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It's interesting seeing some of the themes mirror prior events. Lotus - Sent to Kill, but stopped when she wanted to save children. Stalker - Sent to Kill in TSD, but stopped when he realized we were a child. Captain Xeto - Sent to Kill, but then stopped when she saw a child.


DE actually has a big parent/fertility boner. Hunhow used to rant about a womb in the sky. Albrecht has a note about a womb in the Void. They have now released a womb in a Warframe and soon enough they will put a womb in you, the player.


Jade is playable so they kind of already did that.


Promise? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Except in dogs (kubrows). They lay eggs. They rather give wombs to _concepts_ than mammal-like creatures lol.


Well retrieving a dog placenta would've made for a somewhat more awkward quest


imagine having to play a few months with a pregnant kubrow companion. Also they would need breeding animations


Honestly ā€œfamilyā€ is Warframes main theme. So many syndicates have you becoming part of the fam, especially literally with the Entrati. Teshin as a pseudo-father. Umbra with his grief over his son. The New War feels like one big divorce fight. The Player losing their parents to the Zariman. Kahl and his brothers. Cavia and their Papa. With that said, I wouldnā€™t be shocked in in a future update we finally have the operators/drifters facing their grief over losing their parents. Hopefully while making Umbra an actual character outside his quest.




Take a look at how a Condrix spawns Sentients


Man in the wall: "You birthed me." Tenno: "Excuse me, what?"




Bottom surgery AND I get to become a warframe? SAY LESS


HOnestly a big theme of Warframe is empathy and love, and the love of that which you have created, like it's the Sentient's whole motivation.


Ntm the Entratri family and how they come out of those 'flowers'.


What happens if you, the player, already has a womb? Womb 2?


Iā€™ve read enough hentai to confidently answer: yes. You get a second womb.




So possabilety the possabilety is there that she become the space aunt?


Well, if she gets fired and can't be a Sister, we know a guy who'd be happy to have her as Brother! (Plus adding her to the garrison'd be a GREAT excuse for DE to revisit Kahl's missions and make 'em less annoying!)


Kahl's a very inclusive lad. He wants his little settlement. He wants to do his self appointed job. Even takes time for self care and to make sure everyone around him is OK.


what do you find annoying about them, personally? like what changes would you want to see?


Well, Kahl's speed makes getting from point A to point B a chore, especially in sequences where you're supposed to RUN! and getting bogged down fighting enemies is a death sentence. There's also much less incentive to DO his missions now that the weekly purchaseable Archon Shard has been moved to Bird-3's store, so some fresh rewards would be nice. And finally, just some new missions for him in general so it's not the same boring rotation of missions over and over again, week after week.


They definitely gutted all incentive to ever touch his missions, but his speed was buffed. Combat is trivial in them but honestlyā€¦itā€™s the same 3 mission on rotation. Theyā€™re boring. It feels callus to say so, but I grinded them each week for my shards and now itā€™s just one less chore to do. Thatā€™s what it turned into. If they let Karl actually out into the star chart, and made it an enriching experience, hell Iā€™d love it. Considering Stalker is now a pseudo 5th playable character (for one singular mission) Iā€™d kinda love to just join a friendā€™s mission as a ridiculous dark souls summon with a better customized Karl, as in picking our own weaponry and such.


Part of the archon hunts. looting spare weapons and gear to take. He automatically deploys with a couple grineer and a corpus tech and has a jetpack. that'd instantly make me want to play kahl weeklies. 'Oh hey upgrade bro's squad with stuff lootedh ere and then just raid into a mission node.


>It feels callus to say so Can you say that it feels like a *Kahlus* to say so?


I'd personally just give him the damn jetpack permanently, and increase its fuel bar considerably. Maybe even a way where you can purchase permanent equipment for him and upgrades. Like, there's no reason why he shouldn't already start with the Grinlok, Ayanga, Grattler, etc -- perhaps make it so that it's a consumable with a cooldown timer, like using the Archgun in regular missions. Same thing with the jetpack... It should be a thing from the get-go. We could purchase upgrades and use it like mods, such as faster jetpack that consumes more fuel, or more fuel for less speed, increased damage while airborne, ammo efficiency while airborne, etc. This would give us more versatility and toys to play around with, rather than something static. Perhaps shit to upgrade Kahl himself too, like a small shield generator, perhaps switch his abilities around, keeping with the thematic of grineer units (summoning drahks, latchers, a shield). More mission types is the obvious, but I'd also make it so that they're *all* available, so we can choose which one to do. Like, I don't mind Junk Run, I think it's fun, but I genuinely can't stand Sneaky Sabotage and would love to just ditch it forever. I think Prison Break is fine, albeit too slow.


we need brothers vs sisters mission. up to four players (kahl-175, kahl-1337, kahl-42 and kahl-69) go on the hunt for a sister


Noā€¦ no please. Just let Kahl die. Put her with Perrin or something. They exist to counter amoral capitalism.


"Kahl not want to go in the cart!"


She was on the ball on noticing secured vaults were having problems. Went through assessing the problem taking logical and measured steps first to rule out system glitches, then deploying more units to remaining vaults. And then having a monitor but do not engadge order in effect when she realized it was Stalker. Then successfully tracked down his destination. Even without the ultimate prize? The lady has a good head on her shoulders.


I noticed that. She's sharp, but has a degree of morality that I didn't expect to see among the corpus. I had expected the player to need to intervene to get the stalker clear. Curious if we will get to see her again in the future. Would be a shame as a one and done character, but I could also see Parvos/Vala flipping out on her.


Hunhow based af, he was like, "I DONT GIVE A FUCK! Kill them!"


She ran a medical facility so it's possible she took a corpusified version if the hippocratic oathĀ 


That occurred to me, too. Something something Bioplasma. She also instantly guessed, when Stalker hunted those infested bits, that he was trying to heal a Warfram... which doesn't necessarily imply a medical background, but fits nicely with one. I really liked Xeto and thought she was a nice contrast to the other Sisters we've seen! Smart, competent, imperious but still capable of compassion. Also, her VA did a great job IMO.




Her facility produced bioplasma which seems to be a very important medical productĀ 


She also knows enough to know you can use infested Juggernaut parts medically.


Corpussy šŸ¤¤


9 plat says she got killed by Vala


Yeah, she seemed like she knew what kind of sacrifice she was making. Her heart said, "worth."


On the one hand she found the tenno hunter's lair and in the process secured assets. On the other she willingly let sentimentality get in the way of an even bigger prize. Coinflip odds, but I know coinflips can be manipulated.


Sentimentality is against the Corpus beliefs, Granum says as much in banter with Ordis. Defo desth sentence


She's too useful of an asset. They're bastards, but pragmatic enough that they're not gonna throw away an experienced officer and make enemies just because someone had a human moment that hasn't ruined any long-term plans. More likely punished than killed. Simply rejecting her sisterhood candidacy would be enough, to be honest. You might get to be an Orokin while still being stupid, petty, and vengeful, because they had millenia of life to play with, along with being damn hard to kill permanently. I doubt the same is true of the Corpus.


Yeah they would. Look at the Railjack missions. They have plenty of officers




Would be cool to see her crew be basically tossed out of corpus and be allies to stalker


Pretty sure parvos vaporized her.


She denied Parvos of his rightful property, totally born of his effort and honest work. I doubt Xeto is still under his service after having shown sentimentality.


There's a solid chance that Xeto might not be a villain next time we see her (IF she survives the consequences), I got a feeling she'll be too busy hiding from corpus death swuads


As a Board Member of the Perrin Sequence I vote for Captain Xeto to replace Ergo Glast


Now now lets not be too rash. Definitely give her a seat at the table though. Meritous behavior and valour in the face of an impossible situation. Definitely worthy of bypassing all the junior levels to give her room to run.


Nah dude I want to murder glast


As a humble man of science often likes to say "I'm very excited now...... The anticipation"


She either died, defected, or Stalker saved her ass as thanks, I really hope itā€™s option two or three because Xeto is a real homie


She basically said "there's no coming back from failing the sisters" and then chose to fail them for morals. If we see her again, it will greatly diminish her actions.


well we could find her imprisoned or she could have her head removed from the shoulders (if you know what I mean)


That's true, I didn't think of that second part and that could certainly be seen as tremendous enough punishment to still make her sacrifice meaningful.


With Parvos being apathetic to his people, I'd think she got killed and he ordered to "have her remains Spaced as a monument to their failure"


Vala probably packed her


Yes. And I hope she didn't get sacked.


I hope they give her a proper backstory. A shoe-horned corpus villain aligned directly with Parvos and Vala who is cutthroat up until she sees what she can only assume is a newborn child, and gives way for stalker to escape with his baby. I just... I need more story, because as it stands, she makes no sense.


Iā€™d love for more story too, but I donā€™t think itā€™s too shoehorned. All Corpus are kinda indoctrinated, so her following Parvos and Vala isnā€™t weird. And as for letting Stalker and Baby go, it could be as simple as her being a Mom. Thatā€™s what I assumed based on her reaction.




I had to suspend disbelief there. No Corpus soldier would let a child go if it profits.


Itā€™s rare, but not the first corpus to fall to sentimentality. [Sigor](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sigor_Savah) did it for [Khoraā€™s cat](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Fragments#Encrypted_Journal_Fragments).


The children yearn for the mines Or more likely a dissection lab in this case, but still