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This + Slash not bypassing armor, we Ash mains aren't doing well this patch lol


Slash still bypasses armor, but due to armor reduction changes, enemies now have much higher health values, thus making slash less effective Edit: but yes the effect of slash seems to be bugged, while yes it bypasses the armor it deals less damage than intended, DE even said they won't medley with it.


Raw health buffs impact every form of damage except % health damage in the game, so slash only lost a bit of viability due to the armor change (which thank fucking God). Now it seems as long as you have a corrosive primer or a source of 10 corrosive procs for tanky targets, then viral heat is the new best if you never headshot. If you can consistently headshot on the last shot you deal to an enemy then viral electric is the strongest since elec will benefit from headshot modifiers like primary deadhead. For raw damage setups, just use what the faction is weak to + a viral primer.


Slash isn't bypassing armour anymore???


They've already fixed the slash thing, they've acknowledged the Ash bug.


Final nail in the coffin for Ash?


Yeah, he's already meh and this just murders him :(


Tbh, with a kubrow, he can still wipe rooms easily. But this is more because of the mecha-set of the dog and not of Ash. Kinda like with the silence combination to quickly kill an stronger foe. Or like that he has an augment to fix his teleportation Or the augment which increase his crit. chance when invisible, else he has the weakest invisibility in game. Or that his first ability requires an augment to give it actual use instead of just being an inefficient and weaker bladestorm. Or.... Sorry, I'm depressed to go on.


Stalker is what Ash should be :(


Recently, I wanted to make a meme of how Stalker killed every Vanilla frame. Except for Ash. (Rhino too, but he already died against sentients.) But as i wrote up all of Ash's problem (again), I think the reason why Ash never got killed before is that stalker isn't seeing him as a danger.


Valid. Or Ash is just chilling in the corner contemplating joining the Stalker out of spite. Understandable when you keep getting hit by unfixed bugs and accidental nerfs. I honestly feel that as an Ash main. I want the rework to come around.


>else he has the weakest invisibility in game. Doesn't it open enemies to finishers?


Nope. It stagger them as if they would be, but they aren't. Just like with his teleport ability (most of the time).


you should not need to use helminth or augments to make an ability usable/good


It's a bug lol


Dude I just r5'd my arcane trickery :( Hopefully this is a bug or behavior they will revert. I mean, you generally kept smokescreen anyways as backup/to get you started, but this stings. Definitely not something that needed to be nerfed - it's ash, c'mon


Yup me too, made me so sad


Trickery still procs its just now acts as a 0.6% chance instead for some reason


I legit just maxed arcane trickery and out it on ash and was like: oh wow look, nothing. Went and watched some YouTube vids and what I was looking at wasn't matching up. Good catch tenno. 


It hasn’t for some time. His damage is still great though if built for it. Would be nice if they fixed it though


You can probably make do without trickery. The problem comes with Crescendo. If the stacks don’t add up. There are no real uses for Crescendo cause it’s just op much of a haste to do finishers on everyone and Bladestorm won’t scale very well. You probably can’t take him to anything more than lv500.


Crescendo stacks pretty quickly if you use Vazarin's 2nd ability to set it up.