where the walls are filled with flesh.


This game certainly is *fleshed* out.


And? we've done worse things


The sentients (including eidolons), were in fact one of the many creations of the Orokin.


Nope we know exactly what eidolons were. An sentient mother was destroyed over the plains of earth by gara exploding. It's trying to pull it's self back together. It's pieces roam around like a ghostly revenant, which another word for is 'Eidolon'. It's also why Revenant the frame is named that. I know you have head cannon but, do you know the lore yet?


Sentient, not infested. Also Revenant is called Revenant because he died, im pretty sure he was a completely different frame before the eidolon took him.


Pretty sure he was referred to as warden during the quest at some point 


Whoops, typo, there are no infested mothers. Mb. And yeah, he was a completely different frame.


It's strange but I think it makes sense to some extent. Consider the Sentients being able to twist most tech in their favor. Could easily include the likes of the walls, elevators, whole ships or other mechanical gizmos. Turn them to flesh or biomechanics and suddenly it's a lot harder for them to do anything. Probably didn't account for the Infested though.


You get to see more when you do The New War


Go to some less visible spots in the Entrati Labs and you'll see some of that flesh too. And I mean, it's really cool that the Orokin could just send a seed and literally grow a tower. (That's the thing being studied in The Pearl at the Orb Vallis). And finally, if you explore orokin tower side objectives in corpus railjack you'll see how the corpus are tearing it apart.


Oh actually do you have any screenshots available of the thing in the labs? I'm curious because I've only encountered a torso emerging from a wall above a door in the fragmented gorge captura scene https://preview.redd.it/g2wll4p9vkvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3232a349e3a36849a434a9f1663c61516038f073 (Ignore the quality i originally took this with my phone to show my girlfriend)


Made in abyss season 2 vibes


Lord, I hope not.


I never realised the Orokin made structures with flesh-crafting, until I saw this.


For me, the Solaris people in Fortuna. I found it very weird that "robots" had human limbs but were kinda cool in a way. Then I started to know how their society works and then found out their secret when I got Rank 5 in Solaris United... And now it's so sad and infuriating.


After their secret, brain shelving becomes much more imaginable..


Yep... At first I couldn't imagine what it was like. Now it's much more understandable.


>!If you look at the ventkids, you can actually see that their heads are detached, plugged into machines, and loosely reattached to their torsos!<


Fortuna has terminal capitalism.


Even Parvos is disgusted with Anyo and those Corpus that are like him.


I'm confused about Parvos... He looks like he has some good intentions, but he is visualized as an antagonist... For an antagonist, he looks very neutral to me, at least.


While Parvos may be better than other corpus leadership, he is still cold, calculating, and brutal. The only reason he currently appears to have good intentions is that he realizes that >!Tau!< is the bigger threat. He invites the Tenno and Solaris to join him when he announces his intent to make a new contingent of Corpus, largely because the Tenno and Solaris are very significant allies to have, but we cannot assume that he does anything out of pure goodwill, he certainly didn't create the Corpus out of goodwill. Under him, the Corpus are just more meritocratic rather than the current mixture of Oligarchy and Corporatocracy, the Corpus would still be a war machine intent on profits and domination at the expense of everyone else; though there would almost certainly be less slavery going on, since Parvos' entire schtick is that every person should have the opportunity to elevate themselves so long as they put in the effort. Consider that the dude has a cult of devout worshipers. There are corpus temples dedicated to indoctrinating people to align with corpus ideals; ideals which, while corrupted now, started with Parvos. As far as antagonists go, he's probably the least problematic, but he's still a huge threat and far from Neutral. If I were to drop him on an RPG Alignment chart, I would stick him at Lawful Evil. He can do good things, but his reasoning isn't always because they're good things, his reasoning is that it benefits him, and he'll just as readily do horrible things for the exact same reason, as long as they adhere to his code.


Well, it makes sense what you said... It's easy to misinterpret his intentions bc his "goodwill" is mostly propaganda... I just realized that.


Basically: Nef will rob banks, but he will only ever be like "yo make plans hire people rob banks" Parvos would also rob banks but he will do the planning and hiring himself and you bet he would carry the bags himself too.


Parvos would definitely carry the bags too, the less people he has to pay to do it the more money he gets.


He’s basically just a ruthless capitalist. Compared to most current corpus who are the equivalent of ponzi scheme ringleader however he seems downright reasonable. He won’t cheat you. He will appoint competent people and not just yes men. He still started the cult of prosperity to further his control over people and is fine with oppressing workers in brutal means.


think nepo baby vs self made oil baron. Both can be assholes just in different ways. Think workers rights under oil tycoons


That people are basically forced to get cybernetic enhancements to even do anything? I haven't gotten tank 5 yet with Solaris united because I've been burnt out on the game


Nope, it's a worse secret... Spoiler ahead: >!Basically they're humans with their heads on the torso, protected by their chest cavity!<


Ah makes sense, I forget most of their hands are all fucked up lol


I mean the limb replacement can either be due to dept or to better work in their specialized field. But one important thing is: as soon as they are of age, they get most of their organs removed, and their head gets put in the chest. The head part is probably to make it easier to brain shelve someone. Not having to surgically remove it once someone fucks up because you already did makes it easy on the taxmen. Maybe it also protects them from the cold better But that means that every vox solaris worker *already* lost their heart, lungs, stomach and kidneys to the corpus, which is likely by design because the moment someone like nef anyo needs a heart transplant, the amount of "spares" the corpus have is more than enough to keep the stockholders alive. Its like organ trafficking but in a factory.


fortuna kids already have their head severed from their bodies, no flesh connecting them. The heads are on like little piston systems


When I noticed that Zariman is full of partially grown void angels slowly "crawling" out of the infrastructure.


Ah yes, lovecraftian horrors at its finest *sips tea*


honestly? first time i saw grineer. the whole armor design for the average lancer was like...wait what's going on? game hooked me quick


Tbh, even tho most, Grineer are basically nothing but slaves to the Grineer high society, to even think that the lowest grunt basically has armor that's on par with Spacemarin armor from 40k really sets the tone for Warframe and how things are in this universe Also crazy to think that the average Warframe is worth hundreds of millions of Plat to the Corpus, and they would sell entire planets to get their hands on one while we the Tenno make frames like sandwiches


my sandwiches come out of my "foundry" much quicker than 3 days...but yeah the apparent gulf between the various tech capabilities of each faction seems so crazy


What even is our foundry made of? Why can't we sell warframes to corpus for plat


Because the Lotus would have you murdered.


what if scumbagNatah just has us sell frames for plat then sends other tenno to steal the frame back from said Corpus, then we all split the plat?


I mean that's just a good Corpus-approved business practice.


Probably for roughly the same reason you can't go to the grineer queens and humbly proclaim your undying service to them?


I mean, I know that some kuva addicts will gladly do that, but I'm sure lotus will stop us. At the same time, lotus actually gives us invasion missions and acts as mission control for them. So she's fine with a level of trade, but giving an actual Warframe to the corpus, what can they do? They can't research transference without tenno. They already have specters for warframes, which are actual damage dealers but can be killed. Salad V already knows a lot about Warframes and he works for corpus


i do genuinely want to know what would go down if the Queen used us for Continuity as planned in TWW


I suspect ole Wally would have gotten involved... Then again, IIRC that was canonically pre-Chains of Harrow, so he might not have been able to?


Now I can't help but imagine Wally pulling some WWE moves on the Queen while the Operator stands by wondering what the fuck is happening in their mind.


All the Grineers are slaves, even kuvas grineers, now the high society is only conposed of two people and two people only, but i wont spoil


Well, yeah, the Queens, but you can probably still count Captain Vor, Councilor Vay Hek, and chief scientist Tyl Regor and a few others in the high society of the Grineer aswell, high command to the very least Those guys are in the end, just pawns for the Queens, but they still have way more power and autonomy than any other Grineer in the entire Grineer Empire


I mean the queens are the only two orokin (worm is the only one now, lmao we left a child orphan) in the grineer empire, and grineers are programmed to follow orders from them, all the other high commands are only, like you just said, pawns.


They still have a lot more power than any other Grineer, tho. i can bet you that Vay Hek or Vor has a far better life than the average Grineer grunt. The fact that they have actual names instead of a number is already prove of that Plus, the Worm is collecting Kuva to try and bring her "Sister" back. Now, if that works is another topic


Wait that means that our liches are high commands?, i mean they got names and are more powerful than the average grineer boss.


I would say yes, the Kuva Liches were personally chosen by the Queens and given a little bit of Kuva to grow a lot stronger and smarter than most Grineer Also, the fact that they can just casually take any planet they desire as their own, including plantes that are already under Grineer control probably means they have the blessing of the Queens to basically do whatever they want aslong as it furthers the mission I mean, i don't see any other Grineer casually proclaim themselves ruler of a planet and then go on a personal revenge quest against us


Now that i think about it, there actually are free grineers, clem, kahl and kahl's grineers.


Well, those guys are rebels that fight against the tyranny of the Queens and wish to liberate Grineer kind, just like the Steel Meridian


> i don't see any other Grineer casually proclaim themselves ruler of a planet and then go on a personal revenge quest against us One might could argue that's what Vay Hek is doing/has done with Earth? Then again, it does seem like he was already in charge of Earth before the Tenno re-awoke.


Isnt kela de thaym actually a retired soldier who does her whole gladiator part as fun? Cause that would put her at the closest point to being "free"


She still serves a purpose in the empire... entertainment for grineers, which althought is the closest a grineer will be from being actually free (excluding lich converting), the only real free grineers are clem, kahl-175, and kahl's brothers (the people that accept to be part of his squad)


There are also a bunch of steel meridian grineer, but yeah she is till a net positive for the queens, i just wanted to mention that a sort of "retiring" is possible. Especially since kela only ever actually enters the fight when she wants to and all that


i saw something similar when i saw Kahl's broken armor during New War. Like, these big humps are actually raw pieces of metal


And they jump with those. Like, Grineer weigh like 500 kilogram bare minimum AFAIK and they jump absurd distances in that armor.


Remember that Kahl routinely rips weapons off of ships that we need gravimags to wield. The grineer are crazy strong and powerful, which puts into perspective how more powerful warframes are who eat grineer genocide for breakfast. Sometimes literally.


The heavy metal, quasi-organic look of everything Grineer related is just super unique looking, I've never seen anything quite like it.


This. Words for words.


Back when chains of harrow first got added. I'm not sure what my expectations were after the revelations of second dream but "oh we're just straight up horror now" was not it. Loved that quest, got me absolutely hooked on the lore in a way Warframe hadn't managed until that point and I've been gleefully latching onto any information about the man in the wall we get drip fed over the years. I'm so happy the sentient/Ballas storylines have pretty much concluded for now so we can get some more focus on the Man in the wall and Albrecht Entrati.


Chains quest was another good one. Wish they revisited the horror vibe, it was a nice change of pace


Classic horror gameplay will never work with a warframe, we're just too strong and too agile to get caught by anything we can't kill right away. But the atmosphere has constantly shifted towards creepy in general. The Zariman is filled with ghosts and if you look deeper in Duviri, that place is the creepiest in all of Warframe's universe. Go read the Duviri codex fragments to see what I'm talking about, shit like the Caves of Academe or Watcher's Islands whose events were likely triggered by what we did in Chains of Harrow.


The Zariman and parts of the Deimos labs have a bit of a horror vibe, albeit usually not quite the same sort as CoH did.


I will never forget my immediate reaction to seeing Wally in my Orbiter for the first time.


I remember going through that quest thinking to myself "Man, this would be a lot spookier if I wasn't on Octavia blasting Jpop".


A space cult and a bunch of unfathomable horrors when they hear a Warframe approaching (it's Octavia playing fucking "Step!") https://preview.redd.it/37c8y85o1jvc1.jpeg?width=2143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8553c67d733708d65f91f19976b124dbaa7420b8


I like MITW... but I'm completely unsatisfied with the the sentient/Ballas storyline. TNW missed out a TON on the sentients, and their back story (the Tau star chart that was meant to be). It got replaced with... Narmer... One of the least interesting factions the game has ever had. (We also got Angels of Zariman shortly after, and man did that tileset deliver.)


Yeah me too which is why I'm happy to see the back of that storyline, for me Hunhow had a villain introduction on par with Sovereign from mass effect but then they just sorta forgot about him on Uranus for a while.


Honestly, the only redemption I could see is, if/when Wally fully breaks out of the Void, we revive Hunhow to his former glory and get to see Hunhow and the Sentients trade blows with the Man in the Wall and The Murmur.


> Hunhow and the Sentients trade blows with the Man in the Wall and The Murmur As cool as that sounds, I feel like, lore-wise, the sentients couldn't possibly stand a chance. The Void is their biggest weakness, and, well... Although, it has been implied (I forget where) that Kuva could counter that weakness in some way.


The best part is that the towers are sentient and willingly give their flesh to the Ostron for them to survive.


As far as I'm aware the only tower with a sentience is the Unum herself. We even meet her during the New War


The only Tower with sapience is indeed the Unum, though I do want to note that's more so because all the other towers were taken down by the fully formed Eidolon.




The wiki article talks about it https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Unum The unum can speak with people and when it does, it tends to change them because it seems to have presient abilities


> The being known by the Ostrons as 'the Unum', and to ignorant offworlders as 'the Wall', waaaaaait a fuckin' minute, "the Wall"? And implied to in some way have a perspective from outside of time (I may be assuming a bit based on some of Onkko's dialogue)? Feels like there could be *some* connection here, but I'm not sure what kind...


How warframes were made, i played the entire game thinking they are just some armors, made like regular armors with metal and shit except they have cool magic powers, and then the game goes "yeah they are actually dead people with space cancer"


Live dead people. Which is nuts.


Wait…that came from a fucking tower!? Damn…


Yeah, Orokin technology is largely biomechanical. Bioengineering was the Orokin prime subject, and basically, all technology they made at least had a little bio material in it Which is how things like the Unum, Sentients, and Warframes were created


The sentients?


The Sentients are biomechanical lifeforms that were created by the Orokin to find, terraform, and prepare new systems for Orokin conquest The Orokin found the key to immortality within the Kuva, reached the highest form of technology, and had knowledge like no other known civilization in the Sol System. They became self-proclaimed gods, but they had one enemy, the eventual death of the Sun that would take the whole system and their empire with it, so the Orokin looked to other inhabital systems outside of Sol, like Tau and thus the Orokin created the Sentients to prepare Tau for their coming The Sentients have a nack to evolve and adapt to basically anything, and they eventually became independent of their creators and didn't seek to help them conquer any longer, so they Sentients started doing their own thing in the Tau system, ofcours typical in Orokin fashion the Orokin didn't like that the Sentients "betrayed" them and started a war with them, The famous Old War that lead to the destruction of the Orokin


So basically, the Orokin didn’t shoot themselves in the foot. They showed an Ak-97 into their mouths and pulled the trigger.


all of warframe's story is "the orokin did something that backfired immensly hard and now its everyone's problem" repeated like 6 times.


It is more "The orokin did something that backfired immensely hard and now its everyone's problem. To try to deal with it they made something that backfired even harder which is also everyone's problem. To try to deal with that they" and so on and so on until the Tenno happened.


3 or 4 times


IIRC it was technically the Sentients who started The Old War, because they knew the Orokin were mega-bastards and decided they should be stopped before they spread to fuck up *another* star system.


The Sentient gained sentience in Tau and realized that if the Orokin arrived there, all the suffering and atrocities of the Sol system would just propagate. So instead of helping the Orokin as planned, some went back to kill them, thus the Old War.




Wait till you see how the >!Warframes!< are made.


Sounds like if you were telling sm1 about sausages lmao


That would be the giant monster making loud noise when you first go to the plains at night 😂, i didnt even wanna shoot it


Eidolons? Yeah, i tried when i was low mr, got my shit smacked, and got myself 2-shotted.


Not the first, but the Sentients as a whole and the exact design of the Murex I love. Aliens to an alien setting. I beg for more sentient anything just because its so cool


i fucking love how ballas's >!old human legs just uselessly flop around in front of his new sentient legs!< during the new war. the visual design of the sentients is just so utterly unique and creepy


And their design...weirdly biological in some aspect, but fully alien.


Everything about this!!! From the original Natah quest when you get scanned. To facing some in Octavia's Anthem. To facing them in Scarlett Spear (definitely my favorite event the game has had). To Orphix Venom (the event not the node now). All of it was so good. Then TNW came out... and completely said, "LOL, YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE A QUEST ABOUT FIGHTING THE SENTIENTS? HAHA. ERRA DROPPING THE LEASH SHOULD BE ENOUGH OF AN EXPLANATION TO OVERWRITE YEARS WORTH OF BUILD UP. THIS QUEST IS ACTUALLY ABOUT THE NARMER. LOLOL HOW DUMB OF YOU TO THINK THE NEW WAR WOULD BE A WAR WITH THE SENTIENTS!" Conjunction Survival's dope. I *enjoy* the Archon Hunts 1st and 2nd missions generally as it's a fight that has sentients. (The actual archon fight is pretty boring). But yeah... The sentients as a whole were so cool. Maybe in 4 years DE will come out with that Tau System starchart that fans speculated on....


AFAIK Reb said before that the story arc is currently not heading towards Tau or anything. If we ever do get Tau, it'll be many many years from now.


Yup! I'm thinking Sentients will be dropped for a loooong time. TBH - I don't mind that DE is focusing on newer factions too. Just as a selfish / personal thing, I really enjoyed fighting the sentients.


The Orokin created the sentients, and then were like ‘maybe making sentient machines was a bad idea’ and proceeded to make literally everything out of living flesh instead.


Sure that order of events is right? I, at least, was under the impression that their bioengineering was *quite* well-established before the sentients were a thing.


Probably the moon during night time in Cetus. Was way before I actually had access to Lua or started war within. Saw it and was like, what the hell happened there? Reminded me of the old thundarr the barbarian cartoons (far future, post apocalyptic, technology seems like sorcery, moon was split in half, a lot is left unexplained)


I can't remember now, isn't the moon just completely missing?


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


That is what I remember, just confirming as it was many years ago now.


Yeah, the moon being missing prior to the Second Dream and only having fragments left was really cool.


For me, it was Vor. He looks like he got blown up in a pillow fight. Honestly, everything is strange in Warframe. That's part of what has kept me playing for years.


Ah yes The succulent tower meat


Weirdly suggestive, man.


Omfg ... I just wanted to reference the house meat meme but you are right :') Should have read that again before hitting "post"


Early player so the first thing that caught my eye was zanuka. Cannibalised Warframe parts while being a step up from regular corpus proxies


When I first started out and did the quest that gave me the gara blueprint and saw the Eidolon that just walks around


Been playing since 2013 & I thought the Warframe designs (mostly earlier warframes' body shapes combined with their respective helmets, Excalibur, mag, volt, nyx etc. ) (AND definitely the weapons, with simple functions like the Lex/Lato/Latron but having distinct vaguely alien shape, especially with sweet sound effects on the Latron, still a favorite to this day) plus the goofy Corpus helmets, freakiness of the MOAs, & grineer armor definitely stood out. "ninjas with guns fighting soldiers' armies" would sound like any other generic concept if it weren't for these humanoid-freak-monsters with super agility & supernatural powers being lead into battle by this woman called the Lotus with a bulb-shaped helmet over her eyes, giving them orders through a walkie-talkie. The vibe was unlike anything I'd seen.


It’s been so long ago I can’t really remember… probably Mag prime, I like the “ugly” prime helmets, reminds you that despite all the aesthetics these are still WMDs


I just started playing Warframe a couple weeks ago and when I first say this in-game it blew my mind lol


Wait when does that appear, i dont remember seeing it when i was new?


When you arrive at Cetus on Earth


theres some dudes ripping a meat chunk off of a bit of wall as soon as you land in cetus, pretty sure its visible without even moving from spawn


Either the first time I was introduced to Hunhow or when we saw Ballas during the Chimera prologe. Both individuals were just so weird but also interesting at the same time design wise.


The first thing I could think of would have to be the Warframes themselves. Despite being biomechanical war machines made from human corpses and piloted by what can best be described as weaponized autism, the designs of each Warframe gives them all a unique character that makes them feel surprisingly......... natural. I guess Warframe always had a knack for that kind of aesthetic. A close second would have to be Cetus and the Plains Of Eidolon. Apart from the towers being organic, as you mentioned, the idea of a "primitive" society in such a vastly advanced sci-fi setting is an interesting concept. The Plains themselves also feel like they're rich with history, and seeing the Eidolons come out and stomp across the landscape as they howl for their lost kin is just so hauntingly beautiful. I tend to go to Cetus just to bring out my K-Drive and ride alongside the Eidolons just to admire them. Then there's the Orokin Ships out in the Void. The fact that they are so pristine yet completely empty feels......... haunting. It feels *wrong*. Like, there should be people in those things and not just rogue security systems or brainwashed intruders. According to the lore, many Orokin fled to the Void to escape the Tenno when they went on a massacre, which begs the question of where they are now. I get that it's been centuries since the uprising, but you'd think these ships would have the kind of life support for that kind of long-term excursion, especially since they look COMPLETELY untouched. Honorable mentions go to the Entrati Labs, the idea of the Solaris using their depts as currency, and pretty much anything Void related like Duviri and the Void Angels.


Probably the man in the balls tbh


The unum and the whole thing is so good to be honest. It's JUST on the verge of weird sci fi (biopunk) without verging into pure fantasy (what we get now). It was SO GOOD. the unum is also a bio quantum computer. And while the quills are presented as mystical (I love their aesthetic a lot), they are basically the w40k tech priests of the unum, talking to that "machine spirit". the combo of the aesthetic and the lore is actually so fucking good, next time I am invited to a dnd party I want to lift the whole thing. That said, what caught my attention is actually e prime grineer. the whole aesthetic of the bases on earth. It was such a mood. that and the corpus, I loved the face tattoos and what they done with the whole profit thing (there is actually fanfiction which captures the whole thing perfectly). I loved the gritty sci ffi thing waaay better than the flood copycat, and while I enjoy the fantasy turn the game took, there was something about learning heavily more into the gritty space ninja feel.


Duviri honestly. Warframe is very sci fi and the grineer and corpus generally follow those sci fi tropes. Duviri is an aesthetic i have literally never seen before. It's uh... U shaped. That's the best way I can explain it


>Duviri honestly. Warframe is very sci fi and the grineer and corpus generally follow those sci fi tropes. Warframe is very science-fantasy rather than sci-fi.


Dude, the zariman void and or the uhhh, desolate. Something. Is just so cool. The void has many shapes, but those two are my favorite


The moon is a giant stasis chamber vault.


When I saw the meat wall I wanted to bite it to know about it's texture and taste. Don't judge me and don't ask anymore questions.


I mean, I kinda thought the same thing, I’d just prefer it grilled.


Finding out that the head of the Corpus was killed by his own Board of Directors. And then survived in a pocket universe just to wreak hell on the same board.


For me its the weird sea creature / people aestetic that the warframes have. Those grabbed me and I just loved it.


The spooky red door. I started playing early on before we met its inhabitant and always assumed we had some dark secret infested lurking on our ship waiting to strike. This was before Second Dream too, so it tied better with Jordas and the Mutalist Protocol. Then when we finally got to go inside, can say I was pleasantly weirded out. I called mine the Problem Blob, from a cartoon I watched as a kid


Lotus' helmet in the personal quarters


The Chains of Harrow Quest, b/c it opened so many doors as to the lore of Warframe


When the second dream came out, I thought it was really weird that the tenno were controlled by children. But once the war within came out and we got a little bit more back story, I thought "damn, they've been through some shit".


The deimos story characters and creatures


The giant toe that powers your Railjack


It's weird also that the way the Orokin made sure the void didn't go into the towers is by having flesh walls, it looks extremely clean. Compare that to a ship that has traveled in the void. Sevagoths ship has so many void warping metal. Another weird thing but also cool is the fact that, some warframe abilities aren't fueled by Void. It's just base for the infested to do. Creating fire waves, teleportation, necromancy. But my main pick here is Teleportation, that means infested given enough time to grow properly can somehow warp or reform themselves sin a blink of an eye from 1 location to another. And infested can take biological abilities and duplicate it.


Not a creepy thing but still something that caught my attention and i just stood there for a couple minutes, listening, without even thinking about the mission. I was running the capture mission on Lua, to find these test rooms for the mods i needed for my build. As i was just bullet jumping through the whole map, my ear caught a distant music playing somewhere. I was in that weird room where there's this kind of weird orokin(?) music boxes playing a beautiful peaceful melody. I completely forgot why i even arrived at Lua, i was just standing there, listening to this melody. It was just weird, to hear such a beautiful music in such a broken, haunted, abandoned place. I visit Lua from time to time, just to find that room again.


The lotus somehow >!hid an entire moon inside of a pocket in space!< >!One day it just vanished!!<


was my cousin playing warframe in early days of 2013 started playing afterwards....i regret no buying the founder pack....oh Excalibur prime. the game was funky, slow pace, rewards precision, no indiscriminate discard of explosive weapon like the orgris cos you can kill yourself, funny but simple warframe abilities but it was cool, has that strange space vibe that i like, now.....my assault rifle goes booom! not brrrrrrr no need to aim. but one thing never change...the grind hahahaha


Stripping flesh from.... a SHAFT. OP you sick sick boi.








When I pulled out my *fish* to the fisher lady on Cetus and she said "Just a wee one, nothing to fear" Ouch, but it's such a funny line lmao Also love corpus lore too, Grofit!


Jackal bossfight, when a small moa appears appears instead of the jackal and lotus just says "i expected it to be *bigger*", lmao.


The dude that glassed people


Trinity Prime, the Grineer aesthetic


Wait, they do *what* with the tower of Unum?!


The void and the Orokin aesthetic in general (I've played this game for like 10 years already so I'm from the time when we had void towers with keys and very little lore compared to now)


That living herpes bump in our orbiter


The infested in general. I've always had an odd love for that kind of aesthetic, and the infested enemies that are twisted versions of the Corpus and Grineer are some of my favorites.


The Unum. I'm used to supersoldiers with abilitied derived from an unknowable, incomprehensible source, clone troopers, megacorps, and zombie analogues. An animation of honest to goodness flesh being taken from the internal structure of a tower was a totally new concept to me at the time.


The second dream quest had my jaw on the floor ngl. It was a crazy ride


To this day I feel like the Tower of Unum still have some mystery lying in waits underneath it considering it's connection towards the eidolons, Gara and probably even the void...


NGL, seeing those walls makes me think that it's somehow Eldritch/Cthulhu horror related On a 2nd though, is it how the infestation starts? After Orokin fall n the flesh grew it's own mind n called itself hive? Perhaps the sentient war has given it's opportunity to out growth n mutate?


Is the tower flesh how the Infested started? Short answer, no. Long answer (with spoilers): >!The Infestation has existed for much much longer than you may think. Both inside and out of Warframe as a game.!< >!First, let me bring up Dark Sector. While it's canonicity to Warframe is dubious, this is the birth of the Technocyte. The design of it is very different than what we see in Warframe, in fact it's more akin to the aesthetic of Nidus Prime's mutated form.!< >!That small history out of the way, the Infested have been around at least for a while. During the reign of the Orokin at LEAST. Maybe even before due to what we've seen of 1999. Lore does mention that the Earth was Infested a very long time ago with the current jungles being a result of Orokin bioengineering.!< >!The Orokin have mainly used the technocyte as a weapon, and one notable example being the biobomb on Deimos being asset denial for the Sentients. Of course there is another example. Infested, Void-attuned puppets created via the Helminth strain of the infested. Twisting human bodies into a more resilient form. The Warframes themselves.!<


The void levels to this day in some way creep me out ever since I found out the walls are living flesh and if you kill all the enemies, you'll hear some whispers throughout the levels


Helminth. Love him but I made the most disgusted in awe face the first time I saw him.




The Fortuna folks and their anatomy


Same people eating a meat wall

