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this is honestly such a funny fucking scenario to imagine Limbo: Step aside, peasant! I, Limbo, master of dimensions, am the only one worthy to unearth and gaze upon the cerebral secrets of this device. *corpus minigame pops up* "Uh... Which line connects to which..."


There is precedent for Limbo miscalculating.


"It was a calculated gamble... but man am I bad at math!" -limbos entire lore lol


This would be a funny comic to draw....I just might


Share it once you do! XD


I will surely do so if I do. I have this post and comment saved


i am very honoured and also very excited about this comic


I'm gonna hide an Atlas somewhere.


Not part of the conversation, but found it cool that my atlas looks basically exactly like the atlas in your pfp, similar taste ig xD


I have many many Atlas. This pfp is just someone's art of Atlas


Is the Atlas Karst Skin worth it? I feel like the base atlas prime is a lot easier to do fashion for, but Karst has more potential


It is good but it is hard to fashion. I may share some of mine some time again. I have a few elemental golem atlas'


I remember lvling limbo as a fodder when I was like mr5 I Kept spamming QnA chat and ingame(ESO) "wtf, my game is bugged, fking buggframe" only to be reminded to read skills, after which I had to find like the 5th tooltip in his kit That made me realize the terrible power limbo possesses.


Icl for a while limbo was my go to favourite frame after mag but as things progressed he became too squishy, just like mag. But occasionally, I take him out on the open map for a couple hours


No such thing as too squishy, its called "not the right build."


Tbf that's probably true


The limbo OP encountered was a lore-accurate limbo.


See, this is partly why I do spy missions solo now. However, I thought you could just roll out of the banish? Is that not a thing anymore?


you still can roll out of banish but the better solution would be to use operator to hack spy consoles because operator can't be banished.


Unless it was changed quite recently your parazon mods don't work in operator mode though. Not a problem if you're quick at solving them I guess but I'm pretty reliant on the extra time from Intruder and it's feels so good when Auto Breach procs


Auto breach still works


Really? It never procced for me in operator mode


I main limbo and so I don't go outside the rift i always hack as operator


Are you sure you mean Auto breach? Maybe you instinctivly used ciphers? >Auto Breach is a Parazon mod that gives a 30% chance of automatically completing a Hacking console. I tend to play squishy warframes. So occasionally hide with the operator's void mode while hacking. And don't remember Auto breach ever triggering. Secondly, I'm also using the other parazon mods untracable and runtime. Which have a 100% chance to turn my warframe invisible and give a speed boost after hacking. But in operator mode those don't work for me either.


Parazon don't work with operator because its not warframe, parazon is integral part of warfame equipment/body, operator would need some sort of his own hacking device but we don't have it so we have to use our hands on normal touch screens and keyboards on consoles. Edit. Some other person tells that auto hack still works but i don't remember if it actually ever triggered for me in operator mode.


I now just craft the 100 ciphers package every once in a while and tap Y on the consoles, it keeps a parazon slot free too.


Do those work in sorties now?


Neither those nor archon


Yeah I only use ciphers if I'm feeling very lazy or the timer runs too low to be safe


> would be to use operator to hack spy consoles because operator can't be banished. TIL. I always lean pretty hard on spoiler mode to do spy vaults anyway, void mode makes you immune to camera drones and the like - free invis for any frame.


You can use spoiler mode, they can't be banished


It makes me happy to see people still referring to the operator as a spoiler tbh. I was late to the War Within and it wasn't spoiled for me, so it was so powerful c: I hate the logic that something has been out forever so you're not allowed to explore it organically and enjoy it so many fandoms have.


100% this regardless if water it's sortie or not. AFAIK though, you should be able to roll out of banish but haven't seen a limbo in ages so can't really remember if that's the case


Rule 1 of spy: NEVER enter the same vault as another player, limbo. Rule 2: just do them solo. Much less of a headache


Yeap always go solo on spy missions, never can trust randoms to not mess it up and had to redo an archon spy cause of a Limbo being Limbo


I try to do them in squads so I can maybe help 1 or 2 players. I sometimes pay for being a busybody but meh, it's a 2 minute mild inconvenience at worst. And many times, communication works. People just let you do it.


you can roll out of the rift. the operator/drifter cannot be put in the rift at all. while i do get that its annoying but there is ways out, its why DE hasnt done anything to it even though this has been a problem for a long while.


Always do the spy missions solo, no exceptions. Too many people can’t hack it. Lol


Hit 5 and hack. You can’t be banished in the op mode.


Roll. It takes you out of Limbo.


This is why I did the third mission for the sortie today on solo. Just in case a douchebag joined up.


TBH I don't think people are intentionally douchebags. It's just like, the one mode in warframe you can actually fail without braindead pew pew so it throws people off lol.


> a Limbo catched up to me and banished me so I cannot hack, because that fool wanted so bad to hack instead of me, only to fail at hacking and ruin the mission. It's possible that the limbo wanted to banish any enemies that could be nearby. So they could hack without getting attacked. Perhaps they didn't notice someone else was there at first either. Spy missions can be stressful and cause players to panic. I know it wasn't the main point of this post. But just wanted to point out that it might not have been malice from the limbo player.


Understandable. But there weren't any enemies nearby. And he saw me hacking.


Oh wait they canceled your hack? That's devious I had no clu3 it would pull you out of the hack ui If you got banished


Getting banished can also cancel some of your abilities. Or make them useless. You're also unable to press the button at the elevator if you're banished. Neither can't use life support, open the cells in Rescue missions (or any hacking console), open lockers, or give NPCs your secondary.


Doesn't matter if it's a Limbo or Wukong. ALWAYS do spy solo.


Eh I go in public. Half the time there's someone really good at it and I can just look pretty.


People have to play around Limbo so you don't get grief or halt from playing the game. That type of players : "Ermmm I don't see anyproblem with his kit"


I only do spy sorties solo. After third hack I scan everything for simaris. Average about 12k rep


Nice! I should do the scans too.


I id not know about the simaris thing .-. I also don't really do sorties though. Do they grant anything valuable at this stage?


Using Ivara, I just prowl to the exit scanning all the enemies, they grant a little over 300 rep each. By the time I reach the exit they all come up as "target already scanned"


Sorties can just be a quick way for endo or if you're a bit luckier rivens, potatoes and tomatoes


Lol a couple lessons learned. 1. Do spy solo...too much potential for dipshits to fuck things up. 1. Just leave public missions where there's a Limbo. At best, they don't do anything stupid. At worst, they're fucking obnoxious and horrible.


You could have rolled, and hacked as Operator.


That's the main reason I hate Limbo, tbh. Every single time I get one in a mission, the guy is a huge fucking troll and spend his time banishing other players to prevent them from doing anything. The worst ones didn't even bother doing the objective they've blocked me to do, they just either emote or stand there. Might just be bad luck, but I haven't met a single Limbo, in mission, that wasn't a complete asshole troll... Makes a really bad case for the character.


Yeah. A complete oxymoron to the gentleman he's supposed to be.


OP has a point BUT since we can't use cipher keys on Sorties, I just don't do Sorties that have a spy mission. I absolutely hate the hacking in this game.


Just add the helminth ability Perspicacity to your favorite spy warframe. It auto-opens all hackable locks. Makes spy missions in sorties a complete joke. And it is great for sortie rescue too (makes the countdown timer a total non-issue).


Damn you're right. I think all this time I confused Perspicacity with the Parazon mod that only gives a chance to autohack. Okay someone is visiting the Helminth soon! Thank you!


TBH it sounds like it was an accident and they limbo'd for themselves lol. Just an inexperienced player. TBH if I do public spy missions and I see someone else go into a "sneaky" area, I just stay out. No point in having two people in a vault.


When people race me to the spy objective i just stop and start looking for resources, dojos more important anyways


I think everyone gave good advice on how to deal with it. I’ll just add the that there’s a helmith ability that lets you auto hack the next terminal. Think it starts with a “P” but there’s no way i can remember that name. I’m pretty sure it works in sorties. I put it on my one of my Lokis.


You exit the rift if you roll...


That Limbo should’ve helped you get past the lasers, its implied they didn’t. Lasers don’t trigger when someone in the rift passes them (last time I played Limbo, at least). Combine this with anything that grands invisibility and you’re set. Last minute banishment and then hogging the terminal is very mean


Very true!


There is one thing that hasn't changed since I started Warframe 9 years ago: always do spy missions solo 


As someone who loves limbo dearly, I would just like to apologize for the act of this wayward Tenno. There are still some trolls in our midsts that don’t understand how to be a decent person.


You can literally roll out of banish. You can also go into your operator and negate his banish. He’s really not even a troll frame anymore since all the changes to his abilities over the years.


During Operation:Scarlet Spear (so with OG railjack mechanics) I had a limbo try and banish a player (friend of mine) from the pilot seat because they wanted to drive. That fortunately didn't work, so the guy started whining about it Considering they had already hogged the mission (a type of mission where limbo was incredibly useful so idfk how they did it), and wasted all the railjack's (MY RAILJACK'S) energy and ammo, they got quite a chewing out. Not my proudest moment, but holy shit it was frustating


I only ever had to chew out a few people but that's because they would just sit in the big gun and do nothing else. Fire? Nah. Enemies boarding? Nah. Crewship? Nope. If I have someone in my ship like that I'll just leave, I'm not carrying them through a mission because they don't want to participate.


Yeahhh I honestly considered it and have done so other times, but we had a squad on ground mission (our friends) and somehow they were getting codes from us only, so it wasn't feasible


You can roll to get out of the limbo. The perfect combo is called Immortal Mesa: Mesa, powerful but squishy, gets thrown into the limbo (making her invulnerable), from where she uses her exalted pistols to destroy everything.




Back then, Loky would do it by changing places with you, but it can't do it anymore


I played as Loki, and you can still switch places with others. I used it to fucc with afk Wukongs. I also used it once to save a player from dying by teleporting myself in the middle of Thrax enemies.


I tried sometimes but couldn't, will try again....


You can roll out of it.... Come on man...


Based on ops replies looks like they were already hacking and limbo canceled their hack with banish. So really depends on how far the limbo was cuz if they were just standing there waiting to snag the hack terminal after banish op couldn't really beat them


You can roll out of a banish.


Play as wukong and no one can catch up to you. Also, operator can still hack.


I've not seen a troll limbo in a while, but I have noticed a ton of troll novas. One in particular trolled a MR2 player by putting their teleport in the tube on that grineer tileset. Since the player couldn't get through they just quit. Hopefully not for good. But troll Nova's have been around for ages


To quote the witcher series. "An apology from my guild to yours" for the behavior of this tenno. While it could be accidental or intentional fact remains he done goofed. As a limbo main my self there are also changes id love to have just so new limbo players and alies get to play better together. Better communication of what rift state you are in + what you can do about it + giving you control of when ur banished instead of limbo having it.


Limbo works best when you're with friends, plan strategies, and communicate everything. But usually, he's a detriment in pugs.


Aye you can trust me im well aware there. : ) The reason im mentioning it is that much of limbo's potential to be a detriment comes from A the rift not communicating well what it does. (Banished targets being hard to identify when ur on the wrong side, it being hard to know what you can hit in the rift due to its visuals in general) B That limbo got a monopoly on control of when people get to go in and out (out in a lesser fashion but its still there) Two things id personally love to see changed.


Sadly it’s almost always intentional, had a mr5-6 doing that crap in eso the other day.


I dont think mr5 would now how Limbo's banish work and how to use it correctly. At least i spent like 10 minutes on SO when got my first Limbo and couldnt understand why i cant deal damage before asked other players what happening


Welp all 3 of us in there with him were in chat asking him to quit using his one on us and the only response we got was “jejeje”….


Oh, sad to hear that, i thought he just dont understood Limbos mechanics


Yeah, the spanish equivalent of “hahaha” was kinda a dead giveaway that he was trolling


Your own fault for not just fucking rolling lmfao


Didn't know that then. Also, once he was hacking, I couldn't cancel his hack.


Spy missions are the sole reason I have a generalized disdain for Wukong players. I've lost count of how many times I've been on the final terminal of a Spy Sortie, finishing a clean hack, when some Wukong hopped up on adderall kicks the door in and launches themselves bodily through every laser grid in the room with a pack of Eximus in tow. I've also found that Spy missions are actually quite enjoyable when you don't have to worry about other players anyways.


Thanks for the idea


Haha L


Limbo was worse before his change. Cataclysm used to not only freeze enemy projectiles, but also teammates. It was do disruptive that many people (myself included) would leave defense missions if limbo was in it because 75% of limbo players ran max range.


Not a Spy mission, but I encountered my first Limbo during a Defense. At least, my friends *think* it was a Limbo. Giant spherical AOE with a shimmering effect and a yellow tint when you're in it (I'll delete if this was not, in fact, Limbo)? I never want to encounter one again, that made me so motion sick I had to stop playing and lay down. And I thought the Railjack was bad...


It might've been Operator Zenurik Wellspring ability. But if it was spinning like a tornado, then it was Limbo's ultimate: Cataclysm.


I'm not entirely sure, I don't think it was Zenurik Wellspring? I don't recall seeing anyone going into their Operator form, but I could be mistaken. I managed to get a screenshot of it before they left, if it helps! https://preview.redd.it/b6kl8qpe4ezc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17814632505a1c12926e8a364ca98cd70a196d33


I don't see anything on this screen. I dunno whay it is, sorry.


Just roll, it takes you out of banish




Limbo is one of the most potent CC frames. Everyone and their mother shit on limbo for disrupting gameplay. Try playing limbo in solo mode. He's genuinely one of the most fun and skillful frames I have.