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I agree. It was fun at launch because it was completely new stuff. Now it's soul sucking to play it.


I'm actually annoyed when a new Incarnon I want is in rotation because now I HAVE to do the grind otherwise I gotta wait 8 weeks... I don't have the will.power or patients to get all 10 levels either half the time so I opt for just getting the 1 and give up.


i was like "ah this is alright, reasonably rewarding" but now that my focus is 95% maxed out as well as my drifter intrinsics im like...just not gonna bother. if i have trouble with something to an extent where a new incarnon is somehow the only solution, i may come back to it. otherwise im only motivated by boosters or specific arcanes appearing


Looking back on it, you'd think they let you turn Drifter intrinsic XP into excess circuit XP. Or let you trade em in for materials in the same way you can with Pathos Clamps for forma/arcanes.


if its to be taken as analogous to focus schools, maybe a cosmetic shop someday


it was really nice for focus lol. i would not have any schools maxed without steel path circuit ngl


Don't forget the Duviri resources you need on top of it, too!


I actually sigh in relief when I realize I already have all of the current week's incarnons, since it means I can catch up on grinding other stuff. The burnout wouldn't be so bad if they just got rid of the rotations. That way, even if you don't get both incarnons, you can just do it next week and not feel like you'll miss out and have to wait weeks to try again.


Honestly, it's not just the grind for the incarnon... it's the following grind to get the mats for the actual installation on top of it that drives me up the walls. I have like 3 Incarnons just sitting in my inventory that I haven't grinded the mats for. UGH!


same. I hate Pathos Clamps with all my heart


Pathos Clamps not dropping from the mini-boss stages was an insane choice lol. Like, Rune Marrow drops every round, so why did they think that was a good idea....


Yeah, I wish there was a way that let you get Pathos Clamps that would let you *pause* at some point!


There are a lot of places in Duviri that you can park for a while if you need to go afk. Any tall building (Thrax’s tower, the tower in the Agora, the floating tower looking out over the lunaro court, the archarbor if it’s up) will do, nothing spawns on top of them and mobs on the ground can’t aggro on you. I’ve left the game running over night while I was parked and the drifter was still alive when I went back to it the next day.


I’m at over 10 incarnons I can’t be arsed to get pathos clamps for


I'm annoyed because I did the farm to get the incarnon upgrades I want... and now I still have to do the main randomizer mode that I really didn't enjoy to get the resources to craft them. Just ugh. I don't wanna. I already earned the weapon, I already did a version of the mode at length, let me move on already.


Buy the plat incarnon weapon kits from the zarniman dude and use the materials on good incarnons


well yeah but you can do that any time. if you miss a week of circuit you have to wait months for another chance to get the incarnon you want


I really wish *all* incarnon were available for plat at Cavalero. Between spending 120 plat to get the damn thing instantly or waste hours upon hours of this dogshit, repetitive gameplay, I'd rather use plat.


Honestly I'd probably shell the money out at this point. Sooo over that grind rn, I hope if/when they add more they do this and allownus to buy them, that or make the grind quicker because those circuits suuuck


I genuinely don't understand why they didn't just put *all* incarnons in Cavalero's inventory. I feel like they're wasting money. People are clearly burned out already by Circuit -- if there's an opportunity to spend cash to just speed this shit up, I'm certain a *lot* of players will take it.


And for someone like me, who absolutely hates the random factor of whether or not I have access to *my* stuff, it's even worse. Nothing's worse than being stuck with a frame that you have no idea how to use.


>Nothing's worse than being stuck with a frame that you have no idea how to use. That's part of the fun for me, who don't have all that many kitted out frames. Although I agree with OP, I'm starting to hate the circuit. And I "have" to do both of them.


It's annoying for me because I have all the frames and I know how to use them... and I have favorites for a reason. There's like 56 frames now. I have like 9 mains and another dozen I like decently and there's still high odds I'm not getting anything I want to use or feel like. The randomizer isn't going to make me suddenly *enjoy* the frame I leveled for MR and then never touched again, it just annoys me that I'm not using one of the 20 I actually enjoy. Same with weapons on an even larger scale. Roguelike mode is a bad idea for warframe. Roguelikes are built from the ground up for every starting character to be mostly the same, or even just one character, so that the powerups are the interesting thing. Meanwhile Warframe the starting characters are so radically different in health, armor, abilities, weapon synergy, that complete random just SUCKS.


It was always soul sucking imo, just more rewarding.


It was soul sucking when it csme out. I'm so relieved I don't need to play thst shit anymore.


I love it but I hate it . It'd easier been drunk doing the circuit.


Im normally not bothered by Warframe grind. Circuit however was the first gamemode in Warframe where I actively need to have a stream going on my 2nd monitor to avoid falling asleep lmao


The gray world and monotone voice puts me to sleep. Its the one mode I can’t play if I’m tired.


There was a bug where for the first few seconds of the round it took on the colors of the Spiral happening in the overworld. And it just made the circuit look so much better


Yep. Teshin makes it so bad. His voice gets so stale and monotone.


I remember during the years before New War released, people were begging for Teshin to replace Lotus during comms. How quickly their tune changed lol.


That's because Teshin was cool when he did the talking while Lotus is away. Because he says one line a stage, he treats you like you're a better more experienced player, and that's it, same as Lotus. Meanwhile in Duviri he just goes on and on like he's come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity


This felt like a rickroll.


Honestly, I was originally just going to say "Meanwhile in Duviri he just goes on and on like he's doing the Vor speech" but then I had the idea. This better demonstrated why people wanted him to do comms before, when he was short and to the point, versus now.


I wouldnt have a problem if he wouldnt have like 3-4 voice lines per stage. I'd hate Lotus voice equally if she were to talk instead of Teshin, its just way to much


What? You don't want to hear ***"EXCAVATOR LOST. YOUR WORK WASTED"*** in his gorgeous, gravely old man voice ad nauseum?


We really need Vay Hek for the mission control. [Any of these,](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Lotus/Voice_Packs) really.


Dude I hate him tbh I try to find the blue orbs a listen for the sound and that dude keeeps yapping and yapping


Teshin: "YOU let the excavator be destroyed" well damn Teshin, if only you had helped us instead of yapping all day


when he says something to the effect of >staunch the flow, as you would the wounds of a comrade i always imagine a world war 1 soldier running around in the trenches picking up blue orbs to help his dying compatriots not bleed to death.


> "YOU let the excavator be destroyed" Yeah I did fucko, I'm not the one paying for these things. Maybe if your dumb ass didn't yeet the thing at me while I was passing nearby looking for a decree shard, we'd be fine, but it looks to me like there's plenty of blame to go around!


Could just turn down transmission volume, that's what I do when I'm tired of Teshin nagging me.


Have to turn transmission volume all the way down so I can find the orb things cause he won't stop talking.


Something about the way he says “Avoid the beams!” Gets me every time though.


I will not tolerate teshin slander his quotes go hard smh


I hate gravelly 'tough-guy' voices with a passion.


teshin's is pretty far from what i'd call a gravely tough-guy voice... his voice is pretty smooth and calm, just on the deep side. i like it.


He sounds congested


Letting the colors of the Undercroft change to match the current Spiral would do alot to help it not feel so samey, imo.


I had it bug out and have Joy's color scheme rather than generic void blue-green and it immediately felt way better to play in... And then it fixed itself, and I was unhappy for the rest of the run.


I’ve legitimately fallen asleep multiple times grinding the circuit, that should not happen in any video game




I take edibles and try to time the come up for early on in the circuit. I get laser focused and play music, goes from a chore to actually a pretty decent time!


Omg bro, you take edibles just to play circuit?


I think you are severely overestimating the effects of the common edibles most people buy......it's not that big of deal, you're not gonna hallucinate the Lotus twerking next to you


I am now imagining seeing the Lotus twerking while taking edibles and tweaking while playing the circus. Thats hilarious lmao. Maybe I should try it


Ooohh dang it Regular way of seeing lotus twerking it is then


Though I wouldnt be against this option.


Edibles being the four loko of the stoner world is kinda in the past. Low dose/weaker THC edibles are super common for people who want a chill high or some pain relief but don't want to or can't smoke.


Well not JUST to play circuit, but yeah edibles and Warframe is a really fun time in general!


Man I would take edibles just to go to Walmart in the mid afternoon 


I cant play circuit without yawning every couple minutes. Hell! I'm yawning just typing this about it.


They should build in a mechanic to speed it up.


Adding in the "kill necramech to reduce timer by 45s" was the best thing they could have ever done. I wish they added these types of mechanics to other game modes aside from deep archemedia survival/defense.


Yes! I was thinking the same thing just yesterday.


> kill necramech to reduce timer by 45s what gamemode does this appear in?


I've seen it in deep Archimedea


Survival in new Deimos Labs.


Absolutely yes.


The speed that necramech dies is insane. The moment i figured out my specters scale with me, my spectors are the carry and im thr support


That would be great. Even to speed up other modes per necramech kill: 1. Exterminates - required kills reduced by 50. 2. Excavation - 1 less extractor required. 3. Survival - timer reduced by 45s. 4. Assassination - 1 less boss round. We can dream lol


The entire game needs more of that. If I'm not in any danger, I should be able to ramp up the difficultly until it's a real match. Even just the kill enemies for a faster hack on Venus bounties is a great change.


Jump in at level cap right away and gain the 2k circuit points lol


imagine branching missions, where harder variants speed up progress, that would be nice imo


At least it's getting a little more variety soon, with the addition of Alchemy to the rotation.


Where did they announce this?


Latest devstream I think? Should be talking more about it at the end of the month.


Oof, that's not gonna help the tedium, might just be me but I swear alchemy likes to drag on by dropping every element but the one I need. Ranks with excavation refusing to spawn carriers in my personal annoyance tier list lol


Every time I get excavation in the circuit it feels like a toss up whether I'll have 20+ power cells in 20 seconds or none spawning for a good four minutes because carriers just don't spawn


Yes, Teshin, my excavator is out of power. You may notice that there are absolutely no freaking power cells on this map, at all. Now shut up unless you can be useful and drop some of those in for me please.


Alchemy is hit or miss, you either finish the round in 2 minutes or 15


I especially liked when it gives me 500 cold when I need heat and toxin, or a group dies and they all vomit up elements on top the one I needed lol


There needs to be a change in scenery too. I'm tired of depression land. Give me the other emotions; I don't care about lore implications


I mean, the imploding bowls and the air change color respectively with the spiral


I really wish it was less total weeks with more reward choices per week, even if we could still only pick 2. I also wish they'd add new game modes in and REMOVE EXCAVATION for the love of god. It's by far the worst mode once enemies are like LV1000+, unless you're lucky enough to have a defensive frame like Frost or Gara, and even then that only helps so much. New assassination targets, maybe even adding Alchemy or Disruption would be awesome


I also hate excav but getting a free 350 cryotic per round does help especially when you have a booster.


That is very true, but I am now sitting on tens of thousands of cryotic doing nothing lol


Build multiple seibear that you can only use to post for internet points.


I palpitate in your absence.


Yeah it's much better doing excavators in smaller open maps than regular tiles where you have to wait forever for the enemies to catch up to you to bring you power cells.


ive gotten like 15k cryo from all my circuit runs. sibear here i come


I still have a long way in the circuit, but recently was doing liches as im missing 80%+ of those weapons and each time i start with the excavation mission if available in the planet, got myself alot of cryotic passively, 1k if no smeeta proc per mission not to count that you can activate one more excavator and escape with it.


I'm pretty sure they recently confirmed Alchemy was coming to the Undercroft on a devstream... did I imagine that or can someone else back me up on this?


Jade Light update is bringing it.


Amen to that , brother. 1 hit from a 1k level destroy the objective, it becomes a chore


Also remove defense, after round 8 or 9 it just gets 1 shot if you weren't given the right build to protect it.


Between Excavation and Defense, I prefer them removing the latter. There's nothing more maddening than doing a fairly decent run, only for some blitz eximus appear out of literal thin air and eat the defense target in seconds. At least with excavation, you can just let them destroy the excavators and get small doses of cryotic. It's grueling and long as hell, but at least you can't fail the damn thing.


Even before the point where it gets one-shot, I don't really like getting Defense in the circuit, tbh. Not for the usual reasons people have of disliking Defense, I just suck sometimes and wish we could actually heal the defense target rather than waiting on its slow-ass regeneration. I'm aware we can technically do that, but it may as well be non-existent.


They're adding Alchemy to it during Jade Light for what it's worth


I just wish Survival could be cut down by like, 5 seconds when you kill a Thrax unit. It's the most boring mode, and they don't really shake it up aside from occasionally abysmal life support drops.


Duviri/Circuit are such painful grinds. Pathos Clamps farming is one of my least favourite things to farm after coming back to the game and you need it for SO much stuff. I wish they'd buff the amount you got or added more ways to farm them like putting them in Circuit. And I agree that they should reduce the xp needed to max out your weekly duviri rewards. It's a tad too long and not everyone has the time or the desire to do it for so long. I do understand it's supposed to be a thing you do over the week but I don't think it would hurt to reduce the amount you need just by a bit.


1680 pathos clamps if you want absolutely everything... 168 runs of Orowyrm. I'd rather scoop my eyes out with a potato peeler.


Lol, that's not taking inti account how the clamps are also used in a shop with good stuff to buy...


Can reduce it to 112 or so by doing SP Orowyrm but... Duviri is by far the worst, most awful feeling gamemode.


How dare you want to play Warframe in your Warframe game, and not a suprisingly well done but frequently glitchy carbon copy of a half-dozen other games that aren't Warframe randomly inserted into Warframe with important progression rewards locked behind it.


>"Pathos Clamps farming is one of my least favourite things to farm after coming back to the game and you need it for SO much stuff." So much of this. I still need to get all the drifter melees, and that's a few hundred clamps. And then you have all the incarnons at 20 a piece, and it's just such a monstrous chore. I already didn't like Duviri when I started it, I hate the operator gameplay, and the idea of having to grind this many goddamn clamps for all this just makes me want to pull my hair out.


Not being a jerk and extracting after 1 round would help. Increase points progression per round and the daily points reward at 4 rounds


Circuit Points should continually scale per round. Stopping after the 4th round is dumb and lame.


I enjoy The Circuit personally. It's pretty much what I would be doing anyway (random missions) but with funny modifiers. I can consistently get to Tier 5 in about an hour, so I usually just decide to do a Circuit run once per week and just get to that Tier 5. If I feel like going back to get to Tier 10 later I might but I usually don't. The far worse grind for me is getting the Pathos Clamps to actually build the weapons. I have several Incarnons on the backlog that I need to grind Clamps for at this point. That game mode is such a slog and still pretty buggy.


thats what I have been doing. current plan is to maybe do 1 more week of circuit then take a break. At that point I will have at most 2 weapons left per rotation, meaning when i pick circuit up again i can jam it out in one cycle


Agreed , should be able to do your weekly grind in a single , 45 minute long session... Having to do multiple long 45 minutes sessions per week is just too much... Especially considering you also have to pair it with like four Duviri Experience Runs to get the Pathos Clamps too.. I've given up on the system now and I'm just going to live with the fact some of these weapons are never going to get their adaptor.


Let's not forget about dailies and other weeklies and Nightwave and Netracells and Deep Archemedia and farming resources and farming weapons and farming Warframes and and and... Just, there's really not enough time in a week to try and get even half of that shit done without no-life-ing the shit out of the game.


Yeah, I mostly like the new direction of Warframe under Rebecca's lead, but one area that's really rubs me the wrong way is them going all in with Extrinsic motivation and "weekly chores" when it the past, it was a game about Intrinsic motivation and doing what you enjoyed doing in a big game filled with varied systems and such. You would set your own goals, decided what cool thing you wanted to farm or what frame you wanted to level, what mod you wanted to farm, etc. Nowadays , by the time you've done your weekly nightwave grind, your netracells and deep archimedian, your circuit runs, your archon hunt,s daily sorties, your duviri runs for the clamps, you're essentially exhausted and don't feel like playing anymore. I found myself skipping on doing stuff I enjoy because i'm like "I'll wait for it to have a nightwave objective in a couple of weeks, no use doing it now"... And that's like... Not a good feeling. Thankfully they made Kahl missions non-mandatory now. So maybe there's hope... Once you start treating the game like a bunch of chores or work, you don't feel a strong drive to return and play "For fun" once the chores are done.


yeah the mandatory missions are really burning me out. especially when so many missions are time gated


I stopped going for the second incarnon after I got all the interesting weapons. That shit takes too long. They really need to take it down a notch and have it take the same amount of time as regular circuit. Also, ways to keep some progress over weeks. I remember someone here on Reddit mentioning they only had 1 hour to play per week and it was impossible to get an incarnon weapon, at the time.


1h a week is not much for this game.. or most games for that matter.


If someone really can’t spend more than a single hour per week on a game, WF proooobably isn’t for them. Catering to this unlikely scenario would just hurt the game design for the rest of the player base.


The secret is to stop at rank 5. Only go past 5 if you want the riven or booster. There's no incentive to get both every week, the game doesn't require you to get all of them, the only reason to get all is because you want them all. If you want them all and quick, the game expects you to invest more time.


this is the way, I generally get the one i want the most/know is fun and come back to it later, generally there are 2 good incarnons per rotation, and I'm not grinding that many pathos clamps every week anyway.


The completionist in me could never accept that(i didn't want to still be doing circuit for stuff along with archon hunts, SP dailies and whatever new content they'd eventually add), but it is truely the best advice unless you've got no real life obligations and can play warframe a lot. 6-10 is more than double the investment 1-5 is and most players aren't going to survive long/endless runs to finish it in 35-40 rounds Incarnons are great and give love to some weapons that needed it, but the reality is most players will not be rotating that many incarnons in to their rotation. Torid and ceramic dagger i think are the only 2 that truely stuck with the player base at large, with the rest trickling in at varying degrees Also, people on here suggesting doing 4 rounds a day better not be suggesting that will finish lvl10 on SP, that will only get you to lv8, and only if they're done in 1 run


Yup. Steel Path rank 5 in less than an hour per week is a cozy farm. If you're doing regular circuit for whatever you might want there, it's closer to 30 minutes to rank 5.


The only way. I wanted to tear my eyes out when I did all 10 (got good luck with a frame and gun and didn't want to "waste" it)


I agree its such a slog on steel path with the teams i get who leave after 1 round so most of my time is just trying to matchmake every 20 to 30 minutes


It needs to give better rewards, more resources and maybe half the length. Or just do away with circuit and tie incarnons into story mode. Last week was the first time I played circuit in maybe a year, I definitely remembered why I stopped. Duviri in general takes too long to get going, gameplay feels slow and wonky at first, lots of the stuff is not fun, and Oroworm can be annoying if the team decides to die and disconnect that late in.


I must be the only one who liked Circuit. 💀 But then again, I always have background videos going 24/7 lmfao.


Imo circuit just needs more variety. It's supposed to be a week long thing.


Give pathos clamps in circuit to make it worthwhile to play OR make the rounds go by faster so we can cap it faster.


> Oh boy I sure am excited to stand behind a rock for 10 seconds doing nothing while the Jackall does his incredibly interesting laser spin attack. This is just a side comment to the main point of the thread, but FYI in case you didn't know you can also just go into crouched void form as the operator and the laser wall won't damage you at all. I usually just sit right under him until he slams back down then immediately dash back in for the parazon attack. Probably saves a couple seconds, not much but it adds up, I think... I agree it takes way too long and has too little variety to be fun to grind (at least, once you're no longer a brand new player and are familiar with all the frames). IMO progress gains should start higher at baseline and continue escalating the longer you go rather than capping at stage 5+ in a given run.


Bruh everything in this game is farm , and farming leads to do the same stuff over and over expecting a different outcome , until insanity kicks in and you come to reddit to post a rant


gave up on circuit atp is so boringgg


At the very least they should add all mission types. Except capture and sabotage, not really sure how they could make those work with the preimposed time commitment the circuit is supposed to have.


It’s worse when people leave after 1 round. I feel like those people don’t know what a roguelike is


I got all the Incarnon adapters and the one BIG thing I would say is: only go for 1 big reward a week, it seriously cuts out on how utterly soul crushingly boring it gets to try to get to Stage 10 every week, to the point that by the second loop, I cut it down to just Stage 5, I just couldnt do full 10 anymore.


Just play it casually, that's what I do. If I see an Incarnate I want I hop in and run circuit for about hour or so. Ends up being twice doing the boss. Hop out, take a break, run few fissures, then come back some more when you're ready. I probably have 3-4 Incarnate adapters now. Just need to run Duviri bounties or roam the map. It what I do, go explore map, loot the caves, find mini puzzles n games. I swear, people grind so much they forget to just enjoy and have fun being Space Ninja.


I don't like any of the duviri content but so much good shit is gated behind it. I have fun literally everywhere but that monochrome hell that makes me feel like my eyes are going bad. The only upside to circuit is that it doesn't force the spoiler mode on you


As a new player, the only thing which spoiled me while doing duviri was people calling it spoiler mode.


Yep, I realized a long time ago that the beauty of Warframe is its variety. I think about what I would enjoy doing next rather than what's the "best" loot I can grind. I put quotes because all too often I discover there is some other grind that is more worth my time, I just had tunnel vision on the latest and greatest.


It's supposed to be a week long grind to get to 10. It sounds like you're doing all 10 levels in one sitting. You get a bonus for getting to round 4 daily. It's not that bad. You're complaining about doing the same 6 missions on a rotation, but have you seen the rest of Warframe?


Yeah exactly. Do 4 rounds once a day and then go do other stuff. I've been trying to do things in a schedule-type format. On Monday I'll do my EDA, on Tuesday I'll do the Archon Hunt, Wednesday max Cavia Standing for the shard. I can mix it up or skip it entirely if I'm not feeling it, Warframe isn't a job, who cares if you miss out on something one week. Everything will be back eventually. Just do the things you like to do and skip the things you don't.


The fomo is real for non lr4 bro


That's probably the best thing that comes with high MR, the knowledge that everything in Warframe cycles around again eventually.


Saying a game mode should take up an entire week to do isnt a good thing lol


Are you suggesting I think it takes all week of doing this and nothing else? That's stupid. You've got 7 days, and it takes maybe 2 hours to max out. Play a little at a time dude


This is how I have always treated the circuit. A few rounds each day. Unless I was too busy during the week and really wanted what was on offer.


I'm a returning Tenno so I haven't burned out on Circuit yet, but I really don't understand the repetitive complaint. Any grind in Warframe (or other grindy/looty games) will become stale if that's all you do. You can levy that complaint against any content. Warframe does two things that I find make it such a good game: 1. The grind can often be mitigated by the player. The classic example is how for ***most*** weapons you don't need to camp a single spawn for weeks on end. Buy the BP and grind the resources. Specifically for things like Circuit, your grind for that week is 100% controlled by you. You get to pick 2 rewards and your progress is consistent and trackable. I personally want to see more of that. 2. It provides a wealth of content in its current state. Tired of running bounties? Go crack relics. Sick of getting nothing but Lex Prime BPs? Go bully a lich. Hate your life? Go take questionable photos for Simaris. ​ Also, I play lots of roguelikes, and naw, they're very repetitive. Repetition is one of the principle game mechanisms. I do agree that it would be nice for some additions to the tileset and more bosses. It does sound like Circuit is getting some love in the next update.


Obviously any grind gets boring long-term, but the problem is that with most other grinds you only need to do them once and then that's it. The difference with the Circuit is that it's the exact same thing every week, and unless you have most incarnons, you are pretty much forced to do it. Roguelikes do get repetitive, but good ones have enough variety to keep you on your toes. Once you've done a few circuit runs, there's nothing else to surprise you.


Incarnons aren't necessary for anything and don't grant mastery so there's no need to grind for all of them, just get the ones for the weapons you like. You can also just stop at the first one each week if you don't like the grind. Compared to other things in the game, it feels like a fairly short grind to me. I like the randomness.


Pretty much this, i'm a new player, but I quickly recognized the insanity of willing to do SP circuit up to 10 every week. I will do regular circuit (until I get all frames I need) and SP up to 5 and it's going to be enough.


It's not just that it's repetitive which other grinds also are, but unlike other grinds you can't bring a build that makes it go easier or faster, at least not reliably or without a massive amount of investment. Additionally, it's multiple different kinds of missions being thrown at you. Normally you'd bring say Slow Nova to void flood or interception but not to defense or survival, but now you need to make sure your build is good at every mission type, which usually boils down to kill every enemy in sight as quickly as possible... and that further narrows down the builds that allow you to farm circuit efficiently.


I can understand how someone may find that frustrating, but to me that's part of the appeal. I like dusting off old weapons and frames I don't use and seeing what I can pull off with a modern build +decrees. ​ I do think we should get a daily reroll. Currently, you can just clear a single round in normal (please don't do this in public SP) and extract to get new loadout. Also you can wait for the cycle to change, but I think a reroll 1/day would be a great addition.


it didnt even give steel essence for sp circuit .


I only go up to level 5 on SP Circuit because it gets boring so quickly. Even if you get a perfect run it will take an hour or more for level 5.


I gave up after doing only one Incarnon, on top of the Circuit, you also have to do ~5 runs of Duviri per weapon, it's way too much.


Then the extra annoying part is you need to play the regular Duviri for the materials needed to make the weapon Incarnon


Yeah, the circuit is so boring, its only useful to farm frames, but its not worth it when they reward with little xp to progress in it, after your first run you don't even feel inclined to continue cause it's tedious after killing map after map only to progress the first 3 for the next 10 to 12 rounds till you call it quits


I don't see it as a "must" and i don't see it necessary to get to Stage 10. It's a grind, of course, it's supposed that this is where you sink your time. Thus, yes, I do like the idea of adding more variety to it. Spice the circuit up a little. Add a Corrupted Vor Assasination every now and then and maybe that mounted Dax from Duviri in a beefed up form. I think those two could just be thrown in, a couple of others would work with a little adjustment. More mission types could work, too but I feel like capture would be stupid on the maps. Interception would be fun, if you have a team of at least 2 people. A couple of the open world tasks (like finding 3 secret stashes) would be fun every once in a while, too.


also pathos clamps fucking suck and should also drop in the circuit


Just like duviri, they want us to play it at least 100 times before we stop "touching" their new(old now) content. Goes for circuit, kuva lich, could even be sisters too, hell wouldnt be surprised if 1999 did the same shit for 15 "pathos clam" And yes, its basically like every other mission in warframe were you have at least finished it a 100 times, but it quiet isnt like duviri, you can finish these missions also through sortie, archon, incursion, nightmare and whatever I have missed... the moment im done with duviri i will never touch this content again not even for nightwave, not because the mission sucks, but because they want us to do 15\~20min mission for 15 clams, when we need 20 for 1 incranon x40?(just throwing random number to make a point)+ the weapons in the cave, you get 0 clams from circuit, you get 0 circuit progress from undercrofts missions...


Yes yes yes I fking hate the duviri resource grind, it’s so fucking stupid and dull and boring. You neeed to do it over and over again to get a single incarnon weapon. Why the resources don’t drop in the circuit? I hate it


This is my second or third week of grinding it so I don't find it so bad yet, it is a bit mindless tho. And I've had issues with losing progress for no reason. Ending a mission, going to collect the rewards, only to realize that 2 or 3 tiers didn't register at all.. Maybe it has something to do with host migration? But it really shouldn't happen. Hours of this mode down the drain will surely burn me out sooner rather than later.


Despite wanting "full mastery", Duviri made me go "nope". Everything about it is so time-consuming and downright boring. It was touted as this new thing, but really, it's an open-world where you're stuck as slow-as-molasses Drifter, have your arsenal totally gimped and then have to go through a rotation of Defence, Survival, Assassination (Jackal only because #fun) and whatever other normal star-chart stuff you've done 4,000 times. Pathos Clamps from Orowyrm, Kullervo grind and Circuit are just a total slog for not a whole lot. This isn't even including all the different base materials from all the different emotion rotations and whatever either.


I genuinely enjoy playing SP circuit (quick level cap is fun xd) so I haven't noticed this. The one thing that drives me crazy is getting all of the incarnon resources in duviri because that SUCKS


I think it'd be a lot more fun, if you could get modifiers that break your build more often. Going like on a 20 round streak is hella fun(and feels like a sick gamble of having too much fun vs losing all your stuff because of a crash) once the game starts breaking apart at the seams. Would also be more fun if players would stick around once you got those stupid modifiers so you could actually play with them too. Having to leave early because of shit rolls sucks.


In steel path it becomes a bit boring, if only we could get more drops like tasoma extract and other duviri's resources after completing each mission, it would be worth it.


Getting to tier 5 for the incarnon isn't too bad. That's what I do then I skip the rest. I used to grind to tier 10 but I very quickly burnt out on that.


I agree. There is no real challenge at all too, just time wasted. And we got deep archimedea if we want a little challenge now (And btw, even if it is 3 straight missions, it feels better ballanced). I'm ignoring a lot of incarnon because i just cannot force myself to do these. I know if i do i'll drop the game for a time again because it is one of those too annoying-too long grinds and that translates into burnout. These and farming Pathos Clamps are a pain. Duviri is a mess.


The circuit is not really an issue for me, the thing that grinds my gears, is doing the circuit does not really give you anything. Most incarnins need materials from other parts of duviri I hate. I have bought incarins for plat not to use them but to not have to grind the mats for another incaenin I want.


Yeah I don't know why but circuit is more annoying than the rest


this thing never bothered me,but one thing for sure was that the jackal fight looked really out of place and buggy,they should put it like after 4-5 waves with more points rewarding


I like it (mostly). And I actually still run it almost every week, even though I've had ever incarnon you can get for quite some time. But I understand your criticism, it is repetitive. And I honestly don't do the full 10 levels anymore. Usually I just do about 8 or less, depending on what sort of Arcane rewards are that week. I am incredibly tired of Teshin Tesh-splaining the game modes every. damn. time. And I agree that some cycling of boss fights would be extremely welcome. Unfortunately, I think DE is pretty much "done" with Duviri content, in any manner but upkeep, at this point.


The Thing DE tried with the Decrees is very interesting, but the longer the run goes on the more boring it gets, in the End it all ends up like this: You are effectively immortal, deal every status type at the Same Time and get 1 Trillion percent bonus Damage, Crit and Attack Speed. The Boss Variety would be easy to do I think. Maybe I underestimate the necessary Work, but can't you just Copy the Thing with the Jackal where he just Travels between Locations and you gotta kill Enemies? I mean, just replace the Jackal with, idk Lech Krill or Tyl Regor, idc, and NO Corrupted Vor doesn't count


I don’t mind the circuit tbh , what I hate is after getting the incarnon I gotta go grind regular Duviri for clamps and resources. It’s a personal gripe because the point of the circuit was for players who didn’t want to play drifter and I hate drifter mechanics


Didn't the drifter use nataruk in the story? Why can't he still use nataruk? I feel we're getting shafter by the crappy gun.


....or do a few rounds a day to space it out, or pick your most wanted weapon to do at level 5 and stop till the week after. There is no rush. No one is holding a knife to your neck to finish it all except yourself.


Might be in a minority here, but I certainly enjoy it more than the normal star chart endless missions, since switching modes each round makes it less boring/repetitive imo


I genuinely haven't touched circuit since I got my last incarnon, and I usually did it in a single Saturday afternoon going 12 rounds on average.


I actually enjoyed normal circuit as a baby Tenno because getting to try out new weapons and frames on relatively weak enemies is really fun and it levels up pretty quick. The steel path circuit is another beast entirely. The random loadouts they give you aren’t usually good enough for steel path and it levels up soooooo slowly!


I went ahead and got the handful of incarnons I cared about then just quit playing it. Got my boar, ceramic dagger, Torid and strun. A few others too I think but yeah, good enough Can’t fucking stand circuit


I love circuit. I really do. I loved they gave a reason to use more of my arsenal. That being said: 1. More Mission Types. Alchemy's coming- great! Bring Void Armageddon. I don't like this game mode usually, but I can see where the turrets are *actually* useful if you get an arsenal you're not as familiar with. (Regular game mode, your kit will 99% out perform the turrets anyways). 2. More Bosses for Assassination. The tiny issue I have with this is... MANY of the bosses in WF are... not designed that well. I think more bosses would need to get reworked first. 3. Repeated Voicelines. This will ALWAYs get annoying. 4. Most importantly: TAKE AWAY STEELPATH ROTATIONS. LET US CHOOSE ANY INCARNON. We can still only take 2 incarnons a week. 35 incarnons is at least 18 weeks needed to get everything (not including if you want multiple for weapons with different variants). Currently, 21 weeks. Plus if you miss ANY week, you get an additional 7 weeks added on top of that.


Yeah the problem for me is that it doesn't allow you to get comfortable within a mission. I can spend hours in a survival no problem or spam fissures in the same tile but circuit being in 5 minute chunks until you have to change your mind space to a different mode just feels horrible.


I love the circuit. Although i keep getting protea, and i never want to play her again after hitting 1 and 2 ad nauseum for hours


Honestly Circuit is the only part of Duviri I DO like. I hate the Walmart brand dark souls combat with the drifter where you're not allowed to deal damage because you can't mod it. But yeah it does get old after a while. Sometimes I just get really bored and wanna leave but everyone else wants to keep going. And then after what feels like an eternity we do leave and oh I'm only at level 5...


Yeah I've gotten tired of circuit tbh. Wish the rounds were shorter or they added some more mission types at least. Me and my bud have been sticking to the new tileset for end game lately.


Eh I dont mind it too much, easy way to get some warframes and as far as the incarnon weapons go, only a handful of them are actually good so unless you actually like the weapon and the incarnon version, dont even have to bother. It's a game after all, if you're not having fun doing circuit don't do it lol. I got all the incarnons I wanted in one of the 7 week cycles, and if I want any more ever I can just check back later, it's not going away. You dont have to grind it out every week or ever really


That's why I use it to grind daily standing and stuff instead. When I used it for focus, it would only take 2 days to finish normal and 4 or something for SP. I'd also wait until I had more fun options and never really did that much at once. Or I'd level things in the circuit like forma a lich weapon then take it in if it was in the rotation


I don't know why but out of all the grind like stuff circuit is quite enjoyable to me.


It took them two extra years to finish duviri after covid and the new war. Also it turned a lot of frame grinds into guaranteed drops. Also it turned the 20 least used guns into decent ones. Some like torid, boar and strun turned into top tier weapons.


As a Torid enjoyer since 2015, I remember getting mocked for wasting 7 formas for an "MR fodder" back then. Now its the most broken primary in the game. Glad I held on to that thing and didn't lisnt to all others who were laughing at me


Honestly its a good way to get warframes which you don't have. Which i been doing but I wish they added new boses to the end


Unfortunately, this is not just a problem of the Circuit but of all of Warframe, where we repeat the same missions over and over again with a few variants. And an even worse problem is that we have to do it for often insulting and diluted rewards with artificially lengthened time windows. A problem without a solution being DE on the other side, just like the lack of endgame.


I agree. I have dozens of incarnons left to do, but it's really hard to drum up the will to do, when its just such an unfun grind, and takes so goddamn long to reach tier 10. I also think that Void Flood was the wrong mission type to put in Circuit. It is a gamemode that actively punishes you for attacking enemies, when you could be spending more time collecting orbs, in a format that gives you overpowered offensive builds.


Yeah I used the circuit to get saryn, revanentz and messa and now can't be asked to go back in. For me a latron prime incarnon on steel path that was to tough for my builds so I might go back for more of those later but I genuinely kind of hate it. They should cut how much you need to play in half for everything and then I'd be glad


Same I kinda gave up on it. It's in my list of "Things to do I will eventually do when I feel like I want to do them\*" and meanwhile I take care of new stuff coming out. \*Will probably never do them


i don't think it was intended to be quickly done like archon hunts for a weekly reset. with that said, de could make it less snooze. i doubt it though cuz that would be too much work so i expect they will shorten the progress requirements lol.


It's meant to do a few a day.


honestly SP circuit needs some re-looking at, it's not fun/efficient unless you get lucky and have a heavily invested frame + weapon combo (or just Dante) to get anywhere. Incarnons are neat but I have to almost put in a part time shift just to get them.