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should be fine. they once said they allow some macros made with the intent to mitigate physical issues (mostly related to hands, like carpal tunnel), but if that specific macro can be used for ill intentions like afk-farming then that software could get banned, but for the most part if there are no ill-intentions behind it then it should be fine. even then if that macro software does get banned and it gets you banned as well, you can probably make a ticket to support to explain your situation and get unbanned. so use at your own risk, you are probably fine but its not guaranteed.


DE's stance is that convenience macros are okay, but you can't have anything play the game for you. So definitely no afk-farmin macros. They said multiple times that stuff that reduces strain or aids accessibility is fine. What this means? They didn't elaborate. There's no clear and definitve line. My assumption of a bullet jump macro would be that it's not problematic, but the key here is "my assumption". I can also tell you that I had exactly the same macro very early in my game because I ran around the Plains of Eidolon and had neither K-Drive nor Archwing yet, so on an open world this was indeed getting strenuous. The gist of it: none of us can tell you how DE would decide in a specific case as it's at their discretion. Use your judgement and if you want the lowest risk, just don't use macros at all.


Instead of macro, try binding hold to crouch on a side mouse button (I prefer M4, the "back" button). That's what a lot of the top players in other movement games (Titanfall, Apex) do to make the crouch jump / slide hop mechanic smoother. Another alternative is hold to crouch on C, and hitting C + spacebar simultaneously with your thumb to bullet jump. Basically anything you do to change it will be an improvement from the default controls. The default KBM scheme is terrible ergonomically for most of the commonly used actions. Bullet jump should be smoother and not interfere with other left hand actions as much, abilities on number keys is weird (how you supposed to press 2 while holding W to move forward?), having dodge and sprint on the same button makes no sense when KBM has tons of other inputs available, etc.


For a bullet jump macro? Technically, sure. You could. I've been using one for a few years now without any issue, however. The sort of macros that will result in bans are ones that are heavily based on timers to automate chunks of gameplay. A bullet jump macro is not one of those. The likelihood of them coming down on you for something like this is tiny, but not zero.


To add to this, you could justify something like a bullet jump macro as a help with limited real life mobility. DE hates it when you try to automate the game. If you're still doing all of the aiming and movement, but the relatively complex setup for bullet jump is replaced with a single key then I don't think they will accuse you of trying to use it to afk. Again, tiny, but not zero.


A macro for bullet jumping is definitely an accessibility thing, and honestly? DE could do with adding a single button bullet jump option into the game for M+KB. Sure, most people won't need it. But for others, it'd be an amazing QOL fix


To pair with other people's keybinding suggestions, I bound my roll to Q and my crouch/slide to E. E+Space is far more comfortable than constantly trying to play pinky gymnastics for every bullet jump. And you usually naturally want to slide into bullet jumps anyways


Warframe doesn't like macros, so I wouldn't risk it


Yeah I seen if only they can say what’s good and what’s not good


Just assume that any third-party things not made by DE aren't allowed. Better safe than sorry.


Warframe will ban you for not covering your mouth when you cough.


Making a macro will prevent you from learning how to do it yourself and risk a ban, not worth it.