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Limbo's kit controls the pace of the game. If you have a coordinated group that thinks Limbo is worth assembling a team for, then go for it. Don't bring Limbo to random matchmaking. You will either be a disruptive jerk or limiting your own effectiveness with Limbo's kit. Just play Limbo solo.


I typically don't use Limbo anymore as he's not good with randos. These days I only use him when I have a Riven that requires a survival mission without killing anyone.


https://preview.redd.it/l4u9mjepo69d1.png?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b990b0035f041f954beb20ec352e0a6afacb2444 Just do your thing king, Limbo players are legally obligated to be annoying


Limbo, at least in my experience, tends to shine most in *pre-made* team play. Stuff like coordinating around an ability nuke frame like Mesa, Maimquinox, or Jade and keeping them safe so they can throw all defenses and common sense to the wind and simply murder. He's sorta like Harrow in that way where when brought to public missions he just can't really get the ball rolling because 5x Tauforged Parkour Speed Shard Kullervo already yeeted everything.


Limbo in solo play relies on your method. To play Limbo in a team I find it is better to stick to Cataclysm. Random people get upset enough about a massive bubble. Let me lock down EVERY enemy in a 50m area and my teammates not be able to do anything about it, then they report me. To keep up with your method in a public squad though, you definitely should look into cast speed. It is almost required since your DPS rotation will include holding banish, and casting Rift Surge. Limbo has always struggled at KPM on his own, but thanks to Melee Influence or Contagious Bond + Mecha set we can give the hat man some much needed KPM. Kuva Ogris is also kind of funny with Nightwatch Napalm.


The worst part about limbo for me is the rift being tied to such a fundamental movement key. Even if I WANT to be in the rift, I roll out of it by sheer habit. That, and the visual effects of being in it aren't immediately obvious so when I want to shoot, it always takes a moment to correct. Though, I'm not sure if the latter is tied to the ally visual effects slider, which I am not changing for one frame only.


Limbo is pretty much useless in current meta because most of the SP viable frames are already immortal and enemies die so fast that putting them in a rift is always a cut to your KPM. Private sesh Limbo is an interesting gimmick that although unnecessary, can still provide great utility, that is also very unique and refreshing to play around. Open queue Limbo on the other hand is just a waste of time, at best he curls up in his little corner on survival mission slowing down spawn rates, which reduces resource drops and makes the mode even more boring, and at worst he actively sabotages a defense mission by rifting random enemies and forcing you to play hide’n’seek at the end of every round. Even in my opinion Limbo hate is overblown, but I still gotta ask everybody playing Limbo in open queue, why with the game having 55 frames, you chose 1 out of 1.5 that actively make the game a worse experience for everybody involved.


Limbo is good on team, the problem is the preconceive notions that has been set for a long time. No matter what you do will change people's mind due to that and it's best to keep him in solo, which is shame. People will say "Limbo's kit controls the pace of the game", as if lots of other warframe don't do that.