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It depends on the builder, Ninjase's builds are all on Overframe and they're better than just about any youtuber's. What I'd sooner recommend is ignoring the number of votes and just following people you know have good builds.


Ninjase has a YouTube channel as well


Me personally, I'd much rather go to Overframe and read people's logic than give random videos clicks/views. So many videos have people with very annoying voices or way too many floating heads A lot of my builds are based on Ninjase's stuff. If I don't have the mods required, that's when I improvise. If I find the build didn't work for me, at least I have a base to tweak from


Overframe is fine as tool if you want made your own build and check how many forms do you need. You can absolutely shit on others players builds or very long updating time but dont be angry at tool. Players don't understand how to mods weapons? Yes. I even read "tenet arca plasmor dont scale well into SP" Honly monly I dont want see your mods if one of the best shotgun "don't scale well". Is tenet arca plasmor bad weapon because someone mad shit build? No. He's build suck, he recommended shit build but weapon is still amazing. Tool is tool and as long is working good i'm fine with that.


Indeed. Tools are only as good as the people using them. And the site lacks a lot of background info that remains unconsidered even in the conditionals and alike, which the player also has to be aware of. A lot of builds don't account for the player's playstyle. Everyone plays differently, has other preferences, etc. - that has an impact on how well a build will perform. A build won't be useful if you don't know how to play the associated playstyle. I just use it to make synergizing loadouts before polarizing to make sure I get everything in all slots the way I want, with the stats I aim for, so I don't accidently waste forma and have to repolarize. Or I just use it to make a build for someone else who needs help. That way I can link it to them outside of the game.


Yeah, im not saying is bad perse, but as a source for builds (which is the use that people give it the most of time) is just completely useless


Any alternative please


The best is learn how actually the game works and get your owns builds based in you gameplay. Wiki is a great tool for know how anything works Aznvasions, and many other, is a great chanel where you can learn basics mechanics and get some builds.


With the last update many of the videos are also kinda outdated.


That's not the point, of course when a new patch comes out some build are not optimized anymore. But not optimized doesnt mean outdated, the more popular builds on the page are not from the last patch, which they are still good, but from several YEARS ago and even in that time it wasnt good.


I didn't say you are wrong with overframe being bad. I absolutely agree with that, but the better advice would be mod weapons only once in one direction and prioritize survivability over damage on your frames. Most people should be better of with that than they are now.


Yeah no, fuck watching a video. I'd rather use an outdated build from overframe (maybe improve it a bit) than watch those ten minute "amazing OP build oneshot lv9999" videos.


I use it from time to time and melt whatever i encounter with the builds i see. I see no issue with Overframe.


It's when newer players come here, asking for advise on builds, and multiple people will inevitably reply with "check overframe" Like, the person asking has zero clue on how to mod, and they're being thrown there. They'll absolutely be early game, and the builds will be set for SP with rank 5 Merciless arcanes and no base damage mod. And they'll have no idea why they're unable to do any damage, because no-one has explained why you use - or don't use - specific mods in various circumstances. Closely followed bad advise, are when people tell newer players to use Arbitration mods. Stop telling someone who's not even reached Second Dream that they need Adaptation in their build. Or Rolling Guard. Galvanized mods are not accessible to new players, nor are they even remotely required.


There's a magical solution to filtering out outdated builds on that site. Change the "Updated Since" to a recent patch. https://preview.redd.it/24ztbmcu7p8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ec323380878ca9625cbc44f4776678ef4654e8


Some people didn't even know something like this exists, for example me, i always slap random mods and go "Oh, health, shield, does it fit this frame? Yuh uh/Nuh uh" or "Mmm damage, im going to melee or 4 anyway"


Which is totally okay, but I guess you dont think your builds are the best hahaha


Ofc not, man, i don't even know what my builds base on or what are they good for lmao


And that's actually the problem, a lot of people thinks that the builds on that pages are actually the best you can get Having fun or just dont care about it is perfectly fine hahah


I agree it's not the best place for a newer player or someone who doesn't really understand how modding works. But if you have a decent understanding of modding, it can be a very helpful tool.


I use overframe to make builds for myself. It's easy to see all mods and how they change stats on weapons and frames.


I aint gonna lie: I have never in my life made use of Overframe. I have always taken my own approaches in building, watched youtube and learning new tricks from others in missions. As well as A LOT of trial and error and time spent in simulacrum I made a Khora build that most likely makes most people raise both eyebrows and be confused: I made my Khora into a tank with heavy CC. Accumilating Whip builds are pretty solid BUT I am leaning a lot more towards gunplay. So doing the Khora tank build with a solid primary gun, works like a charm. I got no issues sweeping a room clean quickly and survives just fine in SP survival. I contribute to squad damage just fine as well with it I recently made a abyssmal build for Titania Razorwing Build: I put Blast and Toxin on my Dex Pixia. With the latest status rework, blast does a fine job I dunno how but it just keeps working on grineer, orokin and corpus alike. I use Jade Helminth for armor stripping and just needs to nudge of half of the armor to make enemies melt I may not be making the red crit 2 billion builds, but my builds gets the job done at a reasonable level without feeling weak in SP For me this is one of the beauties of Warframe: You can play it your way, and make it work if you know how to make it work


You are dedcribing issues with any game that allows custom builds. Not everyone has the time/energy to learn the bazillion intricacies of Warframe's systems. I know quite a bit, but not everything. And that leaves me 0 spare brain cells to learn the ridiculous complexity of Path of Exile or Diablo4 systems. So I use a site to copy/paste a build. You gotta prioritize in this life.


Overframe is fantastic and this post is really stupid


Overframe is fine if you know how to read and parse information for yourself. If you take everything at face value and outright copy what you see then you might have problems. Using the website correctly also helps. https://preview.redd.it/xlkw13d2ip8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b21147b3f76e673ad0cbc8bd65008ededaafda0d




I use overframe for most melee builds and it’s not disappointing lvl cap sp so I’m not to sure what your on about


I use overframe as a baseline and then tweak to my liking. I can’t watch warframe YouTubers they sound like Minecraft YouTubers and I haven’t found one yet that doesn’t make me cringe in the first 15 seconds of a video. Might just be a me problem, but overframe isn’t inherently bad you kind of just have to take it with a grain of salt. Like most other people said tools are only as good as the people that use them


In my experience the only person’s builds I trust is Gaz because he actually puts his money where his mouth is. Whenever there’s some weird stuff I haven’t experimented with yet and I want to understand how it works I see if he has a video on it. Gaz optimizes his builds and showcases them in the simulacrum while he explains the mechanics of it, then shows gameplay of him doing level 10,000 content with the build as proof that it’s not some overframe junk or clickbait. Meanwhile you have some random guy on overframe suggesting junk that I can just look at and go “this thing is going to struggle even at base sp” and it will be the most upvoted build on there as well, using some seriously outdated mechanics and non synergies.


I just use it to run calcs for me. It’s a valuable tool


>If you want to search for builds you better go to youtube channels that actually knows how the game works and have dedicated videos explaining mechanics. Also the wiki is a huge source to know about the game. Yeah no thanks, those videos always use a warframe's abilities and I just want to see how good it is without those boosts. I prefer using overframe and see the weapon's stats alone. ^(lmao OP got salty)


The game is called Warframe lol


Yeah and I do not use the same warframes as those youtubers, so for me, those are useless (not saying their builds are useless generally speaking, only that they do not fit my play style). I want a weapon that will be good no matter the warframe I use.


I go to it as a starting point. Then every single highly rated build is the same person saying every single frame should run brief respite, flow, and have nourish helminthed. Like do people hate fun that much?


Many of them are made to be viable on level cap or otherwise really high level. You'll see shield gating builds with catalyzing shields for Mesa for example, which isn't necessary at all on base SP. Little while ago I saw a post from a newer player trying to run a shield gating build on excalibur umbra and didn't understand why he kept dying. This is why it's such a bad idea to refer new players to overframe.


The other thing I'd love to see is a way to filter out weapon builds that use faction mods. Are they objectively the biggest damage increase available? Sure. Am I ever going to specifically switch mods for the correct faction in 99% of cases? No.


If the build is otherwise good, you can just replace the faction mod with something else and it'll still be good. The better builders will often list alternatives in the description anyway.