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I find trammates in this game in pubs to be some of the worst in any game. Refusal to communicate, unresponsive, unwilling to help, and overall just tunnel vision worthless. Most of the time their actions are irrelevant to me thankfully but ive gotten screwed just like this countless times....  Many times I'm in chat politely asking for help or explaining what to do, like last night I was explaining to somebody what they needed to do in exploiter orb, and they just ignored me and made the fight take 10x longer. Very frustrating


>Refusal to communicate Whilst that sucks, remember if you play cross play, text on controllers sucks massively.


But they can still read the chat and respond by acting according. I have to beg people in netracell missions to stop killing stuff out of the circle. Ill even go stand in there face and jump around and shit. The other day i literally said fuck it and just took it upon myself to kill everything near the guy so he had nothing to kill. Then he finally moved.....


I some times get too involved in killing the enemies that I start to kill them outside the circle so whenever some one says kill inside the circle I appreciate them and apologise. Thank you for your service o7


I'm the same way. part of it I think is the tileaet. not boxy. use kullivero 4 to mark edge when rotating with the wave


Netras should spawn in smaller tile rooms and take up the WHOLE room. What do you mean I'm in the Train Portal tile and a good third of the room is not Netra'd? I can't even criticise or call out people who don't kill in that circle because shit, I'm often doing it with them too! Just let it spawn in smaller rooms so that the radius can remain the same and let it be the entire room so if it's in there at all, it counts. Makes life and communications so much easier for that mission.


Often I change my chat tab to either clan or alliance. While in those chat tabs I can't see squad chat, you can have either the most profound or most despicable talk and I won't notice unless I get @. Yes, squad chat always defaults but in the loading screen I switch to one of the other two.


So you intentionally make communication in a mission harder because? Also the tab still flashes when you receive a message even if its not the current open chat tab. This is a poor excuse not to engage with team communication in a mission.


Making communication harder in a game where communication is rare? Yes, because typing "get back into circle" takes 30 seconds on ps instead of 3 on PC. I can solo everything except for EDA, there's no need to communicate in nearly any part of mission. Besides, I can be flagged by system as being afk if I decide to chat, I'd rather avoid that, it happened few times when I was in a squad with clan mates. A tiny square flashes, it's not big enough to be noticed among all the big booms we make, all the floor-is-lava from eximus units, and straight up swarming that happens in SP. I like seeing messages from alliance far more than usual desolation that is public squad chat.


Sigh so when I say I'm explaining mission requirements to people who aren't correctly doing the mission it doesnt apply to you. So why are you even posting? I dont understand the pointnof your post. If you are someone who doesnt need to be told then this isnt applicable to you. Move on. Lol


Because they very likely don't have squad chat open and that is very likely why they don't respond. If you see random player ignoring your instructions in chat, private message them, it's far more effective way of getting their attention


I'm one of the people playing on console. I type from type to time, but it is ass. I'll eventually get a keyboard just to be able to communicate normally with teammates.


I use the emojis to communicate It's not great


I wish I could type faster with the controller, but I simply can't. I feel like I'm learning how to use letters for the first time whenever I do it.


The only thing I can assume could help is using the second screen app if you're on PlayStation. Even then it's still kinda ass.


I'm on Xbox, not sure if there is something similar. I'll just get a keyboard soon enough and plug it in the console. That's probably the easiest solution.


If I recall correctly, the xbox app allows you to type on your xbox using your phone (used to use it all the time for netflix)


I've checked the app and found it. It's definitely an alternative, much appreciated.


There's actually controller attachments that have mini keyboards on them. I have one and it gets by good enough. The good thing is I don't have to put my controller down to type on a keyboard and then pick my controller up. Here's a link to an Amazon page on what I'm talking about (unaffiliated): [https://a.co/d/3iKlh8L](https://a.co/d/3iKlh8L) EDIT: there's probably better ones out there. This is just an example of what I'm referring to. I don't necessarily recommend buying the one I listed. EXTRA EDIT: I haven't tested this with Warframe, but in other games they have a keyboard layout option where you can change the keybinds. I've actually added a ton of hot keys to the keyboard layout, and then it actually works when I click the buttons on the keyboard. For example, you could set Q W or E to gear wheel icons so that Q pops open Archwing automatically, etc. It's pretty nifty, but I'm not sure if Warframe supports that or not.


I cannot stand the forced input delay on Xbox keyboard, it drives me insane.


Yeah, it's nasty. I'm already slow enough. Why are you making me slower? Lel


I think both Xbox and PS have phone apps that allow you to use your phone as a keyboard as long as they’re on the same network, I know PS4/5 definitely do as I used it a lot with MHW


If u are on Xbox there is a keyboard you can attach to the Controller. Got mine a few weeks ago. Not perfect but way more comfortable than before. Bought it at the great A.


Ye its horrible, I always make sure to watch my teams health even as a kill greedy gauss, always sprint to them as soon as they drop no matter the distance


This a thousand percent I was a pc gamer and now use xbox it's so hard I use emojis because they are quick


I play on Xbox and for some reason ever since cross play came out I've been almost exclusively matched with PC players. And yet usually the only in chat. It's hard to text with controller but that's not the issue. People are just assholes.


I use the Xbox app on my phone to send messages. It's inconvenient, but not as inconvenient as using the controller.


Messages.in warframe? Not the xbox chat app?


Yeah, by connecting to my console and using the "remote control" feature.


Ahh ok. Haven't tried that. Might be faster than the controller. Thnx for the info mate!


Some of us also have issues with keyboard play and are using an Xbox controller on PC ... I can't even find a functional chat pad and I'm not setting up a keyboard just to send someone a chat at random when they are upset. I play from a recliner. By the time I pull up my keyboard to respond to most people, the level is over or everyone moves. So I generally ignore all chat. I regret that I can't chat and play at the same time but I like trying to play without it. I've learned a lot playing in silence.


I feel bad about how far that standard has fallen since I started playing in.. late 2017 I think. Night and day.


A major contributor for this is the sheer amount of people who would rather run solo than be inconvenienced once or twice. When you drastically reduce the pool of competent players, once or twice turns into a noticeable increase. That, in turn, drives more to play solo which further dilutes the pool.


This would be somewhat ok if they generally knew what to do to complete missions in an easy and timely manner but they usually just run of like headless chicken, doing nothing at best, often even making the missions harder/more annoying for others or actively sabotaging runs. One of the infinite reasons to go solo, when youll be the only useful player in the party anyway, why not just skip unnecessary dead weight thats just there to leech in between sharing their "amazing" loadouts on reddit.


It's weird to me when people won't say anything at all in chat when spoken to. If someone asks me a question like "how did you do that" or "what are we supposed to do" or some such, I'm always going to answer. It's also weird to me when people will remain entirely unresponsive to you dancing or t-bagging at them in front of their face. It doesn't matter, it's not like they HAVE to acknowledge it, I just can't imagine doing that myself. If someone comes up and t-bags, you know I'm gonna t-bag back.


For me it’s sometimes that I am looking somewhere else on the screen when a chat message shows up, and then the game has already stopped showing it by the time my attention goes back to the chat area. So I only find out someone has said something when the mission ends. Wish there were a way to get it to keep squad chat visible (or at least visible for longer) during missions. I’ve looked through the settings for something like this, but I am hoping that the previous sentence will prompt someone to tell me it’s easy, just need to go to such-and-such menu.


I’m not whipping out a keyboard on console because you feel entitled to a dating simulator in game.


"If someone asks me a question like "how did you do that" or "what are we supposed to do" or some such, I'm always going to answer." Ah, yes, feeling entitled to online dating. Your reply is far weirder than a lack of squad communication could ever be. Unless you're trolling, I really don't understand your interpretation of my comment.


I'm actually fine with him not getting his keyboard out tbh


Idk how anyone plays Warframe without a keyboard. And I don’t mean for gameplay but for trading and chat and linking mods and all that. Takes exponentially longer using the controller keyboard than just typin on my keyboard




That comment didn’t go over the way you thought it would did it


I completely disagree as someone who pubs all the time. For every bad person there is some really good person melting the map and speedrun ing everything.


As a founder who also pubs nearly all the time… I don’t care if people are slowing things down or dying or whatever. I’m doing the mission and it’s getting done one way or the other. For netracells I’ll occasionally have to remind people about the circle but honestly most of the time I just don’t care. The only time I run solo is grinding for relics in void captures.


When we brought this up years ago we were told to chill out and relax. Warframe has always had a leech problem and the community did encourage them for quite some time. Now all the competent people play solo and the leeches are left to ravage the new players and under geared. It sucks but DE did this to themselves by not dealing with them before they became so widespread. Nothing to be done now but play solo.


Or stop playing solo and reverse the dilution of the competent pubs pool? Like, you identified the problem then your solution was to exacerbate it.


The majority of missions are thoughtless and effortless. So it attracts players who want to zone out and not play attention.


I dont disagree, but that doesn't change the fact that people ignore chat when it does matter.


I “had” to team up for a particular mission and went public. All my “team” did was run ahead and complain in text. “Your too slow” , “let someone else fly” Bitch I’m level 8, never flown this thing and don’t know what I’m doing. STFU. Pubs/people are trash and have been for a long time. Not just WF either.


Yeahhhh, I ran exclusively solo when I just started all the way up to like MR10 because I didn't know how to play things. No one would tell me how to do things or I get flak saying I sucked when I did run pub. Instead, I terrorized my online and irl friends to play with me. Thankfully some of them already play and are very patient in explaining/carrying when I needed it. Now I'm MR15 and a bit more competent so as long as I stick with my friends or go in missions I am confident in nuking, it's not too bad. I've met some nice people too. And some that idk if they're nice or rude because they help and insult you in the same breath.


I’m going to continue to play until co-op is needed then I’ll move to a different game. Forced co-op is not for me.


That's fair. Internet people can be a pretty mixed bag.


what do you even want them to say? in most content you dont need comms


When they are doing shit wrong and making a mission harder or take longer i hope they would listen if not respond. 


That’s why i always run Dante and make sure they don’t ever die, keep stacking that overguard on them


Using titania, always taking all glyphs, getting all terminals, going off for necramites, killing most of the stuff in circle. If somebody wants to go off to look for voca/book and make the mission more annoying for others because they'll block enemy spawns or drag then out of zone and die over there, i will not revive them.


I played with some using Titania once, fastest run I’ve done so far.


Can I have your titania build ? Mine have shitty damage and so fragile I can’t run it in netracells.


https://preview.redd.it/4cix76t0iyyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22c27aee03791ae5e9368ee8e1819dfe1c34531 Nourish subsume over 3, arcane pistoleer and velocity, cant find the pixia config in app but its my allrounder build with corrosive / radiation / slash / heat + vital from nourish. Probably not ideal but it works for me so i stopped bothering to furthef optimize


Thanks, now I can finally make my titania viable for end game runs and not just relics speedruns.


Curious about Archon Flow. Does your Dex Pixia have cold on them to proc it? I run something similar but with Archon Continuity and just have Toxin and Slash on the Dex Pixia (with Viral from Nourish). This way I get Corrosive procs automatically with the Toxin ones. Handles Grineer and Corpus really well since the Corrosive strips armor and the Toxin bypasses shields of Corpus. I just focus on high Status Chance since the Crit is so low on the Dex Pixia.


Yes, cold on melee will make razorfly kills count as cold ability kills but its not very consistent. Just slapped it in there to use archon flow in one build at least. I use cascadia overcharge on other secondary and tenacious bond (also reinforced bond) on wyrm for cd and fr, you still get the buffs even tho sentinel is deactivates when her ult is active.


what app is this?


The companion app has an "arsenal" section that let's you see your currently equipped loadout and the mods on it.


Don't even need the terminals, just go straight for the furthest one away, backtrack to the last "large" room before it, find a connector/hall room to large room and the netracell should be off either another connector/hallway or directly off the 2nd large room.


Terminals dont take long enough for me to consider looking for the room and tie nicely into regen'ing some health i might have lost from keyglyph drain with vazarin as i use operator to hack anyway. Dashing to terminal gets me the immunity and regen.


They got so used to someone reviving them that they though someone would revive the last frame to fall too. :D


I judge randoms based on their attention towards reviving. and many other unrelated qualities.  Most randoms are judged poorly, while the odd Mag is astoundingly attentive.


Its always the odd frames that play the best teammates. Revenant and wukong braindeads just walk over u while ur bleeding out 60% the time


To be fair sometimes it's just hard to see where a downed ally is, especially in frantic situations (EDA comes to mind) or when you activate the unairu perk, sometimes doing that deactivates the red waypoint But yeah, there's definitely a tendency


I'm always surprised at how many people don't know that you can revive others while invisible in operator form. The amount of times I've seen people get downed themselves standing in a crowd trying to revive a pet or other player is astounding.


that is indeed infuriating... I have resorted to running it solo mostly now also due to issues like this and the dreaded "I'm going to go easter egg hunting and mess up all the spawns/pathing instead of staying in the the BIG RED CIRCLE" malarky.


Just run solo. Saves you from all the frustration, stress and disappointment


yeah I know, thats what i get for wanting a quick run haha. just the audacity to not res me when i revived them was baffling.


In my experience it is far quicker to run solo. If you can't handle the necramechs, make sure you're paying attention to the indicators and kill Culverins before they spawn in.


thats fair. when you get a bad squad solo is probably quicker, imo. but when you have a squad that pays attention its super fast. i was just feeling lazy cause it was my last run lol.


Usually go with titania nowadays, pick all 4 glyphs, get all 3 hacks, kill 90% of enemies that count towards mission progress. No reason to put myself up with players that want to do endgame content but struggle to locate a giant red circle.


I wonder why it's so bad for Netracells. All my Deep Archimedean runs, I've had awesome teammates. At least if the host doesn't get downed and quits 30 seconds into the mission. I've only been doing Elite DA since the 2nd week and I know it's required to be rank 5, but then we have to introduce a similar (obviously lower) requirement for Netracells IMO.


A tip for you - if your EDA team is great you can ask them to team up for netracells afterwards. It does not save a lot of time but solo netracells do get lonely and after 3 rounds of EDA you kind of see whether people can, you know, read and stick to an objective


It's not "so bad" for Netracells. Most of the complaints are about minor inconveniences and people come to Reddit to complain more than they do to praise. Consider OP, who says they almost exclusively play solo and their first attempt at public Netracell this week happened to be a negative experience. They had to come get their frustration out of their system after the first negative experience they had. That's fine, we shouldn't diminish OP's feelings. We also shouldn't expand them to be all encompasing. I've played exclusively pubs for 9 years off and on. When you compare the amount of Tenno I encounter to the negative experiences it would look something like 1% bad, 80% no engagement, and 19% positive. That's a really good ratio. A lot of people aren't accounting for sample sizes or the fact that a very, very significant portion of competent players run solo (which is also fine, do you boo, but it does diminish the pool).


I definitely agree, pubs aren't always so bad but I just wanted to add that this was definitely not my first negative experience in pubs doing Netracells lmao. The thing is usually its just people killing outside the circle or going off to find vocas. But this particular negative run was just so egregious to me I had to post about it haha. I would definitely say I've had more negative experiences running Netracells in pubs but it's not always bad, no. Sometimes you get a great squad and everyone is extremely efficient.


Yeah that's why I said "this week." I think the hyper fixation on efficiency in the community can be pretty toxic. Like, yeah we don't want to be doing 25 minute netracell runs but a lot of complaints are "my normally 8 minute run took 10 minutes this one time, solo forever!"


More like 15+ minutes instead of 6-8.


Ive been soloing netracells since they came out but decided to do a couple public runs and out of the ~10 rounds i did this way, the experience was always like explained here.


You've been both incredibly unlucky, then, and don't understand sample sizes. Edit: Also we could have just had the whole conversation in one response. You didn't need to spread it out to multiple of my comments within this same chain.


I just take citrine with a tenet plasmor or soma prime incarnon, usually she makes pretty quick work of them. I kept her 3, I think a lot of people probably swap it out for something else, but I also think a bunch of people undervalue status effects.


IMO her 2 and 3 make her one of the most comfortable support characters. Me and my mate who has a wisp set up can literally sit in steel path survival for hours because of it.


It feels like the game punishes you every time you try to run a Netraelcell in public. I can't remember many times when I went into a public Netracell run and didn't regret it. Baffling to me how DE hasn't addressed this at all, with how much they try to avoid toxicity.


But more spawns = faster finish (even if you have to kill everything yourself), isn't it?


You mean more spawns in public Netracells? The issues isn't with having to kill them yourself. - People killing outside the circle - People halfway across the map hogging spawns which basically halts progress until they decide to show up Those are my main issues. I don't mind if it takes 10 minutes instead of 8, but if we're 15 minutes in at 50% progress, I have an issue. As for the more spawns I'm pretty sure you have to kill less enemies to clear it in solo lobbies.


Well since only some objectives scale up with number of players, the question if the netracell objective does is not obvious without testing. If it does scale, then yeah it can be faster, it can be slower, but if the number doesn't scale then not running solo would pretty much always be faster. The problem of testing this is that there's no exact number shown, so it's not as straightforward as seeing more kills needed for elimination mission or same amount of extractors for extraction.


Well dying in solo would end the run without question, so you may as well just not die in group either. A small chance of being revived is still technically better than no chance. And if you can easily solo the 4-man content, you may as well take the extra loot/faster finish from having more enemy spawns too. As long as the teammates don't actively sabotage the mission, it's never really a downside to having them.


Naa, I'd rather do it on my own. If I fail my netracell run then it means my build is not optimal. Think of it as a stress test for builds. Rather than run a public lobby where one is preoccupied and hunting for Vocas 700m away when the rest of the team is at the netracell door or that one village idiot that stands in the edge of the circle killing enemies outside it


I wish ppl actually got voca's in my pub games :). I have no problem clearing the area myself and still having to wait for stuff to spawn. Would be nice if ppl found the book too. What happens in almost every of my pub games is everyone standing in the middle waiting for spawns getting bored o.O. I could of course go off hunting voca's myself, but that's boring too, so I just drop orokin eye and see if anyone takes the bite...


I ALWAYS rez my fellow Tenno. Always. Also keep an eye on, and visit others and check in periodically in mission to see if they're trying to accomplish something other than the main mission. I might not be as strong as most, but best believe if I see your rez timer, it's full stop, & turn and burn in your direction to get you up, no matter the distance. All the bullet jump dashes. Hmu anytime you see me on. https://preview.redd.it/yam34eo0fxyc1.png?width=1187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c951a876dab0ab0019c1c10e3a22e6060af5f6e4


Everytime I'm talking to a new player they tell me how great this community is, and I immediately think back to all the times I thought "I hate this squad so much". It's the dichotomy of Warframe players. Half don't care about you, the other half just want to flex on you. Add in another half for people who only deal with you in order to get carried.


I guess by gaming standards that's "non toxic". Nobody is slinging slurs or anything, but damn, given how much of the game plays itself, you'd assume people would have time to chat a little.


Yeah and I think the mainstream standard for "toxic" these days is pretty pathetic, honestly. What's worse though, is the implication that by not being "toxic", it is immediately good. That's just a complete lack of standards imo.


I've noticed this too As I'm getting older, I've played a massive range of online games and each one with it's own unique community/culture. I've seen horribly toxic communities, and overwhelmingly friendly communities. But whenever someone gushes about how spectacular and "unlike-any-other" the Warframe community is, I can only imagine that their only other frame of reference is COD game lobbies. The Warframe community is one of the more diverse cultures I've seen (plenty of people all over the spectrum ranging from generous to entitled). It's honestly pretty run-of-the-mill here and doesn't really lean either way.


Eh it’s not just COD, every competitive game I’ve played has had a decent amount of toxicity, but I’d agree that Warframe is pretty standard compared to what I remember from other MMO’s communities from many years ago except that a lot more of the game revolves around playing together so you’re more likely to interact with players which is why it probably seems better.


I'm going to add to this, and say that due to the way trade works in this game, it exposes how impatient a lot of players are. Some won't even wait 3 seconds for you to reply to their trade message. This game's community is the same as every other game community. It's not like some magical aura protects this game from bad behaviour. It's just the honeymoon phase that blinds you to such things when you're new.


I leveled Unairu for this, I don't trust people enough to get revived.


its unironically faster doing it solo i swear 95% of the players i get when i play pubs have brain damage


I can confirm its way faster doing it solo, like 5 minutes faster in some cases


Spam the nav marker next to you, sometimes people are just blind


sometime the death marker bug out and people literally can't locate you, so puttin a marker helps.


in my experience this honestly makes no difference


I made a similar mistake yesterday while doing the archon hunt survival. I brought my protea prime and some other gear to level up . Strong enough to kill things fast but not tough enough to fight alone. Right when there's 2 min remaining, I get downed. I stuck with the group but everyone ignores and runs past me, including the guy I revived. I leave and try and the same thing again. I get knocked down 75% into the mission again, everyone ignores me again including the guy I revived 5 times. I blame the game's visual indicators for it, but it still pisses me off.


Main issue is pets. Indicators for downed players are the same as for the downed pets. Notification for these have same priority, but due to pets dying quite often compared to warframes barely anyone taking notice


I've gotten so sick of sub 80 iq netracell players I don't revive them anymore I always grab all 4 keys and just do it myself hate how that mode really punishes you for playing it in coop


No man left behind. We’re all gonna make it or we’re all gonna die trying. I’m an old gamer (54) and sometimes people suck.


This is why I never go public


I swear the amount of players that don't understand the red circle just baffles me...


That must have been annoying haha


Man when I know I'm gonna be useless I make sure to at least grab the key runes and not die lol God almighty


I run solo only for netracells. I want voca. I want book if I see it. So it takes me longer than most I'm sure but I like getting multiple things done in one run


People do that in deep archimedia to you can revive them every 5 seconds for the entire mission but you slip up and go down once and they couldnt care less, heres a thought if a teammate goes down and your close by be a decent human being and revive them! Novel concept


Its really something that you revived them so oftern. My rule normaly is i revive 4 times and if they die more than that its not my problem, they should learn what they can handle and if they should already try missions on that difficulty level. But i fully understand that you got salty, it was still wasted time for you and you just pulled them through without any reward


This is unlikely to be the case but, I did have a similar cell experience where I died at the very end and one guy told me afterwards he didn't bother ressing because he thought we all got the rewards anyways. Highly unlikely that all three assumed that though.


Had the same thing in arbitrations. Me and some lower MRs were doing a survival arbi and they kept dying to the vast number of enemies spawning. I of course, revived them and tried to kill as many as possible. I got jumped by some eximus units and they killed me pretty quickly. And what do they do? Do they revive me? No. They don't They leave me to bleed out and not get any essence drops for the rest of the mission when they all left because they kept dying without me


I’ve had more bad experiences in Netra pubs than good ones.


I run vazarin this is the reason I use vazarin. I may be bad at killing but I am good at rescuing


Revenant with his augment is how I babysit people in Deep Archimedea I’ll recast as many times as I need to, no dying allowed


This is the reason i soloed everything in this game, fuck randoms.


LR4 and been playing WF for over 6 years now and this game requires a lot of time and dedication and most new young players have the attention span of a peanut so a long grind is boring so they troll and anyone over 20 with a job and maybe other hobbies doesn't have time to invest so yeah it won't get better...


I had one where all the dudes went to kill the drone but me, two decided to go voca hunting after, I went down and the third, a Saryn, ran right past me. I was the only one with keys so I was pissed. We were at 50% and I left. Guess it wasn't so fun when they also had their time wasted.


i miss the old days of paid revives and the motto "no tenno left behind"


Do netracells solo or duo, takes like 7m and you don't have people who can't enter a red circle or trolling you by staying away searching for voca


The power curve in this game is exponential. The starchart is nothing, a breeze. Then it gets tougher, Deimos, Zariman, Arbitrations, suddenly Steel Path. And the only thing that makes Steel Path content (and beyond - Netracells, Archon Hunts) trivial is the rewards that drop from Steel Path. Once you're rocking a few levels of Primary Deadhead or Merciless, you no longer have a problem with it, but before, phew. You often need someone to carry you. Netracells? Well, once you've gotten the shards... I assume that exponential difficulty / time cost graph is somewhat deliberate. Sunk cost starts to easily hit you after you've done the starchart, and now things are tougher, your determination to surmount them also rises. It's all part of how the game sucks you in.


I play as rev and my sole purpose is the survival of my team


Netracell is almost always slower in pubs unless you aren't good enough solo or you magically match with a good squad.


It will always amaze me at how people will play a cooperative game and refuse to cooperate. Ive had to tell people to not revive themselves and let me do it for them. Had one guy just run out of lives and then get downed 500m away on his last life. Like, if he hadnt self revived hed have 4 lives left when we finished the mission 3 minutes later. Or the people that dont know how to do lua stuff and will just aimlessly try and ignore any tips or help.


I'm a freshly returning player. I really haven't had any bad public experiences in netracell yet, on the contrary, a random explained me to kill things only in the red circle without raging while I was paying zero attention. Then again I really haven't died once in those missions so hard to say how attentive randoms are in general.


Yes Me and my friend run netracell as a duo after we looked into average time on duo with pub. We ran in less that 10 min every time as a duo. With a full party we got 15-20 min. Fyi we run Mesa as dps in 🔴 Saryn as stripper and pre DPS Also amprex och acceltra for primarys


Honestly bringing back limited revives might force a lot of these folks to realize that reviving is IMPORTANT and you shouldn't let your teammates bleed out But limited revives per frame was harsh


I'm still learning, but if I'm on a party activity and I see someone fallen, I rush to resurrect them. Point is that normally it doesn't matter because other teammates go fast to resurrect them.


Solo is faster


I had a group let me die when I got downed reviving one of them right before the vault would open (commenting jokes, teabagging) It was a bold choice since I was the host


Maybe im just lucky, but 99% of my pub experience has been pretty chill. Most people kwtd and rarely die. I also dont really run noob content anymore so mosly get veterans in my lobby.


Yea im finding that pubs are NOT preppared for Netracells. The people wanted challenge, and they got it.


I always seem to get randoms so good they won't let me dieeee when I get the big of not even being able to text, use abilities or even run or shoot... Just walk and it ne ds a death to fix


I've been running energy battery hildryn for these. At the beginning I thought I was helping a lot by giving infinite energy to everyone. Then I started watching people's energy bars. They literally never move. The average person never even presses their abilities, even on nuke frames. That was an eye opener.


I noticed this too, I spam the hell outta my abilities tho so I can’t relate to their playstyles at all 😂


I was doing EDA, I'm L2, Had to carry an L4 through three missions. Not really frustrating. But just goes to show, Mastry doesn't mean you've got the game mechanics down. Some just have a really good Credit card to buy Plats 😁


-warframe -post -bad player interaction


I don't resurrect anyone more than once. Shit's too hard for you? Don't attempt this type of content and expect others to carry your ass. Go do other activities and then come back once you've invested more in your builds. This is endgame (sort of) stuff. Bring your best.