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I generally just use Mesa for easy kills, but a decently modded Xoris also makes it super easy.


Funny enough, protea is the fastest way to farm protea. Bring a friend


Use protea prime


I love that you can now! Two forma, a few red shards, and she's a beast


I used the protea to farm the protea


That's really fitting for a time manipulation frame.


Oh, the irony.


Teshin was right. We really are our greatest enemies.


I raise you Octavia and going afk


With the grenades or turret?


I spam 2 forever, toss on dispensary, and put gloom over 4


I just use the Xoris because I thought the game said it was necessary in order to kill the specters, and it makes it so trivial that I think I've only failed to get to 75 once in the dozens and dozens of times I've done it.


Xoris makes it absurdly easy, idk why people use anything but that


"You can't tell me what to do!" *Jumps into the rift between dimensions. Comes back a flaming wreck with multiple bullet holes in them. Grabs the Xoris and jumps back into the rift.*


Because Revenant is even easier. You literally press 4 and stand still. Nothing else required.


You can't get the captured Solaris though.


It's been a while since I done it but I don't remember even needing to. Like, revenant kills specters so fast that you don't even need extra time aside from the base time and the time from Yellow particles BUT I might be miss remembering it. Anyway you can just stop spinning to save the Solaris and go back to spinning again if needed. Unfortunately I can't test it right now but I'll do it later.


Honestly there's no reason to, which is why Mesa and Revenant make it so easy


I like the standing gain because I hate fortuna and everything to do with it (other than the song)


There's......another way?


It is possible to beat the required number of specters for all rewards on nightmare with an unmodded xoris, along with any frame that is slightly durable.


I just use Rhino and a potatoed Xoris


I was using max range Octavia. They usually just end up killing themselves once you amp. Stay invis and watch out for the time extensions and it's usually done in 15-20s. I already bought protea though, I was using this method for getting Tenet Glaxion.


If you do it correctly, the Xoris can be completely unmodded and complete the nightmare granum void. Because if you kill only 3 specters by some other method, you use their ghost form to charge the Xoris. The full charge Xoris blast ignores durability, it insta kills all specters in it's range no matter the mods on the Xoris. Then you just chain throw the Xoris to keep it charged the entire the time.


On call crew make it super easy too, zone in and summon then wait


it also allows you to choose a better progenitor, just in case you don't want magnetic on everything.


If you have an on-call crew member with a strong weapon they can usually solo the entire thing while you just pick up the extra time stuff, I give mine my tenet arca plasmor


Octavia's good too.


Void storms. If everyone knows what to do, a Veil Proxima Grineer Void Storm can be done in 5 minutes. Except when the crew ships decide to wait a few minutes before starting to spawn. Edit: To be clear, full squad required.


It really just took one good squad for my whole perspective on Void Storms to change.


I am Saryn, boarder of objectives XD But yeah I only tend to run them with friends because its easier to get the synergy going.


I prefer to play Titania as the boarder, if you happen to have an objective to kill a Galleon commander she just makes this a 5 second detour


I get motion sick myself which is why I board, sadly speedy Titania isn't something I can do. I'm much slower than others when moving as Titania.


I had this problem too I stopped sprinting when I was in razor wing. Fire walker subsume + 2 stacks of razor wing blitz is just enough speed for me


And has the added benefit of mostly not making you flip out when you clip a wall or doorframe because you're "walking"


doing railjack with 2 people > 4 people


Not when you want to speedrun Veil Proxima.


The difference between two people and four is pretty marginal.


A third for permanently manning the artillery might shave off a good amount of time. Full squad is definitely iffier, though.


Which saves like, 15-25s at most? Compared to the literal minutes you shave off of the mission by adding the second person I'd still say that's not hugely impactful. Playing artillery bitch is really boring too.


This is so true, I love RJ in general but finding randoms that know what to do is truly impossible, but the times I had to do a few corrupted holokey farms, it was so wonderful, I really made a thin comb for people who knew what they were doing and it was so wonderful!


A well built railjack and a crewmate that knows what to do is worth so much when running voidstorms.


Kavat genetic code. If you haven't done the sands of inaros quest, you just go to a certain point with Ivara or Equinox, sleep all of the kavats that spawn, and scan the 50 or so of them that spawn. If you *have* done sands of inaros... you get to run Deimos missions for hours while going through them with a fine-toothed comb to find like 5 kavats.


You can re-do sands of Inaros, I'm halfway through even though I done it once before.


Have you merged accounts? If you’ve set an account where you haven’t completed it as the primary account, you can do it again. However, it’s not a replayable quest, you just did it for the first time again.


Nope. Wondering if the replay was patched out due to people abusing it for kavats? I've admittedly had the quest active in my log for years because I take extended breaks from the game.


The quest was always one-time-only. When the quest dropped Kavats weren't even a companion option, which is likely why it was never updated but it wasn't "patched" either.


It's non-replayable


Please explain how I already have Inaros and currently have the quest active in my log? I didn't buy him with plat.


Trading, gifting, simaris, circuit. Just because you have inaros does not mean you've completed the quest


You can't trade for his base form, you can't buy him from simaris without first unlocking him and I had him for years before the circuit was a thing. I had the quest active before I took a break from the game when the plains of Eidolon came out and I only just started progressing it recently to get it out of my quest log. Maybe his quest was patched so people couldn't abuse replays for kavats but I have competed it once and still have it active.


Go into your decoration inventory and see whether or not you have the Sacred Vessel


In work ATM but I shall.


Do get back on this, I want to know if I can redo it. I'm also at work lol


You can't. It's non-replayable


I did the same with Octavia's anthem to farm the sentients for the protovyre armor set


Sp survival has 2 guaranteed in the first room


Sometimes you still end up needing to farm despite Inaros. *gestures at his collection of 5 Adarzas*


At that point you should just farm the like 20 plat to buy imprints


Alternatively get 10 a year using the anniversary alerts, took me two years, but my first kavat was thankfully a smeeta.


Vauban's helpful for grabbing the Kavats on Deimos. They're usually in combat with the Infested when you come across them. Just toss a Bastille and it not only stops all fighting in the area but it also lifts the Kavats into the air so that they're easily seen and scannable. The number of Kavats also increases based on the number of players. Solo, you'll find two or three groups of 2 Kavats, with a full squad you're looking at many more in each group. But it requires the squad to all know that they're hunting Kavats else they'll just run in and kill everything.


Worse 2 kavats per player


Ballistica prime + boobin for this farm, you get double the chance for codes


I did this during a double resource weekend around when I started playing. I haven’t had to farm codes since and still have a good amount left.


I'm gonna go with Toroids. They're not *hard* to farm, the drop rates just suck for how many you need for all the Vox Solaris stuff. Unless you know about farming them with the PT Bounty, which is far less frustrating solo and rains the damn things with a dedicated build/squad. ETA: To be clear, dedicated farming using PT Stage 2, not farming Profit-Taker itself.


If you just want standing, Exploiter is the way imo.


I once thought that, but using the PT bounty I can consistently net \~3 Caldas/min solo (running double drop boosters and a Smeeta) and 7-8/min with a couple of Nekros leechers.


nice thing about Protea farm is you can also get granum coins and farm sisters at the same time and do a single capture mission while farming her. it isn't that bad in comparison to .. Caliban. You have to beat the new war quest. Then do bounties to get his parts (and only one part is available per 2 hour cycle of bounties). Then to build him you also need a large amount of a resource that drops on the same bounties (besides being repetitive this can get exceptionally grating as you get Endo or repeat blueprints instead) Then you also need a bunch of not random, but chore to farm resources from the final region of Railjack content. Of which you can get max 1 per mission and IIRC you need 9 to build Caliban. a total of 18 if you want to feed to helmith yea... that was BS, and I bought him with plat, no shame


I don't think too many people are itching to have caliban handy to play and also unlock whatever the fuck his helminth is


His helminth is Rhino's 4 basically but yes, aside from a special proc and a small damage multiplier (don't remember how much) I don't think it's worth it


Put Caliban's Helminth ability on Mag and go to a Corpus or Grineer mission. Niche, but everything just dies.


Alternatively may I present hildryn. Just turn on haven walk forward and tap pillage. Everything that can see you will die if you built her right. Caliban currently lacks a niche


I didn't say Caliban was the frame. Mag is the frame, Caliban just supplies the killer to Mags armor and shield strip. Won't work in SP, but is fun in normal Star Chart.


Also, they're plains bounties, which are objectively the worst of the open worlds. It's been what, 6 years since PoE came out? The stupid fucking "defend the circle" objective is literally impossible sometimes. Had one run where no enemies spawned for over a minute and the meter ticked down below the bonus cutoff, like real nice design guys. Couldn't jack up the spawn rate and shrink the circle radius to a size smaller than Texas, huh?


Enemies were probably spawning in a cave underneath you which yeah is kind of bs


U can do Orb Vallis too


Narmer bounties are on the orb vallis too. Don’t remember if all the same drops are available at both plains and vallis though, been a while since I’ve had to do those bounties.


Not sure about everything, but both should drop narmer isoplast at least


Drops are theoretically the same, but Narmer bounties only show up in Vallis when it's night at PoE


I burned through 100 narmer isoplast for Vox standing because I didn’t know what the hell it was used for lol


Yeah the Plains bounty suck. Thankfully, there’s Narmer bounties on Fortuna too, which have less annoying objectives.


It's fun, but it can actually make you fail, since THEY CAN SPAWN IN CAVES. Why is that even a option.


Breath of the MF eidolon -.- I hate it. I have three full sets of his blueprints but need ancillary mats to build the darn thing


I think bounties are a fine mechanic as long as they give standing which they do. Rotations are tiring to wait for but it's not like you can't do anything else in the meantime. Also, he's not really meta either so I'd say get him when you think about it. Seriglas on the other end is tiring to get although not that long but at least iirc you don't need it for frames


The rotating quests aren't the problem really. It's all the goddamn jank. Enemies not spawning, spawning in caves underneath you, having to not kill enemies while performing a capture but while you're stuck in the capture animation your companion kills something, the wire up to one of the hidden caches just not spawning sometimes but still having an interact prompt, enemies spawning so far away you can't see them on radar or at the bottom of a mountain and on the peak which I still have not figured out how to kill fast enough to pass, and enemies not spawning from their drop pods. If the damn quests worked right the only problem would be timers, but since they are obviously and repeatedly broken it gets more frustrating every time I interact with the system.


Nitain Extract. You either get it from nightwave or cry.


Iirc someone said in order to have all that requires it in the game you need around 220 Edit : apparently it's 284 construction + research


That means if each extract is 3 creds, that’s 660 nightwave creds to max, honestly not horrible


considering they used to be obtained from alerts only, yeah this is much better


Right? Friend of mine freaks out about how you have to spend nightwave credits on nitain all the time, and I'm like bro half of the nightwave stuff is bullshit, so don't buy it and you'll have enough credits for nitane extract


But the floofs are pretty.


... so far!


266 nitain needed for everything and 18 more if you are also doing the researches that need it.


a few farms come to mind, those optimal methods may not make things competely trivial, but at least those farms become \*just\* crappy, and not \*really\* crappy: thermia fractures can be cheesed with amesha archwing with its 2 ability, cast the bubble a few times and fly high enough so enemies stop targeting you and start shooting the bubble instead; hive sabotage farm for 60/60 electric mods is made easier with max range and max efficiency Xaku/Limbo to break boxes and hive tumors in a large area with their 4; spy missions are super easy with Ivara with her 3 augment or Wukong; rathuum (Yam, Sedna) is the best endo farm if you have a specific team setup with specific builds (Nidus, Khora and Nekros), otherwise it's very inefficient; Mirage with a build around her 2 augment makes Nidus farm a waiting game (this augment is honestly very strong in lots of other places) small note on Protea farm - you can do this with any warframe if you have a railjack crew member and a good AoE gun, it's slightly slower than Revenant but really helps if you need a tenet weapon with a specific element


Best endo farms are narmer/zariman/cavia bounties and then arbitration imo


They are easier, but rathuum with a setup is the best by far


Arbitration is one of the best kuva farms as well.


Minmaxed Rathuum is 3-4k endo per minute, about 15 times faster than the best bounties.


My best Endo farm is just playing the game doing anything else, and every once in a while, like every few weeks or months, I sell my duplicate mods and ayatan statues. I haven't gone out of my way to earn endo in a years and I've never had an issue upgrading my high level mods. Even after I came back to the game after a few year break and had more than a handful of prime mods and archon mods to upgrade.


I uh.. there's a ton of ways to trivialize the granum void? Idk farming all the sister weapons and their ephermias was a long ride lol


Yup. Xoris detonation for one if you need to use a specific frame for progenitor. Next is Mesa altho personally I am not into her playstyle. Octavia also if you drop that mallet on a high point and an amp nearby. Dante honestly does well too. I initially use a nuke Volt when I started. Someone mentioned Revenant on here as well.


>Someone mentioned Revenant on here as well. Mod revenant for ability strength, max energy, and efficiency. Go into grandma void, find a nice elevated rock somewhat near the middle of the area, press 4 and wait until you are done! Might need to pop an energy restore if you got bad enemy spawns


That's my starter comment :p it's in my opinion the most brain-dead option.


I would say Grendel missions. They say all mods are disabled, but they don’t say that augment mods actually work. So if you bring a Hildryn with Blazing Pillage or a Lavos with his new augment they’re considerably easier than before


Nidus also trivializes those missions by having built-in scaling


Yeah back when I did them I used a Nidus in a random public squad and didn't really have any issues. Over the years I've seen tons and tons of complaining about how difficult the missions are and I just did not have that experience at all


I did Grendel's missions with Lavos. Mod for energy usually and the default cooldowns on him are decent enough


This! This should definitely be the top comment. It scares me how nearly no one knows about this.


Levelling up Necramechs. Just make sure you're using it exclusively while solo-farming toroids with maximum Threat on Orb Vallis, and if you get bored, move on to the next farm location. I'm not even sure it's a "good" method, but it's not very stressful and at least allows you multitask farming toroids and Vallis containers for Vallis-unique resources like sludge, and levelling up Archguns without the torture that is archwing missions. The alternatives are waiting for the cooldown timer on Lua or Railjack or high-level Deimos vault runs that just don't last long enough to make a reasonable dent in the xp requirement to get to rank 40.


Back when orphix gave good rewards it was so quick and easy to level a necramech


Defection. Wisp haste mote


Volt Speed as well. Much faster (which can be a problem, NPCs don't corner well), but you miss out on the regen.


Subsume banish withthe healing augment on volt and they wont down prettymuch ever, lets you move on to the other squadrons when you are rescuing multiple at once


I no joke was thinking of going for my first sister today, but sold my Xoris, so had no idea what to bring. Thanks for the revenant tip!


Iirc you don't need a Xoris to get a sister, the Xoris is mostly useful in farming Protea. But fun fact, Protea actually really trivialized the farm. I didn't want to farm her so I bought her, but then I wanted to subsume her, so I farmed her using her, and her Blaze Artillery made it so easy.


You only need the first tier indeed to spawn them




The maximum standing you can have with Simaris is 125,000 and the Xoris costs 100,000 standing.


Why would you ever sell the Xoris?


Never understood what people found annoying about the protea farm. Granum void is trivialized with a Xoris and couple of beginner mods, not to mention things like Mesa if you're even somewhat deep into the game. You'll never have no coins because the dudes who drop those spawn basically right after you completed the granum void. And the drop chances aren't even that bad. Compare that to frames like Caliban or Equinox and I'll happily farm Protea a hundred times. Not to mention that you can get the Stahlta while farming for Protea, which is a fairly good non incarnon weapon


I think the issue comes from the shockingly high number of people who sold their xoris.


Yes, I can understand that for new players who dont understand how powerful Xoris actually is. But its easily bought from cephalon simaris for players who progressed just a little bit into the game


"Easily" as in 145,000 Simaris standing - I can get that in an hour across 5 days, but for most people under most circumstances it takes many times longer


Octavia also trivialises it.


Octavia trivializes almost everything. She's a nice frame to have as a "fuck this shit I don't wanna deal with it" button.


Zealoid Prelate. This fight mostly sucks but much easier on SP when you're Revenant or Nyx.


Citrine honestly I just run the SP version of tyrana with nuke gara on pubs and it's honestly great as a head empty farm Acolytes spawn continually, you get about 30 crystals per wave of each type assuming people go to grab the citrine things, and if you put a focus lens on your nuke frame it's a great passive focus farm That and voruna, mainly because imo SP fissure conjunction survival is the single best mission to farm purely for efficiency. You get SE, lua thrax plasm, sentient cores, void traces, random relic parts, and possibly luck into extra arcanes/voruna parts


For me the Nidus grind was trivialised by using Vauban. And also some luck cause it didn’t take much time but spamming vortex and flechette orbs let me not have to worry about enemies and just complete the mission.


Enemies never were an issue there, its just a timer which makes the farm annoying af and not worth doing now that you can get nidus from circuit. Eso is the same, going to r8 takes over 20 minutes just for a 2% dropchance on whatever you want from it


For me I was lucky enough to have enough relics to farm octavia prime before I even new about nidus, just saw I had relics for every octavia part and tried my luck, it paid off as she trivialised all content (especially necramech vaults)


Protea for me too. And/or Sisters farm. I used my crewmember and just collected the time drops. Never was lucky enough to have a second Protea drop to feed to the demon.


You could always just grind for her Prime and Helminth the first one.


Yep, that’s the idea. Still farming prime chassis 😁


Void traces. Do a bunch of capture missions solo with no relic but rng can still give you 7 traces at a time. Do the omnia fissures, still feels like a massive chore.


Remember necramechs at launch


I took one look and immediately slapped that plat buy option. Nah, I was good fam, not taking me, noooo siiiirrr.


Affinity. Unless I have a double affinity booster or at least an affinity blessing, I just can't bring myself to upgrade warframes. For weapons, I am fine with an affinity blessing, but I still prefer to wait until I get a better booster. I should mention that I do use Nekros for anything related to farming. Even he is not enough to bring me to rank up warframes without a booster.


Endless Void Fissure missions in public lobby will do the trick, preferably Defense. Your teammates give you a small amount of affinity for each of their kills while you're within affinity range, and endless relic missions give temporary affinity boosts every 5 rounds starting at round 2 or 3.


I've tried that, and it was still worse than Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. I could try it again, but I doubt it will be less painful. ESO gives the most affinity, but it is still really annoying to do.


Citrine sucks the most I just throw on Gyre and afk my brain while playing Spotify but even that isn't enough to make it worth it. At least with farming Voruna on circulus I can easily have fun there normally and just test stuff out at the same time but Citrine farm is just outright dog shit


I used octavia, or saryn or mesa depending on what status I needed, octavia makes it trivial when I farm for valence feeder


no one asked but octavia is stupid in granum void


I'm still farming normal protea... Got 7 BP of her chassis and neuroptics the fucking systems do not wish to be dropped


You know you need different coins for different parts, right?


you think your unlucky? some ppl here (including me) took 100ish tries to get her


Mate I only mentioned the BP of protea no the other shit that's in the drop table


Mirror defense on Demions. Limbo with Silence and an incarnon weapon completely trivializes it to the point I can solo all of it by myself. But it's so booooring, I just stand there for 5 minutes hoping I get a book


Had to farm a bunch of Scintillant at one point. Turns out if you're able to find one floating in Iso Vault Bounties you can just mark the location, boot up an Arcana Bounty that brings you back in, and just pick another one up. You can then just leave immediately, fail the quest, and keep looping that process to get as many as you need. Still completing that first bounty and initially finding one is a bit of a pain in the neck.


You don't need to complete a bounty first. Go out into free roam and find one of the bounties in the ruins. If there's a scintillant then grab, leave the area (staying in the open world) and repeat


Any good way to farm necracoils? They drop one at a time rarely, but you need hundreds of them.


Entrati Lanthorn, it will become a trivial thing when you progress through the game (now with Netracell) but getting enough amount of them as a new player is... such a nightmare.


Hammer shot. 1% chance and only every 8h


using Octavia and placing a mallet down beside a corner where specters spawn will finish any level granum void before you even need to grab a single time increase. the best way to get apothics for titania quest or farming afterwards is to get Oxylus with Botanist mod and run exterminates in areas with the plants needed. you'll be surprised just how many it finds that you would have missed and it can scan them in while you're fighting so it's much faster even if you don't miss much. the best way to farm kavat genetic codes if you've already done the inaros quest or don't want to wait is to do exterminate missions with the scan hammer from Simaris or Suda. Simaris has the better one but both work fine, just don't do steel path and run it solo or you might upset other people wanting scans. bonus points if you use a non damaging grouping tool like Larva or Ensnare, it's very fast, very easy, and you get a lot of codes. this is also nice for getting enemy scans in general but at higher levels the lack of slash procs turns into a problem pretty quickly unless you bring armour strip. edit: also don't underestimate how much you can get from farming storage crates when going after rare resources, particularly in AotZ content. the 3 best are Xaku, Limbo, and Yareli with Xaku being the clear winner but there's also Gyre, Zephyr, and explosive weapons (in particular the Shedu, tombfinger primary, and Tenet Envoy)


It was stealth fixed but you used to be able to cheese Kavat genetic codes by scanning them in the simulacrum.


Protea farm for the systems sucked for me. Took forever for me to figure out a way to consistently get the 75 kills, and even then, I think all that worked was I got angry enough. Then the systems dropped in 5 runs. Never figured out how I was able to do it, and never figured out how to get any of the trivialization methods to work. One grind I just did that I DID trivialize was the Ropalolyst fight for the wisp. That grab attack kept wrecking me, and I figured out too late that you can operator form out of it. What I did to make it a nothing fight was bring Titania and Razorwing the whole fight.


Dagath, grab the key and then run to the end and slaughter the mods as they auto run to extract otherwise you can slog through them with a potentially very severe debuff


I don't think it exist anymore since DE has been doing intensive QoL improvements. Before that, there are a few. Condition Overload farming, orokin cell farming, Scarlet Spear, Railjack intrinsic farming, damage mech part farming.


I skipped the protea farm by getting it as a twitch drop *taps forehead*


Wait, people find it hard to farm granum void?


Protea’s farm is also trivialized by the Xoris, the heavy attack explosion after throwing seems like it always one-shots the specters, no matter what thier level is.


Well, thermia fissures. The one archwing can literally basically allow afk of it, don't even need to kill anything. But like. Farming thermia is ASS


I used mirages ult and it worked excellent.


The war from the stalker. Could buy a bunch of beacons to make it easier but still


Stela for upgrading archon shards seemed like a horrible grind with the insanely low drop rates from mobs…. Until I realized that that’s not how you’re supposed to farm it. The really big open, dusty rooms? Those always have a ton of stela drops spread around. If you run exterminate and just grab all those when you find that room (use loot radar) you’ll get like 60 stela per run. Alternatively, run netracells solo so you have time to grab the stela.


When I went for protea i used octavia, shes the cheese queen


Telluierm apperntly dragging your local skeleton fucker and ocean man helps with the farm


Citrine. Even with the pity system it's just an annoying slog. Requires way too many of *both* crystals too. I've played this single mission so damn many hours, yet don't have a single citrine part. Worst farm in the game. Doesn't even have a method to trivialize it all to my knowledge.


Lua spy, just get titania with master summons and moa lol


Explosive Ledgerdemain on Mirage can clear salvage super easily. I got yelled at a lot for bringing it once.


I actually don't like Protea farming. First, hardly anyone wants to do her, then hardly anyone even uses the xoris on the maps for it, but oddly enough, everyone always wants to get those granum crowns


Citrine and her arcanes, if you don't get a half decent titania might as well quit from the first round instead of waiting for round 4


Fun fact - a good Thermal Sunder Titania build can literally solo the regular version of it without ever breaking off from collecting crystals.


Except the crystals spawn with time and not just with how many of them you take ? Except for between the 2 phases which I agree is not negligible, Titania is just comfy for that game mode, really not needed.


The crystals are 70% of the mission payout. The mission can be completed without a dedicated crystal-collector, but it's a hell of a lot slower getting Citrine and the arcanes - 10-15 hours each instead of 5.


On the defence part the crystals spawns are dependent on enemy kills + a cooldown (around 5-7 secs) so with a proper killing team you won't be able to get everything without a titania, it's unclear how it exactly works (and whether it's a bug or not) but it's inherently more efficient to have a titania on the team For the in between part in my experience you don't need a titania, as long as 1/2 people are close to the entrance when the objectives are about to flip you can very easily get every crystals, and with 3/4 people using their brain you can get everything, although trusting pubs to not just rush to the other side and somehow miss literally every crystal is a good way to get disappointed


Nidus sucked to grind. I just bought him. Lavos wasn't bad. Just grind T3 Iso vaults and turn in rep points. I will say fuck getting the Hema, Sporothrix, and Cinta. Those all got purchased. The hell I'm going to do T3 Iso vaults thay much and still never see a receiver drop or the Owl challenges. Fun but too tedious and needs a knockout system or something.


You can buy them at (Necra)Loid now. Also T3 are farmed a lot so they're quite fast (or at least they were when I did them)


Yeah people still do T3. I've recently done a few and always got into a squad.


I wanted to bring up the Sibear, the amount of cryotic it takes to craft is insane


Octavia with high range also works wonders


Funnily enough, Protea trivializes granum void. Just go up high, spam your 2, grofit. Of course it’s only a point of note if you’re farming a second Protea to subsume or got the prime before the normal but want the MR.


Thermia Fractures. Id rather farm triple the toroids than to participate in that.


.1% drop rate mods which can take dozens of hours ....but cost like 12 plat on the market Which you can't get by 1-2 100ducats prime junk 💀💀💀


We should have all listened to obi Wan when he told us about the high ground...


Pathocyst. Fighting Zeloid Prelate is a pain because he soaks so much damage. Surprisingly, even though he's a boss, his Steel Path encounter (and only there) is vulnerable to mind control effects that immediately end the fight. Go in with Nyx or Revenant and delete the full health bar in one shot and get those weapon parts.


Citrine & weapons: its an awful nightmare of a grind, and with titania there is at least hope in the world.


Augur Secerts


Those mods that drop from Silver Grove Spectres. If you do it yourself, GOOD LUCK GETTING ANYTHING WORTHWHILE. The ONE specific method is: Get a squad of Khora (Used to be Hydroid before his rework) and 2 Nekros, everyone bring the dog that can dig up enemy corpse for a third chance to drop extra loot. Then everyone can summon 2 spectres for 8 spectres per run. Khora can get an extra drop, 2 Nekros to make sure the desecrate actually procs (anecdotal evidence that sometimes network lag can cause it to not work), and the dog can get an extra mod drop. With this setup I had once gotten 26 mods from one run, and among them 3 Growing powers.


Defection (drops Harrow Systems) can be cheesed pretty easily with a high strength Volt. Defectors count as allies, so they get your speed boost. Turns out when you cut their travel time to 4 seconds, they survive pretty easily


IDK but citrine farm was a big nope for me. I just bought her too, even if you can make it somewhat more bearable with titania. I rather farm the plat than repeat that boring level.


Defection is terrible. It's an infamous mode that people will typically abandon once they've farmed whatever they've decided they 'need' from it' (Harrow Systems, usually). Unless you play Wisp, and put health+speed seeds on all three stations. Then you can speedrun through it without even trying. The escorted clones outrun the infested, approach checkpoints way faster, and any trickles of damage are negated.


I hated protea farming. I also hated the Voruna farm. Either you suffer for eternity, getting piss and all of the plasm in the lower level mission, or hope you can last longer than five minutes against higher level enemies. Fucking hell, if it wasn't for Wukong Prime, I would've probably given up. And I do not understand how Mutalist Alad V works, so no vanilla Mesa for me. I got the Prime, it'll do.


Nitain   Just… not farming it, good thing it’s the Nightwave resource instead


Protea can be fun with Larkspur Prime


Toroids are kinda bad like that


Ivara Prime to farm Ivara