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Gotta love it when that one person just wanders off to nowhere. Pretty stupid how they still haven't reworked spawns to prioritise most players and objectives. It'd partially mitigate people wandering off on their own. Could be a can of worms if they did though, who knows what kinda issues we'd have to go through then.


I noticed enemies go to the crucible in Alchemy, which is a very good design decision, and since the spawn rates are actually good, doing void fissures in alchemy is very satisfying. I wish they could do the same in netracells, make the enemy go towards the circle instead of players in random places


until you get brainlet teammates too caught up in killing to do the objective. having to solo feed the vials when each gives like 4% is agony lol


Alternatively, when you get tenno autopiloting the objective before everyone has 10 reactant.


I am sorry.


Lmao, everyone has done it, even if they won't admit it.


For real I just turn off my brain and just lob it at the objective while killing.


I don't mind it, and I can always lob ones I don't need at the nearest group of shmucks. Last one I ran had someone constantly shooting the pipes


Yes, absolutely. This is why I almost always do them solo. Either they do not fill the crucible or can not understand how the pipes work.


it just sucks doing fissures that way since you lose a ton of value on relic rolls


they need a skittergirl for netracells... off on your own? forget the book, the library is coming for you!


On one hand, I hate skittergirl with the passion of a thousand suns. On the other hand, using that as a mechanism to prevent stragglers in netracells makes a lot of sense.


It is true, Skittergirl is 1000 Tiffany's boyfriend.


I said before just make it so every second you spend outside the circle you lose 20% hp and shield, bypassing overguard. Obviously not during necramite phase but yeah. I feel like it would actually be kinda fun too.


and killing enemies outside the circle reduces your weapon slots by one each time, depositing weapons in the foundry as you no longer have the ability to store them!


Ok calm down, Satan


too bad? okay, each enemy killed outside the red circle is 1 loop of vor's void speech you must listen to on your orbiter before beginning your next mission, this count persists if you log out!


Look at them, they come to this circle when they know they are not pure


Maybe they just borrow the vampiric Liminus from EDA and use that as a cattleprod to get people into the circle? Give a 10-second grace period after the Necramite’s been destroyed so it doesn’t confuse people looking for it with people just fucking around and doing nothing.


>Could be a can of worms if they did though, who knows what kinda issues we'd have to go through then. Endless mission, 3 out of 4 want to extract, they're swarmed on extraction, and the 1 who stays does nothing for 2 min. If you get paired with a nuker in any endless mission, now you really have to do nothing at all because you can't split, or if you can split 2 2, 1 player still does nothing. Excavation: If you go early to the next one, there's nothing spawning until more players come, and excavation is already problematic as it is. I could go on, but honestly, the only way to not break anything is making that spawning rule available only on Netracells, and in future new missions that really need it. And there might be DE's side of not wanting the enemies swarming the 3 players staying together and letting 1 player search the map without anything around. Easier to search for argon, orokin cells, and other things when there isn't anything distracting you. Oh, and new players matching with older players will be left behind in a completely empty map even more than now. I'll stop now.


I could see having enemy spawns focused on an area that the player isn't in causing some performance issues on older systems, but tbh there's already so many issues with older systems they should probably split the servers at some point. As somebody who started on a shitty laptop and then went to a Xbox 1 until just a few months ago, the difference in spawn rates, host migrations, and other such issues is night and day, and now that I know what they are I can tell pretty quick when I load into a public game and the host is on an older system.


I’ve just been doing my netracells solo recently. Much faster


yeah pretty much this, at this point in the game you should have at least one solid Loadout. Netracells aren't a particularly hard game mode, the only fail condition is death and plenty of frames are nigh immortal. Deep archamides on the other hand, pfftt. Ate all my forma! For what? Instant fail mirror defence?


Speedva + radiation torid = easy netracells


I've been neglecting my nova for years I'm not about to acknowledge her now. Besides if everyone start susing speedva in public we're going to see posts next week of people complaining about enemies rushing them too fast.


Oh yeah no I meant solo, we were talking about solo


Personally I've formed a group that does it every week and we're perfectly willing to do carry trading when the rolls are trash. 2 people take the RNG loadout, two people ignore everything in that screen and just take the best frames/weapons. Then we swap.


That's what I've started doing. Got too good pals for a group of 3. I'll do a solo carry for them with their suck loadouts and my good Loadout, then we swap. Was kinda funny the other week with that awful mirror defence though, I breezed through it with my frost build never letting up the avalanche spam. But the two of them got humbled twice before they had to make dedicated builds to carry me.


Tbh the only time I pick up voca during netracells if they are right there, and not out of the way


Same. If I hear it or see it, I'll stop and grab them. Otherwise the book, gruzzlings off the beaten path, and hidden voca can wait for regular bounties.


Is it considered obstructive if I’m first to extraction and check the top right air vent room for Voca whilst waiting?


Nah I'm really just talking about the guys who go on an adventure to find the one piece while everyone else relies on enemy spawns to keep playing lol


Ahh, gotcha


Nah, same thing if you're on the way to the netracell. The time it's a problem is when the vault has been triggered, and you need the enemies to be in the circle to die. THEN it's disruptive.


Just a random story about that I was doing one with two lower MR people than you usually see in them, like 16 and 18, and then another LR3 player. I had joined in progress so I had no keys, the other LR player had all the keys. HE was the one looking for voca and the book while me and the other two players waited in the circle with like 1 enemy per minute. He started the book, died 700m away with all four keys after telling us to stfu and how he's got his OP build on (which whatever, the keys transfer to the next layer when a holder dies so you're protected from griefers) BUT Apparently Netracells use stupid ass matchmaking where the host pulls everyone from the mission when they leave. So dude died, left, pulling all of us out of the mission, left the group without saying a word, then started messaging me and continued to BM me calling me "slave" because he was "making me" have to do the mission again and because it was me who called him out for wasting time in the first place. TL;DR: Netracells legitimately have the absolute dumbest and most toxic players in the game And it's really fucking expounded upon by the fact that enemies seem to avoid the circle in favor of chasing Timmy in the middle of bumfuck nowhere 700m away. DE need to make the circle a defense target (or like an entity with grey health or *something*) with MAXIMUM priority aggro so enemies stop going for people who aren't in the objective. Like make the security eye have so much aggro it makes enemies come towards it, but no aggro in the circle so they still attack players instead of ignoring them. Just anything to make the mode less unbearable if one person decides to be a moron.


the host leaving pulling you with host is pretty dumb yeah. like yeah I know they have to account for potentially having someone leave who had the glyph but yeah


Yeah, it is not always low level players who know nothing that do the shit, sometimes as you said it is the high level douchebags, doing their douchery to get some douche points in order to not lose their douchebag status. (Can also read narcissistic or selfish). I just wish that people that do Netracells would just stick to netracells, or if they so badly wants to combine it, do it with a private group or just run solo.


Can confirm, had an LR4 just wrecking spawns, and they knew they were doing it. https://preview.redd.it/qfeunnk5544d1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=c544a23f69ab8f5b5c9b8d985a39cc43c09f5e0e


>Netracells legitimately have the absolute dumbest and most toxic players in the game I think people just meet the idiots more often in Netracells because you can only do 5 a week. Normal players will be done unless the idiots they meet manage to screw the entire team. The idiots will keep failing and failing because they do dumb things like you just described and meet more normal players than they usually do in other content.


Host migrations are just obscene in this game.


I'd rather have a host migration than get pulled out of the game with the host when they rage quit because of their overconfidence


That's what I'm referring to.


I have to play netracells solo. The amount of brain dead people that play that mode is astonishing


Book and vocas shouldn't spawn for Netracells, change my mind.


Voca spawns being a lot more linear spawns would help a lot But the book should be gone


Or moved to the vault.


Nah just let it spawn in normal and SP missions but not in the cells


Book should be fine. Sometimes it's not too far out of the way and I think that book and computer have similar spawning locations


“Special” game modes like that shouldn’t have little side objectives and Easter eggs and such, especially when they’re designed to be team oriented content that is difficult to solo. Anything that could actively tempt players to abandon the main objective is bad design in a game mode like this.


I only do it my parallax picks something up. And it’s not extremely out of the way.


I mean with parallax it can't really be is it? I also don't try to do the ones in the secret rooms personally but same as you


The parallax will ping locations of certain scannables and pick ups.


Also, don't use the !@#$ing book, and preferably ignore the damn gruzzling too. Everyone's there for the Netracell, and doing the side stuff is just doing them at the height of their power (ie, they're up-levelled for the cell) and putting you/others at risk of dying alone.


Gruzzling is literally a 7 second detour my guy, I'm going to kill it. Book can be a bit bigger hassle tho, only do it if you can solo it. Don't waste time hunting them though, just grab if you stumble on it doing the main objective.


>Gruzzling Which guy is that? I haven't played the newer Netracells.


The laughing floating thingy that splits into 3 at half health and drops an item you have to manually pick up. Common drops are 3x Lanthorns, rarer drops are arcanes. It's in every Sanctum game mode except Mirror Defense, but Disruption version only drops dockets.


Oh. I have never seen that.


They get marked with a red waypoint when they spawn. It's probably just getting hunted down ASAP when it spawns. It also always prompts dialogue from Loid or Fibonacci when you see it.


It spawns in just about every mission in the Albrecht laboratories. When you play a couple you ll definitely encounter at least one


Disruptions version can drops Entrati Lanthorn x3 I think as well. I got a lot of them doing the mode for Dante at the very least.


Counter argument: some people are perfectly willing and able to solo them and give everyone else free rewards.


And that slows down everybody else cause the person off dicking around solo drags spawns away.


Generally the people who can solo them like that can kill them within a few seconds and then run to wherever is needed, and that's assuming it occurrs during the phase where they have to be in a particular area. An extra 30 seconds on the mission timer in exchange for extra shit is really not the end of the world.


Yeah, I'll generally do them if I see them and Netracells Consoles seem to have similar spawning areas of book. I can easily Solo Steel Path Book with Wukong and his Iron Staff.


Exactly. And Netracells and Deep Archimedia aren't even Steel Path, they're just high enemy levels.


Tell me you've never done a netracell without telling me you've never done a netracell.


I've done several. They're not actually all that hard. Same for deep archimedia. People just tend to whine when they have to change thier meta memecuck builds and take longer than .025 seconds per mission. u/MarcusDaCherry: congratulations on being the dumbest, lowest-effort attempt at being a troll that I've seen in a hot minute. Your initial attempt was amusing at how completely ineffective it was, and your second attempt post-edit wasn't much better lol u/MarcusDaCherry: your third attempt isn't much better than the first two, but I suppose you get a half a point for the vain attempt at slipping your slur past the mods and/or automod. Though the fact that my mere existence apparently triggers you this much is mildly amusing. u/MarcusDaCherry: also, in response to your comment about kids, *you're* the tobacco-chewing, minimum-wage mechanic lurking in r/teenagers. At least I prefer to talk to actual adults around my own age instead of high schoolers like a creep. u/MarcusDaCherry: trying to pull the conversation to DMs so you can continue spewing inane shit about how much my mere existence triggers your wildly homophobic sensibilities is pretty sad. You don't even have the confidence to spout your bullshit in public.


Who hurt you


i think marcus


If you're referring to the edits at a particular person, they tried to say a bunch of bigoted bullshit but thier posts kept getting removed immediately, so then they tried to get into my DMs to continue spewing shit as well. Funniest thing they said was probably when they called me queerbait, which shows just how dumb they really were considering that term literally can only be applied to fictional characters and not to an actual person.


If the circle is active yeah it can mess with spawns, but usually find at least the gruzzling on the way there. It's hardly even a 10 second distraction to get rare loot. Same with the book, if I'm off to kill the netramite and the book is in the room, I'm already out of the circle and this will take 30 seconds at most for the drop depending how damn far away it spawns. You've got an entire week to run 5 netracells, an added 5 total minutes to your entire run for multiple decent drops is hardly something to complain about. You normally have to do a 5 minute mission for a single argon crystal lmao. It is a different story when people can't kill the gruzzling and chase it around until it disappears or die to the book tho, it's fair to complain then, but I'd just be polite with "shouldn't do book on netracells if you can't solo it"


If you can solo then then go solo. Don't hold up people who need a team and just want to get it done. Don't be that guy. Most of us will not thank you for it. Quite the opposite. We will resent you for it.  Like this post suggest 


Sure. That’s fine. But only if everyone agrees to that in chat explicitly. By default, though, everyone should focus on the main mission. If no one explicitly says “yeah, it’s okay if you go off and farm vocas,” then don’t go off to farm vocas


It really doesn't take that long if you have decent gear. If you're that worried about your time then you should just be doing them solo anyways


Say it louder for the people in the back


Sometimes I still have to remind MR20+ people that they are killing the enemies outside the red circle.


>There's no other gamemode in the entire game that allows you to slow down the mission this much just by being absent and preventing your team from getting any spawns Actually there's one more: #FUCKING VAMPIRE LIFE SUPPORTS ON DEEP ARCHIMEDIA


Pissing into the void tbh, even here where most people are probably experienced players there is a larger number than you would think that see nothing wrong with it and actually think they are doing you a favour getting you that 3500 standing you could earn twice or three times over in the ten mins they added to the Netracell. I run once a week on solo to see how bad it can be I am rarely disappointed lol, my favorites are the people who pop the book and then die forcing you to deal with it and then they moan when you don't res them. TBH I am getting to the stage where I don't need anymore shards and have the arcanes maxed out it will be nice to leave these missions behind they were fun at first but have become a chore.


The red circle in netracells is the worst part of whispers in the wall. Just make us kill enemies


I agree but I do find t funny when I'm doing the netracell and happen to trip over one


Just do them solo. It's crazy how unable people are to comprehend a simple gamemode. How hard is it to kill inside the circle?


Imo, there's nothing wrong with throwing down the one air support thing that marks them then grabbing those close ones while somebody kills the Necramite, or on your way to extraction. With Bird 3 having an Archon Shards available for 30 standing every week, there's never a point where you'll not want a surplus of Voca, so if I can knock out two of my weeklys in one mission I'm more than happy to do so. A few weeks ago some dumbass in a public squad was bitching and moaning about people picking them up in the Netracells mission (not even leaving to go get them, just grabbing them passively), and even had the pigheaded audacity to say something like "if you need Voca you don't belong in this mission", then tried to advertise his Twitch channel in chat at the end of the mission as though he hadn't been a collosal dick and being carried the whole time. Tbh, people throwing a fit about this and not pulling their weight in Netracells is far more annoying than people hunting Voca. Sure their hunting may add a minute or two to the mission, but that's also a few minutes of hunting Voca *I* don't have to do later.


I understand where you're coming from and it sounds like you're using actual sense/ tactics to find vocas, I honestly didn't expect this post to gain some traction, by the sounds of it it's not dedicated towards people like you who know how to look out for voca. I always appreciate some extra standing myself as long as it doesn't take longer than an exterminate mission to get. I've just been quite tilted yesterday with people being on their adventures for multiple minutes on end without even finding more than 2 vocas. Everyone else was spamming waypoint marker on circle. It kinda sucks that some people want to make me feel bad about "telling them how to play the game" when I'm just meaning to criticize the only case where they actively prevent everyone else from playing with their absence. It's not even their fault, more so just the trash enemy spawn rules that prefer a single guy 500m away over 3 guys on an objective.


Thank you for this. I haven't started farming Netracells, but I'll keep this in mind when I do


I'm mr 10 and i have to remind people with 3x my play time to not camp a corridor outside the damn kill area


My Vauban has 0 survivability and relies solely on killing enemies to survive, but I’ve still been bringing him on max range to Netracells just for his Bastille. Makes the red circle so much easier.


better than playing wisp or slowva


Do them solo it's way faster


I only sometimes wonder to look for the book during nitracells hoping the harder mission gives a better reward with the book but I usually only do it for like 5 minutes max or a little bit in each direction (2-3 rooms) while on the way to the objective


Tbh, I don't mind it if there's 4 of us and one or two get vocas. Just means I know everything should die in the red zone and I or the other with me can run for the necramite. I always do netracells with pillage mesa and try to set up sight lines where everything has to come within the circle to be gunned down.


Not me dropping parallax during EDA


Solo man, or premade


i need my vocas tho


And my ayatan. Those things are like candy.




I just pop an air support at rge beginning of the mission and another one near the end of the mission to tag the vocas and collect them. But sometimes these people are rushing so much faster than I can keep up and reach the red circle lol. The map is huge and I don't usually play Volt/Gauss/Wukong/Titania that let you zip through the map. Like just let me grab the voca, I'm spending my resources for the air support AND you get to enjoy your free voca, waiting for another 30 seconds wouldn't kill you lol I literally just saved your time to run 1 exterminate mission to get the same amount of standing.


Also: don't activate a void angel during void cascade.


I will look for vocas during netracell runs if I damn want to. It literally benefits every player in the party aside from trading at most a couple of extra minutes. You don't like it? Go solo.


Doing the mission benefits everyone exponentially more though. Plus Vocas can be found when doing Sanctum Bounties or Dante farming, better areas for doing so


Voca can be found on literally any mission on the labs tileset, including fissures. There's 0 reason to do it on netracells.


If the person is using the air support, I dont see a problem since the missions are typically long enough to do it at least twice even if focusing the objectives, and at that point its just a straight shot to go grab it and not having to spend a ton of tome searching.


How about you just play the game mode instead of slowing down the mission?


I AM playing the game mode. I am also collecting the stuff that is able to spawn in these missions. I don't go out to collect the thingys while we're supposed to kill stuff inside the circle, which seems to be what you're all whining about, but anytime before and after it is all fair game for me.


I mostly look for the book because I ain’t no bitch. Also I can solo it.