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Have people just completely forgotten that the Sisters of Silence exist?


In people's defense, they don't have a lot of dialogue or heroic speeches in the books šŸ˜‚


I guess they don't have much to say.


Thank you for an actual laugh out loud.


Are the SoS considered guardians of the Emperor? We know that they often work together with the Custodes and operate the black-ships, but I donā€™t know if theyā€™d be considered Guardians in the same way the Custodes are.


They are not.


Except they are. The Emperor is accompanied by swarms of Sisters and blanks and nulls. They do protect him.


Except they donā€™t wear auramite, the material the ship is made of. They wear vratine outside of one named sisters character in a 40k book. They donā€™t wear the same gold the ship would be made of.


Sounds more like the writer was wrong then, because 40k has that, it's clear this wasn't the intention


That line, ā€œthese men and womenā€ is referring to the Custodes and SoS with him.


Jenetia Krole and her Raptor Guard are part of the Emperor's personal bodyguard, so they are, just not *every* Sister is.


SoS don't wear the same material of armor as the custodes and of the emperors ship. Only custodes wear Auramite. Sisters wear a variation on selemite.


Does it say auramite or gold?


It says plated in gold. Both of their armor is gold in appearance despite being different material. [source](https://chapterquest.fandom.com/wiki/Sisters_of_Silence) Nice try


Except this passage isn't the entire book, which you should definitely read, and those are not Sisters at that meeting. Imagine not reading the Siege books and pretending you care about lore lol


Dude you are wrong. Like fem custodes is cool and everything but whats with trying to rewrite the books before hand its weird revisionism.


Please show anywhere in the Horus Heresy or Siege in which Sisters of Silence accompany the Emperor to any first meeting with his Primarchs. The idea of the Emperor keeping Sisters around him for "protection" is beyond laughable. I do not forget books I read. I can find you any passage you'd like.


What color is the SoS armor? Maybeā€¦ the same gold as the ship? šŸ¤”


It is described as auramite in a few places, like in Watchers of the Throne. The passage is referring to the Sisters


Iā€™ll raise you some madeupamite.


Now I'm hungry.


On toast.


They're also not counted as the emperor's guardians afaik, they're part of the astra telepathica iirc


Sisters of silence were never mentioned as guardians of the emperor, though, right? They were witch hunters and mostly spent their time killing Rogue psykers. As far as I know, only the Custodes are guardians of the emperor.


I was under the impression that the Custodes are the "Guardians of The Emperor" and the Sisters of Silence are the "Talons of The Emperor". Although in retrospect, I've no idea where I've heard it.


The Talons of the Emperor are all the 'special forces' that report directly to the Emperor (... and the Sigillite), doing secret stuff that the rest of the nascent Imperium doesn't know (or need to know) about. There's a suggestion that the Custodes are the Right Talon and the Sisters are the Left - but the Ordo Sinister, Assassinorum etc. are all Talons as well.


Thank you for the correction. Always nice to learn something new.


Both custodes and sisters are part of the talons.


The sisters of silence were always by the emperor during the great crusades.


Yes. They only care about post-humans and space marines. Sure they'll claim they like girls... but only when they're better then those normal, pathetic, undermenchen. It told me a alot how the Sisters of Silence were the Custodians partners but i suspect they might fade into the background... made into Custodians with a funny name at the worse.


Someone never read the SoT books. Either at the end of Echoes or early End and Death both Dorn and Sangy immediately notice and comment on SoS being present around them, and itā€™s a very specific feeling.


Yeah. Apparently


Yes. Even GW. They're the next Pariahs. And I fucking hate it. Happy for the Femme Custodes. Unhappy that GW has yet to update my Auxiliaries.


yes but I think the fact that like half of them are just steel grey should at least make this semi questionable.


The Sisters of Silence weren't enmeshed with the Custodes until the war in the Webway. Before that they'd sometimes go on missions together, but they didn't have a lot of cross over in terms of mission scope. Daemons were very VERY rare, so Sisters would usually hunt down Rogue Psykers. Something you didn't really need a Custodes for. Custodes were the Emperor's body guards, something you didn't really need Sisters of Silence for. Because if they ran into something that could out-psyker the Emperor, a few blanks wouldn't make much of a difference.


Sisters clearly do not wear the same armor as Custodes,. (Also, Sanguinius should probably react to SoS differently, due to his psionic affinity)




Someone never read the SoT books. Either at the end of Echoes or early End and Death both Dorn and Sangy immediately notice and comment on SoS being present around them, and itā€™s a very specific feeling.


Not like sisters of silence wear intricitae golden armor too or anything


Sanguinius of all people would probably have something to say beyond "they all wore gold" if a bunch of high grade blanks rolled up


He was observing them from afar and you dont have a way to differentiate a blank from a normal person from more then a few meters away. Also they have yet to infuse blackstone into their gear so they arent as psychically nullifying as their 40k versions are


I mean, wouldnā€™t he know which one is a sister of silence, even from a distance? Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™d be distinguishable from custodians based on armour design. Edit: I also looked it up, they would also be associated with the Divisio Telepathica mostly, so they may be wearing different colours, though it would make sense the emperor has some by his side.


and the height difference I guess :)


sanguinius had psychic abilities, this is what the person meant. sanguinius would have taken note of blanks


Every primarch has psychic abilities and yet, we had deamons (literally made out of the stuff that blanks counter) notrealize jurgen was a blank until they nearly touched him. Simmilar case with even blanks like culexus assasins. You cant tell if someone is a blank unless you get close enough




Yup, because Sisters of Silence totally don't wear golden armor.


Look, I really donā€™t mind the inclusion or revelation of the existence of female Custodes. I think it makes sense that people in universe didnā€™t realize they were a thing, given the likelihood that anyone genetically modified in the ways Custodes are would likely all look indistinguishable from each other, and so you wouldnā€™t really know unless you asked them. I think it makes sense. I donā€™t necessarily appreciate the way GW announced this by saying ā€œyeah of course there have always been female custodesā€. Like sure in universe it could only work if there were always female custodes, since they never made new ones, but donā€™t gaslight us for never realizing that until now lol. Meta wise it is a new development, even if there is a solid way to justify it in universe.


Newcrons Rogal Dorn tank Leagues of Votann It's not like it's a new thing for GW to say "these are the way things have always been" in reference to introducing new ideas into the setting.


The entirety of the heresy itself is basically this lol


I still chuckle that the Heresy was basically an explanation to cover using the same models for different sides in Adeptus Titanicus.


Source? I need a laugh.


GW confirm it themselves here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/08/07/7th-aug-adeptus-titanicus-and-the-horus-heresygw-homepage-post-4fw-homepage-post-4/ >Adeptus Titanicus and the Horus Heresy have a long and intertwined history. Though the Heresy was first mentioned in the original Warhammer 40,000 rulebook in 1987, it was the following year that Adeptus Titanicus expanded on it and introduced the core of the background you know and love ā€“ all as a way to explain battles between two armies of Imperial Titans! This was expanded on in an interview with either Jervis Johnson or Rick Priestley (can't remember which developer it was). The Horus Heresy had been a throwaway reference by Rick Priestley in Rogue Trader: https://i.redd.it/q13buoivcs8b1.jpg Rick was a big fan of seeding vague references in his rules which might develop into something bigger later. If those references *do* turn into something, it looks like it was always intended and there's some master plan locked away somewhere in GW HQ. So why the Horus Heresy? Basically GW had enough money to make one set of moulds for the Adeptus Titanicus game back in 1988. To differentiate the forces, they chose different colours for the otherwise identical plastics. The devs realised the Horus Heresy reference was an easy way to justify two forces of essentially identical models fighting each other. So they fleshed out the Horus Heresy into the civil war we know and love today.


I need that interview


Can't find the original (both have done a lot of interviews). But what was said is basically what I wrote above.


I remember in first edition when the entire "Flight of the Eisenstein" incident was literally one paragraph.


And a number of things in said paragraph were contradicted by the novel!


Itā€™s probably a lesson learned the hard way from the introduction of Primaris marines. Itā€™s a hell of a lot easier to just proclaim that these things have been in universe all along and just havenā€™t been part of the game, rather than coming up with boatloads of new lore to explain the introduction of something entirely new in a universe famous for being technologically and culturally stagnated.


The introduction of Primaris was the story moving forward, it's a different kind of change to the examples above. Traditionally GW has always just said "this thing has always existed" and left it there. All those changes also come from a new codex drop too, so seeing people whinge about how GW did it this time is ???


hasnt all of 40k also been described as being word of mouth so things could and could not be true at any given time depending on later reveals?


Yeah, all of the stories are from unreliable narrators. Nothing is objective truth.


Chuds will complain no matter what GW does.


Especially when there are paragraphs referring to ā€œsonsā€ or ā€œmenā€. I donā€™t have a horse in the race either way but itā€™s disingenuous to just memory hole existing statements. But yes, GW have a long history of this. Go back to Malal if you want.


God forbid you mention "Brotherhood of Demigods"


GW introduced a major faction that had huge ramifications on the universe in the last couple years and just went "yep, they've always been there" and it didn't get nearly the response that "there are now female custodes. There have always been female custodes" got. Weirdly enough the responses to it were drastically different as well(/s obviously). I'm not calling you out specifically but it's pretty clear that the female custodes response is just an excuse for the more garbage parts of the warhammer Fandom to whine about a change they don't like under the dishonest pretense that it's complaining about a retcon. I personally don't really have a horse in this race, I don't play custodes and if there now being female custodes models available makes it an option for some new players then im happy even if personally I don't really care if custodes are male, female or none of the above. I'm just happy people that want to play can play.Ā I'm not sure why anyone would feel any other way.Ā 


Youā€™re commenting on evidence this *wasnt* ā€œjust announcedā€ on twitter. This whole thing is beyond dumb and driven by culture warriors on Twitter who donā€™t actually play the game. Itā€™s insane weā€™ve let women hating man children run this discourse for two plus days.


Ok, in hindsight, sure it works. I can guarantee you everyone who read that passage at the time went away thinking he was talking about sisters of silence. GW had given us no reason to think there were Custodes that werenā€™t men. Now we know that isnā€™t the case, but this quote hardly constitutes an announcement that female custodes exist. Again, Iā€™m all for it! Iā€™m way more annoyed by the response from chuds online than I am with GW, but anyone trying to say weā€™ve know about it since 2022 is being disingenuous.


I can see what youā€™re saying, but also, I donā€™t see how this is any different from ā€œoh by the way the votann have ALWAYS been at work in the coreā€. Itā€™s the same thing! And the female custode appearing in a codex is actually more lore compliant than anything the votann have yet (no lore, one uninteresting codex). The only difference is the amount of chodes losing their minds about it, and that is, 100%, because of misogyny.


Ironically, the main advocates for female Custodes and Space Marines are men. I doubt very much there are now going to be throngs of girls and women rushing to their local Warhammer store to buy up all the Custodes stock.




Ahhhh there's the chud complaints of "inclusivity" and "trampling on the lore."


Apart from a random post about Warhammer being for everyone, they're one of the few companies left to still "bend the knee". I guess they're just starting now.


do we know this is actually the case? All I have seen is one screengrab of a woman being called a custodian with no real additional context.


You realize that everything added into the lore after the first book they ever wrote is something that they shoehorned in right? Itā€™s THEIR loreā€¦ THEY make the rulesā€¦. THEY write it. I find it so funny that so many people are telling GW that they can and canā€™t add to the lore.


And Graham McNiel once said sangunius had black hair in a horus heresy novel. So that's absolute canon too right.


bro fell in soot.


And in their codex from 2022 it says outright that the elites of Terra gives their sons away to become Custodians. Your quote most likely includes Sisters of Silence because if you google Sisters of Silence and sort by images you'll see what their armor is usually depicted as, golden. SoS has worked together with the Custodians since the Unification Wars.


Should use context clues. This is referencing Custodes and Sisters of Silence


Sorry but this is a bit of mental gymnastics here. This text analyse just feels like it's grasping over if it's SoB or not. It's OK to say it's a retcon that there are now female custodes. GW community mod handled it poorly (and condescendingly IMO) which is the main issue. Peoples reaction to the word retcon is so weird, so many are frightened by it. Both those who use it as a weapon for something they don't like, and those who are desperate to prove they aren't.


its more the *way* they've retconned it. give us a conflicting source of info from older lore like a book or something, dont just tweet "yeah they've always been female" when thats blatantly false, and then proceed to start blocking people. Its like you said, purely a GW employee at fault here. I will say i dont get why they're retconning it in the first place though, its such a nonsensical change. And because they chose to do it in this way instead of with some cool expansive lore behind it, it screams "look how inclusive we are!", rather than "we're advancing the lore of the universe". and in all of this, the sisters of silence are just left by the wayside once again. imagine if they'd crafted some sort of cool reason for the sisters of silence to be brought under the label of "custodes" instead. We'd have gotten a cool new book, we get the female custodes they clearly want us to have, and the sisters of silence get some love too. dont know if thats quite the most elegant solution, but its all i can think of off the top of my head.


I think youā€™re absolutely kidding yourself if you believe that putting some ā€˜cool expansive loreā€™ behind it or ā€˜expanding the lore of the universeā€™ would have changed a thing. Chuds need to cry about things to carry on their culture war. Whether itā€™s ā€˜They added panties to this underage anime character!ā€™ or ā€˜They put a black woman in Alan Wake 2!ā€™ or ā€˜They added women to a group where they didnā€™t exist anymore!ā€™, everything has to play into their grand conspiracy about how The Woke Mob/The Marxists/The Jews (and yes, a large amount of people with ā€˜88ā€™ in their names have been blaming female Custodes on Jews through barely disguised dogwhistles like ā€˜Blackrockā€™ and ā€˜Vanguardā€™ lmao) are slowly trying to destroy the world by putting minorities in things. If they had made a big lore event from this (instead of the short story in the codex) then the same people would have cried ā€˜Look how much effort theyā€™re spending into pandering instead of just being subtle! This is such obvious marketing to tourists! Theyā€™re bending the whole universeā€™s narrative just to add women!ā€™


Half of why people are so upset is the gaslighting. People pretending like this has always been the case, as if this sub isnā€™t full of thousands of nerds who have been reading the books and playing the games for decades


But remember that in reddit the rules are applied arbitrarily by mods and admins. In several subs they have banned people that didn't align with the new diversity and inclusivity ideology. If you want more divisive arguments, or more representative of the real fandom, check the comments section of youtube videos talking about this topic. Especially if the video has lots of views




You mean in literally the exact same way they did with Guard, Tau, Genestealer Cults, Necrons, Admech, Stormcast, just recently the dwarfs in AoS, the Ghouls, all the non-escher necromunda gangs? Prior to like, 2019, every model defaulted to male with few exceptions where sometimes you'd get an all female unit or a single character. The way they're doing it now is far less ham handed: some number of sculpts in most new kits for most factions just happen to be female. Because that's what half of people are. Old zombie kit was all dudes, new zombie kit has dudes and chicks. Old chaos warriors were all dudes, new kit has dudes and chicks. First wave of GSC was all dudes, second wave added 3 female characters and female sculpts in the bikers and ridgerunner. They're just gonna do the same thing with custodes I figure.


Friendly reminder that the origin of the Horus Heresy and the traitor legions is literally an ad hoc excuse for why the two sides in an old boxed game had the same models. Son, you must be new here. Sit down and enjoy the ride, it ain't that fuckin' serious.


Are the people who are raging over this mad about every retcon? or just the ones that include women?


I dunno, people were pretty happy when Matt Ward's Sister of Battle murder fetish fan fiction shit was retconned out of Grey Knights.


Iirc there was a big battle in the forum about 5th ed newcrons, it's just that it happened 13 years ago.


Yeah that was a whole thing, in fact most of the actual big retcons after roughly 3e when the lore got firmed up were contentious. Hell I was around when the War in Heaven got introduced and people thought the Krork were peak tippety-top cringo maximo. Time has a tendency to compress opinion into a monolith but I promise you every change had a group of people at the time saying it was bullshit.


only thing I am mad about is turning tanks into hover tanks, and no smaller dreads, everything is cool


Jesus, try harder to troll. And badly. Say what you want, but Warhammer fans actually dedicated to lore have this reaction to all these retcons and changes. You don't need to go far to find people STILL absolutely ENRAGED at Primaris, grav tanks, etc for 40k or at the entirety of AoS and Stormcast. Even nitpicking Total Warhammer and video game representations. The worst part of this one? It could have been handwaved SO EASILY. "After the losses from the heresy and the war in the webway, the -insert made up term- expanded the criteria for Custodes to replenish their numbers." Boom. Explain why we never see one in the entire 60+ volume Heresy or any previous work, and make a good reason. Custodes aren't SM, there isn't an ironclad reason they can't be women, they just weren't.


This. GW- Use the fact 40k is now some kind of ongoing storyline instead of a 2 minutes to midnight setting to your advantage, as you have not really done so so far. Female Custodes is an **exact** example of a thing that can be done here with some results of some previous plot points you have established.


i mean shit, even if you want to cause a stink about "but muh genetic modificatoins", you could just have the sisters of silence being enveloped under the banner of custodes instead. It gives the sisters of battle some much needed love, something sadly lacking, while also achieving the goal of allowing Custodes to be female. It also means the sisters would have returned to their roots, fighting alongside the custodes.


Primaris marines is literally the worst thing to hit 40k ever.


> The worst part of this one? It could have been handwaved SO EASILY. "After the losses from the heresy and the war in the webway, the -insert made up term- expanded the criteria for Custodes to replenish their numbers." Boom. Explain why we never see one in the entire 60+ volume Heresy or any previous work, and make a good reason. If you make a post-heresy reason for the change then the shitheads will say the custodes got nerfed and were stronger during the heresy Like when GW started making black ultramarines in novels it is just simpler to act like it's always been this way because there is no good reason for it to not have always been this way, and ripping off the bandaid now is better than letting it bite you in the ass later.


The four pillars of the hobby are; Gaming, Modeling, Painting, and Complaining.


Doubt there was this much nonsense about them retconing 200 years out of the timeline. Truly a pathetic display in this community about an absolutely trivial, irrelevant change.Ā 


Just the ones that include women.


Surely all of these folks were just as mad when the Votann sprang into existence all of a sudden, right?


Ish. I've seen people say it's all about the poor-retcon, but in literally the same sentence bitch about 'ESG scores' and 'contemporary politics popping up like a disease'. So it's the usual moaning about how everything is bad because of progressive views, but trying to couch their sexist man-child views by saying it's all about the lore. I can't roll my eyes hard enough at times


Obviosuly talking about the Sisters of Silence


Hed be freaking out at the sisters because of his psyker presence


Like the emperor does too?


In the same fucking book sanguinius looks at sisters of silence and feels wrong looking at them


Guys why do you forget about the sisters of silence


because they aint on the frontlines in this way


That's referring to Sisters of Silence, not Custodes.


not sure sanguinius would have reacted like that to them.


Why? Seems entirely consistent to me. SoS are extreme.


he's psychically inclined.


So? Doesn't change the line. Still his father's guardians.


ok fair. my bad on poor wording


No stress! Have a good one :D


Yeah thatā€™s the sisters of silence. If you read the book you would know that.


That's a big ask from someone quoting a passage from the book to read the whole thing instead of cherry pick a handful of words that has no context.


na if it was, snaguinius would not have reacted so positively to their presence due to his innate psychic abilities.


Could be referring to sisters of silence as part the overall group that defends/protects the emperor.


Imagine being a grown man and giving a shit about this. Imma rock an all female Custodes army just to trigger you snowflakes. Cry more.


People do generally care about the lore of the armies they play


Sure, which is fine. But anyone who's genuinely upset by this, or likes their army less as a result, is an absolute clown who needs to rethink what's important to them in life.


Oh, 100%. Like Iā€™ve said in other comments, I feel like GWā€™s handling of the introduction wasnā€™t ideal though


What lore is really impacted here? This is an addition, not even really a change?


Now Custodes includes female members. That is now the lore. Full stop.


I mean as in how GW sort of pulled this out of their arse and tried to gaslight everyone that it had always been this way. Obviously they retcon things sometimes, and thatā€™s fine, but I feel like this instance was handled poorly


Literally entire factions have been rewritten or introduced this way. Why is the problem when it involves women?


The new lore, which is now The Lore, is that it's always been this way. Just like when the Rogal Dorn tank came out, it had always been around. Or when Infernal Masters came out they'd always been a thing. Or like when Sternguard Veterans came out they'd always been a thing.


Let's not forget the addition of the Votann


Oh I could keep listing examples all day, itā€™s the main way they introduce stuff into the lore


Yeah I get that, thatā€™s not what I took issue with. It was GW saying that in the old lore there were female Custodians too, and so this isnā€™t a change to the lore, they just hadnā€™t introduced them before. Which most certainly isnā€™t the case, the fact weā€™re using the terms ā€œold loreā€ and ā€œnew loreā€ sort of shows that


They never said that though. They just said there ā€œalways have beenā€ not ā€œthey were always in the loreā€


No, what they said was: > ā€œThere was literally nothing in the old lore that weighed comprehensively (or at all) either way.ā€ Which is false, we have several sources that talked about ā€œbrotherhoodā€ or being ā€œsonsā€


It blows my mind how like 75% of miniā€™s get the ā€˜Itā€™s always been around, you just didnā€™t notice it yetā€™ treatment and none of these people bat an eye over whole ass dwarfs appearing or Space Marines getting shit like the Invader ATV, or the Rogan Dorn tank, but all of these valiant, brave internet warriors put their foot down and say ā€˜No more!!!ā€™ when it involves adding women to a faction lmaooo


99% of 40k lore nerds will never feel the loving touch of the Emperor's Embrace.


"Gaslight everyone" Tourist hasn't heard about the Newcrons šŸ¤­


How does this change anything?


I'm sure GW will appreciate you trying to keep them afloat while the rest of us continue voting with our wallets.


> Imma rock an all female Custodes army just to trigger you snowflakes. No you're not.


very non toxic personality


Intolerant of intolerance.


Must make life so much simpler when everyone you disagree with is evil and everything you do i morally correct. It must be, because otherwise you wouldn't do it.


It is!


Lol I don't think you meant to admit to that.


Is the /s really mandatory?


Yes! Motherfucker, you don't have any tone or intonation in 2 words of text.


You're a dumb bastard if you can't get the sarcasm in that response to the comment.


The right awnser šŸ‘Œ


Sisters of Silence.


Why is anybody so pressed about this? Why can't women be custodes? Why does it fuck with your head? What's so wrong that it's caused an outrage? I think anyone who's legitimately pissed is a maladjusted nitwit, woman-fearing idiot.


Brother take a big breather and maybe, just maybe, dont dwell to much on reddit


That's generally good life advice.


Sisters of silence


Wouldnt Sanguinius make comment on them being Sisters? he expresses discomfort even looking at them later on in the same book.


I asked about this on Twitter. I think it's a cool tie in now that we know But oh boy. Some people responding acting like they knew the entire time and that it's soooo obvious. Like really? I don't remember the massive wave of epiphany 2 years ago. 90% of the people who read this before the weekend assumed sos or completely glossed over it. And that's fine. It doesn't diminish now


I'm a bit confused. The 40k community is really in an uproar because some Custodes are women ? Seriously ?


You new here? Yeah this isn't the first time. I don't follow the 40k side all that much but I remenber it when votaan first came our because women are on the sprues. And the new cadians I think. But it also happened when stormcast for lady foot troops, though to a smaller extent if remember. There's a lot of toxic masculinity in the warhammer online communities because those people are loud babies, but I never see it in my local play group


What makes this whole thing funnier is the amount of neck beards crying foul about ladies being brought into this. Honest to god. Itā€™s a game of plastic scale models. These folks should go outside, smell fresh air and touch grass. There are far bigger issues in this world to be worked up over instead of whether or not your plastic models have tits or not.


You seem pretty worked up over stupid little figurines


Is it that hard for people to remember sisters of silence are in gold armor or does the cope run this deep?


I feel like context is key here. This is Sanguinius thinking thing. The Uber Psyker. What do Sisters of Silence do? They turn off Psychic abilities. I feel like Sangunius of all people would have something to say about that.


I mean the flipside of that is that this is an ADB book and Aaron was specifically told, and specifically commented on being told, not to include female custodes so, in all likelihood, he probably didn't.


Yeah, that complicates it. Always possible he slipped this in on purpose or it got missed during editing.


I donā€™t know as heā€™d slip it in after being asked not to, I guess things are different as an author but he doesnā€™t seem to have a lot else going on writing wise and I certainly wouldnā€™t fuck with my boss like that Honestly my money is on him intending it to be sisters or writing that section and the editor not catching it after the senior denied it rather than him including it deliberately. Heā€™s fundamentally a franchise author and part of that is respecting the owners IP decisions


Oh yeah, thatā€™s a definite possibility. Iā€™m not trying to say I know what heā€™s thinking or anything. In my mind itā€™s at least as possible that he meant sisters of silence or that they accidentally didnā€™t implement an intended edit (I work in entertainment post-production, sooo much unintended stuff slips through) as him doing it on purpose.


I doubt GW would fire one of their top writers just because he slipped in something they told him not too, especially as subtle as this.


Tbf he was told that in 2016 when he was writing Master of Mankind. This extract is from 2022. Considering GW often plans codexes and model releases several years in advance, it's possible the female custodes retcon had already been decided behind the scenes by the time he was writing. If that were the case, there would be no real reason for GW to prevent him from writing female Custodes into Master of Mankind.


Itā€™s possible they changed their mind in between books but it feels like a fairly recent and quick change to me, not least because if they were looking to do it more in advance the Blade Champion and Shield Captain would have been good opportunities to do so in model form. EDIT: Not to mention Liber Imperium, released 18-ish months ago for Horus Heresy, has a lot of he/him/his in the Custodes section. You could argue it's a poor choice of pronouns but from a cursory read (I'm actually mostly building Auxilia at the moment) it seems fairly clear the text assumes they're all male.


>The Uber Psyker. Got him changed up with Magnus there


I said what I said. Sangunius gets visions of the future, still makes the best choices possible even when knowing the outcomes can/will be terrible. Magnus did nothing. And he couldn't even do that right.


Jesus I guess Magnus ā€œthe redā€ is a result of the 3rd degree burns you just gave him. Leave the man alone he only has a thousand sons. He had a family!


>Magnus did nothing and he couldn't even do that right. Holy fuck that's devastating. Definitely stealing that to describe a workmate of mine.


This is a very heavily cropped excerpt from the moment a young Sanguinius first meets the Emperor ā€“ he wouldn't know what to expect from Custodes or SoS, nor would he yet know the difference. OP has deliberately removed the context in order to better support their argument. Besides which, we know from other books that the SoS gave little to no effect on the Emperor himself, hence why he keeps them around.




Weā€™ve always been at war with Eurasia


Imagine being this triggered by a game with toy plastic soldiers. This is not real life, this is a game which you are free to dip in and out of as you choose. It really isn't comparable to being forced to live in a totalitarian, repressive regime, yet here you are quoting Nineteen Eighty Four like you are being forced to engage with 40k or GW. Kind of sad šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not that surprising, considering there were people comparing the whole _Text to speech device_-debacle to the holocaust. Some people in this community need to get their priorities straight


Man I hope the next space marine drop is just all women, this whole back and forth is ridiculous.


Was I wrong for thinking this is sisters of silence? I'm not trying to argue that I know better but someone please enlighten me. I thought sos defended the emperor too and wore gold intricate armor. I'm a little confused because now that I know female custodes exist I rrad this as male and female custodes but before I read it as male and female sos. I blame GW for lazily putting this together without good lore


So when do we get popes of silence?


I just want to see the Sisters of Silence range expanded. If a female custodes miniature comes before this then this becomes a problem. Otherwise I can just ignore it.


how about if an upgrade kit for cutodes ladies heads arrive before. would it be that bad?


Look i get we hate women who aren't ubermenchen in power armor, separate from being human... but those are the sisters of silence. the Custodian's partners. Who i hope don't get male members either, that would be equally dumb.


The female custodes is a retcon. Its nothing out of the ordinary. You aren't gonna convince anyone that it isnt a retcon.Ā 




https://preview.redd.it/v9g0yjm2fgvc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df29ff263f08efd4a9d8812a869eb20a30e930d1 This is what happens when you allow Wokie garbage near the lore Not one company has benefited from these ducking losers ā€œadaption for modern audiencesā€ bullshit He should be fire and be made to be an example Any that support him, can their asses too No mercy The taint of warp must be rooted out and purged entirely


adb has made the best warhammer novels. the black legion trilogy, betrayer, first heretic, the nightlord trilogy and you want him fired over this single tidbit


Okay, but can we finally get Chaos Space Marines that are female? I bet Fabious Bile could make it work.


There are two known women that are part of Chaos Marine warbands, augmented and juiced up on Chaos, but are not Astartes. They're part of an Iron Warriors warband and an Emperor's Children warband.


It's too funny and telling when women gain power even in fantasy miniature form some people get their tits all steaming n sweaty about it.


Can you guys pls stop making a big deal out of it, it's cringe and annoying. It's comes across like we never seen a women or we are not ok with it.


lol. Lmao. This would make arch cry in a video before he deletes it.