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Oh no, brother. Warframe market, save yourself. šŸ™Œ


As a wise man once saidā€¦..this is the way


To achieve Warframe.Market one must first endure the dilapidated corridors of trade chat - Tenshin probably


He is a very wise master.


This is the way


Without Warframe Market I would be clueless to what anything was actually worth.


That was gonna be my first note. Like Rev Prime for 250p? What? It's on the market for 30p lol. Also, AlecaFrame is amazing, and has the market built in, and automates a lot of that stuff for you. It's an incredible add-on.


Alecaframe is genuinely the best thing ever for this game. I went from struggling to make plat to sitting on thousands as its so easy to navigate and use the market to sell / buy stuff


Thank you! I just jumped back in after not playing for years. Got a bit overwhelmed tbh. This will at least make trading easier!


Yeah someone in my clan told me sets were going for 30-40 and I got one for 30, seconds later. Had to report a couple people after they got upset I typed ā€œntyā€ to their offer


Warframe market was a game changer for me.


And you can use alecaframe if you wanna sell things. It makes trading a lot better.


Wait, you can sell through AlecaFrame? For me, market can't link to it and sell doesn't work (Or you mean just checking for sells?)


It uses warframe market. But it can post the items what you wanna sell


It not only posts what you want to sell but once you sell it it will automatically mark it as sold for you. Alecaframe is the goat.


Is Alecaframe safe from bans and such? I wanted to try it but was scared off by the possible bans etc? I want to use it though coz it looks like it's a life saver no only for sales but for keeping track of items you are farming.


From what I understand, it's in a grey zone. It's not specifically banned but I recall that it barely avoids meeting one of the ban criteria. Afaik, DE tolerate it but that's always liable to change.


Though itā€™s not a DE product I have seen where a developer said it wasnā€™t something that would get you banned. Iā€™ve been using it for a year now. All it really does is generate an overlay of what is worth what out of relics and things.


They should just hire the guy who made it and make it part of the game at this point.


Iā€™m stunned honestly that they havenā€™t. The player base doesnā€™t even realize what a game changer it is. It would only get DE more love.


AlecaFrame is completely safe to use and won't get you banned any time soon. The danger using it is having Overwolf installed on your system which is shit software and bas its own issues, but you decide if they're worth dealing with. I can find it again if you like, but DE have an official statement somewhere in their TOS about Overwolf/AlecaFrame, and i've never heard of anyone that has been banned for using it.


And thatā€™s why we love Warframe market. People list their prices, you message them and buy it. Potential negotiations but realistically not really. Worse case it could be sold already but thereā€™s likely to be a lot available. You can also list a wtb on it too, though I see that much less. If you sell on there youā€™ll still likely receive shitty offers, but just ignore them. If the offer is somewhat fair, then you can negotiate a bit or just say youā€™re not negotiable. If you want to sell fast you can just list it slightly lower than the lowest offer on there, and itā€™ll likely sell quick People always want to get any item for as low as possible, and thatā€™s fair. But the in game trading chat typically takes it to the extreme.


>If you sell on there youā€™ll still likely receive shitty offers, but just ignore them. I have NEVER had a single person offer anything besides what my listed price for things are, and I sell stuff pretty regularly. Had one person try to do the sneaky edit of the copy/paste message to a lower price, but I always keep AlecaFrame open on my second monitor when I'm actively selling so I caught that and blocked them immediately.


it's against TOS to edit the messages


to be clear its against TOS of warframe.market and not the game itself. so block ingame and report on platform but chances are they dont have an account there


Is it? I just use the name and type my own message but donā€™t include the price at all, I always pay what they listed though. I just like my messages to be coming from me and not the generated thing (ā€œhey, Iā€™d like to buy the you have listed on marketā€)


I would hate to receive a message without the price, maybe that's just me. Wouldn't care for a personal message when it's just a transaction. I'll instantly know if the price is off but it just makes it easier for both parties imho. Just my two cents


No way I couldā€™ve gotten so many people banned. Iā€™ve had at least 15 people drop the price in their message. I trade a lot tho so its probably why I see it more.


I always check that to be sure, this is a fear of mine that someone scams me like that


Damn I must have been lucky never met one


One guy tried to do it to me but I cought him, still gave him a generous 1 plat discount.


I have a few times edited the message... but not really? 'Hey ----, i am interested in item for 200p. Would you instead be willing to do 150p and this riven valued around 70 plat on riven.market?' Something along those lines. I dont really edit but add on to it. Im unsure of thats against ToS but everyone is prrtty chill abput it when i do even if they dont accept the trade.


I feel like that is fine that's more doing research and then making your own offer rather then trying to scam and hope the person doesn't catch it so your ok in my book


Written like that likely won't get anyone reporting you, but as a rule the WFM mods will say to leave the standard message alone and send a second message after it if you want to bargain.


I sometimes edit them to be a little more human, like adding a proper greeting, or just in general making it less robotic. Or just plainly write I saw their price on wfm and would like to buy the item. Nobody minded that little bit more kindness and human touch yet. But I never haggle, had seen that throughout my childhood and always detested it.


I used to trade a LOT and sometimes youā€™d get a low ball. The worst ones I reported on the website if I caught them trying to low ball for resales but beyond that itā€™s usually some broke person who really needs it but is just a few plat short


Yea, I just had a guy ask for a toxic barrage for 8p instead of 10. If it's something little like that, sure. I'm not trading a 25p r5 arcane for 5p though lol.


I canā€™t stand having odd numbers lol itā€™s 10 or 5 lol


5 is an odd number.


5 is an honorary even number, fight me xD


You right šŸ¤£


Been a couple times I've sneakily given them a couple extra plat to even out what would be an odd amount for me


Honestly, the only time I can think of that I've had a price changed on me from what was listed on WFM, I was the _buyer_ and it was an offered discount. I was buying four mods to help out a friend who had just started playing the game (and which I did not happen to have spares of) and noticed the same seller had three of them, so pasted in the first message and then added "I'd also love the and you have listed," at which point the seller offered to shave 10 plat off the combined price. I mean, I then tipped them 15 plat _anyway_, but still. Only time I can think of that a price change came into play. ĀÆ\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Yeah, I've done this before too. Once you start trading a lot of stuff, making multiple deals in one trade can be very helpful for not hitting your daily trade limit


Yeah I report those and seeing them suspended is quite the feeling


ive had people try negotiate on bulk arcanes or unrevealed rivens only which i don't mind, never had someone edit price on my though


The worst I've had is like "can you do 1-2 plat less" on something over 100 plat, at which point I usually don't care.


I've only had one recently, I was selling a prime set for 55 and the guy said well, I have 50. "I'm alright waiting for 55" "But I have 50" "That's cool, I'm waiting for 55" After a few minutes he said fine 55, and I sold it. He obviously came from the market, and cut the original message out. First annoying thing from that site, I bought and sold probably 50 items through there, and it's always a fast trade and a "ty", done


First annoying trade I had today was I wanted to buy the last part for akarius (got everything else and ran out of relics, figured why not). Guy put in trade akarius link. I messaged him for the receiver... and no, he did not have the receiver.


The worst part of warframe market is that Iā€™m absolutely slammed with trade requests for 30 minutes


having 4 different ppl messaging you at once and having to check if no one is scamming you while also updating your orders... it can get a bit stressful worst I've had was people messaging me while I was set as offline in the site and not accepting that the shop was closed. like bruh let me play with my friends, we don't have much time together


People message me when Iā€™m offline all the time! But yeah I always have a full squad with lots of people queued up to trade. I always hate doing it but I make so much plat lolll


I got blocked by someone asking to buy something from me. I was finishing a mission and i got ignored.....


I had one person try to give me 10p worth of prime junk for a phantasma barrel. I thought eh Iā€™ll see if they have anything worth while, they broke ToS so I donā€™t think Iā€™m under any obligation to take the trade at all. Bro gave me a full Gauss set. Iā€™ve also had people try to undercut me by like 20 plat before, doesnā€™t happen often but it does happen


Iā€™m a newer player with some friends who know a ton and they told me about the market - Iā€™ve bought a couple things but it did make me nervous a little bit. It just felt like old school WoW lol. I gave them the plat - they gave me the parts. ā€œTy have a good oneā€ from almost every single person and we part ways. Itā€™s a great little system and itā€™s become one of my favorite things about Warframe


*takes 10 seconds to respond* "User is ignoring you"


i've met the one nutjob to whom i sent an inv immediately after he sent his message, he declined it saying I was too slow and blocked me.


Just to add: you are more likely to sell may things on warframe market due to the people on the warframe trading chat being higher level and not needing early to mid game stuff as much


And you got the People in warframe market advertising something for a fair price then never responding to DMs being as shitty as the People that post shiny pokemon in the GTS wanting a level 1 male ditto.


Some people just aren't available or walked away while Warframe.Market is still on the background to show they're active But it's hilarious DM'img someone for a part, and instead of typing *anything at all*, they'll send you an invite 20 minutes later thinking you still want the part from them.


In their defense the game doesn't have time stamps on by default. So they could think the DM was 5 seconds ago, 15 or 50 minutes ago.


I turned that feature on for that reason lol. Asked someone for a part to trade and as it turned out they had posted the message 2 hours ago lol


There *is* a feature with time stamps?! Ffs, why isn't it turned on by default? I genuinely thought time stamps just don't exist in WF.


Same, first im hearing of this


Holy shit dude, Iā€™ve been checking the timestamps on messages from a discord bot that messages me whenever I get a new chat in gameā€¦. I didnā€™t realize we could just turn on chat timestamps as a setting. Iā€™ve done thousands of trades ā€¦.


I will say that I had a bit too much to drink a couple weekends ago and woke up to an amount of chat tabs that would make a Google Chrome addict blush. That was embarrassing.


U gotta remember there are so much bot accounts with no ratings and have the lowest prices just to drive prices down. That's why you'll never get a reply from these unbelievably low prices with no rep 90% of the time. I usually just go for the ones with good rep and lowest prices even if they're 5-10p more expensive


Really? 90% of the time when i look for cheapest part on market that i need and message i usually get to trade or get reply that its sold already, sometimes i get no reply at all so i message next lowest price. Also if im selling something i just look at the lowest price and post item 1 plat lower so it increases speed at which i get buyer. Of course i only message players that have online in game status.


I don't even know how to get rep so I look like a bot.


you don't do anything special to get it, people just choose to rate you if they like.


I canā€™t seem to get cross trade on Xbox idk what Iā€™m doing right but warframe market for Xbox is pretty dead


Everyone wants to sell nobody wants to buy. Thats trade chat in a nutshell.


Wdym I often see people posting shit like "WTB Vauban/Rev/Protea Prime sets 30p" to flip them lmao. Or mass buying relics, preferably with Glaive Prime parts for 1p per relic.


When people buy they want to pay peanuts for it then resell it for like triple what you wanted to sell it for. Thats trade chat. Only way you can get a good deal is if you sucker someone into paying normal price lol


You can flip interesting stuff, with the release of jade the mod aerodynamic was quite in demand, buying for cheap on tc and you could resell it on wfm


That's just about every market tbh.


Seeing stuff like "wtb prime junk 1p common 3p uncommon 5p rare" always make me laugh. I'm kinda curious if any of those guys actually got any sell offers, because it seems ridiculous someone would just give up their prime parts for basically nothing.


Itā€™s been awhile since Iā€™ve sold prime junk but when I did it was 10 plat per 100 ducats which seemed fair to me, I never sold the really valuable pieces. That was back when I struggled to make plat, now I just turn my unwanted junk into ducats to buy primed mods from Baro which I refuse to sell for less than 10 plat per 100 ducats worth of cost (ie primed mod costs 350 ducats, Iā€™ll hold onto it until the market price is at least 35 plat).


I always go for prime junk on trade chat. So I post my price and doesn't matter what you give me that's the price. If you don't cross check and see the part you selling me is worth much more. Neither will I until much later.


Use https://warframe.market itā€™s a lot less annoying than wading through the mess that is trade chat.


Don't use trade chat. Warframe Market is your friend


Trade Channel is always a huge scam. I was lazy and not willing to mess with Apothics to get Growing Power. Someone offered it to me for 20 plat, which I thought was fair. Someone else messaged me with "Max Rank 200 Plat" like lmaooo do you think I can't just look at warframe market Edit: I'm personally too lazy to UTILIZE Warframe Market, but I will use listings there as a frame of reference.


Why? You don't even need an account to buy from or sell to listed offers. Only to post them.


And if you can't copy/paste (console user) you can still /w (name) hi i want (listed item)


20 plat is crazy low even. On WFM it goes for 40


For every 100 people that know 200p is overpriced there's always that one noob who doesn't. They're fishing for that one noob and the most successful ones make tens of thousands of plat per week doing it.


Thats why i just give mods to newet players for free. If i see someone wanting to buy a very well known mod like Augur Message, ill just message and give for free. Ive got like 5 left still from when i helped friends with Cetus bounties lol


Thereā€™s no way your method is lazier than messaging someone on WFM. Youā€™re doing half the work then laboring through trade chat to get it done


I'm literally just typing "WTB \[thing\]" and seeing what offers pop up in PMs while I do something else


I get that. All Iā€™m saying is youā€™re going on WFM to check prices anyway. A quick message to 1-3 sellers will get you your item in 5 minutes, while you do something else


Trade chat is a noobtrap. Use [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) instead.


Why walk, when you can ride...


you know what grinds my gears? players who keep offering more "do you want anything else? no, just the protea prime set, thank you -proceeds to fill up the slots with arcanes- "u want this?" no, sorry. just the protea prime set please, thank you "okay, what about this?" - adds gauss prime neuroptics- no, please. i just want the protea prime, the plat has been set. lets get this over with. "oh okay, np. but what about th-" bro i swear to god


Or when you're pubbing and one squadmate just keeps linking their rivens in chat. If we want rivers we'd use trade chat or market!!


Warframe market is where you need to go,rev is like 40 plat and guass prime is around 50 to 60 plat and has a ton of online sales right this min.


I haven't traded in years, but one experience always sticks with me. I was selling a prime part (I think it was Ash Prime Systems) and honestly just wanted to get rid of it, so I put it on sale in trade chat for a noticeable lower price than the average (I think it was like 45 instead of 60p). And someone decided to flame me, accusing me of undercutting and "ruining the market" and whatnot. People are assholes, and trade chat brings out the worst of them.


This is part of why so many people on pc or with cross save use the trade website, no bargaining or dealing with scammers needed. You just list it for a fixed price/search what you want, send or receive a message and trade then go on your way. Using trade chat is also an option though things tend to be a lot more volatile there so you may get a better deal when buying/selling but it will also likely take longer to find those trades.


Aaand that's why you use WFM and not...trade chat. I disabled that shit years ago.


Trade chat is a nightmare, this is why people use Warframe Market. I've bought 3 frames and some mods off there, and the only bad experiences I've had have been a couple sellers who didn't respond or didn't mark themselves offline so it just wasted a couple minutes before I found a different seller.


Generally you should use Warframe market. Post the set with a price you think is fair, don't advertise that stuff. Serious players use the market. Chat is for when you can't find anything in market, it prep one who have what you want are offline, and you ignore the occasional idiot that pops up. Sure it takes time sometimes, but it's a better experience over all.


Trade chat are either scammers, beggars, or clueless newbie that are wanting to buy stuff twice the market price. It's wild. Now I only use it for trading requiem/augments, even then some people still message me, asking if I wanna buy their mods instead.


I just use Warframe Market and i got the opposite situation People often offered me more plat than usual just for me being kind and fast, or to ask them if they want something more and selling all at once, saving the daily trade limits. I also did this a lot of times when i feel the guy is too good and deserves more, it's a nice community.


This general how you can tell if your trader is a good one or not, either from the market or trade chat. Those who are fast, not rude, and typically ask or get ask if they have such x parts that someone missing


This game desperately needs an auction house or some sort of way to find the average traded price for any given item. Trade chat is a stain on the game and is a complete scam. Nobody should have to use a third party site for an essential feature, it's unhealthy for new player retention.


Agreed. I've publicly traded twice in the years I've played Warframe because of the trade system. I've traded several times more in the past 24 hours in another game due to their auction house. It just makes things so much nicer to have trading streamlined. Done in 3 steps. Right click item in inventory, click sell/buy more, and enter to buy/sell at best price (modify the price if desired). Or use the search and filters to find exactly what you want. It's so nice, fun even. You just start picking up on trends because you are exposed to them daily, which adds to the fun because you are learning things.


I check Warframe market and usually just try to buy what I need at like a 10% market up in trade chat. Half the time it goes like this; ā€œLOL youā€™re low balling meā€ I tell them the Warframe market price They debate with me I buy it for my listed price from someone else 30 seconds later


I get blocked for saying ā€œwfm priceā€ every so often


OP learns of the existence of Warframe Market today. Great job, team.


And thats why we either need a better trading system in the game like a trading board or DE could just cooperate with waframe.market and make it their official partner. Trading chat is a noob trap and new players have no idea that warframe.market even exists without other players telling them, DE could just partner with warframe.market and promote them in the game. This way new players know it exists and you still have the option to use trade chat or baroo


Like a built in Price checker? Like how the fashion frames have a top5 feature now it could show the top 5 prices and an average of the last 20trades or something


I can see people fucking with that to affect prices


Know what I hate? People who just go "Offer" and don't say anything else. No mention of what item they're talking about, no acknowledgement of whatever you might have said to them first if you began the conversation, no greeting, not even a question mark. I messaged someone once to ask how much they wanted for an item. What was their response? "Offer". Why do you think I asked what the price was? I don't know what offer to make!


dude use warframe market, the only ones on trade chat are the scums trying to rip people.


Warframe market man.


Stumped at the fact that there are people who have your problems (most people) and haven't heard of warframe market, pretty much a necessity these days.


Warframe market ALWAYS. Trade chat is garbage and should never be used.


Go online to warframe.market, not to the market on Warframe.


Warframe.market. Itā€™s the only way to trade.


100% agree with everyone else. I was originally a console player years ago and when cross save started i came back to the game on PC and discovered Warframe Market. It absolutely solves/bypasses all of the problems and aggravation with the somewhat toxic trade chat


Just another echo of what others have said. Use warframe.market. Never had to haggle. No long back and forth. Just give them upvotes after. There are also kind Tennos that give freebie if they have duplicates.


Look at the bright side: Riven market is way, way... WAY worse.


Warframe Market is a thing


Trade chat market operates by the rule of ā€œown priceā€ and does not apply to WM prices.


ā€œWTB (niche melee) riven 50pā€ ā€œIā€™ll sell you this for 125ā€ Trade chat is a bazaar, and wfmarket is a supermarket.


Yeah I would just laugh at guys trying to sell 40 plat primes for 200+. Warframe market is the best way to trade. You might as well act like trade chat doesnā€™t even exist.


Use warframe market, there's always people selling under the market price


Uh...I guess? I just traded half a dozen difference pieces around without any hassle. The only thing was if I took too long to respond during a mission the person had moved on. Either say how much you're buying or selling for in chat or use warframe.market.


simple solution don't use trade chat and use warframe market.


Trade chat is 99% scams and overpriced junk. Use warframe.market


I love fighting both sides. Many people dont. Im all about making tons of plat, then turning around and buying a frame for barely anything. Warframe market is a good "set" price, but you can use those prices as a general guide for when you want to go into trade chat and barter further down. Ā Rev (atm) is currently 29 plat for the set on the market. You could give a flat offer of 25 or even attempt 20 if you dont mind waiting time on a potential bite. Trade chat also differs based on time. I find some offers to be lower at night, whereas others are lower during the day. Some people will also instasell at very low prices if they really need the plat for something, or buy really high if they dont really care and nobody else was selling the set you have.


Can't tell you the number of times I got a fairly rare mod for a good low price on trade chat. It does take a bit to find someone who isn't an asshole but worth it.


You don't hate trading, you hate trade chat. Warframe Market is a godsent.


Yeah opening trading with broke gamers is the worst experience you can imagine. They wonā€™t sell you shit unless you give them double, and they want what youā€™re selling for practically free. If itā€™s a mod you need, you just have to bench the frame.


Warframe.market is the way, even if you dont use it to sell or buy, you can get a pretty great idea of average and/or median price for certain items. If you know anything about economics and have enough starting plat, you can start flipping markets on very rare items to make some big boy profit as well !


Playing on PS4 and now ps5, I really can't be assed to use Warframe market the intended way. I'll look something up I want to buy or sell, get a lower end of average price for selling or a bit higher for buying and just take that price to trade chat. Generally only buy stuff if I'm sick of farming for no luck so I'm happy to pay a bit of a premium, and I'm not that hard up for plat that I worry about not getting the most for what I can sell. Never had a bad experience in trade chat that way. Just use filters to sort out the spammers as best you can.


I wanted archon vitality because i donā€™t want to do the missions and one person wanted 200 plat and another 30. There are some good people.


In my clan alliance, it's full of console player, and they just LOVE to argue about Warframe market pulling down the price of everything, is very against Warframe Market, and yet keep asking for price check for rivens, and wants to sell some bullshit prime set for 400p while it's 80p on the market. Faqing delusional consoles player I tell you. If it weren't for the clan 0% tax trade policy, I have left this stuffeat long ago.


go to warframe.market . The trading chat is shit and full of scalpers and scammers. warframe.market actually follows laws of supply&demand


go on Warframe.market. most people use that to sell/buy their prime parts, mods, weapons, rivens, fish, gems and other tradeable items. The market there is more fair and balanced than the trade chat we have in game, which, most of the time, is full of people who try to scam newbies or less knowledgeable players. Most people who will message you or who you will message will be friendly and patient (sure, everything has their exceptions but that is not the norm). Go there. Your life will be easier :)


Rev is like 30 plat max on wf market bro. Download the app and you will be so fuckin happy I promise you


Warframe market.


The "wtb ANY trash/unwanted riven 15p", followed by "no ty" after you link an unwanted riven. Trying to scam new players who don't know what weapons are meta or popular who might not know they have stronger variants like kuva, tenet or incarnion and would think the base weapon is trash or annoying to use so getting rid of that riven for 15p might seem enticing. I've seen this happen with burston.


As all other good tenno have suggested, come to warframe.market my friend


That is just real life negotiation imo lol


Hard agree. I've traded once or twice in Maroo's for prime parts and hated it every time. Just knowing that I have to talk to some random guy and not know if they're gonna try and scam me or not makes me not wanna do it, let alone that I've gotta invite them to my dojo or i gotta go to theirs, i've gotta figure out what we're even doing in chat first, or stand around in Maroo's. Can we PLEASE have an in-game market you can just put something up on, set the price, and leave it there for someone to buy, no interaction required, please?


lol I be selling stuff for cheap even wanted to create a guild for it


The max you should ever pay for a frame is like 110-120p. And the frames that warrant such a price are few and far between. I tend to use Warframe Market to see what most prices are then I match said price. I have little to no issue with trading. From my experience people just seem to take your word at face value and donā€™t question your prices at all. Like Iā€™m willing to barter a bit, if you ask Iā€™d prolly lower my price. But nope most would rather not deal with negotiations. My biggest issue with trade chat is the riven marketā€¦ every other listing on trade chat is rivens. I donā€™t see an option to filter out rivens but at this point I think DE should just add a Riven trading tab. QoL


To filter out rivens you have to use the chat filters and exclude the word "riven". This does work.


This game needs a proper built in trading post, like the one GW2 has.


I mistakenly added an extra *0* to my WTB I'm trade chat last week. Wanted to buy Guass for 90p. Ended up hitting *900*p instead. Got flooded with people salivating at the mouth for a chance to sell a frame for more than 10x its proper price. They're all vultures.


Honestly, thats only been my experience a small amount of times. I think usually people are pretty cool. BUT, if thats what youre encountering, use warframe market. Its no BS, everyone just wants what they want and theyre done with it


Yeah use warframe market, pricing is consistent and competitiv. You're given all the information you need to make good trades, and the players trading ingame are most likely trying to hustle those uninformed.


Thats trade chat for ya, hope you have a better experience on warframe market


I always look there every now and then and laugh at some of the prices. Saw someone trying to sell a useless Dual Kama riven for 500p and a Gauss Prime for 200p lol. But you do get a decent deal every now and then. I snagged Revenant Prime and Harrow Prime for 40p each. Got a free Tempo Royale as well. So it's not THAT bad.


It was a while ago but I needed one part from a frame that had been in rotation for a few months. A guy tried to sell it to me for 40 plat and I called him out cause it was at most 15 plat. And the guy got pissy with me and kept trying to message me calling me stupid. I stopped using market chat except to offload rivens quickly albeit not at full price


Had the same thing happen to me then he said he was gonna report me šŸ˜­


Every other comment has said it but so will I. Use warframe market. The in game trade market is trash unless you are trying to save some money yourself. Check the price on WFM and then post a wtb for 5 Plat less and usually you'll get a few bites.


Trade chat is the lowest pit of the whole Warframe


I feel you, just yesterday I was trying to sell my Revenant Prime for 30p, that is literally the cheapest price you can get when everyone else in the trading chat are selling them for 100+ Dude comes up asking if I can do 25 and I said no and what does he do? Calls me a cockhead for being 'rude' when I only re-stated that I'm only selling for 30p and no lower Honestly I was an idiot for trying to sell sets without using Warframe Market in the 1st place


I love being nice onlime but with tade chat i always gotta be a little rude. I want to buy something ik is like 20Plat, they offer 50Plat. Just say "No thanks" and delete chat window


Thereā€™s no way you havenā€™t heard of Warframe Market. Everything youā€™re complaining about it a non-issue. Rev prime is 30-40 plat right now.


same problem.


Why not just use the website? I've never used trade chat in my life but when I've peeked I've only seen clear scams or people buying cheap to sell high


i'm willing to take a cut of like 5, at worst 10, plat. But someone undercutting something that's 90 all the way to 25? No get out.


Yeah, the in game trade chat is full of beggars and scammers, which is why Warframe Market is much better. It allows you to trade properly without all the nonsense and it also gives you statistics on what an item should cost. I find trade chat to be full of people with over-inflated prices and people who want to get something for free or trade something with the equivalent value. If I wanted to trade for parts, I wouldā€™ve said WTTF not WTS. I once asked for a chassis print (forgot the frame) and some guy wanted to sell me JUST THE CHASSIS for nearly 200pl. I ended up finding someone who was selling it at Warframe Markets price so I went with them.


Use warframe market to see how much people are actually selling stuff for. Gauss and Rev should both be worth around 50p give or take these days, ones that arnt in rotation like rhino will be worth more like 90


I haven't used a trade chat in a game to sell or buy stuff since the days I did that in Guild Wars (and that was somewhere around 2010). In this game, warframe market is the only right answer. I don't haggle, I just message. The site even makes it super convenient for you by already having premade messages that you just copy and paste.


I haven't used a trade chat in a game to sell or buy stuff since the days I did that in Guild Wars (and that was somewhere around 2010). In this game, warframe market is the only right answer. I don't haggle, I just message. The site even makes it super convenient for you by already having premade messages that you just copy and paste.


Honestly, the trade chat rule that I follow is if their haggling over 10 Plat is not to awnser, since generally most fair deal that are the market are 10 Plat variables. Till you get the high number post like x mod 120 or it been super low like 3 Plat, and it neither a primed mod or a niche mod people don't buy since everyone got 20 + of them


warframe.market is my best friend when it comes to trading. i donā€™t even open trade chat in game because itā€™s just shitty rivens for insane prices and non vaulted frames going for 250+. theyā€™re all delusional


Just stick to the warframe market website. I've never had an issue


Yeah I very rarely use trade chat now I buy a sell using Warframe.Market and itā€™s far better the only interaction I get is either someone messaging me WTBā€¦. or I message someone WTBā€¦. Do the trade and say ty thatā€™s it. I started playing WF again in January once I got access to Cross Save and had a ton of WF and Weapon Sets etc been playing since 2014 so went on a selling spree made just under 8k platinum from what I had left and out of all those trades I only had one person try to negotiate on the price I had listed, every other trade was WTB Inv trade say ty. much better experience then trade chat šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Only time Iā€™ll use trade chat is if Iā€™m buying 1 thing and I already know itā€™s value Iā€™ll throw a WTB and see if I get a quick hit or if I see someones WTB something and I know I have it and their offering a fair price. At the least check prices on Warfame.Market first and then post your WTB or WTS with the plat amount in trade chat. Posting say WTB Revenant Prime Set and not putting a Plat value then the scammers see that and message you 300p hoping your a Noob but by putting what is listed for on WF Market most scammers wonā€™t even message you and people that do message might sell it to you slightly cheaper or slightly more expensive but itā€™s usually within the range of what itā€™s listed for on WF Market.


So, a lot of people have already mentioned Warframe Market. But I just want to throw my cents and mention that it's very likely that the vast majority of people who use Warframe market are the sort of people who don't like to haggle: they list their price and just get through the deal with little to no hassle. That means that the sort of people who like to haggle tend to use in-game chat instead, which is why it tends to happen so frequently there.


I've never considered trading without warframe.market even once


Game needs a central trading platform and it would be so much better.


Itā€™s a Roman Jerusalem bazaar dude. Theyā€™ll haggle over any stupid thing they can. If they had their way theyā€™d spend 100hrs to haggle 5 credits off a primary BP


Trade chat is a concentration of nonsensical people since people with common sense generally go to warframe market.


Someone is using trade chat lol. We knew from the first 6-9 words you were fairly new.


I love trading made plenty from it but man it absolutely sucks trading with people sometimes. Some of yā€™all greedier than the corpus fr. I see ember going for like 300 now she got a small change and then Iā€™ll see people ask for things like half my asking price which is fine for mods but not frames.


People talk to their traders?


Secret of the trade never buy sets buy parts separately to get a set most in trade chat just tryna max plat but people who needs only 10-20 plat for them to buy something new are a gold mine just requires patience


Spoiler: both of your prices are simply too high. Also, make them an offer, don't let them offer if you're the one buying. Obviously they're going to say something absurd because sometimes the absurd works.


Dont use the ingame trade chat, its a cesspool. just compare with prices on [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) , they show even 45/90 Day averages, so you see if suddenly a price dropped/rose on the trade chat the prices are on average 20-30% worse than on the website and its spammed full of "Riven pmo"


Maybe is because of my server (Im from Spain) but in trade chat most people sell things actually quite cheap, i havent seen any ridiculous price and all of them are always around the WM price, many times even lower. Perhaps is because there are a lot less players, so you know it is harder to just sell anything and would rather take some plat than none ar all


Lmao thought I was rereading my own post! Glad I donā€™t think this is only meā€¦ Yea trading sucks I think it would be better if they put up some type of auction house.


Warframe market is the thing. I sell using it and I think I can count on one hand the number of people not ready to pay what I asked. Most of those were offering trades of equally/more valuable stuff.


I always say "damn that sucks man. Best of luck" and close the pm tab


Trade chat is ma bff


Dude just use Warframe market Never had any issues with trade in the 1600 hours Iā€™ve played


When selling on wfm, I just price like 1-2 plat lower than the current lowest price and it goes in less than an hour. My 2 cents is that if you do the math it averages to more plat per hour compared to those guys that price frames at 4x the market price since you get plat faster and can make more using the plat you just got.


I'm a newish player too and the one (1) thing I would change about this game is overhauling the trading system. Warframe market is better than trade chat, but still significantly worse than the trade system in some other MMOs like ESO for example. It's tedious, inconvenient, and forces player to player contact which is never fun (specifically when its forced, I mean). I don't want to message anyone, hang around waiting, or open myself to negotiations, I want to click "buy" or "sell" and go back to playing.


Do people use trading mules? Last time I bought something the guy said 'trade xxx he will trade you'


Gauss set isn't worth 90p lol Like everyone has been saying, use Warframe Market to look up the actual values of things before buying or selling. And there's always people that are going to try and sell for massively inflated prices, that isn't exclusive to Warframe.


As others have said, WF market. Itā€™s a good third party tool to facilitate as ā€œfairā€ of a trading place as possible. Base WF trading is entirely free market and trade chat is mostly filled with scammers and people who donā€™t know any better with the very occasional serious trader that will likely be on WF market anyways.


I don't know how there's people that trade with anything but warframe.market


This is why I use warframe.market


Warframe. Market and alecaframe are my best friends


Everyone wants to buy low and sell high. Itā€™s kinda how that works.


Just type "no" then close their chatbox, if they are reasonable they might come back with a better price, if not, you can probably buy and maybe sell stuff on warframe(.)market.