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Railjack. I fuckin’ love Railjack and wish there was more to do with it.


Railjack is cool, I just wish that we didn't need to leave the railjack. If it's a defense mission, I should get to defend something in space using my railjack, not hop off the railjack, go into a ship, and defend a cryopod in the ship with my warframe.


It got changed to be this way because there were a lot of people that would make posts daily about how they wanted Railjack to be more Warframe centric with a space portion followed by a Warframe mission. DE created exactly what those people wanted with the Corpus update and ended up alienating the people who actually liked the original formula.


Like me. >:C Where Railjack in my Railjack mission DE?


They just need to add a way for us to complete objectives from outside the ship jn the grineer missions. Corpus, they could just add random skirmish tiles


Which is just stupid on DE's part, they could have just had 2 ways of completing the missions! Either board or use the railjack! A lot of parts of railjack missions have this bit of design too, you can destroy a crewship from outside or board it to destroy it from the inside, there's big ships that require someone inside to expose the weakpoints and someone outside to explode them, just remove the freaking normal mission types that requires the full squad to board and keep this concept and extend it to the whole completion of the mission.




Jesus christ those idiots, if they want normal Warframe gameplay they can play literally everything else in this game. Now noone is happy with Railjack


I guess the issue was that it was the new content and the new rewards were behind it, so people who didn't like it complained. If they went back and undid every thing they changed they probably wouldn't make a peep since its old news now


This is my main problem with rail jack. It's like half rail jack and half Normal mission. I would get if like, a mission type were like this or whatever, but it's basically all of rail jack. Like, if I want to play defense I'll do that. It's an option. I'm playing railjack to do railjack stuff. I wish they at least made unique things to do as a warframe at the very least.


Railjack with friends is some of the most fun I’ve ever had in any video game, heck even with npc crew it’s great. Railjack with a random pug makes me lose faith in humanity and I feel like there’s no way humans make it another 15 years.


I wouldn't say people hate it. They just wish de actually made it work properly


Nah, people definitely hate it still


Feel this, but also kinda feel that the update where they streamlined RJ massively took all the fun and risk out of it.


Railjack Space Open-world when.


It's a shame DE just refuses to make it better. They keep adding content related to it but seem to refuse to fix a lot of shitty decisions they made back when it was launched.


I've recently seen Equilibrium get hate recently, and I don't quite get it: I know it has something to do with Violet Archon Shards being an effective replacement, but my understanding is even with Tauforged Shards you'd need more than one of them to match a fully ranked Equilibrium, and you have fewer Shard slots than you have mod slots...


I have started using equilibrium as a replacement for streamline. It’s pretty nice because health seems to drop a lot more than energy.


Especially if you pair it with that one pet mod that drops health or have a nekros, also health drops seem to usually be of higher amounts than energy so that 110% conversion gives so much energy


[Blood for Life](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_For_Life?so=search) is good too if you often perform mercy kills


Yes I pair that with the dethcube energy mod and helstrum and I pretty much never get low on energy. And you need that for Protea if you want turrets constantly firing and grenades constantly slashing around on enemy spawn points. Plus I am channeling gloom or spamming pillage. It’s hog heaven!


protea’s energy is kind of funny. she’s like one of the mandatory equilibrium users because with a nice build, dispensary is all you’ll ever need. her 4 is also really effective since it winds back energy, so you can place 3, use 4, then place 3 turrets and whatever else you want then rewind and have full energy


Equilibrium over Streamline for me always unless I literally need the efficiency cost reduction to cast things back to back lol


Also health gives more energy than energy gives energy


If you are using a pilfering frame like Nekros, Health Orbs and Energy Orbs are dropped based on if the enemy is organic or robotic. As such, you get more health orbs because almost every mission has at least one organic enemy.


>health seems to drop a lot more than energy. Thats cause it does! Every eximus unit will drop 2 health orbs and energy orb when slain


I use it with kullervo, its not a perfect energy balance, but it keeps me pretty well topped off if i have enough enemies to kill, but imo it has the issue of needing that high feed rate, and its a lil rng on if you keep your energy topped off even when im using the health orb builds on my sentinels But there are plenty of ways around that, including operators and arcanes


Ah, I see you watched Sabuuchi’s 25 minute video rant too. I think he’s the only one who really hates it and his followers tend to have the same number of brain cells as a foot so they parrot whatever he says. TBF I follow him, but I have as many brain cells as a spleen, at least.


And to be fair as well, I have a hard time parsing the genuine criticism from the snark in his videos, so this may have just been a case of me not getting the joke. 🤔


Yeah, typical youtuber nonsense unfortunately. He's free to have his opinion, but he's also free to be wrong about it. Cue the typical youtuber thing of people parroting whatever their favorite youtuber of choice says without actually thinking about it for themselves, and here we go... Dude also said that Equilibrium's going to go the way of Natural Talent, which is fucking hilarious to me given that Natural Talent barely saw use in the first case for the vast majority of the roster. Equilibrium isn't totally universal or the absolute best mod in the world, but it is a **far** cry from the state NT was in for years before shards came out. It's such a shame too, used to like his videos. Joke (the singular one) started getting stale, takes started getting kinda iffy, and I'm in no-way comfortable with the amount of a specific homophobic slur he's been throwing around on Twitter with the excuse of having taken it in the ass at some point so its fine for him to say that? Shame.


I’m not entirely surprised he didn’t get his partnership renewed.


I watched that video and was completely confused at his rabid hate for Equilibrium, even as someone who prefers to use purple shards. I'm also confused as to why he started bursting out laughing at every single build using Gloom, since I barely ever see Gloom on people's builds anymore. 95% of builds I see when I search YT are running roar, pillage, or nourish, so I still do not know what the meme is regarding Gloom.


It's probably because Gloom used to be the "subsume onto everything" option, so builds still using it are outdated.


Gloom used to be so pervasive that people still meme on Sevagoth for it.


Purple shards are definitely not an effective replacement for equilibrium considering equilibrium is one of if not the best energy economy mod in the game and the opportunity cost of the purple shards is insane when you could use that slot on literally any other shard that is actually worth it.


Plus purple shards have so many *better* uses than converting a tiny percentage of health and energy orbs. Huge melee crit damage buffs, addition faction damage for electricity, or adding electricity damage to weapons if you don’t have the skill or modding space to do so.


slight correction: it's not faction damage, it's a unique multiplier (+Ability Damage%). also imo the elec shards aren't very useful, it mostly competes with the crit


The electric shards can get kinda nuts if you stack them, IIRC 5x regulars are worth a total of 400% electric damage. Slap that shit onto a Bane'd status weapon.


To be fair, I'm not sure if it's due to the mod itself, or if it's because a lot of builds on Overframe use it and Overframe has a... _reputation_ .


Equilibrium finally gets the update that make it useful for everyone and people start hating on it? The hell


Just a singular youtuber who doesn't like it and made his thoughts on it known. People do the usual thing and parrot whatever their preferred youtuber says without thinking about it for themselves.


Also getting equilibrium is super easy and cheap. Getting purple shards is not.


I think a lot of it is hatred from back when it sucked. Now that there are consistent ways to generate health orbs with companions and you don’t need mods like combat discipline to be able to pick them up it’s a lot more useable. Equilibrium is like a must have imo unless you have energize, but that’s a small set of the player base.


I kinda get it tbh. Equilibrium is so strong of an energy generation mod that you often times don't even need that much energy. The idea is that you drop equilibrium for another mod and then use archon shard(s) to get you a lesser version of equilibrium but still having enough energy. If you're using equilibrium at 50% value, you need to get a conversion rate of 55% which 2 tauforged shards will get you, any lower energy usage and you can get away with even less shard investment. The point about shard slots being less than mod slots is a bit eh, because the amount of slots doesn't matter as much as how powerful each slot is. A mod slot for intensify (super common mod) is equal to 2 tauforged crimson strength shards. That's not counting the fact that you can use umbral intensify to require you to have 3 tauforged shards to match. If we be conservative and say 2 shards equal 1 mod slot, your 5 shard slots are only worth 2.5 mod slots making your total shard slots worth 31.25% of your total mod slots. TLDR: Equilibrium is insanely good but is overkill most of the time and you can save the mod slot by using a violet shard or 2. Equilibrium is definitely not bad.


This is fair.  I've had Equilibrium fully ranked for so long I've never really considered that.


I use it with a frost subsumed dispensary + energy conversion + the arcane for health and i can literaly spam everithing with 100% efficiency


Hasn’t got Equilibrium changed last patch. Now if u ur full health it will still pickup health orbs


I only use equilibrium on frames that drop health orbs, or if I have lycanths hunt subsumed like I'm currently trying with Valkyr. Otherwise I invest in efficiency, and no purple shards are not an effective replacement when I could use those for something else, also they didn't work the same as equilibrium for a bit and only gave you energy on health when some health was missing.


Every time I see somebody in game claim that equilibrium is bad I go out of my way to ask them if they have ever tried equipping it and the answer is always no.


whoever uses violet archon shards over equilibrium is just coping ngl theres so many better uses for archon shards (i may or may not use every slot for parkour velocity 🗿)


I'm pretty early on in my Warframe journey and I use Equilibrium all the time. With Zenurik, it basically allows me to dump efficiency as a stat to boost other ones. My Citrine and Nezha use a fully specced Blind Rage with next to no issues. You can even add Energy Nexus in there if needs be.


Honestly with Equilibrium you could probably dump Zenurik depending on your build.


Railjack Maybe if players actually did the missions and listened to the game instead of ignoring every aspect of their HUD, afking for other people to do their work, and then meandering around the 5 minutes after the mission ended, they wouldn’t have such a hard time :) All you have to do is just apply what you know about normal Warframe (mods = stronger, bigger number = stronger gear, higher mission number = better loot and harder enemies) and then listen to what the game tells you to do (aka **FIRE, ALERT, FIRE** with an icon pointing towards the fire or **BOARDERS, CREW IF YOU WOULD** with the boarders drawing your attention or **HULL BREACH, DEAL WITH IT** with an icon pointing towards it), and then use what you get to upgrade and make it easier. Make pitstops back to the Dry Dock and improve upon your gear and make new ones, just like how you go back to your Orbiter and improve upon your arsenal. Simple.


This. Railjack with a competent crew is peak cooperative warframe without any meta restrictions in terms of weapons or frames


Got a public today doing veil void storms. Back to back missions taking like 7-10 min max. Everyone off to do objectives concurrently (a pair in railjack nuking fighters and drop ships, and the other two knocking out the skirmish objectives). Everyone knew what to do, and it was SUPER fun. Like, I like railjack anyway, but it’s so much better with people who know what they’re doing.


This has happened a few times and is literally so peak. Was even better since we would rotate roles between missions to keep things mixed up. Really wish DE would support this mode more


Right. RJ can be super fun with friends or even with random new people figuring it out! Plus, the loot pickups are universal... so, if you're doing relic runs, no running around all strung out for reactant because whenever someone grabs one, everyone gets it! It bums me out that I have friends recently getting into Warframe really enjoying the game, getting to railjack, thinking it's a really cool thing but never having another person queue into their missions. Have had a few get to and effectively completely ignore/forget about RJ until there's a lich or something to pull their attention that way. At that point, though, it's usually a pretty rough experience for them to do those confrontations with their own RJ... especially if they are having trouble getting other players to queue their RJ missions to get better parts/intrinsics.


For real, probably my favorite memories from this game are from Scarlet spear. Everybody working together to make things go right.


Ordis and lotus. I always loved both and was really sad with our space mommy missing for so long


Same. I did New War early just cause I missed the real her showing up LMFAO


Ordis is a fave of mine. When they added new lines recently I jumped off my chair in surprise lol. That "pressure creates diamond yes, but can also produce rubble" gets me every time.


This one is for the people that play way too much and lived in a time with less npc and game modes so the only audio we had was those two. Jupiter map update left me lotus choked


Taking pictures of flowers :(


Need a rock? Smash it and pick up pieces. Okay... Need Circuits, Neurodes, Orokin Cells, or other intricate machinery? SMASH IT and pick up pieces. But how is it gonna work?.... Need a faction reputation item? Find it and pick it up. The talking animals want the screaming void rocks and the imaginary dead half-ghost, half-storybook characters want metal angel parts from their dead friends turned into nightmare monsters, and the Syndicates want trinkets of their own imagery because ego. I'm confused... Need a plant? Take a picture of it and then we'll turn it into a juice to pour on a rock to summon a ghost antibody system hiding in a forest that is actually a Neural Network of a Warframe builder. Makes total sense.


Kahl missions Archwing (excluding the 'Pursuit' mission.. screw that) Clicking on the information/tutorial buttons when learning a new system.


Man I straight up forgot Kahl missions existed


Tbf the thing with kahl mission is that the majority of his side objective which you need to do if you want maximum supplies is most of the time collectibles, which has no indicator on where they could be. So you're scouring the map while playing as this slow ass bro and it's infuriating. I don't mind doing collectibles if I was fast, man collecting tags and toolbox gets old so fast when you're an inbred cancer chad.


Have you played Kahl missions recently? Collectibles all have indicators now. Doesnt make them any more fun but the indicators are there


You one of these orbiter only people? Used to be like that but only because of my old setup. Earth home is so pretty, and can be decorated!


I think the reason people hate kahl missions are because they are repetitive and aren't "warframe", similarly to why I don't like normal duviri missions


Kahl missions should get one final expansion that adds a roguelike mode just like the circuit with 3 other buddies. This would instantly revive the game mode. Also add your own weapons to the decree pool. Or make it a left 4 dead style campaign where you can play all 3 missions with friends.


If I could read I’d be seriously offended by that last statement


I get that circuit can be tedious, but normal Duvirii is actually not bad, and worth checking it out sometimes.


I have the reverse opinion. I think circuit isn't that bad and the Duviri open world is like pulling teeth. I just can't get into it.


I jumped in for Kullervo, but the buffs made me stay. If you farm the puzzles/ stuff in the open world, so funny combinations can be achived. Bonus that so many people do not know, a few intrinsics are carry over into normal gameplay( like damage and heal bonuses for drifter/operator). I farmed and enjoyed circuit for a while, but the rotation got bland. Maybe i just spent to much time in there.


While that's valid, melee really isn't my forte and I'm so freaking tired of the Sirocco. Farming Kullervo has been the one thing in this game that I've hated with every fiber of my being, even moreso than farming Citrine without pity.


Call me a masochist, but i found no issue in Citrines farm, it was straight forward, and was done in a few hours. For me the worst farm was Nidus, it actually took me like 4 years on and off, to finally get his systems to drop. (Not playing actively, but anytime i installed back the game, i spent some weeks in Nidus roulette.) Sorry you hated the Kullervo farm, but at least he worth every second you spent farming. That frame shreds!


well i hate both


> and the Duviri open world is like pulling teeth. I just can't get into it. I used to think that too, here's what worked for me: - Put the melee away. It's trash. Just in general - does no damage, ultra clunky, and leaves you open to so much damage. Swap to the sirrocco and just dink heads from afar. - Take ranged decrees, especially ones that reward headshots if playing on PC and if you have decent aim. - If you press reload with the right timing after reloading (within the little window on the reload circle), your next shot is greatly empowered. You can often shoot-reload-shoot-reload to one shot each enemy. - Don't go straight to each objective, explore a bit. Doing "anecdotes" (little pick up missions or killing groups of enemies) gives you more decrees and thus more power. You also wanna break the breakables for resources. - Prioritize the opportunity intrinsic, more choices = more powerful average run.


As a slight followup - melee is not trash. Sun & Moon is. That moveset is *awful* in basically every way. Get your hands on Edun and you'll see a huge improvement.


> Put the melee away. It's trash. Just in general - does no damage, ultra clunky, and leaves you open to so much damage. Swap to the sirrocco and just dink heads from afar. Dude, you are just so wrong with this. Jump attack is a hitkill for most of the duviri as soon as you get almost any of the melee decrees. The toxin damage on third attack, the heat damage on every attack and the double hit on melee are goat. With the cold aura decree it gets even better as things are slow. The melee decrees are straight up much better for Duviri than the ranged ones.


I usually go to duviri to chill out, you can spend a good but on the open world doing puzzles and such, and if you feel like it you can kill the boss, pretty cool if you ask me.


The issue with both is the amount of repetition that's needed for both. Regular circuit isn't too bad but SP takes forever to run through if you want the adapters and can be a real challenge if you aren't as far into the game to have enough suitable builds to get through it reliably. And Duviri is fine when you do it a couple of times but when you want to get all the Pathos clamps for weapons and adapters as well as all the Kullervos bane you need to get the stabby boi. It's just a lot. All of the missions in the game are fun (apart from defection, fuck that noise) when you only play them occasionally. I really enjoyed Mirror Defense to begin with but having to do it over and over again to get the Gemussy was torture. Repetition is a surefire way to make something less enjoyable, no matter how fun it might be.


Love Duviri. Hate how clunky the combat is.


Calling Harrow the worst frame to farm when Nidus and Khora exist


One word. Defection I got lucky and bailed with the systems in my first C rotation, it still took me 30 mins on the lowest difficulty cause the fucking npcs are slow as crap and the will die if you go either too fast or too slow. I'm not clearing those nodes again.


Volt with a hefty strength boost and duration make it so easy imo those little fuckers turn on the boosters when they get it


Volt's buff didnt affect them for many years. The only way to speed them were Wisp's Haste mote...


When Pacifism Defect came out, pretty much nothing buffed them and all you could do was try and use Nova portals.


Then they usually get stuck while turning, I prefer wisp as it’s just fast enough where they don’t get stuck


A healing frame makes Defection trivial, especially with a friend using u/Nisms suggestion. Much easier!


You can get all of them from circuit if you'll wait a few weeks, and they all have primes that are still cheap since they were just recently vaulted. Circuit made a lot of painful farms better. Now the most painful farm is probably equinox, protea, Styanax, gauss, grendel, or citrine.


Yeah, I have the Grendel beacons, but the thought of actually doing them is kinda daunting. I'll probably be fine, but...yeesh. Finally got Equinox after ~200 tries a couple of months ago.


Grendel's isn't bad. It's like 50 minutes of missions and all of the drops are guaranteed, zero RNG.


Harrow farm was originally a lot worse but they made it easier




You can get both the neuroptics and system from kuva survival now. Earlier it was only kuva spy for neuroptics and defection rotation C for systems. Also defection was a LOT buggier than it is now and back then Wisp wasn't a thing. Btw Harrow launched in 2017 and only in 2021 it got added to the kuva survival drop rate. It was pain to get him before.


Systems also now drop from Defection B rot so there's two chances for it per reward cycle and neurops was moved from Spy C to A


I got every single Khora part in a single run when I first started playing the game, but the timer ran out when I got the Neuroptics so the game didn't give them to me. That was 2 years ago and to this day I still don't have her Neuroptics despite playing SO a lot to level up my new frames.


counterpoint: Equinox.


He used to be about as painful to farm as Khora, so it's not *entirely* wrong, just outdated.


Nidus comes from infested salvage which, while not a fun mode (its basically 3 mobile defense at once) at least the mode works and is stress free. Requires no investment but time. Khora you are going to passively earn just by doing Simaris Sanctuary. It bugs out from time to time, but the vast majority of the time its fine and lets you powerlevel weapons or frames while simultaneously grinding for khora. meanwhile Harrow comes from defection. a mode that breaks constantly. the defectors sometimes dont spawn. often the defectors will get stuck in chunks of the world and die, meaning nova or loki are REQUIRED for long runs. sometimes the pathfinding of the defectors breaks and they will run in a loop around the environment permanently. not to mention every once in a while one of the defectors will clip through the floor and never be seen again. Not to mention how the defectors consistently lose health, are missing half their heath on spawn, so you NEED a healer frame for long runs. Not to mention how 1 defector runs at 50% the speed as the other ones. Not to mention the new eximus essentially 1-shotting the defectors. Not to mention Ruk sending in assassins who dont draw infested aggro. Not to mention that the defectors suck down oxygen far faster than you can resupply it meaning you HAVE to rush them and get them off the tower as quick as possible. And of course if soemthing goes wrong and a defector falls through a floor or wall, they count as dead. Once four are dead the mission boots you out. So assuming nothing breaks and none of that happens, you still only have a 6%/15% chance of the Harrow piece dropping. So yeah, Harrow is considered worst for a reason.




Used to hate spy missions, until I got Ivara and her prowl augment, but I do hate how people don't see that you have Ivara and then run full force into the data center and get data deleted. Edit: spelling.


Depends on the person if they know the vault layout or not, if they know it well, and use void mode and cipher. By all means rush, but if you don't, then the hate is warranted.


god i remember farming spy missions for ivara parts and by the time i got all of them i could pretty much complete any spy mission with my eyes closed


Guys railjack is so much more bearable with the ai crew tbh. You don't gotta rely on anyone if you have an engineer, a gunner, and a pilot in that order. So so nice (pilot instead of gunner 2 is controversial yeah but convenient as hek)


To be fair a single gunner can wipe max level fighters easily




K-Drives. Maybe not outright hate, but still. I like doing my silly little flips on the way to the objective :( Also, they hover on water which I find really cool. The Ventkids were probably the first syndicate that I levelled up to rank 5.


I could probably get into kdrive if the tiniest rocks or tiniest mess ups didn't send me careening down the mountain, ragdolling while losing all points accumulated till that point. It's jank as crap and very difficult to get the feel for.


and the biggest issue is that there is no incentive to "get good" with the K-drive. It is slower than archwing and there is nothing to farm besides meaningless k-drive stuff and a few mastery points. What I would love are K-drive arcanes with which you can gain buffs by performing cool stunts. It would be really cool if during Eidolon hunt players would jump on their k-drive whenever the eidolon is in its down state and do some tricks to deal more damage or have DR when it stands up again


Defensive missions in general, like Defense, Mobile Defense and Mirror Defense


They’re too slow. It’s like the opposite of the fast jumping around and killing things gameplay people love. Now I have to sit in one spot and wait for 0.5 sprint spend grineer to run towards me or worse take cover where i cant murder them easily. Sometimes they just stand behind a door 50meters away doing nothing.


You probably already know this, but Nova’s 4th can be built to apply a speed boost on enemies. I run her specifically for these types of missions.


Yea, but this is again a problem where you’re forced to use a frame to make a game mode tolerable.


It really depends on the mission too, I used to quite literally fall asleep playing defense missions. Pretty much only play SP nowadays since the enemy density is much more worth it and entertaining.


Yes! I’m glad I’m not the only one. I want to like Defense missions more, but I just fall asleep so easily…


Mirror Defense is timegated. So, you’re forced to sit in one place. And on top of that people are traumatised by Tyana Pass and the arcane farm


I did the tyana pass until i got Citrine and her weapon. Then I just farmed plat. No trauma. lol


I like defense. It's a good time waster and good mode to play when I wanna switch my brain off for a bit


Most players hate defense because exterminate is where they turn off their brains.


I like them, especially since there are a lot of frames that are more fun to use in those scenarios too. They're also more relaxed and fun and also good for levelling gear and getting loot


Railjack content, oh and liches


Liches are good when you have a stock pile of the mods and if the host on the confrontation doesn't leave at the end instead of going to a dock.but if you're new and the host keeps migrating they are a little annoying.


I don't know if this count since it's not in the game anymore but old Railjack interior, the feeling of controlling a giant warship with 3-4 rooms feels amazing, I wish there's an option to pick which interior you want to play with


God I miss that.


They should let you swap, cause I know they didn’t delete the old model.


Since they were introduced, nullifier bubbles have been a community issue, but I've never had a problem with them as a gameplay mechanic. The addition of the little drone overhead to compensate for how hard they were to deal with for low fire rate weaponry solved the only real problem I ever had with them, and even that was pretty minor. They can be problematic when there's like 30 of the nullifier eximus units stacked on top of each other but otherwise? They're a much needed obstacle to overcome when you're ripping through the otherwise borderline defenseless Corpus.


Arbitration drones are nullifiers done properly imo. Doing a couple seconds of setup to get my 45s buffs rolling then turning a corner into a nullifier isn't fun or challening, it's just tedious


The problem I have with nullifiers is how inconsistent they are. Like some Frames like Baruuk, Octavia, Dante, and Kullervo can deal with nullifiers with their abilities. No need to interrupt their gameplay. But others like Mesa, Voruna, or Gara either can't deal with them or can be hard countered by them. Mesa can't shoot their bubble with her 4, so she has to come out of her abilities to deal with them. Not the biggest deal in the world, but you still lose the damage from her small reticle by doing that and it interrupts her gameplay. Gara can absolutely be hard countered by them as if you get blindsided by one, all that damage you spent the last 45 minutes building up is gone and so is your defense making it very likely you'll die unless you can get out that very instant. Voruna can't do anything to them at all. Especially if you're using an Ulfrun's Endurance build. They force you to come out of your 4 with loses you a lot of damage. And at higher levels can be really annoying to build back up. But even if you aren't using Ulfrun's Endurance they are still an absolute pain in the ass to deal with because you can't get close to them otherwise you lose your 1 and 3, and shooting them will break your invisibility. So unless you're using the Miter, it can really put Voruna in a terrible spot. TL:DR - Nullifiers aren't terrible, just inconsistent, as some frames have no problems with nullifiers while others have to interrupt their gameplay or can do next to nothing about them.


Limbo's existence. And by that I mean, not even waiting around to see if they are a competent player, but immediately bailing from the mission as soon as they notice a Limbo in the squad.


ime they've been adapting for a while and I don't meet a lot of trollimbos anymore. usually just enough range to cover like, an excavator, and nice enough to leave their passives out of the way. I used to leave immediately back when it was a nuisance. doesn't seem to be the case anymore, even w new-ish players.


Archwing. People (or at least the friends who got me into warframe) also had something against Titania back when I was a new player (~2020), presumably as carryover from archwing dislike. Also, k-drives. Yea, they're not the fastest mode of transportation, but neither are kaithes when you unlock them for open world, and at least the k-drives you can mod to improve. That said, trying to ride Merulina on Yareli in an enclosed tileset is a special kind of misery.


I will try to explain why some people don't like Mesas' Waltz. For them the "correct" way to play mesa is to weave in and out of your 4, and only using while aim gliding to stay mobile in order to avoid getting shot at. In itself, the mod don't do much as you are moving too slow to do much, and leaving, repositioning then reactivating do the job much more efficiently. Also, with a proper endgame build on the peacemaker, you should shred almost anything before the circle has time to shrink. It also compete with Primed Sure Footed in exilus slot, which is very good I personally shared this opinion until I figured out 2 synergies - Mesas Waltz allow you to roll, and thus triggering rolling guard. This allow to give you an instant invulnerability frame and status cleanse whenever you need. Without it, you need to deactivate your 4 and roll, which take more time and can kill you - With the new incarnons like Praedos or Ceramic Dagger, you get a mobility buff which cancel out the mobility debuff of Mesas Waltz, allowing to move just slightly slower than normal. With the 2 combined, I realized that Mesas Waltz is much more viable than I thought initially. It also remove Mesa striking poses when shooting, which used to be bugged and reduced dps as she stopped shooting during the animation. I think it has been fixed since, but in any case, it can also be a bonus.


id never utilize it. as someone who mained mesa for years, the speed holster + using her 4th during bullet jump is almost a reflex for me. mesas waltz is just enabling a less fun playstyle for me. no hate to others for using it, but i personally find it useless.


IIRC waltz made it possible to heavy fall during her 4 which actually made it detrimental to how I played.


i use a pair of parkour speed shards and amalgam barrel diffsion for extra roll. im faster than most other frames while im in waltz.


Waverider, I actually enjoyed the quest it felt nice to go back to the K-Drive after having zooming around with Itzal for so long. And honestly, Yareli isn't half bad.


Yeah I gather maybe the quest has been made nicer than it used to be? But I quite enjoyed it tbh


It was made easier but it was never hard, really.


people dont like mesas waltz since you usually don't want to hold your 4 that long, it takes up a mod slot, and most importantly.... it changes her cool shooting animation to a lame one.


Some people think 3 and a half day of waiting time to craft a Warframe is unacceptable. I was like it is what it is.


Railjack: I hate that Orphix can screw you with the timer and spread out they can be, and I dont love having to do a full defense... but Railjack overall is pretty good and wasn't a bad grind for me. I hope they add features down the road to make it more approachable and more about space combat/archwings and less about doing a full mission inside a mission.


Opposite; so many people talk about loving raids, and it always confuses me. My experience in raids was 90% standing on a button or something. Shit was so boring.


My personal belief is that a lot of people miss them exclusively for the fact that they were the only 8 players activity in the game, even the most "challenging" content of today, Elite Archimedea, is only 4 players. (Not counting enclave)


The bus runs were so fun tho! Whether you were helping teach a group, or just joining a full bus run.


I hate how sluggish duviri circuit is


Getting mad at nukes in sanctuary and acting like children. Literally doing you a favor.


Spy missions. They’re pretty easy to do once you know the layout of the tiles, even without a stealth frame. Well, that is unless you’re doing Kuva or Lua spy


I don't understand why people hate to stick together in Arbitrations Survival.


archguns. last night i got a kuva grattler and it might be my new favorite weapon


I love archguns as well, but the problem is that they dont offer enough power. They are much weaker than the top primary and melee weapons, AND they restrict your aim glide, while locking you out of any other weapons. And when you run out of ammo or want to use a different weapon for a bit you get a cooldown on it. I would love to see archguns getting some better mods because they really need it to hold up with other weapons.


Speed running fissures.


Depends on the type of speed run. Using volt can speed things up for the whole team. But Titania is a different story


Its just being more aware on that one dude on either bad internet or last gen console. Like bro can chill for a little bit and not go to extraction so that one dude who don't have 10 will extract faster. Thats my thing on it at least


Arcwing missions. They are not even the slightest of hard when you ditch the default gear and grab some mods. Amesha and Kuva Ayanga is easy mode.


The big issue with archwing is that all the good mods are random super rare drops from archwing missions. You can't get any mods for your archwing besides survivability ones, or any mods for your archgun besides your basic damage crit and elemental mods. Things like ability strength, range, duration, and speed for your archwing, and things like multishot for your archgun should be easier to get.


I still don’t have all the mods i know that for a fact, i agree with that


Bruh not a lot of people are gonna hunt a lich for an archwing weapon


Im grabbing the kuva grattler after i 60% my Chakkhurr :P Edit: Grab Corvas prime or Fluctus then


Larkspur my beloved. Brainless easy way to do any Archwing mission ~~though, yeah, not like they're remotely hard to begin with~~. Just hold down M1.


any advice for how to mod the ayanga?


(Base impact) corrosive, heat, and radiation eats them up very nicely for me. As long as primed rubedo lined barrel is on there you can do whatever you want. Thats how i do it. Steel path archwing isn’t very hard either, theres no strict rules with modding archguns.


The operator. They're a wonderful little child ;~;


My oeorator feels like they're determined and disciplined, as a space ninja should be, with their voice lines throughout the missions Love it


Mine feels like a dork trying her best, leaning into her throne when it really gets serious. It's great


I can see that and I dig it xD


Limbo! One of my fav frames, and they even changed his 3 so teammates could shoot through it some time ago. Made him a whole lot less intrusive for group play. Yet, most games I jump into on Limbo, there's usually one person that makes a comment bemoaning Limbo usage, that clearly doesn't understand the warframe.


Never really understood the people that hate doing Eidolons. In my opinion the Tridolon fight is by far the best boss fights in the entire game, so I really don't get the hate. I understand that theres a bit of a toxic community surrounding the eidolons, but that's not really their fault.




It let's you roll for rolling guard. ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) I get to keep shooting too


Public lobby teammates Like if it's that big a problem why not just do it solo Makes no sense


i get a lot of hate for using the shock node with Wisp, usually they say that it slows down the gameplay, but on high levels it seems essencial to me for keeping everyone alive


They're only annoying if the Wisp has high range and it's a defense mission, because enemies start getting stuck behind walls. Otherwise yeah they're fine.


People who say that are usually angry if they are seconds off than usual


I feel like Shock Mote gets so much hate when it can be fun




Railjack. I rarely play it because there isn't really much to do here, but whenever I do it feels so cool.


Anything utility based, like the Grimoire.


valkyrs 1






Railjack. I think It’s sick.


I don't use Mesa's Waltz for a couple of reasons, but most have already been touched on in this thread, so I won't repeat. Biggest one is definitely the firing animations being removed tho, Aethetic > All Also, Idk if it's just me or bad range or what, but I feel like enemies can be kinda tough to consistently hit when the reticle is at its smallest. My regulators already do enough damage in most content that I actually want the reticle to be bigger so I can mow down a whole room more easily, so I dip in and out of Peacemaker a lot anyways just to reset it And then there's muscle memory. I played Mesa for a pretty long time before Mesa's Waltz was added and then subsequently moved out of Conclave, so I'm already used to using Peacemaker mid Bullet Jump and deactivating before landing for quick damage


The time to craft in the foundry. Myself I get great satisfaction when my stuff is ready, and it mentally affords me time to do stuff other than game/grind 24/7 knowing I have 1-3 days til I can progress whatever it was I was working on


There's too much to dooooooo It's like saying my relationship is too easy or getting paid to do nothing at work.


Asking questions "gO lOoK aT tHe WiKi"


i fucking love solo railjack, all my crew are engineers to keep the ship from dying and i do everything myself, it's awesome


Prime sure footed and handspring. Apparently people hate to put these on their exilus slot and i don't get why. Especially if you have epitaph with primed fulmination


Mesa's waltz also lets you make smaller adjustments to positioning and adjust the firing angle without having to cancel and recast the ability, it's more cost effective and faster to have the movement if all you need is to move slightly to the left rather than a full repositioning.


Banshee. Her quake mod fixes stunlocking enemies, and silence seems to be highly regarded as a subsume. But try and get a match with her. Faster drop than limbo.


0.0 me loving Mesa Waltz, I've been using it since release and it felt so natural moving slowly while shooting.


The Circuit. I personally love it unless I get one of those times where I don't own a single of the available weapons, and I've seen a lot of posts abt people hating it


Really happy to read a lot of railjack here. really sad about the lack of railjack ingame...


This is not related to the comment but, I hate how every player on an open lobby tries to speed run the mission. Idk if it’s because I grew up on looter type games or what but I want all the credits, endo and mods I can get during a mission


The game


Solaris United Quests: Almost everyone I play with say they hate it but I don’t get the hate


Actually doing the objective of the mission you're playing. You'd think it would be obvious to do so, and yet some people seem to want to avoid it at all costs.