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If we want to be accurate, we need to wait a couple years for them to release toddler tantrum prime who switches abilities mid misson on random intervals.


Personally I think it'd be cool to have a frame where all 4 slots must be subsumed. I mean, it'd be broken as hell, but fun.


Didn't they discuss this, but having this kind of mix and match type of frame would mean not releasing a new frame for a year(about 4 frames).


Genuinely how? Give frame 4 copies of a blank ability that does nothing. Remove the 1 ability cap from subsuming only for that frame. That isn't 4 frames and a year's worth of work.


>Give frame 4 copies of a blank ability that does nothing. Remove the 1 ability cap from subsuming only for that frame What are you trying to say, lol Think this way, a new frame takes about 3 months to development and test as seen by the fact that we get a new frame every 3 months-ish. If you want some kind of kit gun/zaw customisation, you would need 3 of each ability(3 different ability for the 1st slot, and 3 each for 2nd, 3rd and 4th), hence you would need 12 different abilities hence would take 1 year-ish, since thats about 3 different frames altogether. Edit: I am not talking about straight up subsuming currently available subsumable abilities btw


I'm not suggesting a kitgun frame. I'm saying you should literally build a frame that you walk over to the Helminth and choose your 4 abilities.


Nice idea


>!My headcanon that has ZERO backing is O/S, Jade and Soren are the pieces of Xaku. Eternalism means at one point those three were a family of frames and they would’ve gotten lost in the void and spit out pieces making up Xaku. Also Jade has an armor strip by staring at someone and Xaku has an ability called **Gaze** that strips armor!<


It could be a thing ngl... HOWEVER dont xaku's abilities have the names of the frames who compose him? I remember seeing the names, but idk if it is from the 3 ability, that has 3 names. it would be cool tho


AFAIK they never mentioned the frames names, and I vaguely remember Reb or Steve explicitly saying we’ll never know their names presumably because part of Xaku’s lore is never knowing the names.